LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 LIGO Laboratory / LIGO Scientific Collaboration LIGO LIGO- T1100445-v5 3/9/12 AOS SLC Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles Final Design Michael Smith, Lisa C. Austin, Mike Hillard, Heidy Kelman, Tim Nguyen, Manuel Ruiz, Jesse Terrazas, Virginio Sannibale Distribution of this document: LIGO Scientific Collaboration This is an internal working note of the LIGO Laboratory. California Institute of Technology LIGO Project – MS 18-34 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125 Phone (626) 395-2129 Fax (626) 304-9834 E-mail: Massachusetts Institute of Technology LIGO Project – NW22-295 185 Albany St Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone (617) 253-4824 Fax (617) 253-7014 E-mail: LIGO Hanford Observatory P.O. Box 159 Richland WA 99352 Phone 509-372-8106 Fax 509-372-8137 LIGO Livingston Observatory P.O. Box 940 Livingston, LA 70754 Phone 225-686-3100 Fax 225-686-7189 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 2 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Final Design Review Checklist..................................................................................................... 7 1.2.1 Final requirements – any changes or refinements from PDR? ........................................... 7 Direct Requirements ....................................................................................................... 7 Hartmann Baffle Requirements—NEW ......................................................................... 7 Ghost Beam Baffle Requirements .................................................................................. 7 Clear Aperture Requirements ......................................................................................... 7 1.2.2 Resolutions of action items from SLC PDR ....................................................................... 7 Lower BRDF Material for Baffles .................................................................................. 7 1.2.3 Final Parts Lists and Drawing Package .............................................................................. 8 1.2.4 Final specifications ............................................................................................................. 8 1.2.5 Final interface control documents....................................................................................... 8 1.2.6 Relevant RODA changes and actions completed ............................................................... 8 1.2.7 Signed Hazard Analysis ...................................................................................................... 8 1.2.8 Final Failure Modes and Effects Analysis .......................................................................... 8 1.2.9 Risk Registry items discussed............................................................................................. 8 1.2.10 Design analysis and engineering test data .......................................................................... 8 1.2.11 Software detailed design ..................................................................................................... 8 1.2.12 Final approach to safety and use issues .............................................................................. 8 1.2.13 Production Plans for Acquisition of Parts, Components, Materials Needed For Fabrication .................................................................................................................................. 8 1.2.14 Installation Plans and Procedures ....................................................................................... 9 1.2.15 Final hardware test plans .................................................................................................... 9 1.2.16 Final software test plans ..................................................................................................... 9 1.2.17 Cost compatibility with cost book ...................................................................................... 9 1.2.18 Fabrication, installation and test schedule .......................................................................... 9 1.2.19 Lessons Learned Documented, Circulated ......................................................................... 9 1.2.20 Porcelainizing ..................................................................................................................... 9 1.2.21 Problems and concerns ....................................................................................................... 9 1.3 Applicable Documents .................................................................................................................. 9 2 SIGNAL RECYCLING CAVITY BAFFLES .......................................................................... 10 2.1 FUNCTION ................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1.1 SR3 HR BAFFLE ............................................................................................................. 10 2.1.2 SR3 AR BAFFLE ............................................................................................................. 10 2.1.3 SR2 SCRAPER BAFFLE ................................................................................................. 10 2.1.4 HAM SCRAPER BAFFLE .............................................................................................. 10 2.1.5 SRM AR BAFFLE............................................................................................................ 10 2.2 ZEMAX LAYOUT ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.1 H1 & L1 IFO ZEMAX LAYOUT .................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 H2 IFO ZEMAX LAYOUT ............................................................................................. 16 2.3 BEAM SIZES .............................................................................................................................. 18 3 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 2.3.1 H1/L1 BEAM SIZES IN SIGNAL RECYCLING CAVITY ........................................... 18 H1/L1 ZEMAX PHYSICAL OPTICS PROPAGATION MODEL ............................. 18 2.3.2 H2 BEAM SIZES IN SIGNAL RECYCLING CAVITY ................................................ 27 H2 ZEMAX PHYSICAL OPTICS PROPAGATION MODEL................................... 27 3 DESCRIPTIONS OF SIGNAL RECYCLING CAVITY BAFFLES...................................... 36 3.1 SR3 HR BAFFLE........................................................................................................................ 36 3.1.1 SR3 HR BAFFLE Characteristics .................................................................................... 37 3.2 SR3 AR BAFFLE ........................................................................................................................ 38 3.2.1 SR3 AR BAFFLE Characteristics .................................................................................... 39 3.3 SR2 SCRAPER BAFFLE ........................................................................................................... 40 3.3.1 SR2 Scraper Baffle Characteristics................................................................................... 42 3.4 HAM SCRAPER BAFFLE ........................................................................................................ 43 3.4.1 HAM Scraper Baffle Characteristics ................................................................................ 46 3.5 SRM AR BAFFLE ...................................................................................................................... 47 3.5.1 SRM AR Baffle Characteristics ........................................................................................ 47 3.6 BAFFLE HEIGHTS ................................................................................................................... 48 3.7 OPTICAL INTERFACES ......................................................................................................... 48 4 SCATTERED LIGHT DISPLACEMENT NOISE ................................................................. 50 4.1 Scattered Light Requirement .................................................................................................... 50 4.1.1 Scattered Light Parameters ............................................................................................... 52 4.1.2 BRDF of Baffle Surfaces .................................................................................................. 57 4.1.3 HAM ISI Seismic Motion ................................................................................................. 57 4.1.4 Naming Convention for Wedged Optics .......................................................................... 58 4.1.5 SR3 HR Baffle Scatter ...................................................................................................... 60 4.1.6 SR3 AR Baffle Scatter ...................................................................................................... 60 Transmission of Signal Recycling Cavity Main Beam through SR3 HR ..................... 60 SR3 GBAR3 Ghost Beam............................................................................................. 61 SR3 GBHR3 Ghost Beam............................................................................................. 62 4.1.7 SR2 Scraper Baffle Scatter ............................................................................................... 63 ITM Ghosts Beams ....................................................................................................... 64 BS Ghosts Beam ........................................................................................................... 65 CP Ghosts Beam ........................................................................................................... 65 CP_GBAR1 H1..................................................................................................... 66 CP_GBAR3 H1 .............................................................................................. 