Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan
Annual Review 2012/2013
TELSTRA CORPORATION LIMITED (ABN 33 051 775 556) | Printed xx/xx/xx
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
The Telstra Regional and Rural Presence Plan (RRPP) summarises Telstra’s continued
commitment to regional, rural and remote customers in line with meeting the Licence
Condition, Carrier Licence Conditions (Telstra Corporation Limited) Declaration 1997
(Amendment No. 2 of 2005).
This review reports on how Telstra met the broad commitments included in the RRPP for the
2012/13 financial year and highlights the achievements Telstra has made in serving regional
and rural customers. In January 2012, Telstra reaffirmed its commitments to regional and
rural Australia and in June 2012, the Minister accepted Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence
Plan 2012-2015.
The Regional Telecommunications (Estens) Inquiry 2002 recommendation, upon which the
Licence Condition is based, recognised the need for a plan that is “broadly compatible with
Telstra’s commercial interests” and that is not “unduly prescriptive or burdensome”.
The RRPP suggested a number of measures and subsequent evidence to demonstrate
Telstra’s compliance with the RRPP. This review is consistent with that approach and largely
uses information already in the public domain as evidence.
Telstra has the largest and strongest presence in regional and rural Australia of any
telecommunications company. The local presence of Telstra management is central to its
ability to deliver the services that its customers value. Telstra employees are an integral part of
Australian communities and make a significant contribution to their economic and social wellbeing. Telstra has made a clear business commitment to serving regional, rural and remote
Australia now and in the future. Telstra’s local presence helps the company to improve
customer service and its business performance.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Approach
During 2012/13, Telstra maintained a local management presence through Telstra Country
Wide and field service areas of the company.
Telstra Country Wide (TCW) is the management group that focuses on sales and service
activities across Australia in metro, outer metro, regional, rural and remote Australia. TCW sits
within the expanded remit of Telstra Consumer and Country Wide (TCCW), which has
overarching accountability.
Telstra’s strategy recognises that regional, rural and remote customers are best served by
integrated technologies and services, bringing together the many elements of Telstra’s
organisational capabilities. Telstra continues to maintain a local presence in regional, rural and
remote Australia to add to the value of our products and provide a better experience for
The principal measure of the success of this strategy is business growth, reflecting customer
choice in the highly competitive and dynamic Australian telecommunications market. Telstra
has continued to undertake projects and activities that benefit customers in regional, rural and
remote Australia. Regional, rural and remote customers continue to see improvements in
world-class telecommunications products and services. Information about projects that Telstra
is undertaking will continue to be reported in Telstra’s annual report and through other public
In 2011, Telstra signed Definitive Agreements with NBN Co and the Commonwealth
Government, outlining Telstra’s participation in the roll out of the NBN. As part of this
agreement, Telstra has agreed to disconnect, progressively, copper-based Customer Access
Network services and broadband services on its HFC cable network (but not Pay TV services
on the HFC) that are provided to premises in the NBN fibre footprint, and will migrate services
onto NBN-based services as the NBN is rolled out.
Telstra continues to maintain an ongoing local management presence in regional, rural and
remote Australia. This local management presence is intended to assist Telstra to better meet
the needs of its regional, rural and remote customers, and to maximise business performance
in these areas. Telstra has continued to maintain senior level accountability for regional, rural
and remote customer operations during 2012/13. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote
customers also continue to benefit from having decisions made at the highest level
appropriately informed by the knowledge of local conditions.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Measure 1.1: Telstra will continue to maintain a local presence in regional, rural and
remote Australia to the extent that this is broadly compatible with its commercial
interests and is not unduly prescriptive and does not impose undue financial and
administrative burdens on the company.
Telstra continues to maintain a strong local presence in regional, rural and remote Australia
with local sales and service employees from a range of Telstra business units. Many of these
employees live and work in the communities they serve. Telstra continues to have a strong
retail presence in Australia with customers able to visit over 5000 Telstra owned shops, Telstra
licensed stores, Telstra partner stores and dealers across metropolitan, regional, rural and
remote Australia. Telstra Country Wide Area General Managers are the most senior Telstra
representatives in the local market. This approach means a local manager is responsible for all
matters affecting customers in their area.
1.1.1 Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan outlines Telstra’s regional and rural
presence at
1.1.2 Local management model of Telstra Country Wide at Appendix 1 and Area General
Manager role description at Appendix 2
1.1.3 Information on locations at Appendix 3 and
Measure 1.2: Telstra will continue to undertake a range of projects that will benefit its
customers in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra has undertaken a number of initiatives in 2012/13 that benefit regional and rural
customers. These include continued investment in infrastructure for regional and rural areas,
continued product innovation and simplified pricing packages across the range of product
suites. Simultaneously, Telstra continued to make it easier for its customers to access a range
of communications services across various channels, including online, by phone or by access
to Telstra retail, be it a Telstra owned store, Telstra licensed store, Telstra partner or dealer.
1.2.1 Information in the form of media releases showing examples of how Telstra’s range of
projects assisted customers during 2012/13 can be found at Appendix 4.
1.2.2 Examples of Telstra’s community projects across regional and rural Australia
1.2.3 Information on the provision of fibre deployment to new estates
Control and left click to open
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
1.2.4 Also see evidence for Measure 2.3
Measure 1.3: Telstra will continue to maintain an ongoing local management presence
in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra has continued to maintain senior level accountability for regional, rural and remote
customer operations during 2012/13. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote customers continued
to benefit from having decisions made at the highest levels appropriately informed by
knowledge of local conditions.
Telstra operates over 5000 points of presence across Australia, with a significant proportion in
regional, rural and remote Australia, as well as Telstra’s field services divisions.
1.3.1 Details of Telstra County Wide regions, Senior Managers, Area General Managers and
locations are included at Appendix 3 and
1.3.2 References to a wide range of Telstra activities in regional and rural Australia during
2012/13 are included in Appendix 4
Measure 1.4: Telstra will continue to maintain a structure of local managers responsible
for overall sales and service performance in their regions.
Telstra has in place Area General Managers (AGMs) who are the most senior Telstra
Executive for Telstra in their local area.
They report to a Regional Sales and Service Director who in turn reports to the Telstra Country
Wide Executive Director. Telstra conducts regular meetings in regional offices with local staff
from all departments from sales and customer service to network construction and design.
These internal reviews provide valuable local insight into key areas of the business. The
objective is to strengthen the local Telstra community, improve local customer service and
Telstra’s local performance.
1.4.1 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1
1.4.2 Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager and Regional Sales and Service Director
roles at Appendix 2
Measure 1.5: Telstra will continue to maintain senior level accountability for regional,
rural and remote customer operations.
During 2012/2013, Telstra AGMs have continued to report to senior Telstra managers
responsible for the sales and service performance across particular regions. The head of
Telstra Country Wide, to whom these managers report, represents regional, rural and remote
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
customers’ interests to the Group Managing Director of Telstra Consumer and Country Wide,
who in turn represents these at the highest levels within the company.
1.5.1 Biography of Group Managing Director (TCCW)
1.5.2 Vision statement from the head of Telstra Country Wide
1.5.3 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1
1.5.4 Telstra Country Wide role descriptions at Appendix 2
1.5.5 Telstra Country Wide Directors and Area General Managers details at Appendix 3 and
1.5.6 Telstra senior management team and executives at
Measure 1.6: Telstra will continue to seek the views of its regional, rural and remote
customers for the purpose of addressing the telecommunications service interests of
its customers.
The principal way in which the interests of regional, rural and remote customers are identified
continues to be through feedback from customers during the normal course of sales and
service activities. Staff and managers in shops, call centres and on service calls provide
information on customer issues and needs.
Telstra also undertakes extensive regular surveys and research into the needs and views of its
customers throughout Australia, particularly in relation to the development of new products and
services, and service performance.
Telstra AGMs regularly speak to customers, customer representative groups and community
organisations in the course of their day to day duties. Telstra also regularly consults with
customers via regional visits from Senior Telstra executives.
Telstra also maintained close links with key organisations and stakeholders, including:
 Farming organisations;
 The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association (ICPA) and state chapters;
 Local Government;
 Regional Development Boards;
 Local MPs, Federal and State;
 Disability advocacy groups via our Telstra Disability Forum and Disability Equipment
Program Consumer Advisory Group;
 Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (which has a range of rural and
regional organisational members); and
 A wide range of rural and regional community welfare organisations that provide assistance
to low income customers through Telstra’s Access for Everyone programs.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Connecting Indigenous customers and communities
Communication technologies enhance remote healthcare and education, are critical in times of
disaster and are fundamental for full participation in economic and community life. There are
huge social benefits for those who are connected. But not everyone has the access or the
skills to enjoy these benefits – there remains a digital divide.
At Telstra, ‘digital inclusion’ means ensuring all Australians can enjoy the everyday benefits of
being connected to communications technologies – irrespective of age, income, ability, location
or disadvantage.
Telstra’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) defines our commitment to connect Indigenous
customers and communities, in particular in remote Australia, to affordable, innovative and
accessible products and services. As Australia’s largest telecommunications company, we
have a unique opportunity to make a real difference.
The Telstra Indigenous Directorate was established in 2005 to improve telecommunications
services for remote Indigenous communities across Australia. Its accountabilities include:
Championing the availability of culturally appropriate products and services for
Indigenous people living in remote communities;
Supporting the rollout of new infrastructure and services to remote Indigenous
communities, with support of government agencies where investment would otherwise
be uneconomic;
Representing Telstra to governments and stakeholder groups in the delivery of
appropriate telecommunications infrastructure and services to Indigenous people;
The Indigenous Directorate also collaborates closely with the Telstra Foundation to create
digital inclusion opportunities for Indigenous communities. During 2012/13, they were actively
involved in many activities. Some examples are provided below.
Telstra became one of the first corporations in Australia to formally recognise the
Traditional Owners of land and country, by installing signs of acknowledgment in every
branded Telstra store (365 stores) and business centre (88) across Australia.
We announced a $5.76 million joint investment with the NT Government, to deliver
mobile coverage to eight remote communities and fixed broadband services to six
remote communities in the NT by the end of 2013. This will reach more than 8,000
The Telstra Foundation partnered with the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence
(NCIE) to explore digital inclusion opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islanders – we’re calling it the Indigenous Digital Excellence Agenda or the ‘IDEA’. We
launched a wide-reaching consultation initiative that engaged thinkers and leaders
across Australia.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
On 1 July 2013, Telstra announced a new $5 million, multi-year partnership with the
NCIE to create an Indigenous Digital Excellence Hub that will develop platforms, apps,
programs and events to improve community wellbeing. The partnership will support
Indigenous people to take their next ‘digital’ step – whether it’s enjoying the strength of
online connections through purpose-built online networks and apps, learning digital
literacy skills, running an online business or building leadership skills.
Customer Facing Events
As part of familiarising customers with the ongoing development of networks and services
including Next G, BigPond, HomeLine etc, Telstra conducted customer facing events
throughout regional areas during 2012/13.
Examples include:
 The Sepparton Bush Market
 Peter Blasina Connected Seniors
 Vision Australia Presentation of Disability Products
 Rodney Park Retirement Village Presentation of Disability Products and IPAD
 Everyone connected Workshops with Peter Blasina
 Farmworld 2013
 Community Town visits
 Connected Home on Wheels
 Gippsland Business Community Breakfast Network
 East Gippsland Field Days
 Bendigo Bank Gippsland Business Awards, Telstra Finalist Breakfast
 Deniliquin Farming Expo
 Seymour Field Days
 Elmore Field Days
 Victorian Farmer’s Federation Conferences
 Temporary store in South Hobart for NBN
1.6.1 AGMs are accessible and accountable for gathering local intelligence on customer’s
needs and views. See details at Appendix 3
1.6.2 Information on Telstra Indigenous Directorate
1.6.3 Telstra Indigenous hotline
1.6.4 Telstra Reconciliation Action Plan 2011-2014
1.6.5 The Access for Everyone package provides a range of programs for customers on a low
income or in crisis.
