A business and management essay must be written in an objective

Extended Essay in
Business Management
Name: ______________________________
Contents page
1. General Guidelines .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 The Purpose.............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 The Nature of the Extended Essay ............................................................................ 4
1.3 The Choice of Topic .................................................................................................. 4
1.4 The Research Question............................................................................................. 4
1.5 The Research Process ............................................................................................... 6
2. How to Structure your Essay ............................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Title Page ................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Contents Page .......................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 8
2.5 Methodology............................................................................................................ 8
2.6 Main Body ................................................................................................................ 9
2.7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 9
2.8 Bibliography ............................................................................................................. 9
2.9 Appendices ............................................................................................................ 10
3. Formal Presentation .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Length .................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Diagrams/Tables/Graphs ........................................................................................ 11
3.3 References / Bibliography ....................................................................................... 11
4. Assessment of Extended Essays ........................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Use of Assessment Criteria ..................................................................................... 13
4.2 Grading .................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Diploma Matrix Points ............................................................................................ 14
4.4 Assessment Criteria ............................................................................................... 15
➢ A: Research Question: ....................................................................................... 16
➢ B: Introduction: ................................................................................................. 16
➢ C: Investigation: .................................................................................................17
➢ D: Knowledge and Understanding..................................................................... 18
➢ E: Reasoned Argument ..................................................................................... 19
➢ F: Application of Analytical and Evaluative Skills ............................................... 20
➢ G: Use of Language Appropriate to the Subject ................................................ 21
➢ H: Conclusion .................................................................................................... 21
➢ I: Formal Presentation ....................................................................................... 22
➢ J: Abstract ......................................................................................................... 22
➢ K: Holistic Judgement ....................................................................................... 23
5. Documentation ................................................................................................................................. 24
5.1 EE Action Plan ........................................................................................................ 24
5.2 EE Research Question Proposal ............................................................................. 25
5.3 – EE Business and Management First/Final Draft Checklist ..................................... 26
5.4 Meeting Log ........................................................................................................... 29
1. General Guidelines
1.1 The Purpose
There are several reasons for doing the Extended Essay.
● It will teach you the process of doing research from developing the questions to the publication.
● It will grant you a strong sense of accomplishment
● You need it to earn the IB Diploma.
1.2 The Nature of the Extended Essay
An extended essay in business and management provides you with an opportunity to carry out in-depth
research in an area of personal interest relating to business and management. This is likely to be in the
context of the Diploma Programme business and management course, but you may also want to
consider issues that fall outside the scope of this.
You may want to undertake a detailed investigation into work relating to a specific regional/national
context, or perhaps practical applications relating to the work of a particular management theorist.
Whichever research area is chosen, it should be firmly rooted in the realms of accepted business and
management theory.
The extended essay provides you with an opportunity to develop research skills by reviewing business
theory, concepts and principles, and critically analysing how these have been put into practice in the
business world and the resultant impact on business activity. This will involve broad and detailed
research using a range of sources.
The extended essay requires the application of business theory, tools and techniques to produce a
coherent and structured analytical essay that effectively addresses the research question.
1.3 The Choice of Topic
The topic of the extended essay is the particular area of study within Business Management
A broad topic is unlikely to result in a successful extended essay. A topic that requires no personal
research and/or requires an essentially narrative or descriptive approach is not suitable for an extended
You should undertake an extended essay that uses the core principles of business and management as
a basis for researching a particular topic. The topic may be chosen because of an interest in issues
raised in the classroom, aspects of your own experience, or current events.
1.4 The Research Question
This is possibly the most important decision you will make regarding your EE. If you pick a RQ that the
IB deem to be appropriate then you will automatically lose 8 marks out of the 36 available meaning that
it is impossible for you to achieve an A grade for your essay.
There are 5 tests that a good RQ needs to pass:
1. Is it the right scope?
You need to make sure that you choose a challenging research question but also ensure that it can be
explored within the constraints of essay length (4,000 words), time (40 hours) and resources available
to you. You will probably need to narrow your topic down to focus on a particular organization,
industry or market in a particular region or country.
2. Do you already know what your conclusion will be?
If so then it is not a suitable RQ. In order to be worthy of investigation your question needs to be
neither patently obvious or something that you already have a pre-conceived idea about. It MUST be
necessary for you to undertake research to reach a judgement.
