Science Week Presenters – 2012


Science Week Presenters – 2012


Monday 3/19

Ken Blakeslee Cool Kritterz and exotic animals (Per B,C,F FA Lecture Hall )

Ali Frates Paramedic, consequences of risky behavior, CPR, “gross stuff she sees” (Per C, D, E Ek Science #330 )

Dan Caredeo and Carol Murphy New England Organ Bank - Organ and tissue donation. Dan received an organ transplant when in high school (he is in college now) and will tell his story and what the agency does. Carol is a close friend of a family whose 13 year daughter received a kidney transplant.

( Per A, B, C, D, E, F Ek Science #335)

Brenda Foley She will share her Medical Mission trips and the educational road to being a pediatrician (Per C,D,E,G, H

Ek Science#339 )

Kevin Skarupa WMUR Meteorologist (Per D Ek Scienc#338 )

Jonathan Coffman Engineer from Pfizer- works on the manufacturing process for biotechnology drugs and has been involved in the development of drugs for cancer, arthritis, asthma, Alzheimer’s, etc. ( Per. C, D, E FA #6-216)

Chris Kozura A presentation in the lecture hall on time travel, special relativity and time dilation. The presentation will include multi-media and audience participation. It is designed to appeal to 9-12th graders.(Per A, C, D, G, H Ek

Science Lecture Hall )

Ginny Karlsson Careers in ophthalmology; brief anatomy & physiology of the eye, how vision is measured; common pediatric eye conditions (Per A FA Bldg Rm 6-205 )

Tuesday 3/20

Ken Blakeslee Cool Kritterz and exotic animals (Per G,H FA Lecture Hall )

Ron Manseau Osteoarthritis: Its effects on the hip and hip replacement (Per A, B, C, G, H(Ed is one of the classes per

H) Ek Science #339 )

Jeannie Williams Ultrasound and how it works, careers in ultrasound and demonstration (Per C, D Ek Science #336)

Dr. PT Vasudevan Biofuels and the role of the chemical engineer in biopharma (Per D Ek Science#306 )

Dr. Russell Carr Biomedical engineering (Per D Ek Science#333 )

Emily Rees Occupational therapist (Per. C & D FA Bldg. 6-216)

Kerin Raymond Drug and Alcohol Counselor – Recovering addicts (Per. D, E, F Ek Science#337 )

Brewster Bartlett Dr. Splatt -the crazy man himself (Per A,B,C, D, F Ek Science Lecture Hall )

Tony Sica Hot air balloons (Per. C, D, E Ek Science #305 )

Wednesday 3/21

Jay Aube NHDES Shore land program Jay will discuss the importance of protecting shore lands because of the critical role they play with regard to protecting water quality. He may include: what’s in storm water?, the harmful effects of storm water runoff, the negative effects of impervious surfaces and how they concentrate storm water, wise development practices, the value of vegetated buffers, utilizing new pervious technologies and utilizing storm water management techniques. (Per C,D, E, G, Ek Science#337 )

Betsy Wolfe Testing used in clinical laboratory for the diagnosis of strep throat, influenza and MRSA. (Per B, C, D, E, F

Ek Science#335 )

Paula Frank She will explain what a watershed is and the Stream Team Program monitoring Beaver Lake's water which is looking for student volunteers (Per E, F, G Ek Science#333)

James Turner Personal Genome Project and being a science writer (Per F, G, H FA 6-203 )

Chris Pierce Physical therapy- Q & A – especially good for those interested in Allied Health careers. (Per B, C Ek

Science #336 )

Andrea St. Onge Energy drinks – are they really good for you? How do they work?

(Per G Ek Science#339)

Joseph Corbin Chemical oxidants injected into ground to remove wastes; more entertaining than it sounds. (Per A, B,

C, D, E FA bldg.6-205 )

Michele Goldsmith

Impact of ecotourism on Mt. Gorillas in Uganda. She presents issues on conservation and ethical concerns. She has been studying gorillas in Africa since 1991 and has been a National Geographic researcher. (Per A, B, C, D FA

Lecture Hall ) Suitable for all students.

Denise Bortone Product specialist for defibrillators and resuscitation products (Per.B, C,D FA Bldg) Room 6-216

Thursday 3/22

Dr. Jeff Rind – neurology (Per A,B,C Ek Science #340 ) *Upper Level Classes

Bethany Meierdiercks Food Safety, what we are trying to protect against, what is in the news, and what we should do at home (Per B, C Ek Science #330 )

Jason Schreck and Erin Hall Brain Injury Associates of NH: Brain injury prevention as well as recovery after a brain injury (Per F Ek Science #333)

Michael Skinner Triumph over tragedy – hope, healing and help – overcoming life’s obstacles and challenges that include severe trauma and abuse yet showing resiliency and courage to not only survive but to follow one’s dreams and thrive. ( Per B, C Ek Science Manning Lecture Hall ) *Health classes only !

Bryan Legare J uvenile Shark Movement within Nearshore Nursery Areas of St. John USVI

( Per C, D, Ek Science Building #339) A, B, AP Biology, Field Biology or other animal based classes

Thursday, cont.

David Youkstetter Chemical engineering: mixing applications and types of mixing. (Per F FA) Rm 6-205

Buzz Durkin’s Karate (Per F, G, H Ek Science #305 )

John Scalese competing in a triathlon (F, H Ek Science Lecture Hall )

Paul Garner Engineering, use of industrial robots – will bring a robotic arm to demonstrate

(B, C, D FA Lecture Hall)

Friday 3/23

Ken Neu (Kaizen Academy) The physics of movement, health benefits, stress relief and self- defense as well as a way to channel excess energy (Per H FA ) Rm 6-202

Mark Quitadamo – Dermatology (Per B, C, D, F Ek Science #338 )

Julie Kinney - Physical therapist will discuss the academic requirements and options for practicing as a physical therapist. (Per H FA 6-205 )

Aldo Fantoni – Polygraph machine – how it works with the brain/body and a demo ( Per B, C, D Ek Science#335)

Derrick Wilson – Meteorology and aviation. Perfect for any level students that might want to know about weather patterns, high and low pressure areas as they relate to aviation. Mr. Wilson is a pilot and will speak on the science of how an airplane wing works, as well as gravity, lift, thrust and drag. Do any of you have a Venturi Tube? (Per A, B, D,

E, G, H FA classroom) Rm 6-203

Beth Penney Mammals of NH explore many of the common mammals people can see around NH; pictures, videos and skulls will be part of the presentation. (Per G, H Ek Science Lecture Hall) )

UNH LunaCats (Caleigh MacPherson and team) – Designed and built a robotic excavator that mines lunar soil for a

NASA sponsored competition. The team will give a demonstration of last year’s robot. (Per C, D FA Lecture Hall)

Michele Goldsmith

Impact of ecotourism on Mt. Gorillas in Uganda. She presents issues on conservation and ethical concerns. She has been studying gorillas in Africa since 1991 and has been a National Geographic researcher. (Per E, F, G, H FA

Lecture Hall ) Suitable for all students.

John Scalese competing in a triathlon (Per A, C, D Ek Science Lecture Hall )
