Objectives and outcomes – activity mapping
Activities and resources will be added and hyperlinked as developed.
Resources to support outcomes
1. Enhance their ability to think
critically and creatively and make
decisions that promote the health,
safety and wellbeing of self and
1.1 Propose and evaluate situations
and solutions which may affect the
health, safety and wellbeing of self
and others
Recognising risk
The great debate
King or coward
Applying strengths, skills and strategies
When something goes wrong
What is a good night out?
Schoolies week
Home safely – drink walking
Counting the cost
What I know – Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Analysing crashes - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Think tank - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Drinking, drugs and driving – sudden impact - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
Home safely - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Under pressure - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
The birthday present - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
The Party Pack – supporting safe travel - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
1.2 Critically analyse situations,
attitudes and behaviours that
influence health, safety and
wellbeing in different contexts
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
Exploring gender identity
Do opposites really attract?
Gender matters
How are we represented?
If the category fits wear it
Influences on body image
Media world and me
Stairs to inclusivity
Young people, technology and sexuality
Responsibilities in a sexual relationship – Contact Tracing
Recognising risk
The great debate
Myths and facts
King or coward
When something goes wrong
Applying strengths, skills and strategies
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
What is a good night out?
Impact of drug use on future
Schoolies week
Reducing road user distraction
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
What I know – Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Analysing crashes - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Analysing advertising campaigns - Limiting Risks Protecting
Drugs, driving and drugs tests – research activity - Limiting
Risks Protecting Lives
Under pressure - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
2. Plan, develop and evaluate
strategies for supporting the
health, safety and wellbeing of self
and others
2.1 Formulate and reflect on strategies
and personal actions that enhance
health, safety and wellbeing
relevant to their current situation
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
Planning for the future
Mental Health and wellbeing Theme 1 – Self efficacy and
mental fitness
Stepping out to access sexual health services
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
When something goes wrong
Applying strengths, skills and strategies
What is a good night out?
Impact of drug use on future
Schoolies week
Home safely – drink walking
Reducing road user distraction
Social hot spots - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Think tank - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Drinking, drugs and driving – sudden impact - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Home safely - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Analysing advertising campaigns - Limiting Risks Protecting
Reducing road user distraction - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
The birthday present - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
A personal contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Devise your own contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
2.2 Recognise and respond
appropriately to situations which
may be harmful to self and others
What is real – critical visual literacy
Young people, technology and sexuality
Generation XXX
Responsibilities in a sexual relationship – Contact Tracing
Recognising risk
Myths and facts
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
When something goes wrong
Applying strengths, skills and strategies
What is a good night out?
Schoolies week
Home safely – drink walking
Travelling safely for Schoolies week
Reducing road user distraction
Analysing crashes - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Social hot spots - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Drinking, drugs and driving – sudden impact - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
Home safely - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
The birthday present - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Devise your own contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
2.3 Evaluate the skills and actions that
could be used in various situations
which promote the health, safety
and wellbeing of self and others
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
Mental Health and wellbeing Theme 1 – Self efficacy and
mental fitness
Mental Health and wellbeing- Theme 2 – Planning for future
Stepping out to access sexual health services
Responsibilities in a sexual relationship – Contact Tracing
Recognising risk
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
When something goes wrong
Applying strengths, skills and strategies
What is a good night out?
Schoolies week
Home safely – drink walking
Reducing road user distraction
Counting the cost
What I know – Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Analysing crashes - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Social hot spots - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Drinking, drugs and driving – sudden impact - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
Home safely - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Under pressure - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
The birthday present - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
A personal contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Devise your own contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
2.4 Develop and employ their own
personal strengths and skills when
practicing a variety of responses to
harmful situations
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
Applying strengths, skills and strategies
Travelling safely for Schoolies week
Counting the cost
Analysing crashes - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Drinking, drugs and driving – sudden impact - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
3. Clarify and act on a personal set
of positive values, beliefs and
3.1 Respect the right of others to hold
their own personal set of values
and beliefs
Greetings activity
Stairs to inclusivity
The great debate
What I think, What I know, What I do - Limiting Risks Protecting
3.2 Analyse the relationship between
health behaviours and personal
Planning for the future
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
beliefs, attitudes and values
Exploring gender identity
What is real – critical visual literacy
Do opposites really attract?