3. Can you see which course concepts you’ll use?
You must ensure you develop a research question that enables you to apply business theory, tools and
techniques. If you are unsure ask your supervisor for some ideas, it may be that there are some
tools/concepts that you haven’t yet covered that would be perfect for your RQ.
4. Will you have the information?
Will you be able to access the information that you need to be able to answer the question effectively?
For this reason it is much better to focus on PLCs where you will be able to access financial data and on
industries which are high profile and therefore lots of news articles written about them.
5. Will this topic help you?
Your EE is a great opportunity to show university admissions officers that you are really passionate
about your subject. Make sure that you pick a title that relates to the course that you want to study,
and give yourself something to write about in your personal statement. Also, the more interesting the
topic is to you the more motivated you will be during the process of researching and writing your essay.
Don’t worry: Your supervisor will be able to help you to come up with a suitable research question as
long as you have a topic in mind that you want to investigate.
Some examples of titles as suggested by the IB:
“What motivates employees? Can Herzberg’s motivation theory help explain the improvement in
productivity at XYZ Ltd?” is better than “Have motivational techniques benefited XYZ Ltd?”.
“How significant has the contribution of Just-in-Time production been in improving efficiency in the
textile industry?” is better than “How effective are Just-in-Time production techniques?”.
“Why has the practice of publishing environmental audits been adopted more widely in Country X
than in Country Y?” is better than “Why do firms publish environmental audits?”.
To what extent has the introduction of Total Quality Management (TQM) improved quality at ABC
How effective has the joint venture between ABC Ltd and UBI Ltd been as a growth strategy?
Why has the market capitalization of XYZ Plc increased more than the market capitalization of its
competitor ABC Plc?
1.5 The Research Process
The following diagram is intended to provide a model for the process of conducting the research and
writing the extended essay.
It is hugely important that you are organized in your research process. You should make sure you:
Undertake some general reading first
Make sure you use a wide range of different sources
o Books
o Journal Articles
o Newspaper Articles
o Television Shows
o Radio Shows
o Sound Recordings
o Video Recordings
o Electronic Databases
o Websites
Keep detailed logs of where you have found information including dates of access for
Use Manage Sources or an online facility such as Zotero to help you
Make notes from each source
Keep copies of documents if possible
Be selective – you lose marks for using information that is not relevant to your RQ
Question the reliability/validity of data
You should use as the basis of their extended essay secondary data, supported, where appropriate,
by primary research. The IB prefer if you used secondary research as far as possible.
If primary research is carried out in relation to an organization, there is a need for tact, sensitivity to
other people and respect of confidentiality.
A good extended essay will demonstrate the appropriate use and application of selected analytical
tools, often supported by statistical data to assist the discussion and evaluation.
Some examples of analytical tools are as follows.
Ansoff’s Matrix
Boston Matrix
Break-even analysis
Decision tree analysis
Financial accounts and performance ratios
Fishbone analysis
STEEPLE analysis
Position maps
Statistical tables/charts/diagrams
SWOT analysis
A business and management essay must be written in an objective style without personal bias.
Observations and conclusions should be derived from the evidence and not based on any
preconceptions of the student.
2. How to Structure your Essay
After careful outlining and drafting, it is likely that the majority of extended essays will follow a
structure similar to that described below.
2.1 Title Page
The title should clearly state your research question
You should also include:
Candidate number
Session information
Word count
2.2 Abstract
An abstract not exceeding 300 words must be included. It does not serve as an introduction but
presents a synopsis of the extended essay, and therefore should be written last.
The inclusion of an abstract is designed to allow readers to understand quickly the contents of the
extended essay.
The minimum requirements for the abstract are to state clearly:
● The research question being investigated
● The scope of the investigation
● The conclusion/s of the extended essay.
The abstract should be typed or word processed on one side of a sheet of paper, and placed
immediately after the title page. You should state the word count.
2.3 Contents Page
A contents page must be provided at the beginning of the extended essay and all pages should be
numbered. Use the contents page facility in Microsoft Word to help you to do this.
