AST 510 -

Proposal for New Course
Please attach proposed Syllabus in approved university format.
1. Course subject and number: AST 510
2. Units:
See upper and lower division undergraduate course definitions.
3. College:
4. Academic Unit:
Physics and Astronomy
5. Student Learning Outcomes of the new course. (Resources & Examples for Developing Course Learning
Students will be able to summarize the physical concepts behind different exoplanet
discovery techniques.
Students will become familiar with the known population of Exoplanets together with
theoretical understanding of the origin of the architectures of diverse planetary systems
Students will derive and apply equations to measure a Exoplanet properties from a planet
transit data set.
Students will derive and apply equations to measure Exoplanet properties from a radial
velocity data set.
Students will derive and apply equations to measure Exoplanet properties from an
exoplanet astrometric data set.
Students will qualitatively explain the challenges to imaging detections of exoplanets with
coronagraphic and interferometric techniques
Students will list Earth's biosignatures and explain the significance of each one.
6. Justification for new course, including how the course contributes to degree program outcomes,
or other university requirements / student learning outcomes. (Resources, Examples & Tools for Developing
Effective Program Student Learning Outcomes).
This course is a required core class for the new PhD program in astronomy and planetary
science. It will provide students with the essential foundation for research in exoplanet
7. Effective BEGINNING of what term and year?
See effective dates calendar.
Fall 2015
8. Long course title: EXOPLANET SCIENCE
(max 100 characters including spaces)
9. Short course title: EXOPLANET SCIENCE
(max. 30 characters including spaces)
10. Catalog course description (max. 60 words, excluding requisites):
Effective Fall 2012
This course examines basic principles in planetary atmospheres and interiors as applied to
observable properties of extrasolar planets (exoplanets). Detection techniques are reviewed in
detail, including radial velocity, astrometry, transit, high-contrast imaging, and microlensing.
Special attention is given to the feasibility of the search for Earth-like planets, biosignatures
and habitable conditions on exoplanets.
11. Will this course be part of any plan (major, minor or certificate) or sub plan (emphasis)?
If yes, include the appropriate plan proposal.
Astronomy; Ph.D.
12. Does this course duplicate content of existing courses?
If yes, list the courses with duplicate material. If the duplication is greater than 20%, explain why
NAU should establish this course.
13. Will this course impact any other academic unit’s enrollment or plan(s)?
If yes, describe the impact. If applicable, include evidence of notification to and/or response from
each impacted academic unit
14. Grading option:
Letter grade
15. Co-convened with:
14a. UGC approval date*:
(For example: ESE 450 and ESE 550) See co-convening policy.
*Must be approved by UGC before UCC submission, and both course syllabi must be presented.
16. Cross-listed with:
(For example: ES 450 and DIS 450) See cross listing policy.
Please submit a single cross-listed syllabus that will be used for all cross-listed courses.
17. May course be repeated for additional units?
16a. If yes, maximum units allowed?
16b. If yes, may course be repeated for additional units in the same term?
Bachelor’s degree in physics,
18. Prerequisites:
If prerequisites, include the rationale for the prerequisites.
A bachelor’s degree in physics or astronomy provides the essential background for success
in the course.
19. Co requisites:
If co requisites, include the rationale for the co requisites.
20. Does this course include combined lecture and lab components?
Effective Fall 2012
If yes, include the units specific to each component in the course description above.
Drs. Koerner, Barlow, Tegler,
21. Names of the current faculty qualified to teach this course: Trilling
22. Classes scheduled before the regular term begins and/or after the regular term ends may require
additional action. Review “see description” and “see impacts” for “Classes Starting/Ending
Outside Regular Term” under the heading “Forms”
Do you anticipate this course will be scheduled outside the regular term?
23. Is this course being proposed for Liberal Studies designation?
If yes, include a Liberal Studies proposal and syllabus with this proposal.
24. Is this course being proposed for Diversity designation?
If yes, include a Diversity proposal and syllabus with this proposal.
