Mod Tables Modulo When you reduce one number A by a modulus (commonly abbreviated mod) of a second number B, you calculate the remainder of dividing A by B. 10 mod 3 = 1 (10/3 = 3 with a remainder of 1) 10 mod 4 = 2 (10/4 = 2 with a remainder of 2) 10 mod 5 = 0 (10/5 = 0 with no remainder) Multiplication Mod Table You multiply the row number (shown in red) by the column number (shown in blue) and reduce it modulo n (shown in green). mod n 1 2 3 … n-1 1 1*1 mod n 1*2 mod n 1*3 mod n … 1*(n-1) mod n 2 2*1 mod n 2*2 mod n 2*3 mod n … 2*(n-1) mod n 3 3*1 mod n 3*2 mod n 3*3 mod n … 3*(n-1) mod n … … … … … … n-1 (n-1)*1 mod n (n-1)*2 mod n (n-1)*3 mod n … (n-1)*(n-1) mod n Exponentiation Mod Table Exponentiation tables are similar, except you take the column (shown in blue), raise it to the power of the row (shown in red), and reduce it modulo n (shown in green). mod n 2 3 4 … n 1 12 mod n 13 mod n 14 mod n … 1n mod n 2 22 mod n 23 mod n 24 mod n … 2n mod n 3 32 mod n 33 mod n 34 mod n … 3n mod n … … … … … … n-1 (n-1)2 mod n (n-1)3 mod n (n-1)4 mod n … (n-1)n mod n Large Exponentiation Mods You may have trouble evaluating large exponentiation tables simply because you have to deal with large number, but you can use the following method to simplify the calculations. It can proven that AB+Cmod n = (ABmod n)*(ACmod n) If you take all of your exponents and convert them to binary, you will have your exponents as the sum of powers of 2 which: 1 2 3 4 5 … 1 10 11 100 101 … 1*(2^0) 1*(2^1)+0*(2^0) 1*(2^1)+1*(2^0) 1*(2^2)+0*(2^1)+0*(2^0) 1*(2^2)+0*(2^1)+1*(2^0) … Then evaluate the bases to the powers of 2 reduced mod n, which can be done by squaring the previous one. 1^(2^0) mod n 1^(2^1) mod n 1^(2^2) mod n 1^(2^3) mod n … 2^(2^0) mod n 2^(2^1) mod n 2^(2^2) mod n 2^(2^3) mod n … 3^(2^0) mod n 3^(2^1) mod n 3^(2^2) mod n 3^(2^3) mod n … 4^(2^0) mod n 4^(2^1) mod n 4^(2^2) mod n 4^(2^3) mod n … … … … … … Since you now have the exponents broken down into a sum of powers of two and you know what all of the bases to the powers of two are reduced mod n, you just have to multiply together the correct combinations of numbers and reduce mod n. For an example, lets evaluate 3^5 mod 10. 5 converted to binary is 101. Also 3 to the powers of 2 are: 3^2^n 3 9 81 6561 … Mod 10 3 9 1 1 … The first 1 in the binary number corresponds to 3^2^2 mod 10, which we can see from the table is 1. The 0 is ignored. The second 1 in the binary number is 3^2^0 mod 10, which is 3. We multiply these two together and get our answer of 3. Files: Mod Tables.xlsx – view my 100 and 200 mod tables, both multiplication and exponentiation (larger numbers are shaded green and smaller numbers are shaded red) Mod n Tables.xlsx - type the desired n into cell A1 and the corresponding mod n table will be generated (again with larger numbers shaded green and smaller numbers shaded red) Triangle Problem Count the number of unique triangles that can be drawn such that all of their vertices are on an n x n grid of lattice points. For example a 4 x 4 grid of lattice points: Two of the 29 possible unique triangles on the grid: These two triangles are congruent and will only count as one of the unique triangles: Files: Triangles.docx – drawings of all of the triangles for the 3x3 through 6x6 grids, the vertices are represented by the “O”s Triangles.xlsx – collection of all of the data I’ve calculated on the problem Also check out java application 3D Graphs Simply enter in the data into the blue box, and the entire sheet will recalculate automatically. Then switch to the “Graph” tab to view the graph. Input desired function Be sure to start with “=” and simply use “x” and “y” as variables. Input values for viewing window size. Increments will automatically update to make 200 divisions, but you can change if wanted. Files: 3D Graph.xlsx – Creates 3D graphs using a data table Java Applications Graph Input Function Hide/Show Function Input its Derivative Input its Integral Hide/Show Derivative Hide/Show Integral Function in Blue Tangent in Red Derivative in Red Positive Area in Darker Green and Negative Area in Lighter Green Integral in Green Drag Mouse or Type in to Change Point A Move Mouse or Type in to Change Point B Hit Enter Key or Click to Refresh Graph Input Values to Change the Viewing Window Value of the Function at B Hide/Show Tracing Circles Hide/Show Tangent Slope of the Tangent at B Area on the Interval A to B Hide/Show Area Slope Field Input Differential Equation Hit Enter Key or Click to Refresh Graph Particular solution from starting point in red Draws arrows at many of the points of the graph to show the slope field Click to add current solution to graph permanently in green Move Mouse or Type in values for x and y to change starting point to Change Point B Input Values to Change the Viewing Window Slope at the starting point 3D Graph Input function Click Redraw or hit enter to refresh Click to toggle resolution Low – 30 divisions with translucent fill High – 80 divisions with opaque blue to black shading from closest to furthest Move the mouse to change the rotation while in low resolution Enter values to change viewing window Cross Sections Input Lower Function Move Mouse to change rotation Input Upper Function Input Height Function Click Button or type Enter to refresh graph Select shape to use as cross section Height it bounded by z=0 and height function, unless square or circle, then bounded by negative height function and height function Width of cross sections is bound by Lower Function (f(x)) and Upper Function (g(x)) Use sliders to change x bounds Input values to change view window Triangles Input the size of the nxn grid of lattice points Current triangle displayed out of the number of possible unique triangles Go to next or previous triangle Y coordinates 1 2 3 X coordinates 1 2 3 Coordinates of vertices of current triangle Colors of numbers correspond to colors of vertices and sides on graph Lengths of sides of current triangle