lunch reviews

A & P Unit One – Organization of the Body
Unit 1: Organization of the Body
During class we will…
1. What’s New in the OPHS Science Department?
2. LAB: Body Size & Thermoregulation
3. Last 10 minutes, explain Index Card Assignment
1. Get textbooks
2. Review Lab Safety Rules
3. Finish LAB: Body Size & Thermoregulation
1. Clickers Introduction
2. Lab Safety Quiz
3. Syllabus
4. Unit 1 Calendar/Overview
5. Begin Ch. 1
1. Turn in Index Card
2. Continue Ch. 1 (if needed)
3. LAB 1: Scientific Method & Measurements
1. Finish Ch. 1
2. Finish LAB 1
3. Introduction to Concept Diagrams (CDs)
1. Ch. 1 Quiz
2. Vocab #1
3. Start Ch. 2
1. Turn in Initial CDs (4)
2. Vocab #1 Quiz
3. Finish Ch. 2
1. Ch. 2 Quiz
2. Vocab #2
3. Start Ch. 3
1. Vocab #2 Quiz
2. Continue Ch. 3
1. Turn in Revised CDs (2)
2. Finish Ch. 3 (if needed)
3. LAB 4: Care & Use of the Microscope
1. Ch. 3 Quiz
2. Vocab #3
3. LAB: How to Sketch a Microscope Slide
1. Finish LAB: How to Sketch a Microscope Slide
2. Begin Ch. 4
1. Turn in Original CD (w/Initial and Revised)
2. Vocab #3 Quiz
3. LAB 8: Epithelial Tissues
1. Continue Ch. 4
2. LAB 9: Connective Tissues
1. Finish Ch. 4
2. LAB 10: Muscle & Nervous Tissues
1. Ch. 4 Quiz
2. Practice Lab Practical
3. Extra Credit: Tissues Graphic Organizer
1. Histology Lab Practical
2. Review for Unit 1 Exam (Ch. 1 -4)
Outside of class you should…
1. Lab Safety Quiz – Sept. 4th
2. Index Card Assignment – Sept. 8th
1. Google Forms (3) – due by 9/10
1. Lab NB for Lab 1
2. Bring textbook to next class
3. Google Forms (3)
1. Review for Ch. 1 Quiz
2. Initial CDs (4) – 9/16
1. Initial CDs (4) – 9/16
1. Revised CDs (2) – 9/24
2. Review for Ch. 2 Quiz
1. Revised CDs (2) – 9/24
1. Revised CDs (2) – 9/24
1. Finish LAB 4: Care & Use of the Microscope
2. Original CD (1) – 10/3
3. Review for Ch. 3 Quiz
1. Original CD (1) – 10/3
1. Original CD (1) – 10/3
1. Finish LAB 8: Epithelial Tissues
1. Finish LAB 9: Connective Tissues
1. Finish LAB 10: Muscle & Nervous Tissues
2. Review for Ch. 4 Quiz
1. Review for Histology Lab Practical
2. EC: Tissues GO – 10/21
1. EC: Tissues GO – 10/21
2. Review for Unit 1 Exam (Ch. 1-4)
LUNCH REVIEWS: Sept. 11, 17, 26; Oct. 14, 16, 20
A & P Unit One – Organization of the Body
Chapter 1 – The Human Body: An Orientation
1. Define anatomy and physiology and describe their subdivisions.
2. Explain the principle of complementarity.
3. Name the different levels of structural organization that make up the human body, and explain their
4. List the 11 organ systems of the body, identify their components, and briefly explain the major
function(s) of each system.
5. List the functional characteristics necessary to maintain life in humans.
6. List the survival needs of the body.
7. Define homeostasis and explain its significance.
8. Describe how negative and positive feedback maintains body homeostasis.
9. Describe the relationship between homeostatic imbalance and disease.
10. Describe the anatomical position.
11. Use correct anatomical terms to describe body directions, regions, and body planes or sections.
12. Lab 1: List in the correct order and describe all steps of the scientific method.
13. Lab 1: Use the scientific method to test the validity of a hypothesis concerning the direct, linear
relationship between human height and upper limb length.
14. Lab 1: Make conversions from English measurements to the metric system, and vice versa.
15. Lab 1: Formulate a hypothesis and test it using the scientific method.
16. What do X rays do best?
17. What are CT scans used for? What other imaging tool are they related to?
18. What are PET scans used for? How do they work?
19. What is ultrasound imaging used for? What are the benefits and drawbacks of this technology?
20. What are MRI scans used for? How do they work?
Chapter 1 Terms
1. anatomy
2. physiology
3. maintain its boundaries
4. movement
5. responsiveness (irritability)
6. digestion
7. metabolism
8. excretion
9. reproduction
10. growth
11. homeostasis
12. receptor
13. control center
14. effector
15. negative feedback mechanisms
16. positive feedback mechanisms
17. homeostatic imbalance
18. anatomical position
19. sagittal plane
20. frontal plane
21. transverse (horizontal) plane
Chapter 1 Concept Diagrams (CDs): 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
Chapter 1 Suggested Reading: pp. 1-15 (stop when you get to “Body Cavities & Membranes”), 18-19
