Structural Model Gap Analysis National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Integrated Logistics Environment (ILE) Sharing Structural Design Data with Manufacturing Systems across Shipyards (Subtask 1.2) Document Tracking Number Revision Number Revision Date Prepared by Document1 NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 1.0 21 January 2011 Michael Olson, Northrop Grumman Technical Services David Pierce, Northrop Grumman Technical Services Pete Lazo Product Data Services Corporation Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Revision Log Rev Date Reason for Change Page(s) 1.0 Draft 7 January 2011 Initial Draft for ILE Team Meeting in Norfolk, VA All 1.0 21 January 2011 Final updates for delivery Sections 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, Table 5, Section 5.1 (Acronyms) Document1 i Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Table of Contents 1.0 Business Context ................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background.................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.4 Assumptions ................................................................................................................ 3 2.0 Gap Analysis Approach ...................................................................................... 4 2.1 Data ............................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Analysis Approach ....................................................................................................... 4 3.0 Gap Analysis Results .......................................................................................... 6 3.1 ISPE Common Data Mapping to SCIM ........................................................................ 6 3.2 Mapping to SCIM ........................................................................................................30 3.3 SCIM Structural Model Gap Summary ........................................................................30 4.0 Reference Documents ....................................................................................... 38 5.0 Terminology ....................................................................................................... 39 5.1 Acronyms ....................................................................................................................39 Document1 ii Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Table of Figures Figure 1-1 - Shipbuilding Product Models................................................................................... 2 Document1 iii Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Table of Tables Table 1: ISPE Build Tree Entity Mapping to SCIM ..................................................................... 7 Table 2: ISPE Component Entity Mapping to SCIM .................................................................10 Table 3: ISPE Part Entity Mapping to SCIM .............................................................................14 Table 4: ISPE Common Attribute Mapping to SCIM .................................................................16 Table 5: AP 218 SCIM Structural Model Gap Summary ...........................................................31 Document1 iv Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis 1.0 Business Context 1.1 Objectives The objective of this document is to analyze and describe the gaps identified between the ship structural design information required by shipyard manufacturing systems (documented in Reference [1]) and the Ship Common Information Model (SCIM) Structural Design chapter. The SCIM Structural Design chapter defines the Navy shipbuilding-specific structural design data requirements derived from the STEP AP 218 standard (Reference [2]). 1.2 Background Over the past several years the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Integrated Shipbuilding Environment (ISE) project has been developing and prototyping tools to enable interoperability among shipyard and Navy systems. Recently, a specification for the next generation Navy shipbuilding Integrated Product Data Environment (IPDE) system was written as part of the Navy Product Data Initiative (NPDI) project. Included in the IPDE specification is the Ship Common Information Model (SCIM), an information model derived from the STEP Shipbuilding Application Protocols, which defines the minimum set of entities, attributes, and relationships required to support Navy shipbuilding data exchange requirements. 1.3 Scope Phase 1 of the Integrated Logistics Environment (ILE) project will apply the tools, methods, and information models developed by the ISE team and the NPDI SCIM project to two current shipbuilding requirements: VIRGINIA Class IPDE data migration (subtask 1.1) and the sharing of structural design information with manufacturing systems across shipyards (subtask 1.2). The project will validate the capabilities of the NPDI SCIM as a means for supporting interoperability within and among the shipyards and the Navy. Phase 2 of the ILE project will complete the remaining chapters of the SCIM document, as well as update existing chapters to incorporate lessons learned during the validation efforts undertaken in phase 1. Subtask 1.2 of ILE Phase 1 is focused on the requirements for sharing structural design information with manufacturing systems across shipyards. The scenario of efficiently exchanging ship product data from design to manufacturing, whether it is within the same shipyard or between two shipyards, has repeated itself time and again in recent years. Historically, the shipyards have not had a viable method for importing structural design data from one shipyard into the manufacturing system of another shipyard. In addition, there are currently very few, if any, systems in place to translate design data to the manufacturing systems of other yards. Subtask 1.2 addresses the exchange of structural design data from the prime designer to a manufacturing yard, either within the same shipyard or in a second shipyard, and analyzes whether the SCIM provides a sufficient data model to facilitate this exchange. The approach for this task is to define the data model for the exchange of structural design data with manufacturing using existing programs as examples, compare the data model to the SCIM data model, identify gaps in the SCIM data model, and make recommendations for improving the SCIM. These tasks will be documented in four deliverables: • • Structural Model Import Requirements Report SCIM Gap Analysis Report Document1 1 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis • • SCIM Dataset Results Report Final Import Results Report This document is the second of the four deliverables. The specific scope of this document is to define the gaps between the structural design data required by manufacturing and the SCIM Structural Design chapter. The structural design data required by manufacturing was identified using the work of the NSRP Integrated Steel Processing Environment (ISPE) project and example data for the CVN 21 and DDG 1000 programs. These requirements are documented in the first deliverable for the project, Structural Model Import Requirements (Reference [1]). Figure 1-1 depicts a notional set of product models in the center, their general content on the left, and the functions which produce or consume the data in the various product models on the right. The focus of this task is on the exchange of the Design Product Model with manufacturing in order to perform the production planning function and develop the 3D Manufacturing Product Model (indicated by the yellow box). This information was compared to the SCIM Structural Design chapter to validate the SCIM content for meeting the design to manufacturing data exchange requirements. Product Models • Moulded Forms & Lines • Preliminary scantlings • Structural systems • Unit Breakdown Scantling Design • Structural Part Definition • Structural Part Relationships • Seams • Features 3D Detailed Design • Assembly breakdown • Assembly order • Welds • Bevels • Bending lines • Flat pattern parts • Marking Lines • Shipyard specific parts • Added material • Marking lines, Labeling • Tabs • Manufacturing Aids Functions Detailed Design Production Planning 3D Manufacturing Piece Part Development 2D Neutral Piece Parts Manufacturing Definition 2D Shipyard Piece Parts Nesting Drawings & Reports NC Figure 1-1 - Shipbuilding Product Models Document1 2 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis 1.4 Assumptions The following assumptions are made regarding the scope of this effort: • The Shipyard Common Process Model developed previously for the NSRP Integrated Steel Processing Environment (ISPE) project is still an accurate high level depiction of the shipyard design and manufacturing processes • While internal processes and systems may be different within different shipyards, a similar set of design data is required to perform the manufacturing functions • This effort is focused on common 3D Detailed Design Product Model and 3D Manufacturing Product Model, not specific data required to feed shipyard-specific manufacturing tools Document1 3 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis 2.0 Gap Analysis Approach This section describes the approach for performing the gap analysis between the structural model exchange requirements, identified in the Structural Model Import Requirements Report, and the SCIM Structural Design chapter. The detailed results of the gap analysis are described in Section 3.0. 2.1 Data Three primary sets of data were used to perform the analysis. The first set of data was from the NSRP Integrated Steel Processing Environment (ISPE) project. The ISPE project documented a set of common processes and data for the development and exchange of structural design and manufacturing information across several shipyards including NGSB-GC (Avondale and Ingalls), NGSB-NN, and General Dynamics Electric Boat. This information is documented in the ISPE Shipyard Requirements Final Report (Reference [3]). The second set of data was from the DDG 1000 program, specifically the design data being transferred from Catia V5 to Teamcenter Enterprise and the data planned for transfer from Teamcenter Enterprise to Teamcenter Manufacturing to support the Manufacturing Planning process. The third set of data was from the CVN 21 program. This data included the product model data for Design, Manufacturing, and Planning as well as sample entities and attributes from the Catia V4 design tool. This data is described in the first project deliverable, Structural Model Import Requirements (Reference [1]). 2.2 Analysis Approach The overall approach to the SCIM gap analysis was to understand the current content of the SCIM AP 218 chapter, analyze and organize the data obtained for DDG 1000 and CVN 21 to facilitate an orderly comparison with the SCIM, and then perform mappings between the project data and the SCIM data to identify any gaps in the SCIM data. An initial analysis was performed to obtain an understanding of the derivation of the SCIM AP 218 data entities and attributes relative to the AP 218 Application Reference Model (ARM) and several context schemas developed on the ISE-4 project for structural features, lofting, and manufacturing. This analysis highlighted entities not included in the SCIM AP 218 chapter and reasons for their exclusion. It also provided a baseline understanding of the SCIM AP 218 data from which further analysis and mapping could be performed. The structural design data obtained from the DDG 1000 and CVN 21 projects were analyzed to understand the information and organize it in a way that would facilitate comparison with the SCIM data. An initial attempt to organize the data according to the ISPE common data organization revealed that this approach would not facilitate direct comparison to the SCIM. Because of this, a decision was made to organize the data according to the main structural entities defined in the SCIM: structural systems/assemblies, plates, and profiles. Once the data was organized in this manner, a mapping was performed between the project data and the SCIM. Document1 4 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis An analysis was also performed on the ISPE common data requirements to understand this information and assess its applicability to the current SCIM validation effort. It was determined that the common processes and data described in the ISPE final report were still representative of the shipyard processes and data requirements, making this another good source of information for comparison to the SCIM. The common entities and attributes identified in the ISPE project were mapped to the SCIM to identify potential gaps in the SCIM data. Document1 5 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis 3.0 Gap Analysis Results 3.1 ISPE Common Data Mapping to SCIM The ISPE project defined a set of common data requirements including the following information: Entity Categories Attribute Categories Attribute Names Entity Relationship Diagram This section provides a mapping of ISPE common data requirements to the SCIM and identifies gaps. Table 1 provides a mapping of ISPE Build Tree entities to the SCIM. Table 2 provides a mapping of ISPE Component entities to the SCIM. Table 3 provides a mapping of ISPE Part entities to the SCIM. Table 4 provides a mapping of ISPE Common Attributes to the SCIM. For each of these tables an attempt was made to map the ISPE entities/attributes to SCIM entities/attributes. “No mapping” was used to indicate that an appropriate mapping to the SCIM does not exist at this time, and that updates to the SCIM may be required to resolve the issue. A final disposition for each “No mapping” will be included in the next deliverable (SCIM Dataset Results Report). Document1 6 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Table 1: ISPE Build Tree Entity Mapping to SCIM1 Entity Ship Hull Module 1 Business Description Molded Lines define the geometry of a hull as a surface without thickness. Typically, the inside surface of flush shell plating is on the molded line, as is the underside of deck plating. A Module or a Superlift is a section of a ship consisting of several units. Module size is subject to each shipyards capacity and processes. For example, the LHD 5 ship produced at Ingalls consisted of 5 Modules. AP218 SCIM Mapping npd:Physical_assembly npd:Physical_occurrence AP218 assembly npd:Physical_assembly npd:Physical_occurrence AP218 assembly Comment There needs to be a npd:physical_occurrence for each npd:design_occurrence as the ship moves from design to manufacturing. They are linked via association: npd:Design_occurrence_physical_occurrence. The npd:Physical_assembly is linked to the npd:Physical_occurrence by the associations: - npd:Physical_assembly_child - npd:Physical_assembly_parent There needs to be a npd:physical_occurrence for each npd:design_occurrence as the ship moves from design to manufacturing. They are linked via association: npd:Design_occurrence_physical_occurrence. The npd:Physical_assembly is linked to the npd:Physical_occurrence by the associations: - npd:Physical_assembly_child - npd:Physical_assembly_parent Recommend handling build trees in AP218 SCIM by adding AP218 entity assembly as a sub-type of npd:Physical_occurrence. Document1 7 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Unit Build Tree Level 1 Build Tree Level 2 Business Description A Unit is the last assembly level before the Module. Units are typically the basis for planning, reporting, and scheduling. Build Tree Level 1 is comprised of Build Tree Level 2 plus additional parts Build Tree Level 2 is comprised of the next lower Build Tree Level plus additional parts AP218 SCIM Mapping npd:Physical_assembly npd:Physical_occurrence AP218 assembly npd:Physical_assembly npd:Physical_occurrence AP218 assembly npd:Physical_assembly npd:Physical_occurrence AP218 assembly Comment There needs to be a npd:physical_occurrence for each npd:design_occurrence as the ship moves from design to manufacturing. They are linked via association: npd:Design_occurrence_physical_occurrence. The npd:Physical_assembly is linked to the npd:Physical_occurence by the associations: - npd:Physical_assembly_child - npd:Physical_assembly_parent There needs to be a npd:physical_occurrence for each npd:design_occurrence as the ship moves from design to manufacturing. They are linked via association: npd:Design_occurrence_physical_occurrence. The npd:Physical_assembly is linked to the npd:Physical_occurence by the associations: - npd:Physical_assembly_child - npd:Physical_assembly_parent There needs to be a npd:physical_occurrence for each npd:design_occurrence as the ship moves from design to manufacturing. They are linked via association: npd:Design_occurrence_physical_occurrence. The npd:Physical_assembly is linked to the npd:Physical_occurence by the associations: - npd:Physical_assembly_child - npd:Physical_assembly_parent Document1 8 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Build Tree Level X Business Description Build Tree Level X is the lowest level construction assembly AP218 SCIM Mapping npd:Physical_assembly npd:Physical_occurrence AP218 assembly Comment There needs to be a npd:physical_occurrence for each npd:design_occurrence as the ship moves from design to manufacturing. They are linked via association: npd:Design_occurrence_physical_occurrence. The npd:Physical_assembly is linked to the npd:Physical_occurence by the associations: - npd:Physical_assembly_child - npd:Physical_assembly_parent Document1 9 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Table 2: ISPE Component Entity Mapping to SCIM Entity Business Description AP218 SCIM Mapping Frame Planes Frame Planes are reference lines which can be stiffened with plates or profiles. npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="frame" Deck A Deck is a continuous horizontal strength member inside a ship hull that supports equipment and personnel. npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="deck" Platform/Flat A Platform/Flat is a horizontal, non-strength, non-continuous surface inside a ship’s hull. npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="platform_deck" Girder A Girder has the following definitions: 1. A continuous member running fore-and-aft under a deck to support the deck and deck beams. 2. The vertical fore-and-aft plate members on the ship's bottom (shell and tanktop only). npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="girder" Comment also "strength_deck" "accomodation_deck" "main_deck" "weather_deck" "navigation_deck" "platform_deck" "deck_in_superstructure" also "longitudinal_girder" Document1 10 "flat" NOT IN THE SCIM. Recommend "user_defined" for "flat". Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Bulkhead Floor Sponsons Transverse Bent Web Frame Business Description AP218 SCIM Mapping Bulkhead is a term applied to the vertical partition walls which subdivide the interior of a ship into compartments. Various types of bulkheads (transverse, longitudinal, forepeak, watertight, wire-mesh, pilaster, etc.) are distinguished by their location, use, material type, or fabrication method. A Floor is a vertical transverse plate immediately above the bottom shell plating, often located at every frame, extending from bilge to bilge above the shell plating to tank top only. Extensions of the ship's hull to accommodate the flight deck, weapons system, refueling platforms, etc… Transverse structural arches that support the Flight Deck. npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="bulkhead" A Web Frame is a built up frame to provide extra strength, usually consisting of a web plate which is flanged, or otherwise stiffened, on its edge. Web frames are