1.6.6 Telstra Foundation commits $5 million to create digital opportunity with the National
Centre of Indigenous Excellence$5%20million%20to%20create
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
1.6.7 Telstra acknowledges traditional owners across Australia
1.6.8 New communications technologies for the Northern Territory
1.6.9 We work to enhance the accessibility of our products and services for people with
1.6.10 Telstra Disability Action Plan
Measure 1.7: Telstra will continue to maintain senior level accountability for
representing the telecommunications service interests of its regional, rural and remote
customers at senior levels within the company.
The Group Managing Director for Telstra Consumer and Country Wide (TCCW) reports directly
to Telstra’s Chief Executive Officer. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote customers benefit from
having decisions made at senior levels appropriately informed by knowledge of local
1.7.1 Telstra Consumer and Country Wide Group Managing Director
1.7.2 Telstra Country Wide Executive Director vision statement
1.7.3 Telstra Country Wide Directors and AGMs at Appendix 3
1.7.4 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1.
Measure 2.1: Telstra will continue to maintain a formal complaint management process
available to customers in regional, rural and remote areas, including publication of
complaint handling areas and contact details.
Telstra maintains a formal complaint management process to ensure that each customer
complaint is addressed at an appropriate level. It applies to all Telstra customers no matter
where they live, including those living or working in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Complaints can be lodged online, by phone or by letter.
From 1 July 2012, the Net Promoter System (NPS) has been deployed to measure customer
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
satisfaction and advocacy. At the end of every online, phone call or face-to-face interaction,
Telstra asks our customer to give us a score between 0 and 10 and provide written or verbal
feedback. Currently, there have been over 10 million customer surveys. A NPS report is sent
daily to the executive team summarising the previous day’s performance.
Simplification remains a priority for Telstra
Telstra’s business improvement program remained on track and delivered benefits in fiscal
2013 of $1 billion, enabling reinvestment in customer service initiatives. These benefits
included improvements in productivity, growth in online customer interactions and simplifying
Telstra’s operating model.
TIO complaints continued to decline
TIO Level 1complaints continue to decrease, with a further 8% reduction of complaints from
last year. Customer service improvements introduced over the last year include the
introduction of the Thanks Loyalty Program, mobile customer data alerts when customers
exceed 80% of their data plan, Post-paid mobile no lock in plans and many other operational
An improved online presence
In 2012/2013, Telstra continued to improve its online presence with 40% of transactions now
completed online. This has increased from last year by 10 percentage points. This has been
achieved by having 2 million regular users on My Account, increased use of the 24x7 App with
over 2.5 million customers downloading the app and doubling the Live Chat volumes this year
with more than 5,000 sessions per day.
2.1.1 Telstra’s Customer Service Charter
2.1.2 Telstra’s vision is to know its customers and meet their needs better than anyone else
2.1.3 Complaints policy at
2.1.4 Complaint contact details at
2.1.5 Contact details for complaints about fixed phones see
2.1.6 TIO complaint reduction
2.1. 7 Putting Our Customers at the Centre,
2.1.8 Media Release, Telstra delivers industry-first customer services app via Facebook,, 31 Jul 2012
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
2.1. 9 Customer Experience (including net promoter system), Annual Report,
2.1. 10 Media Release, Telstra addresses data ‘bill shock’ for international roaming customers,, 02 May 2013
Measure 2.2: Telstra will continue to provide its customers in regional, rural and remote
areas with access to sales and service support.
Telstra provides customers with a range of ways to access sales and service support,
including through its retail outlets, its AGMs and staff, its contact centres, via online channels
and via Local Customer Service Consultant positions in the TCW team.
Telstra has also increased its presence on Social Networking sites, with users able to
communicate with Telstra representatives via Facebook, Twitter, Crowd Support, Live Chat
24x7 and Telstra’s own blog, Telstra Exchange. Telstra also provides support via YouTube
instructing customers on how to undertake specific tasks in relation to their service.
Telstra has continued its strong presence on Facebook with Telstra 24×7, which is all about
making services accessible when customers are online. Consultants are on hand to assist
with sales or service queries and we aim to provide a response to posts within one hour or
2.2.1 Information about Telstra contact centres and Telstra Country Wide AGM area locations
can be found at Appendix 3
2.2.2 The locations of Telstra shops can be found on the website at
2.2. 3 Customers can shop online at
2.2.4 Telstra contact centre numbers for information on fixed, mobile, internet and other
services can be found at
2.2.5 Customers can engage with Telstra via Facebook (Facebook login required- search
2.2.6 Customers can get support and get answers to questions via Twitter!/Telstra
2.2.7 Customers can get sales and service information via Telstra’s blog, Telstra Exchange
2.2.8 Telstra provides support on common problems via YouTube
2.2.9 Management of customers’ accounts available online
2.2.10 Contact details for Moving Home
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
2.2. 11 Reporting Faults online
2.2.12 Telstra Exchange post, Meet Telstra’s social media community managers, , 25 January 2013
2.2.13 Media Release, Telstra delivers industry-first customer service app via Facebook,, 31 July 2012.
Also see Measure 2.6 below
Measure 2.3: Telstra will continue to offer products and services designed to meet the
needs of its customers in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra continues to offer a wide range of products and services designed to meet the needs of
its customers and offering benefits for regional, rural and remote Australia. These products and
services will change over time. It is intended that these products and services will continue to
address the telecommunications service needs of Telstra’s regional, rural and remote
2.3.1 A summary of all Telstra’s products and services is available online at:
Some examples of the provision of new services and products in 2012/13 are found at the links
Mobiles/Smart Phones
2.3.2 Media Release, Telstra increases 4G coverage,, 28 Aug 2012
2.3.3 Media Release, Samsung Galaxy SIII 4G on arrive to Telstra 4G from 9 October,, 28 Sep 2012
2.3.4 Media Release, Telstra unwraps new products for Christmas,, 13 Nov 2012
2.3.5 Media Release, 4G International Roaming between Telstra and Hong Kong live,, 16 Jan 2013
2.3.6 Media Release, Samsung’s new GALAXY to land on 27 April,, 23 April 2013
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
2.3.7 Media Release, Telstra secures spectrum licences in the 700 MHz and 2.5 GHz bands,, 7 May 2013
2.3.8 Media Release, Telstra turns on 1500th 4G base station,, 21 May 2013
2.3.9 Media Release, Telstra 4G coverage 4 skiers,, 7 Jun 2013
Tablet Devices
2.3.10 Media Release, Telstra launches new 4G tablet to connect the family,, 29 Oct 2012
2.3.11 Media Release, Telstra offers fourth generation iPad with Wi-Fi plus Cellular,, 23 Nov 2012
2.3.12 Media Release, Telstra and Toshiba launch world’s first 4G Windows 8 Ultrabook –
tablet,, 28 May 2013
Home Phone and Broadband Bundles
2.3.13 Media Release, Telstra brings premium IPTV entertainment to more everyday Aussie
homes,, 23 Apr 2013
Mobile Broadband
2.3.14 Media Release, Telstra to improve wireless coverage in regional WA by 22 percent,, 1 Aug 2012
2.3.15 Media Release, Internet access anytime, anywhere – Australians love it,, 7 Aug 2012
2.3.16 Media Release, Telstra unveils roadmap to manage mobile broadband boom,, 20 Feb 2013
Measure 2.4: Telstra will continue to offer tailored products and services for its regional,
rural and remote customers with particular communication needs, including older
customers, those with a disability or on low incomes and people living in remote,
indigenous communities.
Telstra understands that among its regional, rural and remote customers there are groups who
have particular needs. Telstra has in place programs that offer tailored products and services
to meet specific needs and circumstances, for example, Country Calling Card and Community
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Phones in remote Indigenous communities, and tailored HomeLine Plans and calling options.
Telstra also has specific contact numbers should customers prefer to speak to a Telstra
Customer Service Representative in a language other than English, and for customers
enquiring about our Disability Equipment Program. The products and services offered may
change over time.
2.4.1 Priority Assistance at:
2.4.2 Disability products and services
2.4.3 Access For Everyone – Affordability Options
2.4.4 Disability initiatives including:
Disability Action Plan:
Consultation and community:
2.4.5 References for Remote Indigenous Communities
2.4.6 Services for Indigenous Communities:
2.4.7 Language Assistance - Telstra’s Multicultural Call Centre speaks your language at:
Measure 2.5: Telstra will continue to undertake activities designed to address the
telecommunications needs of small business customers in regional, rural and remote
Telstra Business is a business unit dedicated to meeting the unique needs of Australia’s small
to medium enterprises. This includes the operation of contact centres with staff dedicated to
Telstra’s small business customers. There is a dedicated business website that provides
business customers with a range of up to date business news, products and services
information on-line.
2.5.1 Information demonstrating how Telstra products and services assist customers at:
2.5.2 Media Release, Out of the Office but Open for Small Business,, 19 March 2013
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
2.5.3 Media Release, Telstra extends IPv6 connectivity to business customers,, 25 June 2013
Measure 2.6: Telstra will continue to provide service information to its regional, rural
and remote customers.
Critical Information Summary
From March 2013, Telstra provides a Critical Information Summary which provides the key
details of products, plans, devices or service in an easy to understand and concise way.
Critical Information Summaries have replaced My Offer Summaries, as required under the
Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code.
2.6.1 Information for families/homes on products and services - overview at: with more detail via links to home phone, broadband
and mobiles
2.6.2 Information for small business on products and services at: with more detail via links on specific products via
links to mobiles, office phone, internet
2.6.3 Customer commitments and updates on how Telstra is changing to serve customers
2.6.4 Telstra’s Our Customer Terms available at:
2.6.5 Mobile Coverage Information at:
2.6.6 Critical Information Summary Example,
Measure 2.7: Telstra will continue to undertake sales and marketing activities to inform
regional, rural and regional customers about products and services.
Telstra routinely conducts sales and marketing campaigns targeted at specific segments and
regional geographic markets as part of its operations. Telstra launched a number of major local
marketing programs into regional Australia across the year to educate customers on the
benefits and value that Telstra products and services provide, in a way that was relevant to
each region and explaining the technology available.
Examples of programs launched included:
Fixed & Wireless broadband campaigns based on the most suitable technology for
regional areas.
Next G® Mobile campaigns promoting the benefits of superior coverage, speed,
network reliability and content features.
Outdoor radio broadcasts focused on price perception, local advantage, sales and
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Local marketing events in regional Australia in conjunction with existing, wellattended local regional events. Examples of events included Seymour, Elmore Field
The Blue Tick: Telstra rigorously tests its range of Next G® handsets and devices for
coverage performance and assigns the “Blue Tick” to those which it recommends for
handheld use in rural areas. The Blue Tick logo is displayed prominently in store, on
merchandise and on the website.
Coverage Advice: Telstra Country Wide staffs frequently provide customers with
advice on what type of handset and accessories best meet their coverage needs.
2.7. 1 Media Release, Telstra to improve wireless coverage in regional WA by 22 percent,, 1 Aug 2012
2.7.2 Media Release, Telstra increases 4G coverage,, 28 Aug 2012
2.7.3 NBN Trial Sites
2.7.4 See Measure 1.6 – Customer Facing Events
2.7.5 See Appendix 4 for others
Measure 2.8: Telstra will continue to have mechanisms in place to take on board
customer feedback, including feedback from its regional, rural and remote customers.