2.4 Introduction
The introduction is your opportunity to ‘set the scene’ , in other words to give some background
information about your chosen topic and why it is important
The introduction should include:
● An indication of why the topic chosen is interesting, important or worthy of study
● Some background information and an attempt to place the topic in an appropriate context
● An indication of whether the topic has been narrowed to a focus of more manageable
● A clearly and precisely stated research question in bold
2.5 Methodology
This section of your essay will help you to show the examiner that your investigation was well planned.
You should include:
 An description of how you approached your research process
 Details of your key sources of secondary data and how this information was useful
 Any problems that you encountered along the way
 Any questions that you might have about the validity/reliability of the data
 Details of any primary research you did, how you approached it and any limitations of this
2.6 Main Body
The essential feature of the major section, or body, of the essay is the systematic development of a
convincing answer to the research question.
It is strongly recommended that you split your main body up into sub-sections.
In each subsection you should aim to:
 Use data (so you must include quotes, citations, tables, diagrams etc)
 Apply a business tool/concept/theory
 Use the results of your tool/concept/theory to develop a reasoned argument that addresses
your research question
 Reach a mini-conclusion with regards to your research question
 Show critical thinking by considering the limitations of your tool/data and identifying any
unresolved questions
Throughout this section you must be constantly relating your discussion to the RQ. If it does not
directly relate to your RQ then take it out.
2.7 Conclusion
The requirements of the conclusion are that it
● Is clearly stated
● Is relevant to the research question being investigated
● Is substantiated by the evidence presented
● Indicates issues, unresolved questions and new questions that have emerged from the research
Your conclusion should NOT present any new information, it should aim to use your previously
discussed evidence to justify your judgement
Top Tip: Make sure that the first sentence of your conclusion clearly states what your judgement is
2.8 Bibliography
This should be an alphabetical list of your references. It should only include works that you have cited.
Use the ‘manage sources’ function in Microsoft Word or an online facility such as www.zotero.org to
help you.
A citation is an indication (signal) in the text that this (material) is not ours; we have “borrowed” it (as a
direct quote, paraphrase or summary) from someone or somewhere else. The citation in the text can
in the form of an introductory phrase, or
at the end of the statement
Every citation should be given a full reference that enables the reader to locate the exact source used.
A reference gives full details of the source cited in the work; the parts or elements of the reference
should be noted in a consistent order. Use of a recognized style guide will help ensure consistency, and
will also ensure that all required elements are included.
Every reference should be given a citation in the text. If we have looked at a source but not mentioned
or cited it in the text, then we do not include it as a reference
2.9 Appendices
This is where you should put any supplementary information that it would be unsuitable to include in
the main body of your report. Tis could be financial data, screen shots, copies of questionnaires and
results, examples of promotional materials etc.
Appendices are not an essential section of the extended essay and examiners are not required to read
them, so care should be taken to include all information of direct relevance to the analysis and
argument in the main part of the essay. Unless considered essential, complete lists of raw data should
not be included in the extended essay.
An extended essay should not constantly refer to material presented in an appendix as this may disrupt
its continuity
3. Formal Presentation
The extended essay should be written in a clear, correct and formal style appropriate to the subject
from which the topic is drawn. The use of typewriters or word processors is encouraged.
3.1 Length
The upper limit is 4000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the
body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include:
● The abstract (300 additional word limit)
● Acknowledgements
● The contents page
● Maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables
● The references/bibliography
● Appendices.
Essays in excess of 4000 words are subject to penalties and examiners are not required to read material
in excess of the word limit.
3.2 Diagrams/Tables/Graphs
Presentation and overall neatness are important, and it is essential that illustrative material, if included,
is well set out and used effectively.
Graphs, diagrams, tables and maps must be well labeled using a caption. You should include a title and
a source where appropriate. For example:
Figure 1: The Diploma Programme Model
Source: http://occ.ibo.org/
Important: Do not include any illustrations if you do not directly refer to them in your analysis
3.3 References / Bibliography
The direct or indirect use of the words of another person, written, oral or electronic, must be
acknowledged appropriately as must visual material in the essay, derived from another source. A
candidate’s failure to comply with this requirement will be viewed as plagiarism, and will therefore be
treated as a case of malpractice.
The bibliography or list of references should include only those works, such as books and journals,
that have been cited by the candidate.
BSM have chosen the MLA style of referencing for use across all subjects. You should use in-text
citations rather than footnotes.
The bibliography should specify: author/s, title, date and place of publication, and the name of the
publisher, following the MLA style of referencing. For web based sources, the date of access must also
be included.
4. Assessment of Extended Essays
4.1 Use of Assessment Criteria
All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IBO. All extended essays are
marked on a scale from 0 to 36. Criterion levels will be awarded to each extended essay using a best
match model.
4.2 Grading
The total score obtained, on the scale 0 to 36, will be used to determine in which of the following bands
the extended essay is placed. This band, in conjunction with the band for Theory of Knowledge,
determines the diploma points awarded for these two requirements.
The band descriptions are:
A Work of an excellent standard
B Work of a good standard
C Work of a satisfactory standard
D Work of a mediocre standard
E Work of an elementary standard
The band description provides the basis of reporting back to schools on each candidate’s performance
in the extended essay requirement.
The overall award boundaries are:
29 – 36
23 – 28
8 -15
0 - 7 (Organization,
December 2010)
4.3 Diploma Matrix Points
The number of bonus points that a student is awarded will be determined by a combination of their
performance in the EE and TOK according to the diploma points matrix below:
1 F*
1 F*
Not Submitted
F* = Failing condition.
From 2010 onwards 28 points overall will be required to be eligible for the diploma if a student attains an ‘E’
grade in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge.
As previously, a grade ‘A’ in one of the requirements earns an extra point even if the other is a grade ‘E’.
Attaining a grade ‘E’ on both the extended essay and theory of knowledge continues to represent an
4.4 Assessment Criteria
These assessment criteria are used for all Extended Essays:
Research Question
Knowledge & understanding
Reasoned argument
Application of analytical & evaluative skills
Use of language appropriate to the subject
Formal presentation
Holistic judgement
Marks available
The way that these criteria is applied will be different according to which subject you are completing
your EE in, here is the guidance from the IB that specifically relates to Business Management.
A: Research Question: The research question can often be best defined in the form of a
question. It may, however, also be presented as a statement, proposition or hypothesis for discussion. It
must be specific and sharply focused. Topics or questions that consider broad areas of business and
management theory may limit the possibility of effective treatment within the word limit and constrain
performance on this criterion.
This is assessed through the title page and the abstract but the question should also be stated in the
Criterion A: Research Question
Achievement level
The research question is not stated in the introduction or does not lend itself to a
systematic investigation in an extended essay in the subject in which it is
The research question is stated in the introduction but is not clearly expressed or
is too broad in scope to be treated effectively within the word limit.
The research question is clearly stated in the introduction and sharply focused,
making effective treatment possible within the word limit.
B: Introduction: The introduction should relate the research question to existing subject
knowledge: the student’s personal experience or particular opinion is rarely relevant here. While it is
important in the introduction to consider the theoretical business context for the essay, it is not the
place for a full review or explanation of that theory. The introduction should consider why the
question chosen is an important one for businesses/organizations and/or the managers of those
businesses/organizations, and, therefore, why it is an important topic for investigation. The
research question should be clearly set in a business and management context.
This is assessed through the Introduction.
Criterion B: Introduction
Little or no attempt is made to set the research question into context. There is
little or no attempt to explain the significance of the topic.
Achievement Level
Some attempt is made to set the research question into context. There is
some attempt to explain the significance of the topic and why it is worthy of
The context of the research question is clearly demonstrated. The
introduction clearly explains the significance of the topic and why it is worthy
of investigation.
C: Investigation: The range of resources available will be influenced by various factors, but
above all by the topic chosen. Students should use secondary sources in the first instance. These
may include the Internet, textbooks and research literature/journals. They could also include materials
sourced from a particular business or organization whose area of business is related to the topic chosen
(for example, market research companies, industry analysts or individual business organizations).
Statistical data may be valuable, although this is likely to depend on the nature of the topic/research
question chosen. Sources for this might include the Internet, government departments, business
research organizations or industry analysts. Evidence can be conflicting and in need of explanation and
analysis. The reliability of sources needs to be examined, and relevant information clearly and
systematically presented. If students make use of Internet-based sources, they should do so critically
and circumspectly in full awareness of their potential unreliability.
Where primary research is used, it must be carefully planned to ensure that it will enhance the value of
the research undertaken, and provide specific quantitative and qualitative analysis directly related to
the research question.
If your RQ is not suitable for systematic investigation the maximum you can score for this category
is 2.
