Referendum Experiments Wave 2 Q4 This survey follows up an earlier one you responded to in early March asking for your personal opinions about the referendum on the British electoral system to be held on May 5. Now that the referendum is about to take place, we would like to ask you some more questions. We are interested in everyone’s opinions, not just those people interested in politics. This questionnaire should take no more than twenty minutes and you can log off and log on again if you want to take a break. This research is being conducted by researchers at the University of Exeter and is funded by the British Academy. We are not associated with either the yes or no campaigns. For further information, please contact Professor Jack Vowles ( For purposes of easily monitoring the composition of our second wave sample, please indicate if you are Male (1) Female (2) Q5 Q2 Please indicate which age group you belong to. 18-29 (1) 30-39 (2) 40-49 (3) 50-65 (4) 66 and over (5) Q1 Q3 How much have you heard about the referendum to be held on May 5 on whether or not Britain should change its voting system for parliamentary elections from the current system of first-past-thepost to the alternative vote? Have you Heard a lot (1) Heard a little (2) Not heard much (3) Not heard anything at all? (4) Q14 Q4 The following question will be asked in the referendum. At present, the UK uses the first past the post system to elect MPs to the House of Commons. Should the Alternative Vote System be used instead? If this voting system referendum were held today, would you vote for The Alternative Vote (1) First past the Post (2) Don't know (3) Don't intend to vote (4) Q18 Q5 How likely are you to cast a vote in the referendum? Very likely (1) Somewhat liikely (2) Not very likely (3) Not at all likely (4) Don't know (5) Q19 Q6 Generally speaking, how much interest do you usually have in what’s going on in politics? Are you Very interested (1) Somewhat interested (2) Not very interested (3) Not at all interested (4) Q83 Q7 Have you seen a copy of the information booklet about AV produced by the Electoral Commission? Yes (1) No (2) Don't know (3) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To Have you seen the television advertis...If Don't know Is Selected, Then Skip To Have you seen the television advertis... Q84 Q7a Did you read the booklet very closely, somewhat closely, or not very closely? Very closely (1) Somewhat closely (2) Not very closely (3) Q85 Q7b Did reading the booklet make you more or less likely to vote for AV? More likely to vote for AV (1) Less likely to vote for AV (2) Made no difference (3) Q93 Q8 Have you seen the television advertisement for the 'Yes Campaign'? Yes (1) No (2) Don't know (3) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To Have you seen the television advertis...If Don't know Is Selected, Then Skip To Have you seen the television advertis... Q94 Q8a Did it make you more or less likely to vote 'Yes', or did it make no difference? No difference (1) More likely (2) Less likely (3) Don't know (4) Q95 Q9 Have you seen the television advertisement for the 'No' campaign? Yes (1) No (2) Don't know (3) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To During the last few weeks, people hav...If Don't know Is Selected, Then Skip To During the last few weeks, people hav... Q96 Q9a Did it make you more or less likely to vote 'No', or did it make no difference? No difference (1) More likely (2) Less likely (3) Don't know (4) Q3 During the last few weeks, people have been contacted about the referendum by various groups.Q10 Have you been contacted by the 'Yes' Campaign? No (1) Telephone call (2) Leaflets or other material delivered to your home (3) Email or text message (4) Visit to your home (5) Contact on the street (6) Facebook (7) Twitter (8) Q66 Q11 Have you been contacted by the 'No' Campaign? No (1) Telephone call (2) Leaflets or other material delivered to your home (3) Email or text message (4) Visit to your home (5) Contact on the street (6) Facebook (7) Twitter (8) Q70 Q12 Has someone from the Labour Party contacted you about the referendum? No (1) Telephone call (2) Leaflets or other material delivered to your home (3) Email or text message (4) Visit to your home (5) Contact on the street (6) Facebook (7) Twitter (8) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To Q3 Has someone from the Conservative ... Q80 Q12a How did the person from the Labour Party want you to vote? First past the post (1) AV (2) Don't know (3) Q71 Q13 Has someone from the Conservative Party contacted you about the referendum? No (1) Telephone call (2) Leaflets or other material delivered to your home (3) Email or text message (4) Visit to your home (5) Contact on the street (6) Facebook (7) Twitter (8) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To Q3 Has someone from the Liberal Democ... Q81 Q13a How did the person from the Conservative Party want you to vote? First past the post (1) AV (2) Don't know (3) Q72 Q14 Has someone from the Liberal Democrats contacted you about the referendum? No (1) Telephone call (2) Leaflets or other material delivered to your home (3) Email or text message (4) Visit to your home (5) Contact on the street (6) Facebook (7) Twitter (8) Q73 Q15 Has someone from any other group, organization, or party contacted you about the referendum? No (1) Telephone call (2) Leaflets or other material delivered to your home (3) Email or text message (4) Visit to your home (5) Contact on the street (6) Facebook (7) Twitter (8) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To End of Block Q82 Q15a How did the person or people from any other group(s), organization(s) or party(ies) want you to vote? First past the post (1) AV (2) Contacted by more than one, some yes, some no (3) Don't know (4) Q16 Q16 Do you have local, assembly, or parliamentary elections on May 5 where you live? Yes (1) No (2) Don't know (3) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To Q12 How much interest would you say y... Q17 Q16a How likely are you to vote in one of those elections? Very likely (1) Somewhat Likely (2) Not likely (3) Not at all likely (4) Don't know (5) Q19 Q17 How much interest would you say you have in the referendum on AV versus first past the post? Are you Very interested (1) Somewhat interested (2) Not very interested (3) Not at all interested (4) Q110 Q18 Have you been looking for information about the two electoral systems yourself, through the internet, or elsewhere? Yes, through the internet (1) Yes, elsewhere (2) No (3) If Yes, elsewhere Is Selected, Then Skip To End of BlockIf No Is Selected, Then Skip To End of Block Q122 Have you looked for information on any of the websites listed here? The 'No' Campaign Website (1) The 'Yes' Campaign website (2) The Electoral Commission website (3) Any other websites? (4) Q112 Q19a If there was an election held today, for which party’s candidate would you vote? Would not vote (1) Conservative (2) Labour (3) Liberal Democrat (4) UK Independence Party (5) Green (6) Scottish National Party (7) Plaid Cymru (8) Other (9) Don't know (10) Q114 Q20a If an election were held today, how would you vote under AV? (Put your choices as 1, 2, 3 etc in the boxes next to each party. You do not have to enter any more than a 1, or you can enter as many as you like) ______ Conservative (1) ______ Labour (2) ______ Liberal Democrat (3) ______ UK Independence Party (4) ______ Green (5) ______ Scottish National Party (6) ______ Plaid Cymru (7) ______ Other (8) ______ Don't know (9) Q116 Q21a Would you say you care personally about which system is used to elect MPs? Do you: Care a lot (1) Care somewhat (2) Don't really care (3) Don't care at all (4) Q127 Q19b Would you say you care personally about which system is used to elect MPs? Do you: Care a lot (1) Care somewhat (2) Don't really care (3) Don't care at all (4) Q125 Q20b If there was an election held today, for which party’s candidate would you vote? Would not vote (1) Conservative (2) Labour (3) Liberal Democrat (4) UK Independence Party (5) Green (6) Scottish National Party (7) Plaid Cymru (8) Other (9) Don't know (10) Q126 Q21b If an election were held today, how would you vote under AV? (Put your choices as 1, 2, 3 etc in the boxes next to each party. You do not have to enter any more than a 1, or you can enter as many as you like) ______ Conservative (1) ______ Labour (2) ______ Liberal Democrat (3) ______ UK Independence Party (4) ______ Green (5) ______ Scottish National Party (6) ______ Plaid Cymru (7) ______ Other (8) ______ Don't know (9) Q24 Q22 On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 means strongly like, and 0 strongly dislike, where would you place the following parties? 0 Strongly dislike (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 (8) 8 (9) 9 (10) 10 Strongly like (11) Don't know (12) Conservative (1) Labour (2) Liberal Democrat (3) UK Independence (4) Green (5) Scottish National (6) Plaid Cymru (7) Q26 Q23 On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 means strongly like, and 0 strongly dislike, how do you feel about these political leaders? 0 Strongly dislike (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 (8) 8 (9) 9 (10) 10 Strongly like (11) Don't know (12) David Cameron (1) Ed Miliband (2) Nick Clegg (3) Q119 Q24 On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 means strong trust, and 0 strong distrust, how much do you trust politicians in general? 