See measure 2.1
2.8.1 Coverage feedback on mobile networks at:
2.8.2 Complaints contacts at:
2.8.3 My Telstra Experience
2.8.4 Telstra Exchange
2.8.5 Customers can provide feedback via Facebook
(Facebook log in required - Search Telstra)
2.8.6 Customers can provide feedback via Twitter!/Telstra
2.8.7 See Measure 1.6
Measure 2.9: Telstra will continue to take steps to enable staff to meet the
telecommunications service needs of its regional, rural and remote customers.
Telstra understands that customers living outside the major cities sometimes face different
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
circumstances, concerns and issues. Its structure and activities recognise the need for
specialist knowledge and appropriate responses. Telstra continues to take steps to enable staff
to meet the telecommunications service needs of its regional, rural and remote customers. This
assists staff in having a greater understanding of these customers’ telecommunications needs
and provides a greater responsiveness to those needs.
Ensuring staff have the right knowledge and tools to meet our customers’ needs is a top
priority at Telstra. All customer facing staff have access to detailed online product and service
information and as part of Telstra’s strategic plan access to this information is being simplified
and streamlined. Regular training is also conducted to ensure staff are kept up to date on new
products and services.
Telstra regularly updates all customer facing channels with information pertinent to meeting the
needs of customers. Information relating to the actual content and structure of the systems is
commercial in confidence.
Telstra also continues to ensure that retail staff across its retail outlets (Telstra owned, licensed
and dealers) have the most up to date information to provide customers on handsets,
accessories and coverage.
2.9.1 Learning and Development at Telstra
2.9.2 Blue Tick Classification Scheme allows customers to choose the best handset for their
2.9.3 Telstra Shows Mobile Phone Coverage Test Process
Measure 2.10: Telstra will continue to provide information on its legal and regulatory
obligations relating to the delivery of services and service levels for customers in
regional, rural and remote areas.
Structural Separation Undertaking and Migration Plan
Telstra’s Structural Separation Undertaking (SSU) came into effect on 6 March 2012. This plan
sets out Telstra's commitment to structurally separate by 1 July 2018. The SSU is also
designed to provide certainty for the industry during the migration period to the NBN. The SSU
sets out various binding and enforceable commitments which Telstra will put in place to
provide for transparency and equivalence in the supply of regulated services to its wholesale
customers during the transition to the NBN.
Telstra's Migration Plan is a binding instrument which sets out the steps Telstra will take to
disconnect voice and broadband services on its copper and HFC networks as part of the
migration process.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Details of Telstra's Structural Separation Undertaking and Migration Plan are available at
2.10.1 Universal Service Obligations at:
2.10.2 Priority Assistance obligations at:
2.10.3 CSG obligations at:
2.10.4 Privacy obligations at:
2.10.5 Disability Equipment Program at:
2.10.6 Network Reliability Framework
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Measure 3.1: Telstra will maintain senior level accountability for the coordination and
management of activities in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia, including:
Targeted application of its resources to meet the telecommunications service
interest of its customers in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia
An integrated approach to telecommunications service connection, maintenance
and repairs in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia
The Telstra Operations business unit has accountability for maintenance and repairs across
the company and is represented at the highest level. The team is headed by Chief Operating
Officer (COO), Brendon Riley. The COO is part of Telstra’s Executive Team and reports into
the CEO.
Evidence (i):
3.1.1 See Telstra Operations
3.1. 2 Biography of Brendon Riley, Chief Operating Officer
Evidence (ii):
3.1. 3 General information on customer service commitments at:
3.1.4 Network Reliability Framework performance at:
3.1.5 Customer Service Guarantee at:
3.1.6 Universal Service Obligation at:
3.1.7 Integrated approach to payphones:
Measure 3.2: Telstra will continue to offer a range of telecommunications services to its
customers in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra provides a range of telecommunications services nationally and at uniform pricing.
Details of these services, including those specifically targeted at customers in rural and remote
locations can be found at the websites below.
3.2.1 Various examples of information on mobile services
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
3.2.2 Various examples of information on home phone services
3.2.3 Various examples of information on internet services
3.2 .4 Various examples of Residential Bundles
3.2.5 Various examples of Business Products
3.2.6 Various examples of NBN Products
Measure 3.3 Natural disasters in 2012/2013.
In 2012/13 victims of the following natural disasters were declared to be eligible for customer
assistance relief packages:
Areas in Sleaford / Tulka SA impacted by bushfires
Areas in the Tasman Peninsula, Upper Derwent and Bicheno regions impacted by
Areas around Coonabarabran / Warrumbungles National Park impacted by bushfires
Areas in Gippsland VIC impacted by bushfires
Areas in Central Qld (Rockhampton, Gladstone, Bundaberg, Gympie, Fraser Coast
and surrounds) impacted by flooding
Areas in the North Coast / Northern Rivers areas of NSW impacted by flooding
Areas in Southern Qld (Toowoomba, Goondiwindi, Lockyer Valley, Southern Downs,
Western Downs) impacted by flooding
Areas in Brisbane, Moreton, Logan, Redlands & Ipswich impacted by flooding
3.3.1: Details of natural disaster relief provided by Telstra:
3.3. 2 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for customers affected by fires in Tasmania,, 05 Jan 2013
3.3 3 Media Release, Telstra customers affected by fires in Tasmania - update,, 06 Jan 2013.
3.3.4 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for customers affected by Coonabarabran
fires,, 15 Jan 2013
3.3. 5 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for customers affected by Gippsland fires,, 18 Jan 2013
3.3. 6 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for Queensland customers affected by
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
flooding,, 29 Jan 2013
3.3.7 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for Queensland customers affected by
flooding,, 30 Jan 2013
3.3.8 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for northern NSW customers affected by
flooding,, 31 Jan 2013
3.3.9 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for Queensland customers affected by
flooding, , 01 Feb 2013
3.3. 10 Media Release, Telstra assistance package extended for Gympie customers affected
by storms,, 27 Feb 2013
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Measure 4.1: Telstra will continue to contribute to the community and regional
development through the commercial provision of telecommunications products and
There are huge social benefits for those who are connected to new communications
technologies, and Telstra has seen the transformative effects they can have in sectors such as
health, disability and education. But not everyone has the access or the skills to enjoy these
benefits – there remains a digital divide.
That’s why the main focus of Telstra’s social and community investment is to ensure that
everyone, irrespective of age, income, ability, location or disadvantage, has the ability to enjoy
the benefits of being connected. With Telstra’s core telecommunications capabilities, assets,
expertise and national presence, it makes good business sense for us to focus our social and
community investment on getting Everyone Connected.
Telstra’s Everyone Connected strategy has four key objectives:
Access – keeping people connected, especially when they’re doing it tough
Capability – helping people have the confidence and skills to enjoy the digital world
Safety – helping people stay safe and responsible online
Innovation – connecting technology with great ideas for social good.
Through the Everyone Connected programs, we focus our support on vulnerable customers,
people with disability, senior Australians, Indigenous Australians and children and young
people. We work in partnership with non-profit and government organisations, many of whom
also provide valuable advice on our products and services. We invest beyond our regulatory
obligations to provide access for everyone, and regularly review our programs to identify
groups most in need, changing technologies and consumer preferences.
4.1.1 Disadvantaged and hardship customers
In November 2012, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of Telstra’s Access for Everyone
program which assists people on a low income or facing financial hardship to stay connected.
Since 2002, we’ve provided benefits to the value of $2.2 billion. Telstra continues to work with
more than 2,000 community organisations across Australia to deliver these programs.
In 2012/13, the benefit provided by our low income programs was $163.5 million. This included
home phone line rental concessions for around 1.2 million low-income households, rebates on
Telstra bills for around 2,500 financial hardship customers every month, and distribution of
around 123,000 phone cards. This year, around 1 million pensioners received a discount on
fixed-line home phone services, to the value of $136.4 million.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
In October 2012, Telstra introduced a new targeted phone and broadband bundle plan
specifically for people on a low income. We launched a new program providing $1 million worth
of pre-paid mobile phone recharge cards for homeless youth and victims of domestic violence
to enable them to remain connected.
To find out more about Access for Everyone visit
4.1.2 Customers with disability
Telstra is committed to making communication accessible and affordable for all our customers,
including customers with a disability. Telstra provides information and special equipment for
customers with hearing, speech, vision, mobility and dexterity impairments. Our Disability
Action Plan formalises Telstra’s commitment to provide great service to customers with
disability and address accessibility issues. The Plan’s development and implementation
involves extensive and ongoing consultation with peak disability groups.
This year, Telstra completed the implementation of our fifth Disability Action Plan (2010-2012).
The independent review, which was submitted to the Australian Human Rights Commission,
found that of the 80 actions, 75 were completed or ongoing, three were in progress and two
were not actioned due to changing business priorities. Telstra is consulting on the sixth
Disability Action Plan (2013-2016) and will release it in late 2013.
To find out more about our disability programs visit
4.1.3 Indigenous Australians
Please see Measure 1.6.
To find out more about our Reconciliation Action Plan visit
4.1.4 Supporting digital literacy
Being confident and literate with technology is an essential skill in the digital age. This year,
almost 59,000 people received the Everyone Connected digital literacy training through events,
face-to-face-sessions, and educational materials such as DVDs loaned through libraries across
Australia. More than 75,000 people accessed online content through a dedicated website.
In January 2013, Telstra announced a partnership with the New South Wales Government to
deliver the Tech Savvy Seniors program. The 18 month program will deliver digital literacy
training to around 15,000 senior Australians through more than 40 community colleges and
100 local libraries, particularly in regional and remote areas of NSW. To extend the program’s
reach to as many seniors as possible, self-help DVDs were distributed to libraries and key
community agencies. They cover subjects such as getting started with smartphones and
tablets, social networking, and online banking and shopping.
To access Telstra’s free Everyone Connected training materials visit
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
4.1.5 Cyber safety
Cyber safety continues to be an important issue for our stakeholders. We continued to play an
active role as a member of the Federal Governments’ Consultative Working Group into Cyber
Safety and Cyber Security.
In August 2012, the former Prime Minister Julia Gillard launched eSmart Libraries, a multi-year,
$8 million partnership between the Telstra Foundation and The Alannah and Madeline
Foundation. The initiative will better equip 1,500 public libraries across the country and support
library users with the skills they need for smart, safe and responsible use of technology. To
date, more than 140 library employees from 100 libraries across Australia have attended
training sessions as part of the eSmart Libraries pilot.
Telstra delivered cyber safety seminars to more than 11,500 parents and high school students
around Australia this year, and distributed a new range of cyber safety brochures for children,
teens and parents.
To access our free cyber safety training materials visit
4.1.6 Digital innovation
Telstra believes lives can be changed when great ideas connect with technology. By bringing
ideas and technology together, we’re working to unlock the digital potential of our community
partners. In 2012/13, the Telstra Foundation approved three social innovation grants to the
value of $1 million.
This included a partnership with the MJD Foundation to deliver a digital inclusion program for
Indigenous people living with Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) in the Northern Territory. MJD
is a hereditary neurodegenerative condition, life limiting and with no known cure. The $300,000
partnership will use innovative tablet technology to deliver health services and support to 30
Indigenous MJD clients and their carers across six Arnhem Land communities.
