Production and Diagnosis of low Density of Plasma MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISION (WRO) V.R.KHADSE Department of physics, Moolji jaitha College, Jalgaon 1. Technical write up of the project I. Experimental System : As proposed, the objective of this project was to setup a laboratory plasma system and to carry out diagnostic measurement using electrical probes. The plasma system fabricated during the present work consists of following sub systems 1. Discharge tube assembly . 2. Rotary vacuum system. 3. Electrical double probe system for diagnostic purpose. 1. Discharge tube assembly : The schematic diagram of complete discharge tube assembly is shown in Figure 1 a. Actual photograph of the plasma system along with power supplies and the measuring instruments is shown in figure 1b. The plasma system consists of a T type discharge tube 30 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter made up of corning glass to which the discharge electrodes (anode and cathode ) are connected through the side ports with B20 joints. Three B14 joints are , placed 6 cm apart and are used for inserting Langmuir probe and a double probe for diagnostic measurement. The anode and cathode were made-up of commercial aluminium of the size 25 mm dia. , and 4 mm thick. The electrode edges and surfaces were smoothly rounded to avoid sparking. The lower part of the discharge tube is connected to a rotary –diffusion vacuum system. Double Probe Langmuir Probe B14 joint Cathode Anode To Vacuum System Figure 1a : schematic diagram of complete discharge tube assembly To Figure 1 b : Plasma system with power supplies and the measuring instruments 2. Rotary vacuum system. The vacuum system consists of a two stage rotary pump of 100 litres/min (Hind Hivac , model no. HHV -----). The discharge tube was directly mounted on the rotary pump flange provided with a ‘O’ ring and was fixed by nut and bolts. This arrangement provided an air tight environment in the tube and the desired pressure ( from 1 torr to .oo1 torr ) could be obtained by adjusting the needle valve fitted to the vacuum system. A thermocouple Pirani gauge was used to measure the vacuum in system. 3. Electrical double probe system The double probes were made from tungsten wire 0.5 mm in diameter. Spacing between two probes was 2 mm and the length exposed to plasma of each probe is 3 mm ( see figure 2a). Double probes were inserted through B14 cones on the discharge tube. Figure 2b shows the circuit diagram for the double probe measurements. A continuously variable DC voltage is applied between the two probes and the corresponding probe current was measured on a DC micro ammeter. The probe voltage was obtained from a 100 V regulated, stabilized power supply and was measured on a voltmeter. The Pohl’s commutator switch changes the polarity of voltage. Figure 2a : Double probe V Pohl’s commutator µA double probes plasma Figure 2b : The Double Probe Assembly II. Methodology: 2.1 Experimental procedure for generating plasma : The discharge tube was evacuated to a pressure of 0.01 torr by using rotary pump and dry air or desired gas was introduce through the needle valve till a stable vacuum condition between 0.1 torr to 0.5 torr is obtained. Continuously variable high voltage ( 0 to 1600V ) supply is connected between anode and cathode. The discharge voltage and the discharge current are monitored. The voltage is gradually increased till the discharge is produced in the tube. The discharge voltage is suitably adjusted so that fairly uniform plasma extends the tube and the double probe lies n the positive column of the discharge. Figure 3a shows the nature of discharge at the operating conditions of pressure = 0.5torr voltage = 800 V and current I = 50 mA . The violet coloured cathode glow and pink positive column are clearly observed . Out of these regions the positive column is treated as plasma. The discharge voltage was varied from 650 V to 1000 V and the corresponding discharge current is measured. A transition towards an arc plasma is observed above 1000V and the current becomes uncontrollable. Therefore in all the experiments the discharge was operated in the range 650V to 850V. Figure 3b shows the discharge characteristics. It is observed that the discharge current increases linearly with the discharge voltage indicating that the system is operating in discharge the normal glow region. 2.12 Plasma generation with different cathode geometries When the cathode shape is changed , the type of plasma generated is also changed. We have attempted an hallow cathode and a brush cathode geometry as they create a high density plasma which finds applications in sputtering, thin film deposition and nanotechnology . Figure 4 shows the cathodes fabricated with these geometries. Figure 5 shows the hallow cathode discharge with corresponding discharge characteristics. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Discharge Current mA Figure 3a : Discharge at 0.5 torr, 800 V, 40 mA. Discharge Voltage volts 600 650 700 750 800 850 Figure 3b :The discharge characteristics. Figure 4. Hallow Cathode and Brush Cathode Geometries Figure 5a. The Hallow Cathode Discharge 140 Discharge Current mA 120 100 80 60 40 20 Discharge Voltage volts 0 250 350 450 550 Figure 5b. Hallow Cathode Discharge Charactristics 650 2.2 Experimental procedure for probe measurements : The double probes , inserted in plasma , are interconnected as shown in Fig.2b. The differential probe voltage Vp is varied from 0 - 40 V and the associated probe current Ip is measured . A Pohl’s commutator, (DPDT switch ) used to change the probe polarity and thus the negative half of the probe characteristics is obtained. Typical double probe characteristics obtained under different plasma conditions are shown in the following figures. ( Figure 6a ,6b,6c,6d) 10 Vd = 730 V I d = 20 mA 3 1 8 Probe current µ A Vd = 650 V I d = 10 mA Probe current µ A 5 6 4 2 0 -35 -15 -1 5 25 Probe voltage V -40 -30 -20 -10 -2 0 10 20 30 40 Probe voltage V -4 -3 -6 -8 -5 -10 Figure 6a Figure 6b Vd = 780 V I d = 30 mA 12 -35 -25 -15 Vd = 820 V I d = 40 mA Probe current µ A Probe current µ A 12 8 4 0 -5 -4 -8 -12 5 15 25 35 Probe voltage V -35 -25 -15 8 4 0 -5 -4 -8 -12 5 15 25 Probe voltage V 35 Figure 4 : Experimentally observed double probe characteristics. 2.21 Analysis of double probe charactristics : Johnson and Malter [1] were first one to described the floating double probe technique for the measurements of plasma properties. They have extended the Langmuir single probe technique and developed equivalent resistance method to obtain the plasma electron temperature . Their theory is applicable if the probe characteristics is symmetric as shown in figure 5. The electron temperature (Te ) can be determined from the Vd – Id characteristics using the given expression . Te = 11 ,600 (G-G 2) Ro ΣIp where Ro = [ dVd/dId ] vd=O Ro is denoted as equivalent resistance . Figure 5. Symmetric Double Probe Characteristics { Johnson and Malter [1] } However under most of the experimental conditions the probe characteristics may not be symmetric. An example of the asymmetric double probe characteristics is presented in figure 6 . Yamanto and Okuda [2] , Dote [3] have modified the equivalent resistance method for an asymmetric probe characteristics of figure 6. Further modifications have been made by, Phadke et. al [4], Liberman [5] and Kaneda [6] . The ultimate expression for the electron temperature Te and the electron density is given as [3] : Figure 6 : Asymmetric Double Probe Charactristics { Dote [ 3 ] } 2.22 Results and Discussions : 1. The effect of cathode geometries can be understood by comparing the discharge characteristics of the plane cathode and the hollow cathode ( Fig. 3b and Fig.5b) . We see that relatively high values of currents voltages (120 mA compared to40 mA) are available with the hollow cathode discharge than the plane cathode geometry. Also the discharge operates at lower voltages (550 V compared to 800 V) making the handling easier. In the case of the hollow cathode discharge high sputtering rates are observed due to the ionic bombardment on the cathode material . Therefore these type of discharges find applications in surface coatings , generation of nano particles etc. 2. Experimentally observed probe characteristics shown in figure 4 were analysed using Dotes [3] method. From the curves of figure 4 the parameters (dVd/dId) 0 , ∑ Ipo, and slope S were determined and the electron temperature Te , the electron density ne of the discharge plasma were calculated using was determined. Table I summarizes these results. Obs. No. Discharge Voltage Volts Discharge Current mA Electron Temperature Te 0 K Electron Density Ne cm-3 1 650 10 3.7682t x 104 6.24 x 109 2 730 20 3.7104 x 104 1.07 x 1010 3 780 30 3.7565 x 104 2.41 x 1010 4 820 40 2.9515 x 104 6.10 x 1010 We see that the electron density increases with discharge current with a corresponding decrease in the electron temperature. In other words, the rise in the number density of electrons in the discharge is associated with a fall in their mean kinetic energy. This is attributed to the fact that the mean free path of the electrons becomes shorter and the increased electron neutral collision frequency results in reduction in the electron temperature of the discharge plasma. **** 3. References : 1. E. O. Johnson and L. Malter, Phys. Rev. (U.S.A) 80 (1950) 58. 2. K. Yamanto and T. Okuda, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 11 (1956) 57. 3. T. Dote, Japan J. Appl. Phys. (Japan) 2 (1968) 964. 4. Phadke et. al, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Phys. 26 Nov. (1988) 678. 5. M. A. Liberman and A. J. Lichtenberg, Principles of Plasma Discharges and Material Processing (Wiley, New York 1994) p 165. 6. T. Kaneda, Japan J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 16 (1977) No.10. **** Type equation here. 𝑻𝒆 = 𝒆 𝒌 = ∑ 𝑰𝒑𝒐 𝟒( )