0 Strong distrust (1) Politicians in general (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 (8) 8 (9) 9 (10) 10 Strong Trust (11) Don't know (12) Q118 Q25 On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 means strong trust, and 0 strong distrust, how much do you trust these political parties? 0 Strong distrust (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 (8) 8 (9) 9 (10) 10 Strong Trust (11) Don't know (12) The Conservative Party (1) The Labour Party (2) The Liberal Democrat Party (3) Q27 Q26 Which of these parties would you say was for AV, or for first past the post, or divided on the question? For AV (1) For First past the post (2) Divided (3) Don't know (4) Conservative (1) Labour (2) Liberal Democrat (3) UK Independence (4) Green (5) Scottish National (6) Plaid Cymru (7) Q60 Q27 Do you regularly read a daily newspaper or newpapers – either the paper versions or online, or both? Yes, paper version (1) Yes, online (2) Yes, read paper version(s) and online (3) No (4) Q61 Q28 Which daily newspapers do you read, either regularly, or just occasionally? (You can answer more than one) I really never read a newspaper!l (1) Daily Mail/Scottish Daily Mail (2) Daily Star/Daily Star of Scotland (3) Daily Telegraph (4) Express (5) Financial Times (6) Guardian (7) Independent (8) Mirror/Scottish Mirror/Daily Record (9) The Scotsman (10) The Sun (11) The times (12) Western Mail (13) Metro (14) The Evening Standard (15) Your city's local newspaper (16) Another (17) If I really never read a newsp... Is Selected, Then Skip To Q35 On an average weekday, how much t... Q62 Q28a Which daily newspaper do you read most often? Daily Mail/Scottish Daily Mail (1) Daily Star/Daily Star of Scotland (2) Daily Telegraph (3) Express (4) Financial Times (5) Guardian (6) Independent (7) Mirror/Scottish Mirror/Daily Record (8) The Scotsman (9) The Sun (10) The Times (11) Western Mail (12) Metro (13) The Evening Standard (14) Your city's local newspaper (15) Another (16) Q98 Q28b Did you read anything in a newspaper or newpapers about the referendum on AV versus first past the post? Would you say you read A large number of items about the referendum (1) Several items about the referendum (2) Just one or two things about the referendum (3) Nothing about the referendum (4) Q63 Q29 On an average weekday, how much time do you spend watching television news or programmes about politics and current affairs? None, no time at all (1) Less than half an hour (2) Half an hour to an hour (3) 1 to 2 hours (4) More than 2 hours (5) If None, no time at all Is Selected, Then Skip To End of Block Q120 Q29a Did you see anything on television about the referendum on AV versus first past the post? Would you say you saw A large number of things about the referendum (1) Several things about the referendum (2) Just one or two things about the referendum (3) Nothing about the referendum (4) Q64 Q29b How often do you watch the following news programmes? Never (1) Less than Once a Month (2) Once a Month (3) 2-3 Times a Month (4) Once a Week (5) 2-3 Times a Week (6) Daily (7) BBC news (1) ITV news (2) Channel 4 News (3) Sky News (4) Newsnight (5) Despatches (6) Panorama (7) Q34 Q30 Which system, first past the post, or AV, makes coalition governments (made up of more than one party) more likely? Or do neither make much difference? First past the post (1) The alternative vote (2) Neither make much difference (3) Don't know (4) Q41 Q31 Do you agree or disagree with these statements, and how strongly? Strongly agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly disagree (4) Don't know (5) Under AV there will be no more wasted votes (1) AV will make it more likely that extremists are elected to Parliament (2) The referendum is a big waste of money (3) AV makes sure every MP has to win a majority of the votes (4) AV makes it possible for everybody to vote for who they want to (5) Voting under AV is as easy as ranking your candidates 1, 2, 3. (6) Q42 Q32 Here are some more statements to agree or disagree with. Strongly agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly disagree (4) Don't know (5) Voters will not understand AV because it is too confusing (1) The first past the post system gives us strong government (2) AV means that some votes get counted more than others (3) The campaign against AV is dominated by the Conservative Party (4) AV would only help the Liberal Democrats (5) AV is not significantly more proportional than first past the post (6) Q56 Q33 Imagine that a party wins the most votes in an election with about 40 per cent of the votes cast