GRC 232 - جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز

Jeddah Community College
‫كلية المجتمع بجدة‬
Department of General Required Courses
Official Descriptions of General Required Courses
‫قسم املواد العامة‬
‫توصيف املقررات الدراسية للقسم‬
Jeddah Community College - Official Descriptions of General Required Courses
GRC 232 Work Ethics II
2 ‫أخالقيات العمل‬
‫س معمل‬
‫س دراسية‬
‫س محتسبة‬
2 ‫أخالقيات العمل‬
:GRC 232
‫ فهي تحدث على شكل مشكالت ومواقف جديدة تشكل تحديا ً لمؤسسات العمل األمر‬.‫المشكالت األخالقية أصبحت شيء نراه بشكل يومي‬
‫ فهناك بعض القضايا التي ال يمكن الحكم عليها بالصواب والخطأ‬.‫الذي ينعكس بدوره علينا وتتأثر به قيمنا التي نعمل من خاللها‬
‫ والعالقات‬،‫ ويعرض هذا المقرر العديد من المواقف األخالقية في مؤسسة ما ليناقش القضايا األخالقية‬.‫واالختيارات فيها غير واضحة‬
.‫ وأهمية القيم واألخالق والسلوكيات الضرورية في مواقع العمل‬،‫واالتجاهات‬
GRC 131
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, O. C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich
and Linda Ferrell, 6th Edition 2004, Houghton Mifflin Company.
GRC 232: Work Ethics II
:‫المتطلبات السابقة‬
:‫الكتب المقررة‬
Ethical dilemmas can be daily occurrences. Today’s organization is constantly challenged with new
situations and dilemmas that can cause us to reflect upon on our own set of basic values. Sometime
issues that do not have a right or wrong answer and the choices presented are not always clear. This
course exposes a wide variety of ethical situations in an organization discussing about the ethical
issues, relationships and attitudes in the office politics; importance of values, ethics, and essential
behaviors in the workplace.
GRC 131
O. C. Ferrell. Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 6th Pkg Edition
2004, Houghton Mifflin Company.
Course Competencies:
1. Define business ethics and discuss the development of business ethics.
2. Classify and recognize ethical issues related to participants and functional areas of
3. Apply moral philosophies to business ethics.
4. Explain economic dimension, legal dimension, ethical dimension and philanthropic
dominions of social responsibility.
5. Describe the cognitive moral development and how individual ethics influences
corporate culture and opportunity in the workplace.
6. explain the use of ethical decision making framework to improve ethical decisions
7. Describe how organizational structure ad corporate culture influence ethical decision
making within the organization.
8. Explain the influence of interpersonal relationships and opportunity and conflict on
ethical conduct within the organization.
9. Outline the components of an effective ethic program and identify management’s
responsibility for ethical compliance and ways to communicate effectively and
continuously improve ethics programs.
10. Discuss the ethical issues in international business organizations.
Jeddah Community College - Official Descriptions of General Required Courses
11. Explain how business ethics is related to a firm’s performance and how ethics
contributes to organizational quality, customer satisfaction, employee commitment
and profitability.
12. Outline the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Course Outline:
1. The Importance of Business Ethics
a. Business ethics defined
b. Social responsibility and business ethics
c. Framework for studying business ethics
2. Emerging Business Ethics Issues
a. Foundation of ethical issues
b. Classification of ethical issues
c. Ethical issues related to participants and functional areas of business
d. Recognizing an ethical issue
3. Ethics as a Dimension of Social Responsibility
a. The legal dimensions
b. The ethical dimensions
c. The economic dimensions
d. The philonthrophic dimensions
4. Understanding Ethical Decision Making and Corporate Governance
a. Interpersonal relationships in organizations
b. Role of opportunity and conflict
c. Improving ethical decision making in business
5. Individual Factors: Moral Philosophies and Cognitive Moral Development
a. Defining moral philosophies
b. Moral philosophy perspectives
6. Organizational Culture and ethical decision making
a. Organization structure and business ethics
b. The role of corporate culture in ethical decision making
c. Leadership and motivation
d. Group dimensions pf organizational structure and culture
7. Organizational Relationships and Conflicts in ethical decision making
a. Interpersonal relationships in organization
b. Role of opportunity and conflict
c. Improving ethical decision making in business
8. Developing an Effective Ethics Program
a. An effective ethical compliance program
b. Code of ethics and compliance standards
c. High level manager's responsibility for ethical compliance programs and delegation
of authority
d. Effective communication of ethical standard
e. Continuous improvement of the ethical compliance program
f. The ethical compliance audit
Jeddah Community College - Official Descriptions of General Required Courses
9. Business Ethics in a Global Economy
a. Ethical perception and international business
b. Culture as a factor in business
c. Adapting ethical systems to global framework: cultural relativism
d. The Multinational corporations
e. A universal set of ethics
f. Ethical issues around the globe
10. Business ethics and organizational performance
a. Relationship of business ethics to performance
b. Case studies at least two
1. History of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
a. State History
b. The Education System
c. Role of the Saudi Government in spreading school systems, colleges and universities