typically spaced several frames apart, with smaller regular frames in between. npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="web_frame" Comment npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="floor" No Mapping Recommend adding “sponsons” to npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The_f unction. No Mapping Recommend adding “transverse_bent” to npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The_f unction. also "vertical_web_frame" "transverse_web_frame" Document1 11 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Innerbottom / Double Bottom / Bilge Business Description The area of the ship between the tank top and shell, includes all structural members in between (i.e. floors, longitudinals, etc…) Stringer Bar Angle connecting the deck plate to the shell plate. Deck Beam An athwartship horizontal structural member, usually a rolled shape, supporting a deck or a flat. Extruded run of standard structural material used to strengthen or otherwise support plated structures. They are made from stock profile material (T's, angles, bulbs, etc.) and are often described in terms of their Web and Flange components. Profiles are also used in foundation design to support machinery or equipment. Profile AP218 SCIM Mapping npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="inner_bottom" npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="double_bottom" npd:Structural_part_functional_definition.The_f unction="bilge_plate" npd:Plate_functional_definition.The_function="b ilge_plate" also "bottom" npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="stringer" npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="deck_beam" npd:Profile_functional_definition.The_function= "deck_beam" npd:Profile_functional_definition.The_function= [appropriate enumeration value of <xs:simpleType name="Structural_part_functionality">] i.e.: "bracket" "stiffener" "longitudinal_stiffener" "transversal_stiffener" "carling" "beam" "deck_beam" "pillar" "hold_pillar" "user_defined" Document1 12 Comment Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Commodity Components Business Description Standard components such as brackets and collars. AP218 SCIM Mapping Comment npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="bracket" npd:Structural_part_functional_definition.The_f unction="bracket" npd:Profile_functional_definition.The_function= "bracket" "collar" NOT IN THE SCIM; recommend adding to npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The_f unction, npd:Structural_part_functional_definition.The_fun ction npd:Profile_functional_definition.The_function Recommend adding other commodity components when identified. Recommend adding “breast_hook” to npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The_f unction. Breast Hook A Breast Hook is a triangular plate bracket joining port and starboard side stringers at the stem. No Mapping Stanchion A Stanchion is a vertical column supporting decks, flats, girders, etc. No Mapping Recommend adding “stanchion” to npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The_f unction. Foundation A Foundation is a structural support for boilers, engines, gears, machinery, etc. npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The _function="engine_foundation" Other foundation types NOT IN SCIM; recommend adding "foundation" to npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The_f unction. Document1 13 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Table 3: ISPE Part Entity Mapping to SCIM Entity Plate Part Shell Plate Business Description A Plate Part is the lowest level assembly structural component which has manufacturing data, and can be cut from flat plate. This does not include "hardware" (i.e. washers) or hardware-like accessories. Shell Plates form the outer side and bottom skin of the hull. AP218 SCIM Mapping Comment npd:Plate_functional_definition.The_function="s tandard_plate" simpletype: Structural_part_functionality: "standard_plate" "doubling_plate" "shedding_plate" "clip" "watertight_clip" "lug" "bracket" "face_plate" "carling" "flange" "web" "frame" "bilge_plate" "user_defined" No Mapping NOT IN THE SCIM; recommend adding the following enumeration to SCIM and AP218: simpleType name="Structural_part_functionality" npd:Plate_functional_definition.The_function="she ll_plate" Note: simpletype Structural_system_functionality has the complementary enumeration values: "outer_shell" "inner_shell" "double_shell" Document1 14 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Profile Part Business Description A Profile Part is the lowest level assembly structural component which has manufacturing data, and can be cut from profile stock such as I-beams or flat bar. AP218 SCIM Mapping npd:Profile_functional_definition.The_function= "standard_plate" simpletype: Structural_part_functionality: "stiffener" "longitudinal_stiffener" "transversal_stiffener" "beam" "deck_beam" "pillar" "hold_pillar" "user_defined" Document1 15 Comment Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Table 4: ISPE Common Attribute Mapping to SCIM Entity Category Build Tree Attribute Category Physical Description Configuration Management Common Attribute Name AP218 SCIM Mapping Footprint Assembly_manufacturing_position.assembly_footprint Mass Assembly_manufacturing_definition.mass Center of Gravity Assembly_manufacturing_definition.centre_of_gravity Manufacturing Orientation Assembly_manufacturing_position.orientation Identifier npd:Physical_occurrence.Id Version npd:Physical_occurrence.Version Hull Applicability npd:Ship.Hull_number npd:Hull_applicability.Start_hull npd:Hull_applicability.End_hull Comment Need to revisit Hull Applicability vs Ship in PDM chapter. Reference Piping 227 recommended changes. Include npd:Physical_occurrence in this review. Associations: npd:Ship_physical_occurrence Scheduling Routing Does Ship need association to npd:Hull_applicability? Does AP 218 SCIM need additional dates? Does AP 218 SCIM need additional dates? Does AP 218 SCIM need additional dates? Start Production Date Estimate No Mapping End Production Date Estimate No Mapping Start Production Date Actual No Mapping End Production Date Actual Assembly_manufacturing_definition.production_date Status No Mapping Does AP 218 SCIM need status? Next Production Stage No Mapping Does AP 218 SCIM need next production stage? Current Production Stage Assembly_manufacturing_definition.assembly_stage Document1 16 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category General Design Component Description Common Attribute Name AP218 SCIM Mapping Fabrication/Manufacturing