Telstra also supported ChipIn, Australia’s first non-profit crowd-funding platform, to help
connect socially conscious Gen Y donors with non-profit fundraising campaigns. Over the next
two years, the $460,000 partnership will establish ChipIn as a new, sustainable social
enterprise, support 750 non-profits to raise more than $3 million, and up-skill hundreds of nonprofit organisations to fundraise online.
To find out more about the Telstra Foundation visit
Measure 4.2: Telstra will continue local marketing and community support activities,
e.g., support for emergency services
Telstra local managers and staff undertake a range of local activities to support communities,
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
businesses and local government. They work with local government and regional development
bodies and provide advice on infrastructure investments or applications for State and Federal
telecommunications funding. We support a variety of local organisations and events through
sponsorship activities. These range from in-kind and financial support for sporting and cultural
activities, to involvement in business and regional development forums, field days and expos.
Increasingly, Telstra employees want the opportunity to contribute to the communities in which
they live and work. We facilitate this through paid volunteer leave for all Telstra employees,
and maintain a number of partnerships that provide individual and team volunteering
opportunities, both skilled and unskilled. We also provide natural and civil disaster leave, and
paid blood donor leave to employees donating with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.
Telstra implement whole-of-company campaigns to raise awareness and funds to support key
community causes. In addition, through Telstra’s Kids Fund, we provide $1,200 grants to
enable our employees to support local community organisations where their kids are involved.
In times of natural disaster, our technicians are among the first to enter affected areas. Our
priority is to assist the emergency and essential services organisations with their
telecommunications requirements and restore services to our customers. We provide
telecommunications services to evacuation centres where we establish temporary internet and
provide free loan handsets with SIM cards and free phone cards. We also make payphones in
disaster areas free of charge and provide relief assistance packages to affected residential and
small business customers.
Telstra provided emergency response leave for our people who volunteer in the emergency
services, and employees in disaster affected areas can use their annual volunteer day to
support their local communities in clean-up efforts. Telstra also matches employee donations
to emergency appeal accounts.
Telstra’s sponsorship programs include the Telstra Road to Discovery, the Telstra Business
Awards and the Telstra Business Women’s Awards. Among others, we also support Surf Life
Saving Australia, Netball Australia and local sporting community groups through the Telstra
Assistance Fund.
4.2.1 Disaster relief
This year, Telstra simplified our disaster relief processes to continue to improve our impacted
customers’ experience. Disaster affected customers are now provided with $500 upfront
credits for fixed line services and $110 upfront credits for BigPond services. In 2012/13, Telstra
provided disaster relief credits to the value of $176,000.
In 2012/13, Telstra provided assistance packages to thousands of customers affected by the
following natural disasters:
Bush fires in the Sleaford/Tulka area in South Australia (November 2012)
Bush fires in Tasmania (January 2013)
Bush fires in Gippsland in Victoria (January 2013)
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Bush fires in Coonabarabran in northern New South Wales (January 2013)
Floods in Queensland and northern New South Wales (January/February 2013)
Telstra also provided more than 70,000 free calls worth $56,000 from payphones in disaster
affected areas. During the Queensland floods, we trialled the provision of temporary pre-paid
mobile services to people registered at evacuation centres who didn’t have a mobile phone at
the time. We provided these services for 30 days with $30 account credits and distributed
around 1,000 of them to both Telstra customers and non-Telstra customers.
4.2.2 Employee involvement in the community
Employee volunteering
In 2012/13, Telstra employees spent a total of 4,248 days volunteering within the Australian
community, representing a total value of $687,000. Employees volunteered their time to a
variety of activities including helping communities recover from bushfires with Habitat for
Humanity, preparing and serving food to people in need with the Salvation Army or Sacred
Heart Mission, and planting trees, pruning, mulching and weeding with Landcare.
Telstra employees worked on approximately 45 skilled volunteering projects, saving
community organisations an estimated $155,000 while helping to build our understanding of
the communities in which we operate. Around one third of these projects were focused on
helping organisations respond to challenges related to the web or IT. Telstra’s skilled
volunteers also mentored non-profit employees, building capacity and helping with strategy
and business planning. Our legal team continued its ongoing pro bono work program.
Payroll giving
This year, with the support of the Telstra Foundation, Telstra introduced dollar-for-dollar
matched payroll giving (up to $1,000 per employee per year) and enabled employees to give to
any registered charity in Australia. This has helped increase participation rates by providing an
incentive to donate and the freedom to choose causes our people are passionate about.
During 2012/13, 3.6 per cent of our employees made donations through Telstra’s payroll giving
program, a significant increase from 1.6 per cent the previous year. Including Telstra’s
matched contribution, we contributed $1.3 million to 285 charities.
Telstra’s Kids Fund
In 2012/13, the Telstra Foundation distributed 626 Telstra’s Kids Fund grants to the value of
$751,000. These grants supported a broad range of initiatives and projects across education,
sports and recreation, arts and culture, environment, health, disability and cultural diversity
organisations that involve the participation of a child or young person directly related to
permanent Telstra employees.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
4.2.3 Sponsorship activities
Telstra Business Women’s Awards
The Telstra Business Women's Awards recognise the achievements of business women
across the country. Information on the Telstra Business Women’s Awards, including details on winner and
state finalists. Media Release, Carman’s Fine Foods owner named Australia’s Business Woman of
the Year, 22 November 2012
Telstra Business Awards
The Telstra Business Awards celebrate the country’s entrepreneurs and innovators. It offers a
unique chance for small to medium businesses to be recognised for their hard work,
commitment and of course, success. Information on the Telstra Business Awards, including details on winner and state
finalists. Media Release, Online bike exchange races to win Australian Business of the Year
title, , 30 August
Telstra Road to Discovery
Telstra Road to Discovery has been supporting independent Australian musicians for the past
11 years, fostering opportunities for emerging talent to develop and establish themselves in the
music industry. On the road we discovered some amazing talent, including our first winner,
Jessica Mauboy, who has gone on to achieve incredible international success. We’re
continuing to travel this road to discovery with new Australian talent on board for the ride. Details on Telstra Road to Discovery Media Release, Bon Jovi backs emerging Aussie artists in Telstra Road to Discovery
program, 27 June 2013
30th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award
In 2013, the Telstra Art Award will celebrate its 30th year. It is the longest-running art award
dedicated to the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and is considered the
premier national event in the Australian Indigenous arts calendar. About NATSIAA 29th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Note: 30th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award has not yet been
Measure 4.3: Telstra will continue to provide information on its local marketing and
community support activities
Telstra communicates information on our local marketing and community support activities
through a range of channels, including the website, our blog site (Telstra
Exchange), our annual sustainability report and our monthly Sustainability Matters enewsletter.
4.3.1 2012 Sustainability Report – Bigger Picture: Our Community,
4.3.2 2012 Sustainability Report – Bigger Picture: Our Customers,
4.3.3 Sustainability Matters e-newsletter, (Monthly Newsletter
4.3.4 Telstra Exchange
4.3.5 Telstra Country Wide – In the Community,
4.3.6 See evidence for Measures 4.1 and 4.2
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Measure 5.1: Telstra will continue to consult with representatives of consumers at a
national and local level. This will be done using a mix of formal and informal processes.
Telstra has relationships and consults with a large number of national representative groups
across Australia, including the Australian Local Government Association, Farming
organisations, the Low Income Measures Assessment Committee (LIMAC), the Telstra
Disability Forum and the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association.
Evidence: See evidence at Measure 1.6
Measure 5.2: Telstra will continue to engage with representatives of consumers from
regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra has relationships and consults with a large number of local representative groups
including State farming bodies, Local Government Associations, regional development boards,
local members of Federal and State Governments and local community groups.
5.2.1 AGM job description at Appendix 2
5.2.2 See evidence at Measure 1.6 for more information
Measure 5.3: Telstra local managers will continue to have contact with community
leaders in the regional, rural and remote areas in which they operate.
Telstra Country Wide AGMs have contact with their local community leaders on a regular
basis. It is part of their role to manage these relationships in their region and makes business
sense for them to do so.
5.3.1 AGM job description at Appendix 2
5.3.2 See evidence at Measure 1.6 for more information
Measure 5.4: In the event of organisational changes that may materially affect the
interests of a community, Telstra will undertake consultation on the implementation of
its decision with appropriate community leaders.
Telstra consults widely with community leaders on issues that may impact on the provision of
telecommunications service to local communities. This includes for example the
placement/removal of payphones and the location and construction of new mobile base
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
5.4.1 Considerations when sitting a payphone
5.4.2 Payphone Removal Criteria
5.4.3 Finding a location of a public payphone
5.4.4 Payphone provisioning criteria
5.4.5 Considerations for locations of mobile base stations
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Measure 6.1: Report within 60 days at the end of the financial year on performance to
meet the Local Presence Plan
6.1.1 Report for 2006/07 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2007
6.1.2 Report for 2007/08 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2008
6.1.3 Report for 2008/09 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2009
6.1.4 Report for 2009/10 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2010
6.1.5 Report for 2010/11 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2011
6.1.6 Report for 2011/12 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2012
6.1.7 Report for 2012/13 to be submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2013
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Appendix 1
Telstra Organisational Structure with respect to Telstra Country Wide
Executive Director
Telstra Country
Karsten Wilberger
Denise Bone
Director Branded
Business & Retail
John Ballenger tive
Director Non
Branded Business
& Enterprise
Keith Masterton
Director National
Stephen Eyears
Regional Director
Gary Macleod
Regional Director
Central West
Regional Director
Richard Fink
Regional Director
Lynne Kavanagh
Strategy &
Planning Manager
Chris Doody
Further contacts can be found at the following link:
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Appendix 2
Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager role description
The Area General Manager (AGM) is accountable for the performance of retail points of
presence within a designated area including Telstra owned stores, licensed and partner
channels. The role is also the face of Telstra within their area managing community and
stakeholder engagement.
Lead the development and management of the store business plan & business
Ensure optimal customer experience
Develop a harmonised team culture, setting clear accountabilities and developing the
capability in store to high performance
Leadership of day to day in store operations to operational excellence
Telstra Regional Sales and Service Director role description
The Regional Service & Sales Director is accountable for maximising Telstra’s presence and
business performance within a designated geographic region. This includes all Retail points of
presence (including Telstra Owned, Licensed and Partner stores) as well as the delivery of all
local services for the region.
The role is accountable for the achievement of the business plans and objectives of the region
including the delivery of:
- optimal customer service,
- defined business objectives
the provision of technical support
commercial activities and
effective stakeholder relations, including media.
The Director provides leadership and builds capability in the region to ensure current and
future performance.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Appendix 3
Contact TCW details found at:
Consumer customers please call us on 13 2200 and say "complaint". Sales and support are
available day and night, so it’s easier to talk to us when it suits you best.
Business customers please call us on 13 2000 and say "complaint". Sales and support are
available day and night, so it’s easier to talk to us when it suits you best. Alternatively you can
contact your Account Executive.
Enterprise and Government customers, contact your Account Executive or Service
Management lead. Alternatively you can call Customer Care on 1300 730 053 between 8am
and 6pm local time Monday to Friday.
Telstra’s contact details can be found at
Small and Medium Business
Sales and General Enquiries:
Accounts & Billing:
Tech & Faults:
Home Phone Services
Home Phone Enquiries:
Home Phone Faults:
Products & Sales
Mobile Phone Enquiries or Faults:
Products & Sales:
Online Billing
Sales and Billing Enquiries:
BigPond® Faults:
1800 334 884
13 2000
13 2999
13 2200
13 2203
1800 331 286
1800 303 302
1800 266 000
13 POND (13 7663)
13 3933
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
To find your nearest Telstra shop
Go to
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Appendix 4 – Telstra assisting customers (in reverse chronological order)
Products & Services; Infrastructure & Network Upgrades; Information for Customers
Bon Jovi backs emerging Aussie artists in Telstra Road to Discovery program
27 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Independent and unsigned artists looking to get their foot in the door with the Australian music
industry have been granted an incredible opportunity as part of this year’s Telstra Road to
Discovery program.