across the whole country. Regardless of whether you like that party or not, do you think that party should get: About 40% of the seats in Parliament? (1) More than half the seats in Parliament? (2) Somwhere between 40% and half the seats? (3) Don't know (4) Q57 Q34 Imagine that a party receives 15 per cent of the votes in an election, across the whole country. Regardless of whether you liked that party or not, do you think that party should get: About 15% of the seats in Parliament? (1) Less than 15% of the seats in Parliament? (2) No seats at all? (3) Don't know (4) Q29 Q35 Generally speaking, do you prefer A government made up of a single party (1) A coalition made up of more than one party (2) Don't know (3) Q58 Q36 If you have to choose, which of the following is more important to you? One party has more than half the seats in Parliament, so it can easily govern on its own (1) Parties have about the same percentage of seats as their percentage of the votes (2) Don't know (3) Q59 Q37 How much do you agree or disagree with these opinions? Strongly agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly Disagree (4) Don't know (5) Most people would try to take advantage of others if they got the chance (1) A few strong leaders could make this country better than all the laws and talk (2) What young people need most of all is strict discipline by their parents (3) Sometimes politics seems so complicated people like me can't understand what goes on (4) I feel that I could do as good a job in public office as most people (5) I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the issues facing the UK (6) Q97 Q38 How much do you agree or disagree with these opinions? Strongly agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly Disagree (4) Don't know (5) Most Members of Parliament are out of touch with the rest of the country (1) People like me don't have any say about what the government does (2) You can trust the government to do what is right most of the time (3) I don’t think politicians and civil servants care much about what people like me think (4) The government is largely run by a few big interests (5) Q52 Q39a Do you agree or disagree with these statements, and how strongly? Strongly agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly Disagree (4) Don't know (5) With David Cameron, who says that AV will mean a political system that is unfair, unclear, and unaccountable? (1) With Ed Miliband, who says that AV will restore the balance of power in favour of voters (2) With Nick Clegg, who says that AV would mean no one's vote is wasted and MPs would be forced to work harder to win and keep your support (3) Q53 Q39b Do you agree or disagree with these statements, and how strongly? Strongly agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly Disagree (4) Don't know (5) AV will mean a political system that is unfair, unclear, and unaccountable (1) AV will restore the balance of power in favour of voters (2) AV would mean no one's vote is wasted and MPs would be forced to work harder to win and keep your support (3) Q87 Q40a Do you agree or disagree with these statements, and how strongly? Strongly agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly Disagree (4) Don't know (5) With the Sunday paper, the Observer, that says 'AV would elect a parliament that more accurately describes the political complexion of the nation' (1) With the Daily Mail, that says 'a victory for AV would ride roughshod over Britain’s democratic traditions, while placing the country at the mercy of shabby backroom stitch-ups' (2) With the Daily Telegraph, that says the referendum is 'an unnecessary distraction from more pressing matters' (3) Q88 Q40b Do you agree or disagree with these statements, and how strongly? Strongly agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly Disagree (4) Don't know (5) AV would elect a parliament that more accurately describes the political complexion of the nation (1) A victory for AV would ride roughshod over Britain’s democratic traditions, while placing the country at the mercy of shabby backroom stitch-ups (2) The referendum is an unnecessary distraction from more pressing matters (3) Q54 Q41 Finally, here is the referendum choice question again, in case you have changed your mind. At present, the UK uses the first past the post system to elect MPs to the House of Commons. Should the Alternative Vote System be used instead?${e://Field/eid} The Alternative Vote (1) First past the post (2) Don't know (3) If The Alternative Vote Is Selected, Then Skip To End of SurveyIf First past the post Is Selected, Then Skip To End of SurveyIf Don't know Is Selected, Then Skip To End of Survey