Answer 22-23 for UCC/ECCC only:
Scott Galland
Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate
Department Chair/Unit Head (if appropriate)
Chair of college curriculum committee
Dean of college
For Committee use only:
UCC/UGC Approval
Approved as submitted:
Approved as modified:
Effective Fall 2012
Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate
Academic Unit Head
Division Curriculum Committee (Yuma, Yavapai, or Personalized Learning)
Division Administrator in Extended Campuses (Yuma, Yavapai, or Personalized
Faculty Chair of Extended Campuses Curriculum Committee (Yuma, Yavapai, or
Personalized Learning)
Chief Academic Officer; Extended Campuses (or Designee)
Approved as submitted:
Approved as modified:
Effective Fall 2012
General Information
 CEFNS Department of Physics and Astronomy
 AST 510 (Exoplanet Science)
 Semester: Fall/Spring 201X
 Meeting Time: MWF XX (3 Credit Hours)
 Location: Physical Sciences Bldg 19, rm 218
 Instructor(s): Dr. David Koerner, Dr. Nadine Barlow, Dr. Stephen Tegler, Dr. David Trilling
 Office address: Physical Sciences (bldg 19) XXX
 Office hours: XXX or by appointment
 Office Phone: 928-523-XXXX
Course Prerequisites:
Bachelor’s degree in physics, astronomy, or instructor’s permission
Course Description:
This course examines basic principles in planetary atmospheres and interiors as applied to
observable properties of extrasolar planets (exoplanets). Detection techniques are reviewed in detail,
including radial velocity, astrometry, transit, high-contrast imaging, and microlensing. Special
attention is given to the feasibility of the search for Earth-like planets, biosignatures and habitable
conditions on exoplanets.
Course Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes:
 Students will be able to summarize the physical concepts behind different exoplanet discovery
 Students will become familiar with the known population of Exoplanets together with theoretical
understanding of the origin of the architectures of diverse planetary systems
 Students will derive and apply equations to measure a Exoplanet properties from a planet transit
data set.
 Students will derive and apply equations to measure Exoplanet properties from a radial velocity
data set.
 Students will derive and apply equations to measure Exoplanet properties from an exoplanet
astrometric data set.
 Students will qualitatively explain the challenges to imaging detections of exoplanets with
coronagraphic and interferometric techniques
 Students will list Earth's biosignatures and explain the significance of each one.
Course structure/approach
This course will combine lecture and discussion format with quantitative homework and exams to
provide the student with foundations for exoplanet research. The literature of exoplanet research will
also be reviewed in student papers and/or presentations.
Effective Fall 2012
Textbook and required materials
Perryman, Michael, – The Exoplanet Handbook
ISBN-10: 0521765595
Recommended optional materials/references:
Exoplanets – ed. Sara Seager
ISBN-10: 0816529450
Kitchin, C.R. – Exoplanets Finding, Exploring, and Understanding Alien Worlds
ISBN-10: 1461406439
Exoplanets: Detection, Formation, Properties, Habitability - ed. John Mason
ISBN-10: 3642093280
Course outline
Week 1 – Overview of Planet Detection Methods and Properties of Known Exoplanets
Week 2 – Close-orbiting Exoplanets – Formation and Migration mechanisms
Week 3 – Doppler Exoplanet Surveys: Single and Multiple Objects
Week 4 – Doppler Exoplanet Surveys: Techniques for detecting Earth-like Planets
Week 5 – Fundamental Mechanics of transiting Exoplanets
Week 6 – Analysis and interpretation of transit data for Exoplanets
Week 7 – Physical and chemical properties of Exoplanets from transit observations
Week 8 – Optical analysis of coronagraphic imaging systems
Week 9 – Fundamentals of interferometry
Week 10 – Detection of exoplanets with optical interferometry
Week 11 – Fundamental astrometric parameters of orbiting Exoplanets
Week 12 – Astrometric detection of Exoplanets
Week 13 – Microlensing Searches for Exoplanets
Week 14 – Brown Dwarf and Giant Jupiter Atmospheres
Week 15 – Signatures of Habitability and Life on Exoplanets and Exomoons
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
 Quantitative Homework assignments will be assigned every 2 or 3 weeks
 There will be two mid-term exams, timed approximately at the 5 and 10 week mark in the
 A comprehensive final exam will be given at the registrar’s appointed time
 One written or oral report on a relevant current topic will be assigned and due in advance of
the final exam
Grading System- Letter Grade will be calculated as follows:
 Homework Assignments 30%
 Mid-term Exams 30% each
 Written Report 10%
 Final Exam 30%
Effective Fall 2012
Final grades will be determined by the following normalized percentages:
A = 90+, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, D = 60-69, F<60
Course policy
 Retests/makeup tests – Makeups will not be given without written medical excuse
 Attendance – class attendance is required.
 Statement on plagiarism and cheating – plagiarism and/or homework copying will result in an
automatic F for that assignment. Repeated instances will result in a letter grade of “F” for the
course. See NAU policies at:
Effective Fall 2012