Western Australian businesses vying for prestigious awards
27 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Businesses helping keep people safe at work and at play, as well as those helping other businesses and individuals to prosper, are well represented among the 24 finalists for the 2013
Telstra Western Australian Business Awards.
State of Origin on your iPad… LIVE!
26 Jun 2013 - Media Release
The NRL Live 2013 App for iPad®, launched today, gives fans the ability to replay tries and
goals while watching the LIVE coverage of tonight’s second State of Origin match.
Telstra acknowledges traditional owners across Australia
26 Jun 2013 - Media Release
In recognition of its commitment to reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Telstra has rolled out a commissioned piece of Indigenous artwork across its 365 national
retail stores and 88 business centres.
Telstra invests in leading mobile apps provider Kony
26 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has made a $US18.3 million strategic investment in Kony Solutions, Inc., – a leading
U.S. mobile and multi-channel application platform provider.
Telstra extends IPv6 connectivity to business customers
25 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) connectivity is now available to even more Telstra business
customers. IPv6 is the next generation of internet addresses, offering new, longer IP addresses to overcome the impending shortage of current IPv4 addresses globally.
EOFY countdown – Aussie SMBs prioritise for the year ahead
24 Jun 2013 - Media Release
With the end of the financial year fast approaching, new research released by Telstra shows
Australian small businesses are primarily focused on using technology to reduce cost and
complexity in their operations for fiscal year 2014.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Northern Territory businesses vying for prestigious awards
24 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Family-owned businesses centred around the construction, security and property maintenance
sectors are well represented among the 12 finalists for the 2013 Telstra Northern Territory
Business Awards.
Telstra and Family Online Safety Institute Forum spotlights digital citizenship
24 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Some of the world’s foremost experts on digital citizenship will discuss the latest thinking on
creating positive online behaviours at a global forum in Melbourne this week.
Queensland businesses vying for prestigious awards
20 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Businesses devising new technologies to break into international markets, through to those
tickling the taste buds are among the 22 finalists in the 2013 Telstra Queensland Business
Telstra announces requirements for contractors around asbestos handling
19 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced a number of requirements for its three key NBN rollout contractors in
relation to asbestos handling for pit remediation.
Telstra wins Global Award for Cloud Provider Partner of the Year at Cisco Partner
Summit 2013
19 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has received a Cisco Partner Summit Global award for Cloud Provider Partner of the
Year. Cisco unveiled the winners at a Global awards reception during its annual partner conference in Boston.
Tradingpost and unique websites combine to bring buyers more
19 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that it will license the Tradingpost brand to Unique Websites, which
will run an enhanced local classifieds service for customers across the country.
There’s a (business) app for that
18 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Businesses embracing smartphones and tablets can now use a new range of business apps to
help simplify work, boost productivity and enhance working on the move.
Best New South Wales businesses vying for prestigious awards
17 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Businesses providing niche products, including a schnapps distillery, a manufacturer of natural
skin care products and a producer of pet products are among the 23 finalists in the 2013 Telstra NSW Business Awards.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra urges Aussies to check if the shopping deal is real
17 Jun 2013 - Media Release
During National Consumer Fraud Week 2013, Telstra is reminding shoppers to check if online
or telephone shopping offers are genuine, as reports of shopping scams continue to increase
in Australia.
Victoria’s best businesses vying for prestigious awards
13 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Both traditional businesses from Victoria’s food production and manufacturing sectors and new
wave digital entrepreneurs are represented among the 21 finalists in the 2013 Telstra Victorian
Business Awards.
ACT’s best businesses vying for prestigious awards
11 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Canberra companies driving professional development and industry productivity across Australia and overseas are among 14 finalists in the 2013 Telstra ACT Business Awards.
Tasmania’s best businesses vying for prestigious awards
11 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Six food producers and tourism operators that lead the way in promoting Tasmania as an attractive travel destination are among 17 finalists in the 2013 Telstra Tasmanian Business
Telstra 4G coverage 4 skiers
07 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Telstra customers headed to the snowfields in New South Wales and Victoria this ski season
can now enjoy 4G coverage with Telstra switching on its super fast network in Falls Creek, Mt
Hotham, Perisher and Thredbo.
Telstra to stream netball live to mobiles
07 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Telstra’s mobile network will provide netball fans with the opportunity to watch every ANZ
Championship game and Australian international Test via a monthly $5.95 subscription.
Australian business women urged to follow in famous footsteps
04 Jun 2013 - Media Release
4 June, 2013 – Successful Australian business women can follow in the famous footsteps of
Carolyn Creswell, Janine Allis and Margot Spalding, the founders of nationally-recognised retail brands Carman’s Fine Foods, Boost Juice and Jimmy Possum, by entering the Telstra
Business Women’s Awards.
Telstra welcomes Federal Government initiatives on asbestos
03 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Telstra said today that it shared the Federal Government’s focus on reducing public risk from
asbestos and outlined initiatives which supported such objectives.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra appoints independent advisers to review asbestos practices
02 Jun 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has appointed independent advisers and a 34-year Telstra engineering veteran to ensure Telstra has best practice asbestos management work practices protecting employees,
contractors and the public.
New initiatives to strengthen asbestos management
30 May 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced a range of initiatives it would begin implementing immediately as it
continued to audit asbestos management work practices.
Telstra and Toshiba launch world’s first 4G Windows 8 Ultrabook-tablet
28 May 2013 - Media Release
Australians will be able to enjoy the convenience of a single 4G device following the launch of
the Toshiba detachable Ultrabook - the Portégé Z10t which doubles as a laptop or tablet, on
the Telstra Mobile Network.
2013 Christopher Newell Prize winners announced
23 May 2013 - Media Release
A selection of thought-leading papers highlighting the potential for communication technologies
to transform the lives of people with disabilities were today announced as winners of the prestigious Telstra-Telecommunications Journal of Australia (TJA) Christopher Newell Prize for
Telstra turns on 1500th 4G base station
21 May 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has turned on its 1500th 4G base station as part of a billion dollar, nationwide program
to extend 4G mobile coverage to 66 per cent of the Australian population by the end of next
Do good and code for a cause at the Appiness Hackathon
14 May 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has joined forces with Pollenizer to bring together some of the brightest designers, engineers and entrepreneurs for its inaugural ‘Appiness’ Hackathon.
Telstra and Seven West Media announce partnership with HealthEngine
08 May 2013 - Media Release
Telstra and Seven West Media have agreed to enter into a $10.4 million strategic partnership
with HealthEngine, Australia’s leading online consumer health marketplace.
Telstra secures spectrum licences in the 700 MHz and 2.5 GHz bands
07 May 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has successfully secured licences in the 700 MHz band and 2.5 GHz band in the spectrum auction held by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
New Telstra headquarters in Canberra
06 May 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced it would establish a major new office and commercial centre
in Canberra, consolidating many of its existing operations in one location and providing accommodation for a new team being set up to deliver specialist telecommunications services to
the Department of Defence.
CFA brigades to go digital
02 May 2013 - Media Release
Almost 500 CFA brigades across Victoria will be able to communicate directly with those who
dispatch them to emergencies, saving valuable time, when a state-of-the-art digital communications network is rolled out over the next 18 months.
Telstra addresses data ‘bill shock’ for international roaming customers
02 May 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has introduced an SMS alert system designed to minimise bill shock by keeping customers informed of how much data they are using whilst travelling overseas.
Telstra says ‘Thanks’ with Bon Jovi pre-sale tickets
02 May 2013 - Media Release
Telstra customers will be among the first in Australia able to purchase tickets to the Australian
leg of U.S rock legends Bon Jovi, Because We Can - Australian Tour.
Inspirational business women to celebrate success
29 Apr 2013 - Media Release
Inspirational and innovative Australian business women are being encouraged to celebrate
their success and enter the 2013 Telstra Business Women’s Awards.
Samsung’s new GALAXY to land on 27 April
23 Apr 2013 - Media Release
The Samsung GALAXY S4 will arrive in select Telstra stores from Saturday 27 April.
Telstra brings premium IPTV entertainment to more everyday Aussie homes
23 Apr 2013 - Media Release
More Australians will be able to experience the world of entertainment offered by IPTV, with
Telstra’s launch of entertainment bundles providing affordable access to popular Foxtel on TBox channels.
Send a Message To The Troops this Anzac day and help raise money for Legacy
22 Apr 2013 - Media Release
Australians are being encouraged to send messages of support to Australian Navy, Army and
Air Force personnel in the lead up to Anzac Day.
Telstra says ‘THANKS’ with host of new benefits for customers
22 Apr 2013 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Movie tickets, exclusive access to major live music events and the chance to meet with Australian sporting legends are among a suite of benefits for Telstra customers under a new loyalty program called ‘THANKS’ announced today.
Defence awards Telstra six year contract for enhanced telecommunications
18 Apr 2013 - Media Release
Defence has signed a $1.1 billion contract with Telstra for the provision of telecommunications
New communications technologies for the Northern Territory
18 Apr 2013 - Media Release
A program to roll out new mobile and fixed broadband services to remote Northern Territory
communities was jointly announced in Darwin today by Telstra and the Northern Territory Government.
City circle commuters enjoy network expansion
15 Apr 2013 - Media Release
Today Telstra customers travelling through the City Circle line will benefit from new mobile
network coverage allowing them to stay connected as they ride the rails through the city. Additionally, Telstra has now brought 4G technology to Martin Place, St James and Museum stations.
Telstra makes music with ‘troublemaker’ Olly Murs
08 Apr 2013 - Media Release
Telstra customers now have pre-sale ticket access to some of the biggest concerts in Australia, including UK hit-maker Olly Murs who will tour the country later this year.
Aussie SMBs missing out on social media
03 Apr 2013 - Media Release
Almost three quarters of Australian small and medium businesses (SMBs) are failing to capture
new market opportunities available through social media, according to new research released
by Telstra today.
Year 2020 - transparent tablets, and cars that drive themselves
02 Apr 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has revealed a vision for Australia’s future complete with internet connected specs, tablets that roll up like a newspaper and fridges that message you when you have run out of milk.
Sensis welcomes ACCC informal clearance for True Local acquisition
28 Mar 2013 - Media Release
Sensis welcomed today’s decision by the ACCC to provide informal clearance for Sensis’ acquisition of online directory business TrueLocal.
Report into Warrnambool fire released
27 Mar 2013 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra today released its report into the Warrnambool Exchange fire including 22 recommendations to help prevent a similar incident occurring again and to improve the speed of recovery
for customers if an exchange were to be similarly damaged in future.
Getting the formula right for productivity and growth
25 Mar 2013 - Media Release
Just five per cent of Australian organisations report achieving the kind of smart, sustainable
growth the nation needs to succeed beyond the Mining Boom, according to a new national survey of business, enterprise and government organisations.
Out of the Office but Open for Small Business
19 Mar 2013 - Media Release
New research reveals Aussie small businesses are spending half the working week on the
Persistence and quality at core of Australian entrepreneurial success
19 Mar 2013 - Media Release
With entries closing in two weeks for the Telstra Australian Business Awards, former winners
are urging Australian entrepreneurs to get their submissions in before the deadline of April 4.