Gender matters
How are we represented?
Generation XXX
Stairs to inclusivity
The great debate
King or coward
Myths and facts
Impact of drug use on future
What I think, What I know, What I do - Limiting Risks Protecting
Drugs, driving and drugs tests – research activity - Limiting
Risks Protecting Lives
3.3 Evaluate how the varied influences
on attitudes and values impact on
Planning for the future
Exploring gender identity
Do opposites really attract?
Gender matters
Greetings activity
How are we represented?
If the category fits wear it
Media world and me
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Stairs to inclusivity
Young people, technology and sexuality
Impact of drug use on future
Issues facing young drivers only a mate - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
What I think, What I know, What I do - Limiting Risks Protecting
Think tank - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
3.4 Demonstrate behaviours that
model positive values, beliefs and
attitudes to health, safety and
Mental Health and wellbeing- Theme 2 – Planning for future
What is real – critical visual literacy
Everyone who - icebreaker
Influences on body image
King or coward
Generation XXX
The birthday present - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
4. Communicate and interact
effectively with others
4.1 Assess the interpersonal skills
required to establish and maintain
respectful relationships
4.2 Demonstrate the ability to vary the
ways they relate to people as
situations change
The Party Pack – supporting safe travel - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
4.3 Show respect for the ideas,
feelings and contributions of others
in various contexts
Everyone who - icebreaker
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
The great debate
Think tank - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
4.4 Analyse the positive and negative
implications of technology on their
personal identity, relationships with
others and their health behaviours
What is real – critical visual literacy
Influences on body image
Media world and me
Young people, technology and sexuality
Generation XXX
5. Respond positively in
challenging and changing
5.1 Plan for challenging and changing
situations and understand the
benefits of adapting to current and
future challenges
Planning for the future
Mental Health and wellbeing- Theme 2 – Planning for future
Schoolies week
Travelling safely for Schoolies week
Reducing road user distraction
Social hot spots - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Issues facing young drivers only a mate - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
Under pressure - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Devise your own contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
5.2 Assess personal strengths and
skills required to achieve a positive
outcome in a range of challenging
and changing situations
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
Social hot spots - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Under pressure - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
A personal contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Devise your own contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
5.3 Apply skills and strategies to
achieve a positive outcome in a
range of different contexts
6. Display commitment to leading
lives which promote respect,
inclusion and social justice for self
and others
6.1 Build positive thinking, self-belief
and a sense of empowerment by
evaluating the contribution of
personal strengths and
achievements on the meaningful
futures of self and others
6.2 Demonstrate behaviours and
actions which value inclusion,
diversity and equity and show a
commitment to social justice and
creating supportive environments
for self and others
Mental Health and wellbeing Theme 1 – Self efficacy and
mental fitness
Social hot spots - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Devise your own contract - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
Mental Health and wellbeing Theme 1 – Self efficacy and
mental fitness
Planning for the future
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
Impact of drug use on future
Everyone who - icebreaker
How are we represented?
If the category fits wear it
Stairs to inclusivity
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
6.3 Challenge discrimination and
Gender matters
harassment based on age, sex,
gender, race, religion, disability and Stairs to inclusivity
sexuality including homophobia and
7. Know how and where to ask for
help and support
7.1 Identify appropriate sources of
Stepping out to access sexual health services
Responsibilities in a sexual relationship – Contact Tracing
Travelling safely for Schoolies week
Support networks - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
7.2 Critically evaluate services and
resources to identify sources of
reliable information and support
Stepping out to access sexual health services
Support networks - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives
The Party Pack – supporting safe travel - Limiting Risks
Protecting Lives
7.3 Demonstrate the capacity to seek
help for self and others
Stepping out to access sexual health services
Influences on body image
When something goes wrong
Travelling safely for Schoolies week
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014