This is shown through your bibliography, footnotes, abstract, methodology and the whole way the
essay is structured and presented.
Criterion C: Investigation
There is little or no evidence that sources have been consulted or data
gathered, and little or no evidence of planning in the investigation.
Achievement Level
A range of inappropriate sources has been consulted, or inappropriate data has
been gathered, and there is little evidence that the investigation has been
A limited range of appropriate sources has been consulted, or data has been
gathered, and some relevant material has been selected. There is evidence of
some planning in the investigation.
A sufficient range of appropriate sources has been consulted, or data has been
gathered, and relevant material has been selected. The investigation has been
satisfactorily planned.
An imaginative range of appropriate sources has been consulted, or data has
been gathered, and relevant material has been carefully selected. The
investigation has been well planned.
D: Knowledge and Understanding: This criterion requires students to show detailed
knowledge and understanding of the topic being researched, and its academic context. This means that
they need to demonstrate relevant links between the topic and relevant business theories and
techniques. These interrelationships need to be explicitly explained to reveal a clear knowledge and
understanding. To demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding, it is likely that
students will need to use a range of sources.
If your RQ is not suitable for systematic investigation the maximum you can score for this category
is also 2.
This is assessed throughout the essay by how appropriately you apply business tools/concepts and
theory to help you answer your question and how you use the data that you have collected
Criterion D: Knowledge and Understanding
The essay demonstrates no real knowledge or understanding of the topic
Achievement Level
The essay demonstrates some knowledge but little understanding of the topic
studied. The essay shows little awareness of an academic context for the
The essay demonstrates an adequate knowledge and some understanding of
the topic studied. The essay shows some awareness of an academic context for
the investigation.
The essay demonstrates a good knowledge and understanding of the topic
studied. Where appropriate, the essay successfully outlines an academic
context for the investigation.
The essay demonstrates a very good knowledge and understanding of the
topic studied. Where appropriate, the essay clearly and precisely locates the
investigation in an academic context.
E: Reasoned Argument: To score highly on this criterion, students need to link the
research question with the conclusion in a clear, structured and logical way. A valid and persuasive
argument needs to be developed in terms of business and management in the context of the
business theory used. This means that there should be clear links that can easily be followed between
the research question and the conclusion. These links should be developed throughout the essay in a
coherent, flowing and structured way that is valid and persuasively presented.
To ensure reasoned argument, the essay should also demonstrate clear links between the data and
evidence presented, and the arguments developed from the data. Straightforward descriptive or
narrative accounts that lack these links are unlikely to advance a successful argument and should be
Once again, if your RQ is not suitable for systematic investigation the maximum you can score is 2.
This is assessed throughout the essay. It may be helpful to include sub-sections in your main body to
help you organize your arguments. You must ensure that throughout the essay you are linking your
arguments to the RQ
Criterion E: Reasoned Argument
There is no attempt to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the research
Achievement Level
There is a limited or superficial attempt to present ideas in a logical and
coherent manner, and to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the
research question.
There is some attempt to present ideas in a logical and coherent manner, and
to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the research question, but this is
only partially successful.
Ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner, and a reasoned
argument is developed in relation to the research question, but with some
Ideas are presented clearly and in a logical and coherent manner. The essay
succeeds in developing a reasoned and convincing argument in relation to the
research question.
F: Application of Analytical and Evaluative Skills: To score highly on this
criterion, students need to demonstrate a sophisticated application of analytical and evaluative skills.
This requires students to use the data and business theory they have considered and to assess
arguments relating to the various aspects of the topic under consideration. This assessment should
include a consideration of the relative value and importance of particular arguments in answering the
research question. The research question should help focus this analysis and ensure that students are
applying evaluative skills to make reasoned and supported judgments.
This is assessed throughout the essay. You should be aiming to make mini-judgements throughout
your essay. You must also show critical thinking in terms of considering the limitations/validity of the
data/tools that you have used
Criterion F: Application of Analytical and Evaluative Skills
The essay shows no application of appropriate analytical and evaluative skills.
The essay shows little application of appropriate analytical and evaluative
Achievement Level
The essay shows some application of appropriate analytical and evaluative
skills, which may be only partially effective.
The essay shows sound application of appropriate analytical and evaluative
The essay shows effective and sophisticated application of appropriate
analytical and evaluative skills.