66 Summary SR2 Scraper Baffle Scatter ........................................................................... 67 SRM GBAR3 Ghost Beam ........................................................................................... 67 SRM GBHR3 Ghost Beam ........................................................................................... 68 Summary SR3, SR2, SRM Ghost Beam Scatter ........................................................... 69 4.1.8 H2 Hartmann Y Scatter..................................................................................................... 69 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSYM1............................................ 69 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSYM2............................................ 70 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSYM3............................................ 71 4 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 DCBS1Y.............................................. 72 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 VAC LENSY ....................................... 73 H2 Hartmann Y Viewport Scatter ................................................................................ 73 H2 Hartmann Y Viewport Reflection, HAM Chamber Scatter .................................... 74 Summary of H2 Hartmann Y Scatter ............................................................................ 75 4.1.9 H2 Hartmann X Scatter..................................................................................................... 76 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSXM1............................................ 76 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 DCBS1X.............................................. 77 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 VAC LENSX ....................................... 78 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSXM2............................................ 79 H2 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSXM3 ...................................... 80 H2 Hartmann X Viewport Scatter ................................................................................ 81 H2 Hartmann X Viewport Reflection, HAM Chamber Scatter .................................... 82 Summary of H2 Hartmann X Scatter ............................................................................ 83 4.1.10 H1 & L1 Hartmann Beam Scatter..................................................................................... 84 H1 & L1 Hartmann X Arm ....................................................................................... 84 Summary of H1 & L1 Hartmann X Scatter .............................................................. 87 H1 & L1 Hartmann Y Arm ....................................................................................... 87 Summary of H1 & L1 Hartmann Y Scatter .............................................................. 89 5 INTERFACE CONTROL DOCUMENT................................................................................. 90 Table of Figures Figure 1: H1 & L1 HAM4: SR2 Scraper Baffle, SR2 AR Baffle, HAM Scraper Baffle.................... 11 Figure 2: H1& L1 HAM5: SR3 HR Baffle, SR3 AR Baffle, SRM AR Baffle..................................... 15 Figure 3: HAM5 Elevation View ...................................................................................................... 16 Figure 4: H2 HAM10: SR2 Scraper Baffle, SR2 AR Baffle, HAM Scraper Baffle ........................... 17 Figure 5: H2 HAM11: SR3 HR Baffle, SR3 AR Baffle, SRM AR Baffle ........................................... 18 Figure 6: 3D Layout, H1/L1 Physical Optics Propagation.............................................................. 19 Figure 7: H1/L1 SR3, Horizontal Beam Profile ............................................................................... 20 Figure 8: H1/L1 SR3, Vertical Beam Profile ................................................................................... 21 Figure 9: : H1/L1 SR2 Scraper Baffle, Horizontal Beam Profile .................................................... 22 Figure 10: H1/L1 SR2 Scraper Baffle, Vertical Beam Profile ......................................................... 23 Figure 11: H1/L1 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle), Horizontal Beam Profile ........................ 24 Figure 12: H1/L1 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle), Vertical Beam Profile ............................ 25 Figure 13: H1/L1 SRM, Horizontal Beam Profile ............................................................................ 26 Figure 14: H1/L1 SRM, Vertical Beam Profile ................................................................................ 27 Figure 15: 3D Layout, H2 Physical Optics Propagation ................................................................. 28 Figure 16: H2 SR3, Horizontal Beam Profile .................................................................................. 29 Figure 17: H2 SR3, Vertical Beam Profile ....................................................................................... 30 Figure 18: : H2 SR2 Scraper Baffle, Horizontal Beam Profile ........................................................ 31 Figure 19: H2 SR2 Scraper Baffle, Vertical Beam Profile............................................................... 32 Figure 20: H2 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle), Horizontal Beam Profile ............................. 33 Figure 21: H2 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle), Vertical Beam Profile .................................. 34 Figure 22: H2 SRM, Horizontal Beam Profile ................................................................................. 35 Figure 23: H2 SRM, Vertical Beam Profile ..................................................................................... 36 Figure 24: SR3 HR Baffle ................................................................................................................. 37 Figure 25: SR3 AR Baffle ................................................................................................................. 39 5 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 26: SR2 Scraper Baffle, H2 ................................................................................................... 41 Figure 27: SR2 Scraper Baffle with HAM Table Extension ............................................................. 42 Figure 28: HAM Scraper Baffle ....................................................................................................... 44 Figure 29: Internal Frequencies of HAM Scraper Baffle Assembly ................................................ 46 Figure 30: SRM AR Baffle ................................................................................................................ 47 Figure 31: Scattered Light Noise Transfer Functions ...................................................................... 52 Figure 32: HAM optics table Seismic Motion, m/rtHz ..................................................................... 58 Figure 33: Wedged Core Optic ghost beam naming convention...................................................... 59 Figure 34: BS ghost beam naming convention .............................................................................. 59 Figure 35: SR2 Scraper Baffle Scatter ............................................................................................. 67 Figure 36: Summary of SR Ghost Beam Scatter............................................................................... 69 Figure 37: Summary of H2 Hartmann Y Surfaces Scatter ............................................................... 76 Figure 38: Summary of H2 Hartmann X Surfaces Scatter ............................................................... 84 Figure 39: Summary of H1 & L1 Hartmann X ................................................................................. 87 Figure 40: Summary of H1 & L1 Hartmann Y Scatter ................................................................. 90 Table of Tables Table 1: SR3 HR BAFFLE Characteristics ...................................................................................... 37 Table 1: SR3 AR BAFFLE Characteristics....................................................................................... 39 Table 1: SR2 Scraper Baffle Characteristics .................................................................................... 42 Table 1: HAM Scraper Baffle Characteristics ................................................................................. 46 Table 1: SRM AR Baffle Characteristics .......................................................................................... 48 Table 1: Heights and Sizes of SR Baffles .......................................................................................... 48 6 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope This document provides the final designs for the Signal Recycling Cavity Baffle for aLIGO. 