Seniors get savvy with technology for NSW Seniors Week
18 Mar 2013 - Media Release
Minister for Ageing Andrew Constance today encouraged seniors to take advantage of the
FREE technology workshops being presented during 2013 NSW Seniors Week.
The NRL has a new venue…LIVE on your Smartphone
07 Mar 2013 - Media Release
For the first time, Rugby League fans can watch the NRL Telstra Premiership live and on-thego on their Apple or Android smartphones, regardless of their mobile network carrier, following
today’s launch of the NRL LIVE 2013 App powered by Telstra.
Rock, pop and grunge streamed to apple orchard to make super juice
04 Mar 2013 - Media Release
A western Sydney fruit farmer and a French eco-sonics scientist have teamed up in a unique
experiment to see if Telstra-powered music streaming service MOG can make fruit grow better.
Telstra announces full suite of unified communications from the cloud
04 Mar 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced its next generation of unified communications with a range of cloud
collaboration solutions for its business, enterprise and government customers.
Telstra assistance package extended for Gympie customers affected by storms
27 Feb 2013 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra today announced its assistance package for residential and small business customers
in Gympie who have lost services as a direct result of the current severe weather and floods
will be extended for a further 3 months.
Telstra and Ericsson extend multi-billion dollar partnership
25 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Telstra and Ericsson have again joined forces on the world stage to extend their long term,
multi-billion dollar partnership and outline the future of Australia’s leading mobile network.
Telstra says ‘THANKS’ with host of new benefits for customers
25 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Movie tickets, exclusive access to major live music events and the chance to meet with Australian sporting legends are among a suite of benefits for Telstra customers under a new loyalty program called ‘THANKS’ announced today.
Sensis Proposes Restructure For Digital Growth
21 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Sensis, Australia’s leading provider of directory and digital marketing services, for smallmedium business, today unveiled proposed changes to its operations and business model to
accelerate its transition to a digital media business.
Telstra unveils roadmap to manage mobile broadband boom
20 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has unveiled a comprehensive network strategy to support Australia’s love affair with
mobile technology
Telstra signs on for new submarine cable link to New Zealand
19 Feb 2013 – Media Release
Telstra will be a consortium partner in a project with Telecom New Zealand and Vodafone New
Zealand to build a new undersea telecommunications cable linking Auckland and Sydney.
Leading Australian small businesses reveal clues to success
18 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Analysis of nearly 700 of Australia’s top small and medium businesses from the 2012 Telstra
Australian Business Awards entrants shows that most have a comprehensive business plan
and 90 per cent have a five to ten year strategy.
NAB Cup action live on AFL Live Official App
18 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Footy fans on any Australian mobile network can tune in live to the 2013 NAB Cup on mobile
and tablet devices for the first time following the launch of the AFL Live Official App, powered
by Telstra.
Help Cupid hit the bullseye on the Billboard of Love this Valentine’s Day
14 Feb 2013 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra will be ensuring that love is in the air this Valentine’s Day with the annual Billboard of
Love expected to share more than 30,000 messages on a 26 metre high board on one of Melbourne’s busiest corners.
Telstra warns hoax emails are on the rise
14 Feb 2013 - Media Release
With hoax emails claiming to be from high profile brands becoming increasingly common and
sophisticated, Telstra is warning Australians to be wary of the latest string of emails asking for
sensitive or personal information.
Telstra delivers on commitments; guidance confirmed
07 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has reported increases in revenue and net profit, as well as recording strong customer
growth, for the six months to 31 December 2012.
Teach your kids their online rights and responsibilities
05 Feb 2013 - Media Release
New research has shown Australian children are on online for an average of two hours each
day, among the highest internet usage rates in the world.
Small and medium businesses more optimistic for 2013
04 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Australia’s small and medium business owners are feeling more positive about the local economy as they head into the 2013 business year, according to research released by Telstra today.
Telstra assistance package for Queensland customers affected by flooding
01 Feb 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business customers in Brisbane, Moreton, Logan, Redlands and Ipswich who have lost services as a direct result of the current severe weather and floods.
31 Jan update: Communication impacts due to flooding in Queensland
31 Jan 2013 - Media Release
The following is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore telecommunications services in
Central and Northern Queensland following severe weather and flooding that has heavily impacted that region.
Realignment for Telstra Application Ventures Group
31 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra’s Application Ventures Group Managing Director Deena Shiff will step down as a Telstra executive, effective today, to focus on a non-executive career and directorships.
Telstra assistance package for northern NSW customers affected by flooding
31 Jan 2013 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business customers in the Northern Rivers region who have lost services as a direct result of the current severe
weather and floods.
30 Jan update: Communication impacts due to flooding in Queensland
30 Jan 2013 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore telecommunications services in Central
and Northern Queensland following severe weather and flooding that has heavily impacted that
NSW Government and Telstra partner to bring more seniors online
30 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Minister for Ageing Andrew Constance has today announced a new partnership between Telstra and the NSW Government to roll out the Tech Savvy Seniors training program to encourage more seniors to embrace technology.
Telstra assistance package for Queensland customers affected by flooding
30 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business customers in Toowoomba, Goondiwindi, Lockyer Valley, Southern Downs, Western Downs who have
lost services as a direct result of the current severe weather and floods.
Update on services affected by flooding in New South Wales
30 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Severe weather and flooding in northern New South Wales is causing a loss of mains power
across a number of Telstra sites and affecting landline and broadband services in Tweed
Heads, Batemans Bay, Byron Bay and Bilambil Heights.
29 Jan update: Communication impacts due to flooding in Queensland
29 Jan 2013 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore telecommunications services in Central
and Northern Queensland following severe weather and flooding that has heavily impacted that
Telstra assistance package for Queensland customers affected by flooding
29 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business customers in the Shire of Banana and the Regions of Bundaberg, Gympie, Fraser Coast and Gladstone who have lost services as a direct result of the current severe weather and floods.
28 Jan update (AM): Communication impacts due to flooding in Queensland
28 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Severe weather and flooding has impacted telecommunications services across Central and
Northern Queensland.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
28 Jan update (PM): Communication impacts due to flooding in Queensland
28 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Here are the latest updates on Telstra’s efforts to restore telecommunications services in Central and Northern Queensland following severe weather and flooding that has heavily impacted
that region.
Gena Rose Bruce and Melody Pool win the Telstra Road to Discovery
23 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Gena Rose Bruce, 19, from Mitcham in Victoria and Melody Pool, 21 from Kurri Kurri in NSW,
were announced as the overall winners of the Telstra Road to Discovery at the 10th Anniversary Final event at the 2013 Tamworth Country Music Festival on Tuesday night.
Telstra announces new Global Applications and Platforms business
23 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has announced plans to take advantage of the considerable growth in software-driven
business opportunities with the creation of a new Global Applications and Platforms line of
It's nominations time for Australia's most prestigious business awards
21 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Australians are being urged to recognise successful small and medium businesses by nominating them now for the Telstra Australian Business Awards.
Telstra assistance package for customers affected by Gippsland fires
18 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business customers in the Shire of Wellington who have lost services as a result of the current fires impacting
towns including Glenmaggie, Heyfield, Licola, Lake Glenmaggie, Dawson and Seaton.
Sensis to extend Yellow Pages Network with TrueLocal acquisition
17 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Sensis has entered into an agreement to acquire News Limited owned online directory business TrueLocal. The agreement is subject to ACCC approval.
4G International Roaming between Telstra and Hong Kong live
16 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra 4G customers will now be able to access high-speed 4G mobile services while travelling in Hong Kong with the launch of 4G international roaming between Telstra and Hong Kong
Telstra assistance package for customers affected by Coonabarabran fires
15 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business customers in the Coonabarabran area who have lost services as a result of the current fires.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra customers affected by fires in Tasmania - update
06 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra has continued to maintain the impact of the Tasman Peninsula fires on our services.
Telstra assistance package for customers affected by fires in Tasmania
05 Jan 2013 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business customers in the Tasman Peninsula and Upper Derwent who have lost services as a result of the current fires.
Telstra technology predictions for 2013
27 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Smartphones that can be used as credit cards, virtual medical check-ups and remote home
monitoring using a personal device are some of the exciting technologies expected to take off
in 2013, according to Dr Hugh Bradlow, Telstra Chief Technology Officer.
Aussie SMBs set to sacrifice holidays for extra earnings
18 Dec 2012 - Media Release
One in three Australian small to medium businesses (SMBs) are choosing to forgo a break this
Christmas in favour of financial gain, by staying open or working longer hours according to new
research by Telstra.
Aussies set to wish each other Merry Pic-mas
18 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Aussies will be keeping their fingers busy this Christmas with Telstra predicting a recordbreaking 70 per cent increase in picture messages sent over the Christmas period.
Survey reveals Australia's biggest procrastinators
17 Dec 2012 - Media Release
A survey released today by Yellow Pages has revealed Australia is a nation of procrastinators,
with 53% of respondents admitting they put off jobs at home or at work.
Telstra enters new partnership with Whispir for cloud-based solutions
13 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has completed an investment of $4 million in Australian cloud-based software company
Whispir with a view to leveraging its expertise as a leader in enterprise communications platforms in the Region.
Live games on mobiles and tablets under Telstra/ARLC partnership
12 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Rugby League fans will for the first time be able to watch matches live on mobile phones and
tablets, regardless of their carrier, under a new five-year digital media and sponsorship agreement between Telstra and the Australian Rugby League Commission.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
ABC to lead the way with Telstra Digital Video Network Technology
11 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Telstra and the ABC have signed a new five year agreement for the provision of managed data, mobile and voice services, as well as managing the Corporation’s transition to a digital video platform for the high speed distribution of media.
Telstra launches a smart way to keep kids safe on their mobiles
10 Dec 2012 - Media Release
With young Australians tipped to adopt smartphones in record number this Christmas, parents
will be able to better protect them from cyber risks such as access to inappropriate mobile content and unwanted calls with the launch today of Smart Controls® from Telstra.
Update 10 Dec (PM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
10 Dec 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s ongoing efforts to restore communication services in
south-western Victoria.
Interim compensation arrangements for small business customers
07 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Following customer feedback at last night’s town hall meeting in Warrnambool, Telstra’s area
general manager Bill Mundy today announced that small business customers impacted by the
exchange fire will be able to apply for interim compensation payments.
Update 07 Dec (PM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
07 Dec 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s ongoing efforts to restore communication services in
south-western Victoria.
Telstra connects Australians to the biggest night of the year
06 Dec 2012 - Media Release
In an Australian first, Telstra has launched a free interactive Sydney New Year’s Eve app giving users the chance to take part in one of the world’s biggest interactive light shows and send
celebratory messages to appear on the Sydney Harbour Bridge pylons.
Update 06 Dec (PM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
06 Dec 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s ongoing efforts to restore communication services in
south-western Victoria.
Vision Asia focuses on Telstra
06 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Direct-to-home (DTH) satellite broadcaster, Vision Asia has selected Telstra to provide managed satellite services for its Australian and New Zealand viewers in a deal worth more than
$24 million over 10 years.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Update 05 Dec (PM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
05 Dec 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s ongoing efforts to restore communication services in
south-western Victoria.
Compensation applications now open for Telstra business customers
04 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Telstra’s Chief Executive Officer David Thodey today announced the streamlined process for
business customers impacted by the Warrnambool exchange fire was now open to receive
Telstra introduces an easy way to purchase Android apps and games
04 Dec 2012 - Media Release
From today Telstra customers with an Android smartphone can purchase the latest apps,
games, movies, magazines and books by charging them to their mobile bill.