Methods Drawing No Assembly_manufacturing_definition.assembly_method Component_Type npd:Structural_system_functional_definition.The_funct ion npd:Panel_system_functional_definition.The_function npd:Plate_strake_functional_definition.The_function Comment Assembly_manufacturing_definition.assembly_drawing npd:Structural_part_functional_definition.The_function npd:Plate_functional_definition.The_function npd:Profile_functional_definition.The_function Mass Thickness_Throw Mass is handled in parts in SCIM. See Part-plate and Part-profile below. Center of Gravity is handled in parts in SCIM. See Part-plate and Part-profile below. Manufacturing Orientation is handled in build tree in SCIM. See Build Tree/Physical Description/Manufacturing Orientation above. Material_Type is handled in parts in SCIM. See Partplate and Part-profile below (Material_code). npd:Panel_system_design_definition.Material_offset Geometric_Origin No Mapping Max_Length_neat No Mapping Min_Length_neat No Mapping Load_bearingstrength_requirements Material characteristics (type) No Mapping Center of Gravity Manufacturing Orientation Material_Type Derivable from the geometry. Not stored in the SCIM. Derivable from the geometry. Not stored in the SCIM. Derivable from the geometry. Not stored in the SCIM. No Mapping Need to add to AP218 SCIM material entity. No such attribute now. Type is at part level. Document1 17 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Configuration Management Common Attribute Name AP218 SCIM Mapping Material characteristics (thickness) Material characteristics (grade) npd:Panel_system_design_definition.Thickness Attached/adjacent structural entities - Relative thickness Attached: npd:Structural_system_relationship Adjacent: npd:Structural_system_adjacency_relationship No Mapping - Joining requirements No Mapping - Relative material types No Mapping - Structural entity types No Mapping - Orientation No Mapping Location and orientation within the ship Process requirements such as shaping Assembly sequence No Mapping Routing (shop assignments) No Mapping Identifier npd:Design_occurrence.Id Version npd:Design_occurrence.Version No Mapping Comment Need to add to AP218 SCIM material entity. No such attribute now. Grade is at part level. Derivable from the geometry. Not stored in the SCIM. No Mapping See build tree, assemblies Document1 18 Build tree identifies the parts in the assembly but not the sequence. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name Hull Applicability AP218 SCIM Mapping npd:Ship.Hull_number npd:Hull_applicability.Start_hull npd:Hull_applicability.End_hull Comment Need to revisit Hull Applicability vs Ship in PDM chapter. Reference P iping 227 recommended changes. Include npd:Physical_occurrence in this review. Associations: npd:Ship_physical_occurrence Does Ship need association to npd:Hull_applicability? Manufactur able Component Design Attributes *All the attributes of a Design Component plus the following See Above Yard and Shop Specific Mfg. Attributes Added_material Applied to Part-plate and Part-profile only. Removed_material npd:Structural_added_material_feature_design_definit ion.Added_material_length No Mapping Chamfers npd:Corner_cutout_design_definition "A Corner_cutout_design_definition may specify the design_definition for either a Corner_cutout (see 4.2.42) or an Edge_feature (see 4.2.73). Material is removed along the direction of the Z-axis. If the Z-axis is oriented along the part edge, the Corner_cutout_design_definition specifies an Edge_feature (see 4.3.26 for the application assertion). If the Z-axis is oriented perpendicular to the part edge, the Corner_cutout_design_definition specifies an Corner_cutout (see 4.3.25 for the application assertion)". Document1 19 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name Welding_access_and_clearanc e_features Ships_reference_lines_for_ere ction Part-plate Description AP218 SCIM Mapping Comment AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.top_layout_ marks AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.bottom_layo ut_marks Need to add AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definiti on to SCIM. No Mapping Long_Point_or_Short_Point_ge ometry Beveling No Mapping Surface_Clearance No Mapping Part_Type npd:Structural_part_functional_definition.The_function npd:Plate_functional_definition.The_function Units npd:Definition.local_units (association) npd:Corner_cutout_design_definition Document1 20 NOTE: review ISE 4, ISPE Final Report, table 7 to determine if marking lines and labels require more detailed definition in SCIM. "A Corner_cutout_design_definition may specify the design_definition for either a Corner_cutout (see 4.2.42) or an Edge_feature (see 4.2.73). Material is removed along the direction of the Z-axis. If the Z-axis is oriented along the part edge, the Corner_cutout_design_definition specifies an Edge_feature (see 4.3.26 for the application assertion). If the Z-axis is oriented perpendicular to the part edge, the Corner_cutout_design_definition specifies an Corner_cutout (see 4.3.25 for the application assertion)". Do we have capability to use global units in SCIM for all parts? Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name Material_code AP218 SCIM Mapping No Mapping Comment Need to add AP 218 entity, homogeneous_ship_material_property Review homogeneous_ship_material_property .material_reference and homogeneous_ship_material_property .description for applicability to the SCIM. Consider changing "description" to "Material_code". Plate_thickness npd:Plate_design_definition.Thickness Min-max_extent No Mapping Area No Mapping Center_Of_Gravity No Mapping Replace npd:Plate_design_definition.Mass with new property: npd:Plate_design_definition.weight_an d_centre_of_gravity. Need to add AP218 entity, weight_and_centre_of_gravity to SCIM. Center_Of_Gravity is assigned to weight_and_centre_of_gravity.centre_ of_gravity. Document1 21 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name Weight AP218 SCIM Mapping npd:Plate_design_definition.Mass Comment Replace npd:Plate_design_definition.Mass with new property: npd:Plate_design_definition.weight_an d_centre_of_gravity. Need to add AP218 entity, weight_and_centre_of_gravity to SCIM. Weight is assigned to weight_and_centre_of_gravity.weight. Length_and_width No Mapping Geometry 2D: plate_manufacturing_definition properties 3D: plate_manufacturing_definition.representations Quantity Configuration Management Required quantity No Mapping Can be derived from product model instances. Nesting N/A Nested quantity No Mapping Identifier npd:Plate_design_definition.Id Version npd:Plate_design_definition.Version Document1 22 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name Hull Applicability AP218 SCIM Mapping npd:Ship.Hull_number npd:Hull_applicability.Start_hull npd:Hull_applicability.End_hull Comment Need to revisit Hull Applicability vs Ship in PDM chapter. Reference Piping 227 recommended changes. Include npd:Physical_occurrence in this review. Associations: npd:Ship_physical_occurrence Scheduling Mfg. and Design Associations Estimated Start No Mapping Actual_Start No Mapping Status No Mapping Weld npd:Weld npd:Weld_design_definition npd:Welded_joint npd:Welded_joint_design_definition AP 218 weld_manufacturing_definition Document1 23 Does Ship need association to npd:Hull_applicability? Does AP 218 SCIM need additional dates? Does AP 218 SCIM need additional dates? Does AP 218 SCIM need additional dates? Need to add AP 218 weld_manufacturing_definition to SCIM. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name AP218 SCIM Mapping Edge Prep npd:Corner_cutout_design_definition Penetrations npd:Feature_design_definition (3D) AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.inner_contou rs (2D) AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.top_punch_p oint (2D/3D) AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.bottom_pun ch_point (2D/3D) AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.top_layout_ marks AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.bottom_layo ut_marks Marking Line Document1 24 Comment "A Corner_cutout_design_definition may specify the design_definition for either a Corner_cutout (see 4.2.42) or an Edge_feature (see 4.2.73). Material is removed along the direction of the Z-axis. If the Z-axis is oriented along the part edge, the Corner_cutout_design_definition specifies an Edge_feature (see 4.3.26 for the application assertion). If the Z-axis is oriented perpendicular to the part edge, the Corner_cutout_design_definition specifies an Corner_cutout (see 4.3.25 for the application assertion)". Need to add AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definiti on to SCIM. Need to add AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definiti on to SCIM. NOTE: review ISE 4, ISPE Final Report, table 7 to determine if marking lines and labels require more detailed definition. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name Label General Part-profile Description AP218 SCIM Mapping Comment AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.top_annotati on AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.bottom_ann otation Need to add AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definiti on to SCIM. NOTE: review ISE 4, ISPE Final Report, table 7 to determine if marking lines and labels require more detailed definition. Nest tape No Mapping Process & route No Mapping Manufacturing aid No Mapping Programmer No Mapping Job_number No Mapping Job_name No Mapping Drawing_number npd:Document_metadata engineering_remarks No Mapping Part_Type npd:Structural_part_functional_definition.The_function npd:Profile_functional_definition.The_function Units npd:Definition.local_units (association) Do we have capability to use global units in SCIM for all parts? Material_code No Mapping Need to add AP 218 entity, homogeneous_ship_material_property Review homogeneous_ship_material_property .material_reference and homogeneous_ship_material_property .description for applicability to the SCIM. Consider changing "description" to "Material_code". Document1 25 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name AP218 SCIM Mapping Plate_thickness npd:Profile_cross_section.Designation Min-max_extent No Mapping Area No Mapping Center_Of_Gravity No Mapping Comment npd:Profile_cross_section.Designation is the profile equivalent to a plate thickness. The Designation provides the name of the profile cross section from which pertinent profile information can be derived. Replace npd:Profile_design_definition.Mass with new property: npd:Profile_design_definition.weight_ and_centre_of_gravity. Need to add AP218 entity, weight_and_centre_of_gravity to SCIM. Weight npd:Profile_design_definition.Mass Center_Of_Gravity is assigned to weight_and_centre_of_gravity.centre_ of_gravity. Replace npd:Profile_design_definition.Mass with new property: npd:Profile_design_definition.weight_ and_centre_of_gravity. Need to add AP218 entity, weight_and_centre_of_gravity to SCIM. Weight is assigned to weight_and_centre_of_gravity.weight. Document1 26 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name AP218 SCIM Mapping Length_and_width No Mapping Geometry 2D: plate_manufacturing_definition properties Comment 3D: plate_manufacturing_definition.representations Quantity Configuration Management Required quantity No Mapping Can be derived from product model instances. Nesting N/A Nested quantity No Mapping Identifier npd:Plate_design_definition.Id Version npd:Plate_design_definition.Version Hull Applicability npd:Ship.Hull_number npd:Hull_applicability.Start_hull npd:Hull_applicability.End_hull Need to revisit Hull Applicability vs Ship in PDM chapter. Reference Piping 227 recommended changes. Include npd:Physical_occurrence in this review. Associations: npd:Ship_physical_occurrence Scheduling Mfg. and Design Associations Does Ship need association to npd:Hull_applicability? Does AP 218 SCIM need additional dates? Does AP 218 SCIM need additional dates? Does AP 218 SCIM need status? Estimated Start No Mapping Actual_Start No Mapping Status No Mapping Weld npd:Weld npd:Weld_design_definition npd:Welded_joint npd:Welded_joint_design_definition AP 218 weld_manufacturing_definition Document1 27 Need to add AP 218 weld_manufacturing_definition to SCIM. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name AP218 SCIM Mapping Edge Prep npd:Corner_cutout_design_definition Penetrations npd:Feature_design_definition (3D) AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.inner_contou rs (2D) AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.top_punch_p oint (2D/3D) AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.bottom_pun ch_point (2D/3D) AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.top_layout_ marks AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.bottom_layo ut_marks Marking Line Document1 28 Comment "A Corner_cutout_design_definition may specify the design_definition for either a Corner_cutout (see 4.2.42) or an Edge_feature (see 4.2.73). Material is removed along the direction of the Z-axis. If the Z-axis is oriented along the part edge, the Corner_cutout_design_definition specifies an Edge_feature (see 4.3.26 for the application assertion). If the Z-axis is oriented perpendicular to the part edge, the Corner_cutout_design_definition specifies an Corner_cutout (see 4.3.25 for the application assertion)." Need to add AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definiti on to SCIM. Need to add AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definiti on to SCIM. NOTE: review ISE 4, ISPE Final Report, table 7 to determine if marking lines and labels require more detailed definition. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Entity Category Attribute Category Common Attribute Name Label General AP218 SCIM Mapping Comment AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.top_annotati on AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definition.bottom_ann otation Need to add AP 218 structural_part_manufacturing_definiti on to SCIM. Nest tape No Mapping Process & route No Mapping Manufacturing aid No Mapping Programmer No Mapping Job_number No Mapping Job_name No Mapping Drawing_number npd:Document_metadata engineering_remarks No Mapping Document1 29 NOTE: review ISE 4, ISPE Final Report, table 7 to determine if marking lines and labels require more detailed definition. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis 3.2 Mapping to SCIM This section provides a mapping of sample structural design data to the SCIM and identifies gaps. A detailed mapping of NGSB-NN Catia data to SCIM is provided in the following Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet also includes a mapping of ISPE Common Data to SCIM as well as a summary of the gaps and discussions and recommendations from the 11 January 2011 ILE team meeting in Norfolk, VA. A detailed README tab is also included which describes the contents of the spreadsheet. AP218_ContextSche ma_Entities&Attributes_v0.6.xlsx The mapping of sample NGSB-GC data to SCIM has not been completed yet, but will be included in the next deliverable (SCIM Dataset Results Report). 3.3 SCIM Structural Model Gap Summary Table 5 provides a summary of the SCIM Structural Model Gaps identified in this analysis, along with recommended changes to the SCIM Structural Design chapter. A final disposition of the gaps will be included in the next deliverable (SCIM Dataset Results Report). Document1 30 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Table 5: AP 218 SCIM Structural Model Gap Summary Gap Category SCIM Structural manufacturing chapter entity candidates Issue The following AP 218 entities are not included in SCIM: assembly assembly_bounding_box assembly_relationship homogeneous_ship_material_property ship_material_property structural_added_material_boundary_relationship weld_filler_material annotation plate_manufacturing_definition profile_manufacturing_definition structural_part_manufacturing_definition weld_manufacturing_definition electrode_chemical_composition structural_cutout_manufacturing_relationship weld_testing; assembly_manufacturing_definition assembly_manufacturing_position centre_location Document1 31 Comments/Recommendation Candidates for SCIM Structural manufacturing chapter based on analysis of AP 218 SCIM entity mapping to ISE 4 manufacturing entities. Since there are so few entities to add, recommend augmenting the existing AP218 SCIM design chapter with these entities. There will be one context schema but SCIM AP 218 chapter will identify/list what entities/associations are used in a given exchange (design, planning, or manufacturing). Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Gap Category Missing AP218 SCIM material attributes Issue The following NN Catia Attributes do not map to SCIM: Material Density Quality MATERIAL_DESCRIPTION MATERIAL_REVISION_LEVEL TREATMENT SPEC MATERIAL_CONTROL_LEVEL Comments/Recommendation Add the following AP218 material entities to SCIM: ship_material_property homogeneous_ship_material_property Ensure piping (AP 227) has a corresponding material model. The following ISPE attributes map to AP218 material entities: Design Component/Description/Material characteristics (type) Design Component/Description/Material characteristics (grade) Document1 32 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Gap Category Assembly concept missing Issue The following NN Catia assembly Attributes do not map to SCIM: SCIM AP215/ AP218 Arrangements PARENT PLN1 PLN2 P02_BASE_LVL NAME P03_PLANNING LVL 3 ITM # P03_PLANNING LVL 3 NAME P04_PLANNING LVL 4 ITM # P04_PLANNING LVL 4 NAME P05_PLANNING LVL 5 ITM # P05_PLANNING LVL 5 NAME P06_PLANNING LVL 6 ITM # P06_PLANNING LVL 6 NAME P07_PLANNING LVL 7 ITM # P07_PLANNING LVL 7 NAME P08_PLANNING LVL 8 ITM # P08_PLANNING LVL 8 NAME P09_PLANNING LVL 9 ITM # P09_PLANNING LVL 9 NAME P10_PLANNING LVL 10 ITM # P10_PLANNING LVL 10 NAME P11_PLANNING LVL 11 ITM # P11_PLANNING LVL 11 NAME P12_PLANNING LVL 12 ITM # P12_PLANNING LVL 12 NAME The following NN Catia Attributes do not map to SCIM: COMPARTMENT_NO ZONELEVEL Document1 33 Comments/Recommendation Need to address concept of assemblies (design, planning, and manufacturing) in PDM/AP218 SCIM. Address assembly in PDM chapter, i.e., solve in PDM. Specialize in other chapters (e.g., structures) if needed. There needs to be a npd:physical_occurrence for each npd:design_occurrence as the ship moves from design to manufacturing. They are linked via association: npd:Design_occurrence_physical_occurrence. The npd:Physical_assembly is linked to the npd:Physical_occurrence by the associations: npd:Physical_assembly_child npd:Physical_assembly_parent Discuss how to represent build trees. Recommend adding AP218 entity assembly to AP218 SCIM. Subtype AP218 entity assembly from npd:Physical_occurrence. Consider adding a lightweight arrangements concept in PDM or even move AP215 to PDM. The goal is to avoid a separate AP215 export. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Gap Category Missing AP218 & SCIM planning/manufacturing entities Issue The following NN Catia Attributes do not map to SCIM: CONSTRUC_AREA_LVL TEMP_STR_CUT_TO_SUIT TEMP_STR_REQD_LIFT_TYPE Comments/Recommendation Need to add to AP218/SCIM planning/manufacturing entities. Issue: no mapping to SCIM, no AP 218 entity available to add to SCIM. Review for new SCIM chapter based on ISE 4 steel processing recommendations, especially for Catia attributes: Enhance npd:Design_occurrence The following NN Catia Attributes do not map to SCIM: ESWBS COST_CLASS MATERIAL_COST_CLASS OP CODE SECONDARY OP1 SECONDARY OP2 SECONDARY OP3 SECONDARY OP4 Need to add attributes to PDM/SCIM npd:Design_occurrence. Electric Boat concurs: add to PDM, npd:Design_occurrence This is also needed by planning. Document1 34 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Gap Category PDM change model improvement Issue The following NN Catia Attributes do not map to SCIM: SCIM Analysis chapter HOLD-UP_01 HOLD-UP_02 HOLD-UP_03 HOLD-UP_04 HOLD-UP_05 HOLD-UP_06 HOLD-UP_07 HOLD-UP_08 HOLD-UP_09 HOLD-UP_10 CONST DWG REMARKS 1 CONST DWG REMARKS 2 REMARKS The following NN Catia Attributes do not map to SCIM: Y Axis Shear Area Z Axis Shear Area Angle of Main Axis of Inertia Manufacturing Macro Names The following NN Catia end cut related Attributes do not map to SCIM: EndCut 1 Design Macro Name EndCut 2 Design Macro Name ENDCUT 1 MFG MACRO NAME ENDCUT 2 MFG MACRO NAME Comments/Recommendation Candidates for improvements to PDM change model. May need associations to show parts that hold up other parts. Consider portions of NIDDESC CM model incorporated into PDM. Be sure AP239 does not cover this. Candidates for AP209 (analysis) chapter. The CAD system may compute this data. If so it can be derived from SCIM data. However, if this is human defined (e.g., section properties), consider exchanging this in libraries, especially catalog parts. Recommend adding npd:Feature_design_definition.Name property for this. "Name" currently does not exist. Robotic macro names are yard specific, therefore may not be needed for data exchange. Review endcuts on next row. Document1 35 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Gap Category Endcut definition Issue The following NN Catia manufacturing related Attributes do not map to SCIM: ENDCUT 1 MFG P00 ENDCUT 1 MFG P01 ENDCUT 1 MFG P02 ENDCUT 1 MFG P03 ENDCUT 1 MFG P04 ENDCUT 1 MFG P05 ENDCUT 1 MFG P06 ENDCUT 1 MFG P07 ENDCUT 1 MFG P08 ENDCUT 1 MFG P09 ENDCUT 1 MFG P10 ENDCUT 1 MFG P11 ENDCUT 1 MFG P12 ENDCUT 1 MFG P13 ENDCUT 1 MFG P14 ENDCUT 1 MFG P15 ENDCUT 1 MFG P16 ENDCUT 1 MFG P17 ENDCUT 1 MFG P18 ENDCUT 1 MFG P19 ENDCUT 1 MFG P20 ENDCUT 1 MFG P21 ENDCUT 1 MFG P22 ENDCUT 1 MFG P23 ENDCUT 1 MFG P24 ENDCUT 2 MFG P00 ENDCUT 2 MFG P01 ENDCUT 2 MFG P02 ENDCUT 2 MFG P03 ENDCUT 2 MFG P04 ENDCUT 2 MFG P05 ENDCUT 2 MFG P06 ENDCUT 2 MFG P07 ENDCUT 2 MFG P08 ENDCUT 2 MFG P09 ENDCUT 2 MFG P10 ENDCUT 2 MFG P11 ENDCUT 2 MFG P12 ENDCUT 2 MFG P13 ENDCUT 2 MFG P14 ENDCUT 2 MFG P15 ENDCUT 2 MFG P16 ENDCUT 2 MFG P17 ENDCUT 2 MFG P18 ENDCUT 2 MFG P19 ENDCUT 2 MFG P20 ENDCUT 2 MFG P21 ENDCUT 2 MFG P22 ENDCUT 2 MFG P23 ENDCUT 2 MFG P24 Document1 36 Comments/Recommendation Recommend adding to appropriate npd:Feature_design_definition or subclass. TBD manufacturing operation needs to be added to AP218 SCIM, which may be part of structural manufacturing SCIM chapter. Need library of endcut definitions taking CPC into account. Desire is to handle this in a generic way as parametric manufacturing features. Consider including secondary operations in a similar manner. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Gap Category Hangers Issue The following NN Catia hanger related Attributes do not map to SCIM: Comments/Recommendation Ensure SCIM can handle hangers: Verify AP227 (piping, electrical, and HVAC) can handle hangers. Ensure AP218 can handle hangers within its scope (manufactured hangers). Need to review catalog hangers vice piece built hangers. HANGER_ID HANGER_PART_ID DWG_NO_OR_SPEC ASSEMBLY SYSTEM_DESIGNATOR DWG NO. OR SPEC DOC HANGER ASSY NO Different yards address hangers differently. Some are more catalog centric. NGSB-GC and NN may handle hangers as CAD reservations in some cases, but actually create the hangers in the field. NGSB-GC has Standard Procedure (SP) books from which the field decides how to implement a given hanger. The SP book may give several options for a given situation. This may be a “don't care” in a Design to Design exchange, but may be important in a Design to Manufacturing exchange. Shipyard/ISPE attributes do not map to SCIM Numerous Catia Attributes and ISPE attributes do not map to SCIM. Document1 37 Further research required. Need to handle hangers by discipline. Consider a separate chapter on Outfitting and Furnishings. Review each occurrence in the raw data, reevaluate, and disposition. Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis 4.0 Reference Documents Document Number / Number Revision Document Title [1] NSRP-ILE-1.2-001, V1.4, 5 November 2010 Structural Model Import Requirements [2] ISO 10303-218:2004(E): 2004-11-15 STEP AP 218 ISO 10303-218 Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange Part 218: Application protocol: Ship structures [3] 27 January 2003 Integrated Steel Processing Environment (ISPE) Shipyard Requirements Final Report [4] N/A SCIM Chapter 4: Structural (AP 218) AP218_Structural.pdf (text) AP218 diagrams.doc (context diagrams) at URL: expanded_context_schema_pdm_218_merged_009.xml at URL: Document1 38 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis 5.0 Terminology 5.1 Acronyms The following is a list of all acronyms used in this document: Acronym Definition DWG Drawing 2D two dimensional 3D three dimensional AP Application Protocol CAD Computer-Aided Design CATIA Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Application CVN21 CVN21 is the project name used by the U.S. Navy, its contractors, and Congress to denote the development of the next design in supercarriers. CVN 21 is a reference to the next class fixed wing nuclear carrier (CVN) for the 21st Century. DDG 1000 USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) is the lead ship of the Zumwalt class of guided missile destroyers. ILE Integrated Logistics Environment ILS Integrated Logistics Support IPDE Integrated Product Data Environment ISE Integrated Shipbuilding Environment ISE-4 Fourth ISE project addressing four areas: Electrical, Engineering Analysis, Ship Arrangement, and Steel Processing (CAD to CAM) ISO International Organization for Standardization ISPE Integrated Steel Processing Environment Mfg manufacturing NGSB Northrop Grumman ShipBuilding NGSB-GC Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding – Gulf Coast NGSB-NN Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding – Newport News NGTS Northrop Grumman Technical Services NPDI Navy Product Data Initiative NSRP National Shipbuilding Research Program PDM Product Data Management Document1 39 Document Number: NSRP-ILE-1.2-002 Rev: 1.0 Document Title: ILE Structural Model Gap Analysis Acronym Definition PREP preparation SCIM Ship Common Information Model STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data, is a comprehensive ISO standard (ISO 10303) that describes how to represent and exchange digital product information. Document1 40