1.2 Final Design Review Checklist 1.2.1 Final requirements – any changes or refinements from PDR? The updated requirements for the Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles are listed in T070061 Stray Light Control Design Requirements. The Hartmann Viewport Beam Dumps were eliminated; see section Error! Reference source ot found.. Direct Requirements Phase noise due to scattered light fields injected into the interferometer is treated as a technical noise source. Therefore, the total scattered light phase noise, expressed in equivalent displacement noise, must be < 1/10th of the quadrature sum of the suspension thermal noise and the test mass thermal noise (referred to as the SRD), as given in Figure 1 of M060056-06, Advanced LIGO Reference Design. Hartmann Baffle Requirements—NEW Baffles shall be placed to mitigate the scattered displacement noise caused by scatter from Hartmann optics in the Hartmann sensing train for the ITM mirrors; the total scattered light displacement noise, must be < 1/10th of the quadrature sum of the suspension thermal noise and the test mass thermal noise (referred to as the SRD), as given in Figure 1 of M060056-06, Advanced LIGO Reference Design. Ghost Beam Baffle Requirements Baffles shall be placed to mitigate the scattered light displacement noise caused by scatter from the ghost beams generated by the wedged optics, ITM, FM, BS, SR3, SR2, and SRM; the total scattered light displacement noise, must be < 1/10th of the quadrature sum of the suspension thermal noise and the test mass thermal noise (referred to as the SRD), as given in Figure 1 of M060056-06, Advanced LIGO Reference Design. Clear Aperture Requirements All Scraper Baffles shall not vignette the recycling cavity beam > 100 ppm power loss; 1.2.2 Resolutions of action items from SLC PDR Refer to: LIGO-L0900119-v1 Lower BRDF Material for Baffles We suggest the team consider a lower-BRDF material for the more critical baffles, and in particular suggest looking at the electro-static frit black-enameled steel as an option 7 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 that would give better optical performance. Ans: The lowest BRDF material that is practical at the moment is oxidized polished stainless steel. 1.2.3 Final Parts Lists and Drawing Package TBD 1.2.4 Final specifications E1100842 Specification for Mirror Finished (Super #8) Stainless Steel to be used in the LIGO Ultra-High Vacuum System E0900364-v8 Metal components intended for use in the Adv LIGO Vacuum System 1.2.5 Final interface control documents TBD The mechanical and optical interfaces of the Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles are described in E110XXX-v1AOS SLC Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles Interface Control Doc. 1.2.6 Relevant RODA changes and actions completed NO Rodas! 1.2.7 Signed Hazard Analysis E1100984 SLC Signal Recycling Cavity Baffle Install Hazard Analysis 1.2.8 Final Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Not Required 1.2.9 Risk Registry items discussed None for this subsystem 1.2.10 Design analysis and engineering test data See Section 3, Descriptions of Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles and Section 4, Scattered Light Displacement Noise 1.2.11 Software detailed design Not applicable 1.2.12 Final approach to safety and use issues No operational safety issues 1.2.13 Production Plans for Acquisition of Parts, Components, Materials Needed For Fabrication E1101001-v1_AOS SLC Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles production plan 8 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 1.2.14 Installation Plans and Procedures This will be deferred until after FDR 1.2.15 Final hardware test plans See E1101023 Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles Fabrication, Installation, and Test Plan 1.2.16 Final software test plans Not applicable. 1.2.17 Cost compatibility with cost book See E1101001-v1_AOS SLC Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles production plan 1.2.18 Fabrication, installation and test schedule See E1101023 Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles Fabrication, Installation, and Test Plan 1.2.19 Lessons Learned Documented, Circulated 1.2.20 Porcelainizing The baffles will be constructed of oxidized polished stainless steel to avoid shedding of the porcelain surface. 1.2.21 Problems and concerns There are presently no problems or concerns with the recycling cavity baffles. 1.3 Applicable Documents T070303 Arm Cavity Finesse for aLIGO T070247 aLIGO ISC Conceptual Design E0900364-v8 LIGO Metal in Vacuum E1101023 Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles Fabrication, Installation, and Test Plan T060073-00 Transfer Functions of Injected Noise T070061-v2 Stray light Control Design Requirements T0900269-v2 Stray Light Control (SLC) Preliminary Design T1100056-v2 Arm Cavity Baffle Edge Scatter E1100984_SLC Signal Recycling Cavity Baffle Install Hazard Analysis E1101001-v1_AOS SLC Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles production plan TBD E110XXX-v1AOS SLC Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles Interface Control Doc. 9 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 2 SIGNAL RECYCLING CAVITY BAFFLES 2.1 FUNCTION 2.1.1 SR3 HR BAFFLE The SR3 HR Baffle catches, on its recycling cavity side, some of the ghost beams from the ITM, CP, and BS; the stray light that is not absorbed is reflected toward the mode cleaner tube baffle near HAM5 and HAM11. 2.1.2 SR3 AR BAFFLE The SR3 AR Baffle catches and absorbs the signal recycling cavity power that leaks through the SR3AR surface. 2.1.3 SR2 SCRAPER BAFFLE The SR2 Scraper Baffle catches most of the ghost beams from ITM, CP, and BS. It also catches, on the side facing the SR2 mirror, some of the SR2 HR ghost beams. 2.1.4 HAM SCRAPER BAFFLE The HAM Scraper Baffle behind the SR2 AR side catches some of the SR2 AR ghost beams, and the reverse-path main IFO beam reflected by SRM that transmits through the SR2 AR surface. It also catches the 1064nm light that reflects from the dichroic filter in the Hartmann beam path. 2.1.5 SRM AR BAFFLE The SRM AR Baffle catches the reflected beam from the OFI TGG crystal 2.2 ZEMAX LAYOUT 2.2.1 H1 & L1 IFO ZEMAX LAYOUT The H1 and L1 IFO ZEMAX layout of HAM4 is shown in Figure 1. 10 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 HAM Scaper Baffle HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle) Dichroic filter SR2 Dichroic filter SR2 Scraper Baffle HAM Scaper Baffle Figure 1: H1 & L1 HAM4: SR2 Scraper Baffle, SR2 AR Baffle, HAM Scraper Baffle A Solid Works Model layout of the HAM 4 table is shown in Figure 2. 11 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 2: HAM4 SW top view layout 12 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 3: SR2 Scraper Baffle, Clamping Detail A cross section view through the SR2 scraper baffle shown the extender table attached to the HAM ISI. 13 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 4: HAM4 SW cross section view, showing extender table and SR2 scraper baffle The H1 and L1 IFO ZEMAX layout of HAM5 is shown in Figure 5. 14 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 SR3 HR Baffle SR3 SRM SR3 AR Baffle SRM AR Baffle OFI Figure 5: H1& L1 HAM5: SR3 HR Baffle, SR3 AR Baffle, SRM AR Baffle 15 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 6: HAM5 Elevation View 2.2.2 H2 IFO ZEMAX LAYOUT The H2 IFO ZEMAX layout of HAM10 is shown in Figure 7. 16 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 HAM Scraper Baffle SR2 Scraper Baffle Dichroic filter SR2 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle) Dichroic filter HAM Scraper Baffle Figure 7: H2 HAM10: SR2 Scraper Baffle, SR2 AR Baffle, HAM Scraper Baffle The H2 IFO ZEMAX layout of HAM11 is shown in Figure 8. 17 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 OFI SR3 AR Baffle SRM AR Baffle SRM SR3 SR3 HR Baffle Figure 8: H2 HAM11: SR3 HR Baffle, SR3 AR Baffle, SRM AR Baffle 2.3 BEAM SIZES 2.3.1 H1/L1 BEAM SIZES IN SIGNAL RECYCLING CAVITY H1/L1 ZEMAX PHYSICAL OPTICS PROPAGATION MODEL The beam sizes in the signal recycling cavity were calculated using the ZEMAX physical optics program; a Gaussian beam with a 12mm waist located a distance 1835000m away from the ITM HR surface (approximately at the middle of the arm) was propagated down the signal recycling cavity optical train. The ZEMAX layout is shown in Figure 9. 18 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Y X Z 3D Layout 9/28/2011 H1_signal recycling cavity.ZMX Configuration 1 of 1 Figure 9: 3D Layout, H1/L1 Physical Optics Propagation The x (vertical) and y (horizontal) beam profiles at various surfaces within the signal recycling cavity optical train are shown in the following figures. 19 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 -529.1 -423.3 -317.5 -211.7 -105.8 0 105.8 211.7 317.5 423.3 529.1 Y coordinate value Irradiance Y-Cross section surface 10 SR3 9/28/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, X = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 9.8391E-001 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 4.5269E+003 Watts Pilot: Size= 5.4126E+001, Waist= 1.1416E-001, Pos= 1.8242E+004, Rayleigh= 3.8473E+001 Figure 10: H1/L1 SR3, Horizontal Beam Profile 20 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 -528.7 -423 -317.2 -211.5 -105.7 0 105.7 211.5 317.2 423 528.7 X coordinate value Irradiance X-Cross section surface 10 SR3 9/28/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, Y = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 9.8391E-001 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 4.5269E+003 Watts Pilot: Size= 5.4126E+001, Waist= 1.1416E-001, Pos= 1.8242E+004, Rayleigh= 3.8473E+001 Figure 11: H1/L1 SR3, Vertical Beam Profile 21 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 -48.68 -38.95 -29.21 -19.47 -9.737 0 9.737 19.47 29.21 38.95 48.68 Y coordinate value Irradiance Y-Cross section surface 12 SR2 SCRAPER BAFFLE 9/28/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, X = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 1.0167E+000 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 1.5844E+002 Watts Pilot: Size= 9.9608E+000, Waist= 1.1416E-001, Pos= 3.3568E+003, Rayleigh= 3.8473E+001 Figure 12: : H1/L1 SR2 Scraper Baffle, Horizontal Beam Profile 22 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 -48.64 -38.92 -29.19 -19.46 -9.729 0 9.729 19.46 29.19 38.92 48.64 X coordinate value Irradiance X-Cross section surface 12 SR2 SCRAPER BAFFLE 9/28/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, Y = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 1.0167E+000 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 1.5844E+002 Watts Pilot: Size= 9.9608E+000, Waist= 1.1416E-001, Pos= 3.3568E+003, Rayleigh= 3.8473E+001 Figure 13: H1/L1 SR2 Scraper Baffle, Vertical Beam Profile 23 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 -24.69 -19.76 -14.82 -9.878 -4.939 0 4.939 9.878 14.82 19.76 24.69 Y coordinate value Irradiance Y-Cross section surface 15 SR2 AR baffle 9/29/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, X = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 1.0143E+000 