The National Scholars Program is now accepting applications from tenured or tenure-track faculty members for the role of NSP Faculty Fellow. The Faculty Fellow serves as a teacher and mentor to two cohorts of National Scholars and collaborates with NSP staff to coordinate, offer, and lead intellectually enriching programs open to all Scholars. The work of the FF will enhance the depth and breadth of Scholars’ intellectual interests and abilities, and will aid Scholars in developing academic, intellectual, personal, and professional goals and strategies to achieve them. The Faculty Fellow will serve a five-year term*. o Years 1-2: Description below. o Years 3-5: Mentor each of the Scholar cohorts for which the freshman seminar is taught, with continued advising over these three years on post-Clemson professional and graduate school plans, as well as an invitation to serve on NSP interview panels. *Service as FF will be reviewed for renewal at the end of the first year of service. In years 1 and 2, the Faculty Fellow will: Teach the required fall NSP first-year Honors seminar in fall 2014 and fall 2015. o This seminar may be multi-disciplinary and may incorporate a wide range of topics and teaching methods. o It is vital that the students in this seminar develop strong critical thinking and writing skills through discussions and assignments. The successful Faculty Fellow applicant should have experience in the teaching of writing, or in mentoring students on intensive writing projects (Honors theses, journal articles, creative writing, etc.) o The FF will collaborate with NSP staff to include in the seminar a “success portfolio” that is a requirement for all students in the program. Coordinate 2 to 3 educational enrichment programs each year open to all current Scholars. These can be discussions (book, film, news, etc.), working with the NSP and Scholars to plan campus guest speakers, etc., and may overlap with seminar offerings. Participate in selecting National Scholars, including reviewing NSP-level Honors College applications each year, helping select finalists to interview, participating in the interview weekend, securing and training new faculty interviewers for NSP weekend, and assisting in final selection of new Scholars. Review Scholar Professional Development Plans each semester to understand Scholars’ goals and plans. Meet with Scholars as needed, individually and in groups, to provide advice and mentoring outside of the classroom setting. Assist Scholars, individually and collectively, in developing successful applications for jobs and graduate/professional school and for awards, internships, REUs, fellowships, scholarships, etc., including reviewing personal statements and writing letters of recommendation. Participate in NSP programs (orientation meetings, new Scholar and senior Scholar retreats, year-end event, etc.). A faculty member’s commitment to serve as NSP Faculty Fellow, including his or her assignment to teach the NSP Freshman seminar for a two-year period, must be approved by his or her department and college. COMPENSATION Years 1-2 Compensation for the fall course will be negotiated with the chosen Faculty Fellow and home department, and may be an in-load or overload teaching assignment comparable to a three-credit Honors seminar. In addition, the FF will receive compensation in the form of a release, salary supplement, and/or professional development funding, as negotiated with the FF and home department. Years 3-5 $2500 each academic year in the form of professional development monies. National Scholars Program Faculty Fellow Application DIRECTIONS: To apply for the NSP Faculty Fellow role, please submit by Monday, December 2, 2013, (1) this application form along with (2) a letter of application, (3) the Statement of Support form signed by both you and your department chair, and (4) a current curriculum vitae to: Jamie Williams Director, National Scholars Program 232 Brackett Hall Clemson, SC Phone: (864)656-5443 E-mail: Full Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Department: ___________________________________ Faculty Rank: _______________________________ Campus Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Campus Phone: ___________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________ In your letter of application, please address the following topics: 1. Why are you interested in serving as Faculty Fellow for the NSP? 2. What do you think is the value of a program like the NSP for Clemson University? 3. What topic(s) would you like to explore in the freshman seminar to enhance the students’ critical thinking and writing skills? Please indicate possible readings, assignments, guest speakers, learning experiences, etc., that you would include. 4. Using examples of your mentoring experiences, describe how you advise students as they establish professional and intellectual goals and move towards achieving them. How do you advise a student who does not reach a goal, or decides to change a goal? 5. Describe your experiences in teaching writing in a for-credit course, or in helping students improve their writing through a mentored experience, such as a thesis, journal article submission, creative writing project, etc. Please provide the following information for 3 references (1 academic reference, 1 student reference, 1 other reference of your choice): Name Title Capacity in which this person knows you E-mail address Phone number If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Williams (contact information above) or current NSP Faculty Fellow Dr. Michael LeMahieu ( National Scholars Program Faculty Fellow Statement of Support The following faculty member has applied to serve as the National Scholars Program Faculty Fellow for a term beginning fall 2014. The faculty member has reviewed the Faculty Fellow application packet and agrees to fulfill all expectations as outlined. It is the responsibility of the selected Faculty Fellow to communicate with his/her academic department about responsibilities and discuss any special considerations for serving in this role. The director of the NSP will communicate with the chosen Faculty Fellow and department chair the compensation plan that works best for the Fellow and the department. I am aware of ___________________________________________________________’s application for the Faculty Fellow position with the National Scholars Program. I understand that he/she will sign a contract of service for five years, which includes a 3-credit HON seminar in fall 2014 and fall 2015. _____________________________________________________ Department Chair, signature _________________ Date _____________________________________________________ Faculty Fellow Applicant, signature __________________ Date This document should be submitted with the completed application materials by Monday, December 2, 2013 to: Jamie Williams Director, National Scholars Program 232 Brackett Hall Clemson, SC Phone: (864)656-5443 E-mail: