Chapter 12 student Activities

Chapter 12
Supplementary Exercise #12a: Company Research for a Job Interview
Review the information provided on company research in Chapter 5 and have students
research a company they may be interviewing with. You may assign this as a project to
be turned in, or their results could be a basis for classroom discussion. The purpose of
this exercise is to ensure students are properly prepared with specific company
knowledge prior to an interview. This exercise also helps students think about what
factors will influence them to choose one employer over another.
Supplementary Activity #12b: Interview and Workplace Dress
To ensure that students have a good sense of what professional dress is have them
review the information in Chapter 4 on Interview and Workplace Dress. Take one
class day and ask students to come to class dressed as though they were going on a
job interview. Critique their choice of clothing, assess how well groomed they are, and
provide helpful feedback. Discuss that company norms for interview dress may vary by
industry but stress the importance of business professional dress on a first interview.
Supplementary Activity #12c: Utilizing career services and independent
strategies to obtain job interviews
Require the class to visit your career services office as a group, or in small groups if
necessary. Have them become familiar with the services the office provides and who
the people are that deliver those services. Have the students review the various means
of securing a job interview, and assess what steps they must take beyond using the
career services office to ensure they are able to secure the interviews they want. This
activity should both familiarize students with the role your career services office plays
and reinforces their own understanding of their own role in securing job interviews.
Supplementary Activity#12d: Arrange an Informational Interview
Review the discussion of informational interviews presented in Chapter 8 and require
each student to arrange one. This is good practice for students who need to learn how
to secure their own interviews. It also provides students the opportunity to practice
asking and answering questions during a job interview. The result of their informational
interviews can be a basis of a written report for their Career Portfolio or for a
classroom discussion.
Supplementary Activity #12e Videotape a Mock Interview
Have a prospective employer or a successful alum visit the class to conduct a mock
interview with one of the students. Videotape the interview and play it back, having both
the students and the interviewer critique how well the student handled the interview.
Yena, Career Directions, 6e
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Chapter 12
Supplementary Activity #12f: Salary Negotiation
Have students conduct online research to obtain salary information for similar jobs they
are interviewing for. After comparing salary differences based on factor such as levels
of experience and geographic location, have students determine what they think is an
appropriate salary range for them. Students can use the information they obtained and
refer to the Salary Negotiation Do’s and Don’ts in this chapter to determine a strategy to
negotiate a salary offer if needed.
Supplementary Activity #12g: Career Portfolio Preparation Job Interviews
Using information provided in Chapter 5 on Company Research and Chapter 6 on
Career Portfolios, have students update content in their Career Portfolio to target
specific employers on their job interviews.
Career Directions Handbook 6e Instructors’ Tool:
Supplementary Activity #12g: Matching skills to job requirements for an
As part of the students’ preparation for the job interviews, have them review values,
interests, personality, and skills they identified while studying Chapter Two. Then have
students review job descriptions in the Career Directions Handbook. Students should
create a list of their skills that correspond best with those required in jobs in their career
field. After reviewing which of the skills and qualifications correspond best with those
required in jobs in their career field, have students make a list of their skills and
qualifications that they wish to stress to a prospective employer on an interview.
#1 Using the Internet, have students go to the Walt Disney Company Website and
review how the company uses Web-based interviews as part of their
pre-employment screening process. Students can also research other companies
online and how they use the information obtained to evaluate potential candidates.
#2 In preparation for job interviews, have students research the LinkedIn profile of
2-3 potential hiring managers or interviewers to prepare for their upcoming
interviews. Students can also research the institutions Alumni Website to network
with alum who may be employed at these companies.
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