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 4.0709E+001 Watts Pilot: Size= 5.0551E+000, Waist= 9.5585E-002, Pos= 1.4263E+003, Rayleigh= 2.6974E+001 Figure 14: H1/L1 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle), Horizontal Beam Profile 24 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 -24.67 -19.74 -14.8 -9.869 -4.935 0 4.935 9.869 14.8 19.74 24.67 X coordinate value Irradiance X-Cross section surface 15 SR2 AR baffle 9/29/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, Y = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 1.0160E+000 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 4.0743E+001 Watts Pilot: Size= 5.0531E+000, Waist= 9.5621E-002, Pos= 1.4263E+003, Rayleigh= 2.6994E+001 Figure 15: H1/L1 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle), Vertical Beam Profile 25 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 -9.196 -7.357 -5.518 -3.679 -1.839 0 1.839 3.679 5.518 7.357 9.196 Y coordinate value Irradiance Y-Cross section surface 17 SRM 9/28/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, X = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 1.0214E+000 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 6.7848E+000 Watts Pilot: Size= 2.0528E+000, Waist= 8.6681E-001, Pos= -4.7620E+003, Rayleigh= 2.2183E+003 Figure 16: H1/L1 SRM, Horizontal Beam Profile 26 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 -9.187 -7.35 -5.512 -3.675 -1.837 0 1.837 3.675 5.512 7.35 9.187 X coordinate value Irradiance X-Cross section surface 17 SRM 9/28/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, Y = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 1.0232E+000 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 6.7904E+000 Watts Pilot: Size= 2.0520E+000, Waist= 8.6695E-001, Pos= -4.7603E+003, Rayleigh= 2.2190E+003 Figure 17: H1/L1 SRM, Vertical Beam Profile 2.3.2 H2 BEAM SIZES IN SIGNAL RECYCLING CAVITY H2 ZEMAX PHYSICAL OPTICS PROPAGATION MODEL The beam sizes in the signal recycling cavity were calculated using the ZEMAX physical optics program; a Gaussian beam with a 12mm waist located a distance 1835000m away from the ITM HR surface (approximately at the middle of the arm) was propagated down the signal recycling cavity optical train. The ZEMAX layout is shown in Figure 18. 27 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 18: 3D Layout, H2 Physical Optics Propagation 3D Layout 28 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 The x (vertical) and y (horizontal) beam profiles at various surfaces within the signal recycling cavity optical train are shown in the following figures. Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 -265.4 -212.3 -159.2 -106.2 -53.08 0 53.08 106.2 159.2 212.3 265.4 Y coordinate value Irradiance Y-Cross section surface 13 SR3 9/27/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, X = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 9.7781E-001 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 4.5307E+003 Watts Pilot: Size= 5.4317E+001, Waist= 1.1375E-001, Pos= -1.8241E+004, Rayleigh= 3.8199E+001 Figure 19: H2 SR3, Horizontal Beam Profile 29 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 -265.4 -212.3 -159.2 -106.2 -53.08 0 53.08 106.2 159.2 212.3 265.4 X coordinate value Irradiance X-Cross section surface 13 SR3 9/27/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, Y = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 9.7781E-001 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 4.5307E+003 Watts Pilot: Size= 5.4317E+001, Waist= 1.1375E-001, Pos= -1.8241E+004, Rayleigh= 3.8199E+001 Figure 20: H2 SR3, Vertical Beam Profile 30 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 -42.38 -33.9 -25.43 -16.95 -8.476 0 8.476 16.95 25.43 33.9 42.38 Y coordinate value Irradiance Y-Cross section surface 15 SR2 SCRAPER BAFFLE 9/27/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, X = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 9.5848E-001 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 1.1327E+002 Watts Pilot: Size= 8.6742E+000, Waist= 1.1375E-001, Pos= -2.9127E+003, Rayleigh= 3.8199E+001 Figure 21: : H2 SR2 Scraper Baffle, Horizontal Beam Profile 31 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 1E+0 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 1E-6 1E-7 1E-8 1E-9 1E-10 -42.38 -33.9 -25.43 -16.95 -8.476 0 8.476 16.95 25.43 33.9 42.38 X coordinate value Irradiance X-Cross section surface 15 SR2 SCRAPER BAFFLE 9/27/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, Y = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 8.6263E-001 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 1.0194E+002 Watts Pilot: Size= 8.6742E+000, Waist= 1.1375E-001, Pos= -2.9127E+003, Rayleigh= 3.8199E+001 Figure 22: H2 SR2 Scraper Baffle, Vertical Beam Profile 32 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 -16.68 -13.34 -10.01 -6.67 -3.335 0 3.335 6.67 10.01 13.34 16.68 Y coordinate value Irradiance Y-Cross section surface 18 SR2 AR baffle 9/29/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, X = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 1.0395E+000 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 1.9029E+001 Watts Pilot: Size= 3.4141E+000, Waist= 9.4371E-002, Pos= -9.5087E+002, Rayleigh= 2.6293E+001 Figure 23: H2 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle), Horizontal Beam Profile 33 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 -16.68 -13.34 -10.01 -6.67 -3.335 0 3.335 6.67 10.01 13.34 16.68 X coordinate value Irradiance X-Cross section surface 18 SR2 AR baffle 9/29/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, Y = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 1.0395E+000 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 1.9029E+001 Watts Pilot: Size= 3.4141E+000, Waist= 9.4371E-002, Pos= -9.5087E+002, Rayleigh= 2.6293E+001 Figure 24: H2 HAM Scraper Baffle (SR2 AR Baffle), Vertical Beam Profile 34 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 -11.63 -9.302 -6.977 -4.651 -2.326 0 2.326 4.651 6.977 9.302 11.63 Y coordinate value Irradiance Y-Cross section surface 20 SRM 9/27/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, X = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 9.4657E-001 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 1.0647E+001 Watts Pilot: Size= 2.6676E+000, Waist= 1.2548E+000, Pos= 8.7208E+003, Rayleigh= 4.6487E+003 Figure 25: H2 SRM, Horizontal Beam Profile 35 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Irradiance (Watts per sq Millimeter) 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 -11.63 -9.302 -6.977 -4.651 -2.326 0 2.326 4.651 6.977 9.302 11.63 X coordinate value Irradiance X-Cross section surface 20 SRM 9/27/2011 Wavelength 1.06410 µm in index 1.00000 at 0.0000, 0.0000 (deg) Center, Y = 0.0000E+000 Peak Irradiance = 9.4657E-001 Watts/Millimeters^2, Total Power = 1.0647E+001 Watts Pilot: Size= 2.6676E+000, Waist= 1.2548E+000, Pos= 8.7208E+003, Rayleigh= 4.6487E+003 Figure 26: H2 SRM, Vertical Beam Profile 3 DESCRIPTIONS OF SIGNAL RECYCLING CAVITY BAFFLES 3.1 SR3 HR BAFFLE A model of the SR3 HR Baffle is shown in Figure 27. The hole diameter was chosen equal to the SR3 mirror diameter to minimize attenuation of the Hartmann X beam that reflects from the BS AR surface 36 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 27: SR3 HR Baffle 3.1.1 SR3 HR BAFFLE Characteristics The characteristics of the SR3 HR BAFFLE are shown in Table 1. Table 1: SR3 HR BAFFLE Characteristics Parameter Value Location HAM4 and HAM10 37 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Parameter Value Suspension none Aperture diameter (perpendicular to ITM HR) See Table 6: Heights and Sizes of SR Baffles Material Oxidized polished stainless steel BRDF <0.03 sr^-1 Weight 15 lbs (TBD) 3.2 SR3 AR BAFFLE A model of the SR3 AR Baffle is shown in Figure 28. The baffle catches all beams that transmit through the AR surface of the SR3 mirror. 38 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 28: SR3 AR Baffle 3.2.1 SR3 AR BAFFLE Characteristics The characteristics of the SR3 AR BAFFLE are shown in Table 1. Table 2: SR3 AR BAFFLE Characteristics Parameter Value Location HAM4 and HAM10 39 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Parameter Value Suspension none Aperture diameter (perpendicular to ITM HR) none Material Oxidized polished stainless steel BRDF <0.03 sr^-1 Weight 15 lbs (TBD) 3.3 SR2 SCRAPER BAFFLE A model of the SR2 Scraper Baffle is shown in Figure 29. The recycling cavity beams pass through the hole on the right in the figure; the Hartmann pick-off beam from the BS AR surface passes through the hole in the left. The positions of the holes were determined from the ZEMAX layout. The 36 mm minimum radius of the left hole in the baffle was determined by a diffraction analysis to cause a negligible vignetting of the Hartmann beam. (TBD see TCS reference); the hole radius was increased to 42mm to allow for misalignment of the baffle. The elliptical size of the right hole in the baffle allows passage of the incident and reflected signal recycling main beam without vignetting causing a signal recycling power loss > 10 ppm. The results of the FEA model show that the lowest internal mode frequency of the baffle is > 150 Hz TBD. The baffle hangs over the edge of the HAM table, and is supported by a table extension shown in Figure 30. 40 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 29: SR2 Scraper Baffle, H2 41 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 30: SR2 Scraper Baffle with HAM Table Extension 3.3.1 SR2 Scraper Baffle Characteristics The characteristics of the SR2 Scraper Baffle are shown in Table 1. Table 3: SR2 Scraper Baffle Characteristics Parameter Value Location HAM4 and HAM10 Suspension none Aperture diameter See Table 6: Heights and Sizes of SR Baffles Material Oxidized polished stainless steel BRDF <0.03 sr^-1 42 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Parameter Value Weight 66 lbs (TBD) 3.4 HAM SCRAPER BAFFLE A model of the original one-sided HAM Scraper Baffle is shown in Figure 31. The design will be revised to provide a double-sided baffle, as shown in Figure 32. The front side of the baffle catches ghost beams from the SR2 AR mirror. The back side catches the 1064nm light that reflects from the dichroic filter in the Hartmann beam path. The locations of the IFO beams and the Hartmann beam that traverse the HAM Scraper Baffle were determined from the ZEMAX layout. The 30 mm minimum radius of the hole in the baffle meets the Hartmann beam aperture requirement. The actual radius of the hole will be set to 30 + 6 = 36 mm to allow for alignment tolerance of 6 mm when the baffle is positioned on the HAM table. 