Town Hall – Conference Room B
The meeting was called to order by Selectman Englert at 7:00 p.m. In attendance included: Selectmen
Englert and Sypher and Joel Severance, Emergency Management Director.
Review of Emergency Management Plan
Joel Severance updated the Selectmen on the “chain of command” in the event of an emergency. The
Local Emergency Planning Committee coordinates operations during emergency situations. This
Committee is active both locally and throughout the region. Information is communicated to the Town
via the Town website. However, the Emergency Operations Plan is not public and is not subject to FOIA.
John Winthrop Middle School is to be utilized regionally as an emergency shelter with back up provided
by Whelen. Several of the local churches are utilized as “cooling/warming centers”. In the event of a
medical emergency, Chesterfields and Aaron Manor will accommodate individuals. The Hurricane
Response Plan was distributed and reviewed. The Debris Management Plan was discussed. This plan
refers to debris removal resulting from a Hurricane.
Joel Severance reported that the state if divided into 5 emergency regions. Chester is in region 2 which
includes 30 towns from Milford to the Connecticut River up to, but not including Middletown.
Approximately $1 million is provided per year to be used regionally.
Larry Sypher requested an “immediate contact” list to be utilized in the event of an emergency. Joel
Severance reported that the state sends out messages via e-mail. Joel will add both Larry and Tom’s
addresses to the distribution list. Joel updated the Selectmen on the CT Alert system used statewide
and encouraged the Selectmen to “opt in” to the program.
Documentation was distributed and signed by the Selectmen regarding the receipt of Emergency
Management and Homeland Security funding. This documentation will be forwarded to Peter Evankow
for additional signatures. An MOA with CRERPA was discussed.
Approve Resolution for Emergency Management & Homeland Security Grant
Tom Englert made a motion to adopt the Region 2 MOA of the Regional Emergency Management Plan.
Larry Sypher seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Larry Sypher made a motion to allow Tom Englert to sign the document, as Chief Executive Officer for
the Town of Chester. Tom Englert seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Approve Resolution Appointing Town Representative for Library Grant
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting
August 9, 2011
Page 1
Tom Englert made a motion to allow Larry Sypher to enter into the Historic Preservation Grant program,
as the Chief Executive Officer for the Town of Chester. Larry Sypher seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
Approve Resolution Appointing Town Representative for Denlar Drive Water Project per DPH Request
A letter to David Madonna, Drinking Water Section, Department of Public Health was included in the
Board Packet.
Larry Sypher made a motion to direct Tom Englert to sign the letter approving the release of funds of
the STEAP Grant. Tom Englert seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Larry Sypher made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Tom Englert seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Suzanne Helchowski
Recording Clerk
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting
August 9, 2011
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