Achieving the Dream Application for Joining the Network 2016 Cohort Application Form Early Admissions Deadline: December 4, 2015 Final Deadline: April 1, 2016 Table of Contents To skip to a particular section, press and hold the CTRL key and click on the title of the section you would like to review. Page Number Section Application Summary 2 Contacts 3 Narrative Questions 4 Enrollment and Graduation Data 6 Leadership Support Documents 7 Application Summary Thank you for your interest in applying to join the Achieving the Dream National Reform Network! Below is a summary of the information you will need to apply. We strongly encourage applicants to review this document in full before completing and submitting their application. Submitting the Application Complete the application form (Word document) located on the Apply to the Network page located on the Achieving the Dream web site. We ask that you combine your application, data, and Board statement into one document, if possible. Your file should be clearly named, for example "2016ATDApplication_CollegeName." Once completed, submit your application via this link. ( Deadlines Early Admissions Deadline: December 4, 2015 Final Deadline: April 1, 2016 Early Admissions Benefits Institutions that submit their completed application on or before December 4, 2015 will receive two complimentary registrations for DREAM 2016, Achieving the Dream’s annual institute on student success. Questions Contact Julia Lawton, Assistant Director of Programs, at or (240) 450-3836. ACHIEVING THE DREAM NEW COLLEGE GUIDE | APPLICATION SUMMARY 2 Contacts Institution Details Institution Name Mailing Address, Line 1 Mailing Address, Line 2 City State Zip Code Key Contacts Please provide the names of the following key individuals at your institution. Most of these individuals will become part of your ATD Core Team or Data Team. The Core Team will lead the process of institutional change at your institution while the Data Team will be responsible for collecting, analyzing, and sharing data regarding student progression and success. To learn more about these teams, refer to the General Application Information and Guidelines document located on our website at Name Title Email Phone Main Contact* President/CEO Assistant to the President/CEO Person Completing this Application Financial Contact Chief Academic Officer Chief Student Services Officer Chief Institutional Researcher ACHIEVING THE DREAM NEW COLLEGE GUIDE | CONTACTS 3 Public Information Officer Key Faculty Leader Other (optional) Other (optional) Other (optional) Other (optional) * Individuals named as a main contact will receive all communications regarding the ATD process, including required submissions and Kickoff logistics, and will become the main point of contact for your coaching team throughout the first year. Note: You will be able to change this contact as needed throughout the year. All team members listed above will automatically receive generic ATD communications, such as the ATD Newsletter as well as those related to first year webinars. Narrative Questions 1. Please provide a brief description of any major student success initiatives that are currently planned or underway at your institution. Be sure to include any national student success initiatives your institution is involved in (for example, CSSSE, Complete College America, Foundations of Excellence, etc.)? Enter Answers Here 2. In one sentence describe how change happens at your institution. Enter Answers Here 3. Briefly identify your main strengths and challenges in the following areas: a. Building and empowering leadership at all levels of the college. b. Engaging a broad range of stakeholders in your student success efforts. c. Building and maintaining a strong teaching and learning environment. d. Using data or other evidence to improve programs and services. ACHIEVING THE DREAM NEW COLLEGE GUIDE | NARRATIVE QUESTIONS 4 e. Identifying, discussing, and addressing the causes and consequences of achievement gaps. Enter Answers Here 4. What type of student information system(s) do you currently have in place (for example, People Soft, Banner, Ellucian, etc.)? What types of data reporting tools are used by your IR or IT departments (for example, SAS, SPSS, Discoverer, Crystal Reports, etc.)? Enter Answers Here 5. What does your institution hope to gain from being part of the Achieving the Dream National Reform Network? Enter Answers Here 6. How does the institution anticipate funding its Achieving the Dream participation for the first three years? Click on the appropriate checkbox below. [Note: This is for informational purposes only. Please be assured that Achieving the Dream will not contact your funders.] ☐ Institution covers all costs. Please indicate the source of the funding (for example, Title III funds, HBCU funds, reallocating general funds, etc.) ☐ A mix of institutional funds and external funds solicited explicitly for Achieving the Dream participation. Please identify the name of the funder(s) and the proportion of the participation costs to be covered by that funder(s). ☐ Fully externally funded. Please identify the name of the funder(s). ☐ Other: Please specify Enter Answers Here ACHIEVING THE DREAM NEW COLLEGE GUIDE | NARRATIVE QUESTIONS 5 Enrollment and Graduation Data Provide the following enrollment data based on your fall 2014 data submission for IPEDS. Enrollment Data 2014 Institution Enrollment (#) 2014 Institution Enrollment (%) 100 Total Enrollment American Indian or Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Black or African American Hispanic/Latino/a White Two or More Races Race/Ethnicity Unknown Pell Recipients Other Disaggregation (optional) Other Disaggregation (optional) Other Disaggregation (optional) Other Disaggregation (optional) Graduation/Transfer Rate Data Provide the following data on your institution’s fall 2011 cohort graduation and transfer rates*. Graduation Rate (%) Transfer Rate (%) Institution Graduation or Transfer Rate** American Indian or Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Black or African American ACHIEVING THE DREAM NEW COLLEGE GUIDE | ENROLLMENT AND GRADUATION DATA 6 Hispanic/Latino/a White Two or More Races Race/Ethnicity Unknown Pell Recipients Other Disaggregation (optional) Other Disaggregation (optional) Other Disaggregation (optional) Other Disaggregation (optional) * Graduation rates are based on Student Right to Know definitions, as reported on 2014 IPEDS files. This includes the percent of the fall 2010 first-time, full-time student cohort who completed a degree, certificate, or transfer preparatory program within 150% of normal program time. ** Institution graduation rates include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students entering the institution either during the fall term or during the academic year 2011-2012. Leadership Support Documents Trustee Statement Applicants must include a statement of commitment from the Board of Trustees. If a board resolution is not feasible by either deadline, a letter from the Board Chair will be accepted. President/CEO Signature As President/CEO of the applying institution, I have reviewed and approve my institution’s application to join the Achieving the Dream Network as part of the 2016 Cohort. President/CEO Date ACHIEVING THE DREAM NEW COLLEGE GUIDE | LEADERSHIP SUPPORT DOCUMENTS 7