Update 04 Dec (PM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
04 Dec 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s ongoing efforts to restore communication services in
south-western Victoria.
Females lead the charge in Smartphone online shopping
03 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Continued increases in ‘smartphone’ mobile shopping – led by a record number of females
adopting the technology – is helping Australians avoid the Christmas queues, according to Telstra research released today.
Deafblind community gets connected
03 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Telstra and Able Australia Services have announced a partnership that will open up the digital
world to deafblind Australians.
Telstra to boost cloud services with four new data centres
03 Dec 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has expanded its leading cloud computing services with the establishment of four new
data centres in Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory
to cater for the evolving needs of its business, enterprise and government customers.
Update 02 Dec (AM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
02 Dec 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s ongoing efforts to restore communication services in
south-western Victoria.
Update 01 Dec (AM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
01 Dec 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
This is the latest update on Telstra’s ongoing efforts to restore communication services in
south-western Victoria.
Telstra to establish process for business customer compensation claims
30 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced a streamlined process to make it easier for business customers impacted by the Warrnambool exchange fire to make a claim for compensation.
Update 30 Nov (AM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
30 Nov 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore communication services in southwestern Victoria following last Thursday’s fire that partially destroyed Telstra’s Warrnambool
exchange and impacted customer landline, broadband, mobile and radio services across the
Amy Harris wins the 2012 Telstra Ballet Dancer Award
30 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Two dancers hailing from regional Australia have reigned triumphant at tonight’s Telstra Ballet
Dancer Award (TBDA) announcement at the Sydney Opera House.
Telstra announces review of Warrnambool Exchange fire
29 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced it would conduct a detailed review of the fire that partially destroyed
Telstra’s Warrnambool exchange and impacted phone, broadband, mobile and radio services
across south-western Victoria.
Update 29 Nov (AM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
29 Nov 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore communication services in southwestern Victoria following last Thursday’s fire that partially destroyed Telstra’s Warrnambool
exchange and impacted customer landline, broadband, mobile and radio services across the
Emergency management services advanced by Telstra solution
28 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Public safety and emergency management will be boosted withTelstra launching a new incident management solution that allows services to use spatial video technology to locate, detect
and track incidents in real time.
Update 28 Nov (AM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
28 Nov 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore communication services in southwestern Victoria following last Thursday’s fire that partially destroyed Telstra’s Warrnambool
exchange and impacted customer landline, broadband, mobile and radio services across the
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Update 27 Nov (AM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
27 Nov 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore communication services in southwestern Victoria following Thursday’s fire that partially destroyed Telstra’s Warrnambool exchange and impacted customer landline, broadband, mobile and radio services across the region.
Update 26 Nov (PM): Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
26 Nov 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore communication services in southwestern Victoria following Thursday’s fire that partially destroyed Telstra’s Warrnambool exchange and impacted customer landline, broadband, mobile and radio services across the region.
Spring Grove mechanic apprentice wins dream V8 Supercars job
26 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Twenty-one year old Tom Rann from Spring Grove has been named the winner of the Telstra
Racing Recruit program, overcoming rivals from around the country to claim a coveted job with
powerful V8 Supercars team Ford Performance Racing (FPR) in 2013.
Further Information Update: Telstra Exchange Fire In Warrnambool
26 Nov 2012 - Media Release
This is the latest update on Telstra’s efforts to restore communication services in southwestern Victoria following Thursday’s fire that partially destroyed Telstra’s Warrnambool exchange and impacted customer landline, broadband, mobile and radio services across the region.
Top 10 musicians one step closer to their big break
26 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Top 10 musicians one step closer to their big break
Information update: Telstra Exchange fire in Warrnambool
23 Nov 2012 - Media Release
The following is an update on Telstra’s efforts to restore communication services in southwestern Victoria following yesterday’s fire that partially destroyed Telstra’s exchange building in
Warrnambool and impacted customer landline, broadband, mobile and radio services across
the region.
Telstra offers fourth generation iPad with Wi-Fi plus Cellular
23 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Telstra is now offering fourth generation iPad with Wi-Fi + Cellular and will be offering iPad
mini with Wi-Fi + Cellular in the coming weeks.
Carman's Fine Foods owner named Australia's Business Woman of the Year
22 Nov 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
A woman who bought into a home-made muesli business for $1000 and developed it into a
$50 million enterprise that exports to 32 countries has been named the 2012 Telstra Australian
Business Woman of the Year.
A mind for business delivers national award win for Queensland CEO
22 Nov 2012 - Media Release
The CEO of a Brisbane-based business that applies psychology to safety, wellbeing, organisational and leadership performance to help companies realise their full potential has won a top
national business award.
Telstra launches free app for award-winning business publication
20 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Telstra’s highly successful small and medium business magazine Smarter Business Ideas™,
published by ACP Magazines, will today become the first business magazine in Australia to
launch an app across both the iOS and Android platforms, with the arrival of the new Smarter
Business Ideas app.
Telstra continues to innovate with contact centre solutions
16 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has launched its Network Contact Centre solution, providing customers with scalable,
high performance contact centre technology either fully hosted on Telstra’s cloud infrastructure
or co-hosted on customer premises.
Telstra appoints new consumer group managing director
15 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that Mr Karsten Wildberger has been appointed Group Managing Director, Consumer.
V8 Supercars Racing Recruit search narrows to two
15 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Twenty-year old Kevin Stewart from Morley, WA and twenty-one year old Tom Rann from
Spring Grove, NSW are just one trial away from joining a leading V8 Supercars team in 2013
after making it through to the final two of the Telstra Racing Recruit search.
Telstra unwraps new products for Christmas
13 Nov 2012 - Media Release
High-speed 4G technology, touch-screen tablets and pre-paid mobile devices are set to top
wish lists this holiday season with Telstra unveiling a range of exciting new products in the lead
up to Christmas.
Research reveals business women value teamwork ahead of achievements
09 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Australian business women are more inclined to attribute their business success to a team
than themselves, according to a new survey.
The race that stopped us talking, texting and tubing
07 Nov 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Was it the race the stopped the nation? Maybe, but it was definitely the race that stopped
email, phone calls and even YouTube!
Telstra appoints new Regional President for Telstra International Group
05 Nov 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced Timothy Y. (Tim) Chen as Regional President of Telstra International
Group to significantly build Asian and trans-continental business for the company.
Announcing the new Racing Network Official App for iPhone
31 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Racing fans can now watch all Victorian and Sydney races live on their iPhone with the launch
today of the Racing Network Official app for iPhone.
Telstra adds small cells to their stable at Spring Racing Carnival
31 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has increased mobile network capacity for both the stayers and the sprinters at Flemington Racecourse with upgrades providing 80 percent more capability in the past year and the
announcement to trial an emerging new technology called small cells in the Birdcage to meet
user demand.
BigPond waves chequered flag on V8 sponsorship
30 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Internet Service and digital content provider, BigPond, today announced its highly successful
10 year sponsorship of the V8 Supercars Championship would come to a close at the conclusion of the 2012 season.
TelstraClear sale approved by regulators
30 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Telstra said today it expected the sale of its wholly owned New Zealand subsidiary, TelstraClear, to Vodafone New Zealand would be completed shortly, after the transaction received the
necessary approvals from New Zealand regulators.
Telstra launches new 4G tablet to connect the family
29 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Owning a full-screen tablet with 4G technology built in will become more affordable tomorrow
with the launch of the Telstra 4G Tablet.
Boost Mobile announcement clarification
26 Oct 2012 - Media Release
This statement is to clarify what the retail alliance between Telstra and Boost Mobile announced on 23 October 2012 means for Boost branded services purchased prior to 21 January
Cross industry innovation is the secret to business growth
24 Oct 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Business leaders seeking game-changing growth and innovation strategies are taking the bold
step of seeking inspiration outside their native industries, according to the Telstra Cross Industry Innovation Report 2012, written in collaboration with KPMG.
National expansion plan for Adam Internet following Telstra acquisition
24 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has entered an agreement to acquire the Internet Service Provider, Adam Internet and
will support the South Australian broadband business expand nationally.
Telstra CoW goes to Cowes for the Moto Grand Prix
24 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Motorsport fans attending this week’s Australian Moto Grand Prix, on Phillip Island, will experience improved mobile phone coverage, with Telstra installing a Cell on Wheels (CoW) at the
track. While the CoW might not be as nimble as some of its two wheeled counterparts, or attract as many fans, it is essential to helping Telstra customers get the most out of their visit to
the course.
Innovative WA gold mine manager wins top Business Women's Award
16 Oct 2012 - Media Release
The General Manager of an underground gold mine who led the development of an engineering innovation with international potential for the safety of mineworkers has today been named
the 2012 Telstra Western Australian Business Woman of the Year.
Leader of contaminated land consultants wins top Business Women's Award
12 Oct 2012 - Media Release
The CEO of a fast-growing environmental consulting company that assesses and remediates
contaminated land in SA, Queensland and the NT has been named the 2012 Telstra South
Australian Business Woman of the Year.
Telstra CoW attending the Cranbourne Cup
12 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Racing fans attending Sunday’s Cranbourne Cup will experience improved mobile phone coverage, with Telstra installing a Cell on Wheels (CoW) at the racecourse.
Last chance for musicians to score a chance at the 'big time'
10 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Time is running out for independent musicians to enter one of Australia’s most recognised and
long standing talent development programs; the Telstra Road to Discovery. This year, the Telstra Road to Discovery celebrates its 10th year of supporting emerging artists launch their careers in the music industry.
Bob and Billy's phones headline historic display at Telstra Tower
09 Oct 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
A scrambler phone used by former Prime Minister Robert Menzies and the home phone from
former Prime Minister Billy Hughes’ Lindfield residence form part of a collection of historic
communications equipment on display as part of Canberra’s centenary celebrations.
Territory airport manager wins top Telstra Business Women’s Award
09 Oct 2012 - Media Release
A woman with extensive management experience in the aviation industry in Australia and New
Zealand was named today as the 2012 Telstra Northern Territory Business Woman of the
Helping injured people return to work leads to top Business Women's Award
05 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Therese Rein, inspired by her father to build a rehabilitation services business that now operates in ten countries and employs 2300 people, was named today as the 2012 Telstra
Queensland Business Woman of the Year.
Telstra customers set record for phone use at AFL Grand Final
01 Oct 2012 - Media Release
Footy fans who attended Saturday’s AFL Grand Final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)
have set a record for phone use at an Australian Rules final.
Samsung Galaxy SIII 4G to arrive on Telstra 4G from 9 October
28 Sep 2012 - Media Release
The Samsung Galaxy SIII 4G will arrive in Telstra stores from Tuesday 9 October and personal
buyers can order the device online from today.
Human rights advocate named top ACT business woman
27 Sep 2012 - Media Release
A woman who has spent 30 years as a human rights lawyer and audited detention centres for
human rights abuses has been named the 2012 Telstra ACT Business Woman of the Year.
Iconic Australian personalities voice Whereis iPhone app
26 Sep 2012 - Media Release
Have you ever wanted to go for a drive with Jennifer Hawkins or Dame Edna Everage, or be
told ‘where to go’ by ‘The Wog Boy’? Now’s your chance with Whereis® and some of Australia’s most iconic personalities who have voiced the popular navigation iPhone app.
Telstra adds Next G® capacity to MCG ahead of AFL Grand Final
26 Sep 2012 - Media Release
Footy fans attending Saturday’s AFL Grand Final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) will
experience improved mobile phone coverage, with Telstra more than doubling its current Next
G network capacity inside the stadium.