43 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 31: One-sided HAM Scraper Baffle 44 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 32: Revised, double-sided HAM Scraper Baffle The baffle is mounted directly to the HAM ISI table and must meet the requirement that the lowest internal frequency be > 150 Hz. The results of the FEA model show that the lowest internal mode frequency of the baffle is approximately 167 Hz, as shown in Figure 33, and meets the design requirement. 45 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 33: Internal Frequencies of HAM Scraper Baffle Assembly 3.4.1 HAM Scraper Baffle Characteristics The characteristics of the HAM Scraper Baffle are shown in Table 1. Table 4: HAM Scraper Baffle Characteristics Parameter Value Location HAM4 and HAM10 Suspension none Aperture diameter See Table 6: Heights and Sizes of SR Baffles Material Oxidized polished stainless steel 46 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Parameter Value BRDF <0.03 sr^-1 Weight 7 lbs 3.5 SRM AR BAFFLE A model of the SRM AR Baffle is shown in Figure 34. The height of the IFO beams was determined from the ZEMAX layout. The hole in the baffle is 25mm diameter, which is larger than the 20mm limiting aperture of the OFI. Figure 34: SRM AR Baffle 3.5.1 SRM AR Baffle Characteristics The characteristics of the SRM AR Baffle are shown in Table 1. 47 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Table 5: SRM AR Baffle Characteristics Parameter Value Location HAM4 and HAM10 Suspension none Aperture diameter See Table 6: Heights and Sizes of SR Baffles Material Oxidized polished stainless steel BRDF <0.03 sr^-1 Weight 11 lbs (TBD) 3.6 BAFFLE HEIGHTS The heights of the signal recycling cavity baffles above the HAM ISI table and the hole dimensions are shown in Table 6. 3.7 OPTICAL INTERFACES The locations of the IFO beams and the Hartmann beams that traverse the SR Baffle were determined from the ZEMAX layout, D0901920 H1 Zemax layout, D0902345 H2 Zemax Layout, and D0902216 L1 Zemax layout. A sequential ZEMAX model was made for the signal recycling cavities of H2, H1, and L1 IFOs, and the physical optics propagation program was used to determine the diffraction beam profiles at the locations of the baffles. The holes in the SR3 HR baffle, SR2 Scraper baffle, SR2 AR baffle, and SRM HR baffle are larger than the 1E-3 radius of the diffraction beam profile that propagates through the signal recycling cavity optical train and will not vignette the beam appreciably; in addition, the holes are large enough to allow passage of the diffracted Hartmann probe beams from the ITMX and ITMY mirror surfaces; see Table 6. Table 6: Heights and Sizes of SR Baffles IFO Baffle 1/e^2 radius, mm 10ppm radius, mm Hartmann beam radius requirement, mm 54.15 116.2 132.5 7.99 18.4 Baffle hole radius, mm Height above table, mm H2 SR3 HR baffle SR2 HR scraper baffle main 132.5 211.0 52.5 H, 42 V 193.2 48 LIGO IFO LIGO- T1100445 Baffle 1/e^2 radius, mm 10ppm radius, mm –v5 Hartmann beam radius requirement, mm Baffle hole radius, mm Height above table, mm beam SR2 HR scraper baffle pick-off beam 36.0 42 HAM (SR2 AR) scraper baffle 4.22 10.1 30.0 30 187.4 HAM (Hartmann) Scraper baffle 4.22 10.1 30.0 30 187.4 HAM-BD HWSX1 186 HAM-BD HWSX2 230 HAM-BD HWSY1 193.2 HAM-BD HWSY2 224.2 SRM HR baffle 2.05 5.9 14 176.2 SR3 HR baffle 54.30 118.6 132.5 132.5 230.2 SR2 HR scraper baffle 9.59 21.3 36.0 42 239.7 HAM (SR2 AR) scraper baffle 5.06 12.1 30 30 232.5 HAM (Hartmann) Scraper baffle 5.06 12.1 30 30 232.5 L1 HAM-BD HWSX1 240.2 HAM-BD HWSX2 224.2 HAM-BD HWSY1 230.8 49 LIGO IFO LIGO- T1100445 Baffle 1/e^2 radius, mm 10ppm radius, mm –v5 Hartmann beam radius requirement, mm Baffle hole radius, mm HAM-BD HWSY2 Height above table, mm 230.8 SRM HR baffle 2.1 4.5 14 230.1 SR3 HR baffle 54.2 116.2 132.5 132.5 230.2 SR2 HR scraper baffle 9.6 20.6 36.0 42 220.9 HAM (HartmannX) scraper baffle 6.9 14.8 30 30 220.0 HAM (SR2 AR) scraper baffle 5.6 11.9 30 30 220.0 HAM (HartmannY) Scraper baffle 3.0 6.4 30 30 220.0 H1 HAM-BD HWSX1 221.2 HAM-BD HWSX2 224.2 HAM-BD HWSY1 215 HAM-BD HWSY2 230.8 SRM AR baffle 2.1 4.4 12.5 210.9 In every instance, the hole radius is 8mm greater than the 10ppm radius of the signal recycling cavity beam; therefore, the horizontal and vertical tolerance in placement of the baffles is +/- 8mm. This meets the clear aperture requirement. 4 SCATTERED LIGHT DISPLACEMENT NOISE 4.1 Scattered Light Requirement A DARM signal is obtained when the differential arm length is modulated as a result of a gravity wave strain. The DARM signal was calculated in reference, T060073-00 Transfer Functions of Injected Noise, and is defined by the following expression: 50 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Vsignal DARMLhSRD P0 Where L is the arm length, hSRD is the minimum SRD gravity wave strain spectral density requirement, P0 is the input laser power into the IFO, and DARM is the signal transfer function. In a similar manner, an apparent signal (scattered light noise) occurs when a scattered light field with a phase shift is injected into the IFO at some particular location, e.g. through the back of the ETM mirror. The scattered light noise is defined by the following expression: Vnoise SNXXX SN PSNi PSNi is the scattered light power injected into the IFO mode, δSN is the phase shift of the injected field, and SNXXX is the noise transfer function for that particular injection location. The phase shift spectral density of the injected field due to the motion of the scattering surface is given by 4 x SNi s where xs is the spectral density of the longitudinal motion of the scattering surface. In general, the different scattering sources are not coherent and must be added in quadrature. The requirement for total scattered light displacement noise can be stated with the following inequality: n i 1 2 SNXXX 4 xs PSNi 1 LhSRD DARM P0 10 The SNXXX/DARM scattered light noise transfer function ratios for various injection locations within the IFO are shown in Figure 35: Scattered Light Noise Transfer Functions. 51 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 Transfer Fcn Ratio [m] 10 10 10 10 10 –v5 -8 ETM ITM HR ITM AR PRM SRM BS FROM PR BS FROM SR BS FROM ITM -10 -12 -14 -16 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 Frequency [Hz] Figure 35: Scattered Light Noise Transfer Functions 4.1.1 Scattered Light Parameters The arm cavity power was taken from T070303 with an arm cavity gain of 13000 referenced to the PSL input power of 125 W. 52 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 10 Motion of HEPI @ 200 Hz, m/rt Hz xhepi 2 10 Motion of HAM table @ 100 Hz, m/rt Hz xham 1.3 10 Motion of HAM flange @ 100 Hz, m/rt Hz xhamflange 1.7 10 laser wavelength, m 1.064 10 wave number, m^-1 k 2 IFO waist size, m wifo 0.012 solid angle of IFO mode, sr ifo Transfer function @ 100 Hz, ITM AR TFitmar 3.16 10 Transfer function @ 100 Hz, BS from SR TFsrbs 4.46 10 11 11 6 6 k 5.905 10 wifo 2 9 ifo 2.502 10 11 11 Ref. T070247 Transmissivity of ITM HR Titmhr 0.014 Transmissivity of ETM HR Tetm 5 10 ETM transmitted power, W Petmtr 4.4 input laser power, W Ppsl 125 arm cavity gain Gac 13000 arm cavity power, W Pa power in power recycling cavity both W arm, arms, W Prca rc Gaussian power parameter in recycling cavity P0rc Prca Power recycling cavity gain reflport as output transmissivity power portafter in signal signal signal signal SRM, power, ratio of ratio recycling SRM W WHRcavity, W 6 Ppsl 2 Gac 2P Pa Titmhr 44 2 Prca Grc PPsrm Psrc psl G P Tas 0.001080 PT 0.0010 Gsrmhr G Pas refl sc srm srmhr psl as0.200 psl 5 Pa 8.125 10 3 Prc 5.688 10 3 rca 2.844 10 3 P0rc 2.844 10 Grc 45.5 Psrc sc 0.135 53 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 reflectivity of BS HR Rbshr 0.50 reflectivity of BS AR Rbsar 50 10 Reflectivity of ITM HR Ritmhr 0.9860 Reflectivity of ITM AR Ritmar 50 10 reflectivity of AS septum port Rsp 0.0025 reflectivity of PR3 HR Rpr3hr 0.9999 reflectivity of SR3 transmissivity PR3 PR2 PRM of SR3 PR3 PR2 PRM AR HR HRHR AR AR HR AR T Rpr2hr R 1 0.9999 10.212 10 RR Tpr2ar T 50 50 10 pr3hr pr3hr sr3hr prmhr pr3hr pr3ar pr2hr prmar prmhr prmar pr3ar pr2ar 6 6 66 54 5 T Rprmar 110.788 10 pr3hr prmhr pr3ar 10 pr2ar pr2hr sr3hr LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 5 reflectivity of SR3 AR Rsr3ar Rpr3ar Rsr3ar 5 10 transmissivity of SR3 AR Tsr3ar Tpr3ar Tsr3ar 1 reflectivity of SR2 HR Rsr2hr Rpr2hr Rsr2hr 1 transmissivity of SR2 HR Tsr2hr Tpr2hr Tsr2hr 10 10 reflectivity of SR2 AR Rsr2ar Rpr2ar Rsr2ar 5 10 transmissivity of SR2 AR Tsr2ar Tpr2ar Tsr2ar 0.99995 transmissivity of SRM HR Tsrmhr 0.200 reflectivity of SRM HR Rsrmhr 1 Tsrmhr reflectivity of SRM AR Rsrmar 50 10 transmissivity of SRM AR Tsrmar 1 Rsrmar Reflectivity of dichroic DCBS1 RDCBS1 0.99 Transmissivity of dichroic DCBS1 TDCBS1 1 RDCBS1 Reflectivity of viewport Rvp 0.0025 Reflectivity of HWS mirrors BRDF of dichroic plate beam chamber viewport mirror DCBS1 wall, dump, sr^-1sr^-1 R BRDF 0.005 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.05 HWSplatebd mirror DCBS1 wall vp0.99 5 5 Rsrmhr 0.8 6 Tsrmar 1 55 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 BRDF of lens BRDFlens 1 Beam Waist after H2 SR3 wsr30 0.114 10 Beam waist after H2 SR2 wsr20 0.094 10 Beam waist after H2 VAC LENSX wvaclensx0 0.42 10 Beam waist after H2 VAC LENSY wvaclensy0 2.739 10 Beam Waist after H1 SR3 wsr30 0.114 10 Beam waist after H1 SR2 wsr20 0.096 10 Beam waist after H1 VAC LENSX wvaclensx0 0.523 10 Beam waist after H1 VAC LENSY wvaclensy0 0.152 10 reflectivity of FM HR RFMhr Rpr3hr reflectivity of BS AR Rbsar 5 10 Reflectivity of SR3 RSR3 0.9999 Reflectivity of dichroic DCBS1 RDCBS1 0.99 Transmissivity of dichroic DCBS1 TDCBS1 1 RDCBS1 Transmissivity Reflectivity transmissivity of HWS viewport of ofSR2 lens mirrors HR R Tvp 0.0025 0.99 0.005 110 10 lens HWS sr2hr 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 RFMhr 1 5 5 56 Tlens 0.995 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 4.1.2 BRDF of Baffle Surfaces The baffle surfaces are oxidized polished stainless steel, with a measured BRDF < 0.03 sr^-1 @ > 5 deg incidence angle. 