G: Use of Language Appropriate to the Subject: This criterion requires clear and
precise use of business language and terminology. This must be used consistently throughout the essay
and applied with consideration of the context of the arguments being used.
This will be assessed throughout the essay. You must ensure that you use subject- specific terminology
accurately and clearly throughout your essay
Criterion G: Use of Language Appropriate to the Subject
The language used is inaccurate and unclear. There is no effective use of
terminology appropriate to the subject.
The language used sometimes communicates clearly but does not do so
consistently. The use of terminology appropriate to the subject is only partly
The language used for the most part communicates clearly. The use of
terminology appropriate to the subject is usually accurate.
The language used communicates clearly. The use of terminology appropriate
to the subject is accurate, although there may be occasional lapses.
The language used communicates clearly and precisely. Terminology
appropriate to the subject is used accurately, with skill and understanding.
Achievement Level
H: Conclusion: Is the conclusion relevant to the RQ and can it be substantiated by the
evidence in the essay - the conclusion is not the place to introduce a new piece of evidence or a new
argument. The conclusion must include unresolved questions appropriate to the subject concerned
This will be assessed in the conclusion but in conjunction with the RQ, the overall argument and use of
Criterion H: Conclusion
Little or no attempt is made to provide a conclusion that is relevant to the
research question.
Achievement Level
A conclusion is attempted that is relevant to the research question but may not
be entirely consistent with the evidence presented in the essay.
An effective conclusion is clearly stated; it is relevant to the research question
and consistent with the evidence presented in the essay. It should include
unresolved questions where appropriate to the subject concerned.
I: Formal Presentation: This criterion relates to the extent to which the essay conforms
to academic standards about the way in which research papers should be presented. The presentation
of essays that omit a bibliography or that do not give references for quotations is deemed unacceptable
(level 0). Essays that omit one of the required elements—title page, table of contents, page numbers—
are deemed no better than satisfactory (maximum level 2), while essays that omit two of them are
deemed poor at best (maximum level 1).
The sources of all data used should be fully acknowledged and exact web site addresses and dates
of access given
This will be assessed by looking at your essay as a whole, but specifically focusing on the
appropriateness of your bibliography, referencing and contents page
Criterion I: Formal Presentation
Achievement Level
The formal presentation is unacceptable, or the essay exceeds 4,000 words.
The formal presentation is poor.
The formal presentation is satisfactory.
The formal presentation is good.
The formal presentation is excellent.
J: Abstract: Does the abstract state the Research Question clearly (this might be different
from the title) and explain how the investigation was carried out and what conclusions were reached?
This is assessed through the Abstract only
Criterion J: Abstract
The abstract exceeds 300 words or one or more of the required elements of an
abstract (listed above) is missing.
Achievement Level
The abstract contains the elements listed above but they are not all clearly
The abstract clearly states all the elements listed above.
K: Holistic Judgement: What features of your essay distinguishes it from the average
essay? (eg intellectual initiative, depth of understanding, insight, personal involvement).
This is assessed through your supervisor’s statement as well as the extent of your investigation
K: Holistic Judgement
The abstract exceeds 300 words or one or more of the required elements of an
abstract (listed above) is missing.
Achievement Level
The abstract contains the elements listed above but they are not all clearly
The abstract clearly states all the elements listed above.
5. Documentation
5.1 EE Action Plan
Date to be completed
Decide what to research – Identify the topic and develop
the research question
Doing the research – locate the relevant sources, gather
notes from each source
Organizing the research – select which info you will use
and organise your information in a way that best presents
your research
Write your introduction
Write the methodology
Create subtopics for your main body – divide and present
your research
Analyse the data – Apply business
tools/techniques/theories, form your arguments, question
what you have discovered
Reach a conclusion – what did you learn? Are there
unanswered questions? Do you feel you need to do more
Write the first draft – write once, read over, make changes
Receive feedback from your supervisor
Write the final draft – edit for appearance, accuracy of
citations, page numbers, appendices
Write the Abstract – summarize your research in 300
Add a Table of Contents – use Microsoft Word to help you
do this automatically
Add your bibliography
Organise your appendices if included
Insert Header – mark every page with your name and IB
candidate number
Proof reading
Print – 2 copies one to your supervisor, one to theexams
Electronic Copy – Turn in electronic copy of essay
5.2 EE Research Question Proposal
Name: ___________________________________________
Supervisor: _______________________________________
The Broad Topic I want to investigate is:
Reason for Interest (Why I Want to Study This Topic):
My proposed research question is:
(Please consider carefully before answering these questions)
Is the research question formatted as a question? Yes/No
Is the question clearly focused and sufficiently narrow so that it is possible to answer it within 4,000
words? Yes/No
Is it a contemporary issue (maximum 3 years)? Yes/No
Is the question worthy of investigation? (it should be sufficiently interesting and with an answer that is
not patently obvious) Yes/No
Will it be possible to collect secondary data? Yes/No
Is it possible to answer the question using business theory? Yes/No
Which business theory will you be able to bring into your discussion?
5.3 – EE Business and Management First/Final Draft Checklist
Criterion A – Research Question
Is the research question sharply focused?
Is your research question stated and in bold in the Introduction?
Criterion B – Introduction
Does your introduction include:
Why the chosen topic is important, interesting, or worthy of study?
An attempt to place the topic in an appropriate context?
How the topic has been narrowed to provide focus?
Clearly and precisely stated research question in bold?
Criterion C – Investigation
Does your bibliography contain a variety of sources (textbooks, internet, newspaper articles and
journals) that are cited in the essay?
Are all of your sources from within the last 2 years?
Have you used a consistent method of in-text citation throughout the essay?
Have you ensured that you have used citations regularly throughout your essay?
Have you included a Methodology section which outlines the primary and secondary research
that you did?
Does your Methodology section include details of any limitations or difficulties of your research?
Does your methodology section outline the key economic tools/concepts used?
Have you ensured that no irrelevant information is contained in your essay?
Criterion D – Knowledge and understanding of the topic studied
Have you applied your knowledge of Economic concepts to your chosen topic?
Have you ensured that you have used a range of sources?
Are all diagrams labeled precisely?
Criterion E – Reasoned Argument
Have you included appropriate sub-sections in your main body?
Have you used economic concepts and explained how these relate to your research question?
Do you consistently link your discussion to your research question rather than just being
Have you built a persuasive argument that is presented in a logical manner?
Criterion F – Application of analytical and evaluative skills
appropriate to the subject
Have you made mini-judgements in each of your sub-sections?
Are your judgements reasoned and supported?
Have you ensured that you have considered the limitations/validity/reliability of the data that you
have used
Have you considered the relative importance of particular arguments in answering your research
Criterion G – Use of language appropriate to the subject
Are economics terms used precisely?
Are accurate definitions given for key economic terms discussed?
Criterion H – Conclusion
Is your research question restated in bold in the conclusion?
Does your conclusion include:
a clearly stated judgement?
Is it relevant to the research question being investigated?
Is it substantiated by the evidence presented?
Does it indicate issues, unresolved questions and new questions that have emerged from the
Criterion I – Formal Presentation
Do you have a title page?
Do the following appear on your title page:
Research Question
Name, candidate number, session information, word count
Is the essay within 4000 words?
Does your contents page set out clearly any chapter/section headings including the placement of
the introduction, conclusion and appendices
Have you included page numbers in a header or footer
Have you included your name and candidate number in a header or footer
Are all diagrams, charts and graphs indexed and labeled with referenced sources where
Are your references cited consistently and correctly
Does the bibliography include all and only the works of reference you have consulted
Does the Bibliography specify author/s, editor/s, title, publisher and date of publication
Are all Internet resources cited correctly with date of access included
Criterion J – Abstract
Is your Abstract within 300 words?
Does your abstract contain:
The research question or hypothesis
the scope of the investigation
the conclusion reached
Does your abstract appear before the contents page
Have you included a word count
Criterion K – Holistic Judgement
Have you explained any original ideas that you had?
Does your essay (particularly the introduction) display curiosity
Does your essay show your best effort?
I have demonstrated inventiveness and flair through my investigation or writing style?
General Points
Have you put your essay through turnitin?
Have you thoroughly proof-read your essay?
Have you had someone else proof-read your essay to check for spelling/grammar mistakes?
Have you checked your formatting? I suggest fully justified, 1.5 line spacing and Arial font size
5.4 Meeting Log
Discussion – Key Points
Actions to be
Date to be
completed by