Globally-impacting business philanthropist named top NSW business woman
25 Sep 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
A woman who manages million-dollar deals for big business and gives away millions to the
poor of Nepal and Uganda has been named the 2012 Telstra NSW Business Woman of the
Healthy food exporter wins top Victorian Business Women’s Award
20 Sep 2012 - Media Release
Healthy food exporter wins top Victorian Business Women's Award
Everyone Connected through Telstra community grants
19 Sep 2012 - Media Release
One hundred community groups across Australia have each been awarded $10,000 from Telstra’s Everyone Connected program to help them better access technology.
Phil Mottram appointed next CEO of CSL Limited
18 Sep 2012 - Media Release
Phil Mottram, Executive Director of Global Sales, Telstra Global, was today appointed Chief
Executive Officer of CSL Limited, effective October 1, 2012.
Telstra searches nation for V8 apprentice
11 Sep 2012 - Media Release
Telstra and Ford Performance Racing (FPR) are encouraging third year apprentice mechanics
with a passion for motorsport to apply for the dream job of completing their final apprenticeship
year working under the bonnet of a V8 Supercar in the 2013 Championship Series.
Telstra Next IP expands to the Pilbara
10 Sep 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has extended its powerful IP Core into the Pilbara providing business customers in the
area with a faster, more reliable IP network than ever before.
Telstra research reveals video drives the bank of the future
07 Sep 2012 - Media Release
The bank of the future will be driven by video interaction including local branch video calling,
accessing experts on demand online and interactive videos on financial topics. This will deliver
improved customer experiences – blending both online and offline engagement - according to
new research from Telstra Enterprise & Government.
Business confidence declines overall but some states shine through the gloom
04 Sep 2012 - Media Release
Confidence levels of Australian small and medium businesses have declined for the third consecutive quarter according to the September Sensis Business Index released today.
Samsung Galaxy SIII 4G coming to Australia's only national 4G service
04 Sep 2012 - Media Release
Telstra customers will soon get their hands on one of the first 'super phones' to launch in Australia - the ultra-fast 4G and quad-core powered Samsung GALAXY S III 4G.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Online bike exchange races to win Australian Business of the Year title
30 Aug 2012 - Media Release
A booming online business that aggregates the products of 400 bike retailers and taps into
Australia’s thirst for riding bikes has been named the 2012 Telstra Australian Business of the
Telstra rolls out digital media signage for Coca-Cola Amatil
30 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA) has signed a new agreement with Telstra to deploy 3000 digital media signage units across Australia. Primarily located in hospitality venues, the digital media solution incorporates wireless technology, allowing CCA to provide targeted free Wi-Fi connectivity to customers purchasing CCA products.
Telstra to wind down services on its earlier 3G network tomorrow
30 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Mobile services on Telstra’s earlier 3G mobile network will be wound down tomorrow, closing a
chapter in the nation’s telecommunications history. to power Tradingpost
30 Aug 2012 - Media Release Ltd (ASX: CRZ) and Telstra Ltd today announce that the companies have entered into an agreement whereby Australia’s newest free classifieds business,, will licence the brand and operate the
Australian communities urged to support our Paralympians
29 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Communities across Australia are being urged to throw their support behind the elite athletes
of our Paralympics Team and send a Telstra HeroMessage as they strive for glory at the London Paralympic Games.
Telstra increases 4G coverage
28 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Telstra set to bring 4G coverage to two-thirds of the population as 4G device connections pass
Data Advantage - moving wholesale data into the future
27 Aug 2012 - Media Release
A new suite of data products available to Telstra Wholesale customers today offers the industry the biggest national data footprint with the latest technical features, taking data product
supply efficiency to a new level.
Telstra Foundation commits 8 million dollars to cyber safety partnership with The Alannah and Madeline Foundation
27 Aug 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra Foundation commits $8 million to cyber safety partnership with The Alannah and Madeline Foundation
Deal makes new combined sales network a top 5 digital advertising player
23 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Telstra Corporation and Multi Channel Network (MCN) today announced an agreement that
will see MCN partner with Telstra to represent key Telstra online assets and deliver advertisers
an average monthly unique audience of 8.0m Australians per month.
Better business conditions ahead, say Australia’s best small businesses
21 Aug 2012 - Media Release
While higher operational costs are the biggest challenge currently facing Australia’s best small
and medium businesses, a majority are optimistic about business conditions next financial
Telstra research brings fresh hope to traditional retailers
21 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has today released research showing up to 89 per cent of online shoppers in certain
sectors also purchase goods in-store, over a third of which doing so from the same retailer. It is
expected the research could bring fresh hope to traditional retailers.
AFL and music give Strong Choices to digital-savvy Indigenous youth
14 Aug 2012 - Media Release
The powers of music and sport have combined with the Australian Federal Police as Skinnyfish
Music and AFL Northern Territory launch Strong Choices at Milikapiti on Melville Island. The
innovative campaign aims to strengthen Indigenous communities by reducing the growing incidence of cyber-bullying, cyber-payback, ‘sexting’ and the distribution of inappropriate images
through emerging technologies.
Telstra delivers revenue, profit and customer growth in 2011-12
09 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced results for fiscal year 2012 highlighting growth in revenue and profits
in line with guidance, as well as adding 1.6 million Australian mobile customers.
Huge jump in older Aussies going online in the past 12 months
07 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Older Australians have taken to the internet in droves in the past 12 months, with 89 per cent
of the over-65s saying they accessed the net last year, up from 59 per cent the year before
and a 1000% increase in their use of tablet devices.
Australian small businesses click with local customers online
07 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Australian small and medium businesses (SMEs) are struggling to capitalise on the internet's
global nature and are still far more likely to make an online sale to a customer located just
around the corner than to someone interstate or overseas.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Internet access anytime, anywhere – Australians love it
07 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Mobile technology continues to revolutionise the way we live, with a big jump in the past 12
months in the number of Australians using technology to get online no matter where they are.
Telstra to improve wireless coverage in regional WA by 22 percent
01 Aug 2012 - Media Release
Residents and visitors to Western Australia’s North-West will experience improved mobile coverage and broadband telecommunications with a series of new Telstra Next G® network mobile base stations being installed across the region.
BikeExchange climbs the mountain to Telstra Victorian Business of the Year
01 Aug 2012 - Media Release
With bikes outselling cars for more than a decade in Australia, a website established to be a
one-stop e-commerce shop for bike manufacturers, traders and customers has been named
the 2012 Telstra Victorian Business of the Year.
Telstra prepares to wind down services on its earlier 3G mobile network
31 Jul 2012 - Media Release
With a month to go before services are wound down on Telstra's earlier 3G mobile network,
Telstra is encouraging remaining customers to review their device settings and, where necessary, consider an upgrade to a Next G compatible device.
Telstra delivers industry-first customer service app via Facebook
31 Jul 2012 - Media Release
To help customers better connect, engage and stay in control of their Telstra services, Telstra
today launched the Telstra 24x7 App on Facebook, extending customer self-service options to
Australia's most popular social network.
Project management consultancy Point named Telstra ACT Business of the Year
27 Jul 2012 - Media Release
A leading Australian project management consultancy with a burgeoning portfolio of building,
property and infrastructure construction projects has been named the 2012 Telstra ACT Business of the Year.
Laser and lighting show pioneer named Telstra NSW Business of the Year
25 Jul 2012 - Media Release
A Dural business that is a world leader in entertainment communications with a name that is
synonymous with big events has won the title of 2012 Telstra New South Wales Business of
the Year.
Drilling business named Telstra SA Business of the Year
20 Jul 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
A Hahndorf drilling business established fifty years ago that numbers some of Australia’s biggest miners among its clients has been named the 2012 Telstra South Australian Business of
the Year.
HeroMessages inspires our athletes and connects a nation
19 Jul 2012 - Media Release
In a Telstra HeroMessage first, one of Australia's most prominent young artists, David Hart,
has called on the Australian public and two iconic Aussie Olympians to inspire his next creation
and launch Telstra's HeroMessage campaign for the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Innovative power system testers named Telstra WA Business of the Year
18 Jul 2012 - Media Release
A Malaga business that was specifically established to manufacture power load testing equipment that would survive Australia's hottest temperatures has been named the 2012 Telstra
Western Australian Business of the Year.
Telstra launches T-Hub 2 - the smarter phone for Australian homes
17 Jul 2012 - Media Release
100 years since the Post Master General introduced the automatically connected telephone
call and Australian switchboard operators started hanging up their headsets, the fixed line
phone has evolved again with the launch of T-Hub 2.
Mobile coverage goes underground in Sydney
16 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Thousands of Sydney rail commuters are now able to enjoy Next G mobile network coverage
under the CBD with the completion of the first stage of a mobile network extension in the city's
underground rail network.
Security experts named Telstra Northern Territory Business of the Year
13 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Security & Technology Services, a fast-expanding provider of security and fire detection
equipment for major Territory projects, has been named the 2012 Telstra Northern Territory
Business of the Year.
Telstra connects Qantas pilots with iPads
13 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Qantas today announced it will partner with Telstra to provide its pilots with iPads for use on
the flight deck.
Telstra announces sale of TelstraClear for NZ840 million dollars A660 million dollars
12 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Telstra will sell TelstraClear, its wholly owned New Zealand subsidiary, to Vodafone New Zealand for NZ$840 million (A$660 million). Telstra will also return approximately NZ$490 million
(A$380 million) in cash to Australia via a pre-completion dividend, which is already consolidated in Telstra's Group results.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra welcomes decision to register industry code
11 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Telstra welcomed the announcement today by the Australian Communications and Media Authority that it intends to register the improved Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code.
Indigenous communicators named Telstra Queensland Business of the Year
11 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Winangali Pty Ltd, one of Australia's leading Indigenous research and communications agencies, has been named the 2012 Telstra Queensland Business of the Year.
Australia rings in a century of technology advancement
06 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Today marks 100 years since the first automated telephone exchange opened in Geelong, Victoria. It was the first of its type in the southern hemisphere and only the second in the British
Empire - opening just months after the first automated telephone exchange in England.
Hobart IVF clinic named Telstra Tasmanian Business of the Year
05 Jul 2012 - Media Release
TasIVF, Tasmania’s longest serving and most successful in vitro fertilisation clinic - and one of
the first IVF units in Australia - has been named the 2012 Telstra Tasmanian Business of the
Telstra gives its Mobile FOXTEL customers more for less
05 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Telstra mobile customers will have access to more live Foxtel channels on their smartphone or
tablet, with better value packages costing up to a third less launching this month.
Telstra recognises Traditional Owners
05 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Telstra will become one of the first corporate companies in Australia to formally recognise the
Traditional Owners of land and country, by installing signs of acknowledgment in every branded Telstra Store and Business Centre across Australia.
Hobart IVF clinic named Telstra Tasmanian Business of the Year
05 Jul 2012 - Media Release
TasIVF, Tasmania’s longest serving and most successful in vitro fertilisation clinic - and one of
the first IVF units in Australia - has been named the 2012 Telstra Tasmanian Business of the
Telstra cloud to deliver the mail for Australia Post
03 Jul 2012 - Media Release
As Australia Post moves into a new era of delivering innovative services for Australians, Telstra
will support the enterprise by connecting Australia Post customers across the country with the
latest telecommunication, IT and Australian based cloud services in a new agreement signed
by both organisations.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2012/2013)
Telstra Global announces global ‘public cloud’ contact centre solution
02 Jul 2012 - Media Release
Powered by IPscape, Telstra Global's preferred contact centre solution provider, the new Telstra Global Virtual Contact Centre solution delivers a state-of-the-art customer service solution
for the high growth Asia region