4.1.3 HAM ISI Seismic Motion The seismic motion of the HAM ISI optical table at LLO and the HAM chamber viewport motions are shown below in Figure 36. 57 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 -8 10 L1HAMISI z HAM6Flange -9 10 -10 Displacement [m/rtHz] 10 -11 10 -12 10 -13 10 -14 10 -15 10 1 10 2 3 10 10 4 10 Frequency [Hz] Figure 36: HAM optics table Seismic Motion, m/rtHz 4.1.4 Naming Convention for Wedged Optics 58 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Figure 37: Wedged Core Optic ghost beam naming convention Figure 38: BS ghost beam naming convention 59 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 4.1.5 SR3 HR Baffle Scatter The SR3 HR Baffle catches ghost beams of order GB4 and higher, and the scattered light displacement noise from these beams is negligible. The scatter from the non-polished edge of the baffle hole is negligible, and the edge does not need to be beveled. 4.1.6 SR3 AR Baffle Scatter The SR3 AR Baffle catches 1) the transmission of the main through the SR3 AR surface and scatters light back toward the BS, and 2) the SR3 GBAR3 ghost beam. The scattered light displacement noise caused by scattering from the SR3 AR Baffle is calculated below. Transmission of Signal Recycling Cavity Main Beam through SR3 HR The signal recycling cavity has two counter propagating beams that strike the SR3 HR surface. power incident on SR3 AR Baffle (forward and backward beams), W Psr3arbaf 2Psrc Tsr3hr Tsr3ar 4 Psr3arbaf 1.35 10 The beam incident from the BS is scattered by the SR3 AR Baffle back toward the BS, directly into the mode of the IFO. power scattered from SR3 AR Baffle toward BS, W Psr3arbafbss Psr3arbaf BRDFbd ifo Tsr3hr Tsr3ar 2 19 Psr3arbafbss 8.445 10 The beam incident from SR2 is scattered by the SR3 AR Baffle back toward SR2, into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror curvature. power scattered from SR3 AR Baffle toward SR2 W Psr3arbafsr2s Psr3arbaf 2 BRDFbd ifo wifo 2 2 Tsr3hr Tsr3ar wsr30 15 Psr3arbafsr2s 9.357 10 60 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 The total power scattered is given by power scattered from SR3 AR Baffle, W Psr3arbafs Psr3arbafbss Psr3arbafsr2s This scattered light from the signal recycling cavity enters the IFO mode through the BS; the displacement noise is given by 0.5 Psr3arbafs DNsr3arbaf TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 25 DNsr3arbaf 1.139 10 SR3 GBAR3 Ghost Beam The SR3 GBAR3 ghost beams from the two counter propagating signal recycling cavity beams are caught on the SR3 AR Baffle. The scattered light displacement noise caused by scattering from the SR3 AR Baffle is calculated below. power incident on GBAR3 AR Baffle (forward and backward beams), W Psr3gbar3 2 Psrc Tsr3hr Rsr3ar Rsr3hr Tsr3ar 9 Psr3gbar3 6.749 10 The GBAR3 beam incident from the BS is scattered back toward the BS, directly into the mode of the IFO. power scattered from SR3 AR Baffle toward BS, W Psr3gbar3bss Psr3gbar3 2 BRDFbd ifo Tsr3hr Rsr3ar Rsr3hr Tsr3ar 27 Psr3gbar3bss 2.111 10 The other GBAR3 beam, incident from the SR2, scatters back toward SR2 into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror curvature. 61 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 power scattered from SR3 AR Baffle toward SR2, W Psr3gbar3sr2s Psr3gbar3 2 BRDFbd ifo wifo 2 2 Tsr3hr Rsr3ar Rsr3hr Tsr3ar wsr30 23 Psr3gbar3sr2s 2.339 10 The total power scattered is given by: total power scattered from SR3 AR Baffle, W Psr3gbar3s Psr3gbar3bss Psr3gbar3sr2s 23 Psr3gbar3s 2.339 10 This scattered light from the signal recycling cavity enters the IFO mode through the BS; the displacement noise is given by 0.5 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz Psr3gbar3s DNsr3gbar3 TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 30 DNsr3gbar3 5.697 10 SR3 GBHR3 Ghost Beam The SR3 GBHR3 ghost beams from the two counter propagating signal recycling cavity beams will hit the mode cleaner tube wall and scatter back toward the signal recycling cavity. power incident on SR3 GBHR3 (forward and backward beams), W Psr3gbhr3 2 Psrc Tsr3hr Rsr3ar Tsr3hr 13 Psr3gbhr3 6.75 10 The GBHR3 beam incident from the BS is scattered back toward the BS, directly into the mode of the IFO. 62 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 power scattered from SR3 GBHR3 toward BS, W Psr3gbhr3 Psr3gbhr3bss 2 BRDFwall ifo Tsr3hr Rsr3ar Tsr3hr 35 Psr3gbhr3bss 4.223 10 The other GBHR3 beam, incident from the SR2, scatters back toward SR2 into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror curvature. power scattered from SR3 GBHR3 toward SR2 W Psr3gbhr3sr2s Psr3gbhr3 2 BRDFwall ifo wifo 2 2 Tsr3hr Rsr3ar Tsr3hr wsr30 31 Psr3gbhr3sr2s 4.679 10 The total scattered power is given by total power scattered from SR3 GBHR3 Psr3gbhr3s Psr3gbhr3bss Psr3gbhr3sr2s 31 Psr3gbhr3s 4.68 10 This scattered light from the signal recycling cavity enters the IFO mode through the BS; the displacement noise is given by 0.5 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz Psr3gbhr3s DNsr3gbhr3 TFsrbs xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 31 DNsr3gbhr3 5.479 10 4.1.7 SR2 Scraper Baffle Scatter The SR2 scraper baffles on HAM4, and HAM10 traps half of the ghost beams from the ITM, CP, and BS; the other half of the ghost beams is trapped by the PR2 scraper baffles located on HAM3 and HAM9. 63 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 The scatter from the non-polished edge of the baffle hole is negligible, and the edge does not need to be beveled. The scattered light displacement noise caused by scattering of the ghost beams from the SR2 Scraper Baffle is calculated below. ITM Ghosts Beams The X and Y ITM ghost beams are coherent but may have different phase. For the worst case, we will assume that the fields add in phase. ITM_GBAR1 H1 Pitmar1bd Prc Rbshr Ritmar Power incident on SR2 Scraper Baffle from both arms, W Pitmar1bd 0.142 both ITM AR1 BD scattered power into BS from SR2 Scraper baffle, W wifo Pitmar1bds Pitmar1bd BRDFbd 2 0 2 ifo Rbshr Ritmar wsr30 12 Pitmar1bds 9.857 10 0.5 Pitmar1bds DNitmar1bd TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 24 DNitmar1bd 3.698 10 ITM_GBAR3 H1 power incident on SR2 Scraper Baffle from both arms, W 2 Pitmar3bd Prc Rbshr Ritmhr Ritmar 1 Ritmar 2 Pitmar3bd 0.1382 power scattered from SR2 Scraper Baffle, W Pitmar3bds Pitmar3bd BRDFbd wifo 2 0 2 2 ifo Rbshr Ritmhr Ritmar 1 Ritmar 2 wsr30 11 Pitmar3bds 1.009 10 64 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 0.5 Pitmar3bds DNitmar3bd TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 24 DNitmar3bd 3.595 10 BS Ghosts Beam The beam splitter ghost beams from both arms are almost anti-resonant and the wave fronts overlap; therefore, their coherent sum is reduced by the square of the asymmetry coefficient for common mode field rejection. BS_GBAR3P H1 Pbsar3sr2baf Prc 1 Rbsar Rbshr 1 Rbshr Rbsar Rbshr 1 Rbsar Cassy 2 Pbsar3sr2baf 0.169 power scattered from SR2 Scraper Baffle, W Pbsar3sr2bafs Pbsar3sr2baf BRDFbd wifo 2 2 wsr30 ifo 1 Rbsar Rbshr Rbsar 1 Rbshr Rbshr 1 Rbsar 12 Pbsar3sr2bafs 5.848 10 0.5 Pbsar3sr2bafs displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz DNbsar3sr2baf TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNbsar3sr2baf 2.018 10 CP Ghosts Beam The X and Y CP ghost beams are coherent but may have different phase. For the worst case, we will assume that the fields add in phase. 65 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 CP_GBAR1 H1 power incident on SR2 Scraper Baffle from both arms, W Pcpar1sr2baf Prc Rbshr Rcpar Pcpar1sr2baf 0.142 power scattered from SR2 Scraper Baffle, W Pcpar1sr2bafs Pcpar1sr2baf BRDFbd wifo 2 0 2 ifo Rbshr Rcpar wsr30 12 Pcpar1sr2bafs 9.857 10 0.5 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz Pcpar1sr2bafs DNcpar1sr2baf TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNcpar1sr2baf 2.62 10 CP_GBAR3 H1 power incident on SR2 Scraper Baffle from both arms, W Pcpar3sr2baf 0.14 Pcpar3sr2baf Prc Rbshr Ritmhr Rcpar power scattered from SR2 Scraper Baffle, W Pcpar3sr2bafs Pcpar3sr2baf BRDFbd wifo 2 0 R Ritmhr Rcpar 2 ifo bshr wsr30 12 Pcpar3sr2bafs 9.583 10 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 66 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 0.5 Pcpar3sr2bafs DNcpar3sr2baf TFitmar xham 2 k 24 Ppsl DNcpar3sr2baf 2.583 10 Summary SR2 Scraper Baffle Scatter -16 10 Thermal Noise AOS Req ITM GBAR1 SR2 Scraper Baf ITM GBAR3 SR2 Scraper Baf CP GBAR1 SR2 Scraper Baf CP GBAR3 SR2 Scraper Baf BS GBAR3P SR2 Scraper Baf -18 Displacement [m/rtHz] 10 -20 10 -22 10 -24 10 1 2 10 3 10 Frequency [Hz] 10 Figure 39: SR2 Scraper Baffle Scatter SRM GBAR3 Ghost Beam The SRM GBAR3 ghost beam is caught on the input baffle of the Output Faraday; it will scatter from the baffle toward the SRM and enter the signal recycling cavity. power incident on SRM AR Baffle, W Psrmarbaf Psrm Rsrmar Rsrmhr Tsrmar 6 The GBAR3 beam is scattered Psrmarbaf 5.4 10 of the beam waist created by the SRM mirror transmission. back toward SRM, into the mode 67 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 power scattered from SRM AR Baffle, W Psrmarbafs Psrmarbaf BRDFbd wifo 2 2 ifo Rsrmar Rsrmhr Tsrmar wsrm0 18 Psrmarbafs 5.502 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through SRM; the displacement noise is given by 0.5 Psrmarbafs DNsrmarbafs TFsrm xham 2 k Ppsl displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 26 DNsrmarbafs 2.614 10 SRM GBHR3 Ghost Beam The SRM GBHR3 ghost beam is caught on the Mode Cleaner Tube Baffle; it will scatter from the baffle back toward the SRM and enter the signal recycling cavity. power of SRM GBHR3, W Psrmhr3 Psrm Rsrmar Tsrmhr 6 Psrmhr3 1.35 10 The SRM GBHR3 beam is scattered back toward SRM, into the mode of the beam waist created by transmission through the SRM. power scattered from SRM GBHR3 Mode Cleaner Tube Baffle, W Psrmhr3bafs Psrmhr3 BRDFbd wifo 2 2 ifo Rsrmar Tsrmhr wsrm0 19 Psrmhr3bafs 3.439 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through SRM; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 68 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 0.5 Psrmhr3bafs DNsrmhr3bafs TFsrm xham 2 k Ppsl 27 DNsrmhr3bafs 6.536 10 Summary SR3, SR2, SRM Ghost Beam Scatter AOS Req SRM GBAR3 SRM GBHR3 SR2 GBAR3 SR2 GBHR3 SR3 GBAR3 SR3 GBHR3 SR3 AR Baffle -20 Displacement [m/rtHz] 10 -25 10 -30 10 -35 10 1 2 10 3 10 10 4 10 Frequency [Hz] Figure 40: Summary of SR Ghost Beam Scatter 4.1.8 H2 Hartmann Y Scatter The 1064nm power recycling cavity beam from the Y-arm follows the Hartmann Y path: 1) reflection from the BS AR, 2) reflection from mirror HWSYM1, 3) reflection from mirror HWSYM2, 4) reflection from HWSYM3, 5) transmission through dichroic filter DCBS1Y, 6) and transmission through VAC LENSY; see Figure 7. The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITMY AR surface. Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSYM1 The Hartmann Y beam will scatter from the HWSYM1 mirror back toward the ITM AR, into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror. 69 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H2 HWSY M1 power incident on HWSY M1, W Phwsym1 Rbsar Prca Phwsym1 0.142 power scattered from HWSY M1, W wifo Phwsym1s Rbsar Phwsym1 BRDFmirror 2 2 ifo wh2sr30 13 Phwsym1s 9.857 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITM AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Phwsym1s DNhwsym1sifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNhwsym1sifo 1.226 10 The scattered light displacement noise caused by scatter from the HWSYM1 mirror is marginally acceptable with an assumed BRDF = 0.005 sr^-1. Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSYM2 The Hartmann Y beam will scatter from the HWSYM2 mirror back toward the ITM AR into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror. H2 HWSY M2 power incident on HWSY M2, W Phwsym2 RHWS Rbsar Prca Phwsym2 0.141 power scattered from HWSY M2, W 70 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Phwsym2s RHWS Rbsar Phwsym2 BRDFmirror wifo 2 2 ifo wh2sr30 13 Phwsym2s 9.66 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITM AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Phwsym2s DNhwsym2sifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNhwsym2sifo 1.214 10 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSYM3 The Hartmann Y beam will scatter from the H2 HWSYM3 mirror back toward the ITM AR into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror. power incident on HWSY M3, W Phwsym3 RHWS RHWS Rbsar Prca Phwsym3 0.139 power scattered from HWSY M3, W Phwsym3s RHWS RHWS Rbsar Phwsym3 BRDFmirror wifo 2 2 ifo wh2sr30 13 Phwsym3s 9.468 10 71 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITM AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Phwsym3s DNhwsym3sifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNhwsym3sifo 1.202 10 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 DCBS1Y The Hartmann Y beam will scatter from the H2 DCBS1Y filter back toward the ITM AR into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror. H2 DCBS1Y power incident on DCBS1Y, W Pdcbs1y RHWS RHWS RHWS Rbsar Prca Pdcbs1y 0.138 power scattered from DCBS1Y, W Pdcbs1ys RHWS RHWS RHWS Rbsar Pdcbs1y BRDFDCBS1 wifo 2 2 ifo wh2sr30 12 Pdcbs1ys 1.856 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITM AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Pdcbs1ys DNdcbs1ysifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNdcbs1ysifo 1.19 10 72 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 VAC LENSY The Hartmann Y beam will scatter from the H2 DCBS1Y filter back toward the ITM AR into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror. H2 VAC LENSY power incident on H2 VAC LENSY, W Ph2vaclensy TDCBS1 RHWS RHWS RHWS Rbsar Prca 3 Ph2vaclensy 1.38 10 power scattered from VAC LENSY, W Ph2vaclensys TDCBS1 RHWS RHWS RHWS Rbsar Ph2vaclensy BRDFlens wifo 2 2 ifo wh2sr30 14 Ph2vaclensys 1.856 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITM AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2vaclensys DNh2vaclensysifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 25 DNh2vaclensysifo 1.683 10 The lens should be tilted to avoid a direct specular reflection back toward the incident beam. A near normal incidence BRDF = 1 sr^-1 was assumed for the calculation, which will probably require an incidence angle > 0.5 deg. A low-scattering lens surface finish and AR coating should be used to minimize the scattering. H2 Hartmann Y Viewport Scatter The Hartmann Y beam will scatter from the HAM chamber viewport back toward the ITM AR surface, into the mode of the beam waist created by the H2 VAC LENSY. 73 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H2 Hartmann Y viewport scatter power incident on Hartmann X viewport, W Ph2hyvp Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS RHWS RHWS Rbsar Prca 3 Ph2hyvp 1.373 10 power scattered from Hartmann Y viewport, W Ph2hyvps Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS RHWS RHWS Rbsar Ph2hyvp BRDFvp wifo 2 2 ifo wh2vaclensy0 19 Ph2hyvps 1.592 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITM AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2hyvps DNh2hyvpsifo TFitmar xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 25 DNh2hyvpsifo 2.264 10 H2 Hartmann Y Viewport Reflection, HAM Chamber Scatter Part of the Hartmann Y beam will reflect from the HAM chamber viewport and scatter from the chamber wall back toward the ITM AR surface into the mode of the beam waist created by the H2 VAC LENSY mirror. The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITM AR side; the displacement noise is given by 74 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H2 Hartmann Y viewport reflected wall scatter power incident on Hartmann X viewport reflected wall, W Prc Ph2hyvprwall Rvp Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS RHWS RHWS Rbsar 2 6 Ph2hyvprwall 3.432 10 power scattered from Hartmann Y viewport reflected wall, W Ph2hyvprwalls Rvp Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS RHWS RHWS Rbsar Ph2hyvprwall BRDFwall wifo 2 2 ifo wh2vaclensy0 23 Ph2hyvprwalls 1.989 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITM AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2hyvprwalls DNh2hyvprwallsifo TFitmar xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 27 DNh2hyvprwallsifo 2.531 10 The scattered light from the viewport reflection is negligible, and therefore no reflected viewport beam dumps are needed! Summary of H2 Hartmann Y Scatter 75 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 -18 10 SRD Req AOS Req H2 HWSY M1 H2 HWSY M2 H2 HWSY M3 H2 DCBSY H2 VACLENSY H2 HartmannY VP H2 HartmannY VP REFL -20 10 -22 Displacement [m/rtHz] 10 -24 10 -26 10 -28 10 -30 10 1 2 10 3 10 10 4 10 Frequency [Hz] Figure 41: Summary of H2 Hartmann Y Surfaces Scatter 4.1.9 H2 Hartmann X Scatter The 1064nm signal recycling cavity beam transmitted through the BS from the X-arm follows the Hartmann X path 1) transmission through the SR2 AR, 2) reflection from mirror H2 HWSXM1, 3) transmission through dichroic filter H2 DCBS1X, 4) transmission through H2 VAC LENSX, 5) reflection from mirror H2 HWSXM2, and 6) reflection from mirror H2 HWSXM3. Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSXM1 The Hartmann X beam will scatter from the HWSXM1 mirror back toward the BS, into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR2 mirror. 76 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H2 HWSX M1 power incident on H2 HWSX M1, W Ph2hwsxm1 Tsr2hr Psrc 5 Ph2hwsxm1 6.75 10 power scattered from H2 HWSX M1, W Ph2hwsxm1s Tsr2hr Ph2hwsxm1 BRDFmirror wifo 2 2 ifo wh2sr20 The scattered light enters the IFO mode from the signal recycling cavity through the BS AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2hwsxm1s DNh2hwsxm1sifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 26 DNh2hwsxm1sifo 6.467 10 The scattered light displacement noise caused by scatter from the HWSYM1 mirror is acceptable with an assumed BRDF = 0.005 sr^-1. Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 DCBS1X The Hartmann X beam will scatter from the H2 DCBS1X filter back toward the BS, into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR2 mirror. H2 DCBS1X power incident on H2DCBS1X, W Ph2dcbs1x RHWS Tsr2hr Psrc 77 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 5 Ph2dcbs1x 6.682 10 power scattered from DCBS1X, W Ph2dcbs1xs RHWS Tsr2hr Psrc Ph2dcbs1x BRDFDCBS1 wifo 2 2 ifo wh2sr20 15 Ph2dcbs1xs 1.821 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode from the signal recycling cavity through the BS AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2dcbs1xs DNh2dcbs1xsifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 26 DNh2dcbs1xsifo 5.26 10 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 VAC LENSX The Hartmann Y beam will scatter from the H2 VAC LENSX lens back toward the ITM AR into the mode of the beam waist created by the SR3 mirror. 78 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H2 VAC LENSX power incident on H2 VAC LENSX, W Ph2vaclensx TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Psrc 7 Ph2vaclensx 6.682 10 power scattered from VAC LENSX, W Ph2vaclensxs TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Ph2vaclensx BRDFlens wifo 2 2 ifo wh2sr20 17 Ph2vaclensxs 2.698 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode from the signal recycling cavity through the BS AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2vaclensxs DNh2vaclensxsifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 27 DNh2vaclensxsifo 9.055 10 The lens should be tilted to avoid a direct specular reflection back toward the incident beam. A near normal incidence BRDF = 1 sr^-1 was assumed for the calculation, which will probably require an incidence angle > 0.5 deg. A low-scattering lens surface finish and AR coating should be used to minimize the scattering. Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSXM2 The Hartmann X beam will scatter from the HWSXM2 mirror back toward the BS, into the mode of the beam waist created by the H2 VAC LENSX. 79 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H2 HWSX M2 Ph2hwsxm2 Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Psrc power incident on H2 HWSX M2, W 7 Ph2hwsxm2 6.649 10 power scattered from H2 HWSX M2, W Ph2hwsxm2s Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Ph2hwsxm2 BRDFmirror wifo 2 2 ifo wh2vaclensx0 21 Ph2hwsxm2s 6.69 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode from the signal recycling cavity through the BS AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2hwsxm2s DNh2hwsxm2sifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 28 DNh2hwsxm2sifo 1.426 10 A laser quality mirror with a BRDF < 5E-3 sr^-1 will suffice. H2 Scattered Light Displacement Noise from H2 HWSXM3 The Hartmann X beam will scatter from the H2 HWSXM2 mirror back toward the BS, into the mode of the beam waist created by the H2 VAC LENSX. 80 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H2 HWSX M3 power incident on H2 HWSX M3, W Ph2hwsxm3 RHWS Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Psrc 7 Ph2hwsxm3 6.583 10 power scattered from H2 HWSX M3, W Ph2hwsxm3s RHWS Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Ph2hwsxm3 BRDFmirror wifo 2 2 ifo wh2vaclensx0 21 Ph2hwsxm3s 6.557 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode from the signal recycling cavity through the BS AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2hwsxm3s DNh2hwsxm3sifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 28 DNh2hwsxm3sifo 1.412 10 A laser quality mirror with a BRDF < 5E-3 sr^-1 will suffice. H2 Hartmann X Viewport Scatter The Hartmann X beam will scatter from the HAM chamber viewport back toward the BS, into the mode of the beam waist created by the H2 VAC LENSX. 81 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H2 Hartmann X viewport scatter power incident on H2 Hartmann X viewport, W Ph2hxvp RHWS RHWS Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Psrc 7 Ph2hxvp 6.517 10 power scattered from Hartmann X viewport, W Ph2hxvps RHWS RHWS Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Ph2hxvp BRDFvp wifo 2 2 ifo wh2vaclensx0 21 Ph2hxvps 6.426 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode from the signal recycling cavity through the BS AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2hxvps DNh2hxvpsifo TFsrbs xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 26 DNh2hxvpsifo 6.421 10 H2 Hartmann X Viewport Reflection, HAM Chamber Scatter Part of the Hartmann X beam will reflect from the HAM chamber viewport and scatter from the chamber wall back toward the BS, into the mode of the beam waist created by the H2 VAC LENSX. 82 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Hartmann X viewport reflected wall scatter power incident on Hartmann X viewport reflected wall, W Ph2hxvprwall Rvp RHWS RHWS Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Psrc 9 Ph2hxvprwall 1.629 10 power scattered from Hartmann X viewport reflected wall, W Ph2hxvprwalls Rvp RHWS RHWS Tlens TDCBS1 RHWS Tsr2hr Ph2hxvprwall BRDFwall wifo 2 2 ifo wh2vaclensx0 25 Ph2hxvprwalls 8.033 10 The scattered light enters the IFO mode from the signal recycling cavity through the BS AR side; the displacement noise is given by displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph2hxvprwalls DNh2hxvprwallsifo TFsrbs xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 28 DNh2hxvprwallsifo 7.179 10 The scattered light from the viewport reflection is negligible, and therefore no reflected viewport beam dumps are needed! Summary of H2 Hartmann X Scatter 83 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 -18 10 SRD Req AOS Req H2 HWSX M1 H2 DCBS1X H2 VACLENSX H2 HWSX M2 H2 HWSX M3 H2 HartmannX VP H2 HartmannX VP REFL -20 10 -22 Displacement [m/rtHz] 10 -24 10 -26 10 -28 10 -30 10 1 10 2 3 10 10 4 10 Frequency [Hz] Figure 42: Summary of H2 Hartmann X Surfaces Scatter 4.1.10 H1 & L1 Hartmann Beam Scatter The scattered light displacement noise calculations for H1, and L1 are similar to those presented for H2. The results of the calculations will be presented in the following. H1 & L1 Hartmann X Arm The 1064nm power recycling cavity beam from the X-arm follows the Hartmann X path: 1) reflection from the BS AR, 2) reflection from mirror HWSXM1, 3) reflection from mirror HWSXM2, 4) 4) reflection from HWSXM3, 5) transmission through dichroic filter DCBS1X, 6) and transmission through VAC LENSX; see Figure 7. The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the ITMX AR surface. 84 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H1 HWSX M1 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hwsxm1s DNh1hwsxm1sifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNh1hwsxm1sifo 1.226 10 H1 HWSX M2 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hwsxm2s DNh1hwsxm2sifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNh1hwsxm2sifo 1.214 10 H1 HWSX M3 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hwsxm3s DNh1hwsxm3sifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNh1hwsxm3sifo 1.202 10 H1 DCBS1X displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1dcbs1xs DNh1dcbs1xsifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 24 DNh1dcbs1xsifo 1.683 10 The scattered light displacement noise 85 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 caused by scatter from the HWSYM1, 2, and 3 mirrors and the H1 DCBS1X filter is acceptable with an assumed BRDF = 0.005 sr^-1. H1 VAC LENSX displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1vaclensxs DNh1vaclensxsifo TFitmar xham 2 k Ppsl 25 DNh1vaclensxsifo 1.683 10 The lens should be tilted to avoid a direct specular reflection back toward the incident beam. A near normal incidence BRDF = 1 sr^-1 was assumed for the calculation, which will probably require an incidence angle > 0.5 deg. A low-scattering lens surface finish and AR coating should be used to minimize the scattering. H1 Hartmann X viewport scatter displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hxvps DNh1hxvpsifo TFitmar xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 24 DNh1hxvpsifo 1.186 10 H1 Hartmann X viewport reflected wall scatter displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hxvprwalls DNh1hxvprwallsifo TFitmar xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 26 DNh1hxvprwallsifo 1.326 10 The scatter from the viewport and the reflected wall scatter is negligible. 86 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 Summary of H1 & L1 Hartmann X Scatter -18 10 SRD Req AOS Req H1 HWSX M1 H1 HWSXM2 H1 HWSXM3 H1 DCBS1X H1 VACLENSX H1 HartmannX VP HartmannX VP REFL -20 10 -22 Displacement [m/rtHz] 10 -24 10 -26 10 -28 10 -30 10 1 10 2 3 10 10 4 10 Frequency [Hz] Figure 43: Summary of H1 & L1 Hartmann X H1 & L1 Hartmann Y Arm The 1064nm signal recycling cavity beam transmitted through the BS from the Y-arm follows the Hartmann Y path 1) transmission through the SR2 AR, 2) reflection from mirror H2 HWSYM1, 3) reflection from mirror H2 HWSYM2, 4) transmission through dichroic filter H2 DCBS1Y, 5) transmission through H2 VAC LENSY, and 6) reflection from mirror H2 HWSYM3, as seen in Figure 1. The scattered light enters the IFO mode through the BS AR from the signal recycling cavity side. 87 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 H1 HWSY M1 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hwsym1s DNh1hwsym1sifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 26 DNh1hwsym1sifo 6.333 10 H1 HWSY M2 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hwsym2s DNh1hwsym2sifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 26 DNh1hwsym2sifo 6.269 10 H1 DCBS1Y displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1dcbs1ys DNh1dcbs1ysifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 26 DNh1dcbs1ysifo 7.211 10 The scattered light displacement noise caused by scatter from the HWSYM1, 2 mirrors and the H1 DCBS1Y filter is acceptable with an assumed BRDF = 0.005 sr^-1. H1 VAC LENSY displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1vaclensys DNh1vaclensysifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 27 DNh1vaclensysifo 8.777 10 88 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 The lens should be tilted to avoid a direct specular reflection back toward the incident beam. A near normal incidence BRDF = 1 sr^-1 was assumed for the calculation, which will probably require an incidence angle > 0.5 deg. A low-scattering lens surface finish and AR coating should be used to minimize the scattering. H1 HWSY M3 displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hwsym3s DNh1hwsym3sifo TFsrbs xham 2 k Ppsl 28 DNh1hwsym3sifo 3.9 10 A laser quality mirror with a BRDF < 5E-3 sr^-1 will suffice. H1 Hartmann Y viewport scatter displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hyvps DNh1hyvpsifo TFsrbs xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 25 DNh1hyvpsifo 1.774 10 H1 Hartmann Y viewport reflected wall scatter displacement noise @ 100 Hz, m/rtHz 0.5 Ph1hyvprwalls DNh1hyvprwallsifo TFsrbs xhamflange 2 k Ppsl 27 DNh1hyvprwallsifo 1.984 10 Hartmann viewport scatter, and Hartmann viewport reflected wall scatter are negligible because the incident power has been attenuated by the dichroic filter and the AR surface of the viewport. Summary of H1 & L1 Hartmann Y Scatter 89 LIGO LIGO- T1100445 –v5 -18 10 SRD Req AOS Req H1 HWSYM1 H1 HWSYM2 H1 DCBS1Y H1 VACLENSY H1 HWSYM3 H1 HartmannY VP H1 HartmannY VP REFL -20 10 -22 Displacement [m/rtHz] 10 -24 10 -26 10 -28 10 -30 10 1 10 2 3 10 10 4 10 Frequency [Hz] Figure 44: Summary of H1 & L1 Hartmann Y Scatter 5 INTERFACE CONTROL DOCUMENT The mechanical and optical interfaces of the Signal Recycling Cavity Baffles are described in E1100xxx TBD Signal Recycling Cavity Baffle Interface Control Document. 90