Chapter 2 – Chemistry Comes Alive
1. Differentiate between matter and energy and between potential energy and kinetic energy.
2. Describe the major energy forms.
3. Define chemical element and list the four elements that form the bulk of body matter.
4. Define atom. List the subatomic particles, and describe their relative masses, charges, and positions in the
5. Define atomic number, atomic mass, atomic weight, isotope, and radioisotope.
6. Define molecule, and distinguish between a compound and a mixture.
7. Compare solutions, colloids, and suspensions.
8. Explain the role of electrons in chemical bonding and in relation to the octet rule.
9. Differentiate among ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds.
10. Compare and contrast polar and nonpolar compounds.
11. Define the three major types of chemical reactions: synthesis, decomposition, and exchange.
12. Comment on the nature of oxidation-reduction reactions and their importance.
A & P Unit One – Organization of the Body
13. Explain why chemical reactions in the body are often irreversible.
14. Describe factors that affect chemical reaction rates.
15. Explain the importance of water and salts to body homeostasis.
16. Define acid and base, and explain the concept of pH.
17. Describe and compare the building blocks, general structures, and biological functions of carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
18. Explain the role of dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis in the formation and breakdown of organic
Chapter 2 Terms
1. matter
2. energy
3. elements
4. atoms
5. atomic number
6. mass number
7. molecule
8. compound
9. mixture
10. solution
11. colloid
12. suspension
13. ionic bond
14. covalent bond
15. polar molecule (include an example)
16. oxidized
17. reduced
18. organic compound
19. inorganic compound
20. hydrolysis reactions
21. dehydration synthesis
Chapter 2 Concept Diagrams (CDs): 2.4, 2.6ab, 2.7, 2.10a, 2.11, 2.14, 2.20, 2.21, 2.23, 2.24
Chapter 2 Suggested Reading: pp. 24-56
Chapter 3 Cells: The Living Unit
1. Define cell.
2. List the three major regions of a generalized cell and indicate the function of each.
3. Describe the chemical composition of the plasma membrane and relate it to the membrane functions.
4. Relate plasma membrane structure to active and passive transport processes.
5. Compare and contrast simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis relative to substances transported,
direction, and mechanism.
6. Explain how the sodium-potassium pump works.
7. Define membrane potential and explain how the resting membrane potential is established and maintained.
8. Describe the composition of the cytosol. Define inclusions and list several types.
9. Discuss the structure and function of mitochondria.
10. Discuss the structure and function of ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus,
including functional interrelationships among these organelles.
11. Compare the functions of lysosomes and peroxisomes.
12. Outline the structure and function of the nuclear envelope, nucleolus, and chromatin.
13. List the phases of the cell life cycle and describe the key events of each phase.
14. Describe the process of DNA replication.
15. Define gene and genetic code and explain the function of genes.
16. Name the two phases of protein synthesis and describe the roles of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA in each
17. Contrast triplets, codons, and anticodons.
18. Lab 4: Locate and identify the major parts of a compound light microscope.
19. Lab 4: Describe the functions of these parts.
20. Lab 4: Calculate the total magnification produced by various combinations of eyepiece and objective lenses.
21. What is the secret of cell specialization?
22. What is apoptosis? Why does it occur in early development? How does it work?
23. Describe the three theories of aging.
Chapter 3 Terms
1. hydrophilic
2. hydrophobic
7. hypotonic
8. membrane potential
12. multinucleate
13. anucleate
A & P Unit One – Organization of the Body
3. passive processes
9. polarized
14. helicase (italicized in text)
4. active processes
5. isotonic
6. hypertonic
10. inclusions
11. free radicals
15. DNA polymerase
16. DNA ligase
Chapter 3 Concept Diagrams (CDs): 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 (everyone must pick this one), 3.11, 3.16,
3.31, 3.32, 3.33, 3.34,
Chapter 3 Suggested Reading: pp. 62-66 (stop when you get to “Membrane Junctions”), 68-73 (stop when you
get to “Secondary Active Transport”, 79-80 (stop when you get to “The Plasma Membrane: Cell-Environment
Interactions”, 81 (“The Cytoplasm”)-105 (stop when you get to “Other Roles of DNA”), 108-109
Chapter 4 – Tissue: The Living Fabric
1. List the steps involved in preparing animal tissue for microscopic viewing.
2. List several structural and functional characteristics of epithelial tissue.
3. Name, classify, and describe the various types of epithelia, and indicate their chief function(s) and location(s).
4. Define gland.
5. Differentiate between exocrine and endocrine glands.
6. Indicate common characteristics of connective tissue, and list and describe its structural elements.
7. Describe the types of connective tissue found in the body, and indicate their characteristic functions.
8. Indicate the general characteristics of nervous tissue.
9. Compare and contrast the structures and body locations of the three types of tissue.
10. Describe the structure and function of cutaneous, mucous, and serous membranes.
11. Outline the process of tissue repair involved in normal healing of a superficial wound.
12. Indicate the embryonic origin of each tissue class.
13. Briefly describe tissue changes that occur with age.
14. Differentiate between malignant and benign neoplasms. Which one is cancer?
15. Define metastasis.
16. Describe the relationship between oncogenes, carcinogens, proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.
Chapter 4 Terms
1. tissues
2. epithelial tissue
3. gland
4. connective tissue
5. ground substance
6. neurons
7. muscle tissue
8. cutaneous membrane
9. mucous membrane
10. serous membrane
Chapter 4 Concept Diagrams (CDs): we will be using the microscopes to generate our diagrams from this
Chapter 4 Suggested Reading: pp. 113-139, 139 (“Tissue Repair”)-144