CLASS SCHEDULE FOR PHYSICS 103 WEEK DATE Spring 2012 Dr. Duxler Activities DUE Introduction 1 Feb 6 8 2 13 15 3 4 5 7 8 9 RQ 1(15) PL I TP 1, TP 2 RQ 2(16), PL II HW 1 (15) LH I, TH 1-2 RQ 3(32), TP 3 HW 2 (16), LH II 20 Lecture Ch. 15: Mechanical Waves Tutorial 1: Superposition and Reflection of Pulses Tutorial 2: Reflection and Transmission Lab I: Standing Waves Lecture Ch. 16: Sound and Hearing Lab II: Resonance Tube and the Speed of Sound Lecture Ch. 32: Electromagnetic Waves Tutorial 3: Electromagnetic Waves No Class: Presidents Birthdays 22 TP 4, PL III TH 3 Tutorial 4: Propagation and Refraction of Periodic Waves Lab III: Speed of Light (Standing Microwaves) 27 RQ 4(33), TP 5 HW 3 (32) TH 4, LH III Lecture Ch. 33: The Nature and Propagation of Light Demo: Polarization Tutorial 5: Polarization (Except interference part) 29 TP 6, PL IV TH 5(1,2,not 3) Tutorial 6: Light and Shadow Lab IV: RTP 4.1 (Introduction to Light) TP 7, TP 8, TH 6 Exam I: Ch. 15, 16, 32 (Waves) Tutorial 7: Plane Mirrors Tutorial 8: Curved Mirrors and Multiple Reflections RQ 5(34), PL V LH IV, TH7, TH8 Lecture Ch. 34: Geometric Optics Lab V: RTP 4.5 (Polarized Light) 12 LH V, PL VI, TP 9, HW 4 (33) Lab VI: RTP 4.2 (Reflection and Refraction of Light) Tutorial 9: Interpretation of Ray Diagrams 14 RQ 6(34) TP 10, TP 11 TH 9, LH VI Lecture Ch. 35: Interference Tutorial 10: Convex Lenses Tutorial 11: Magnification 19 TP 12, PL VII HW 5 (34), TH 11 Lab VII: RTP 4.4 (Geometrical Optics: Mirrors) Tutorial 12: Two-Source Interference 21 PL VIII RQ 7(36) LH VII, TH 12 Lecture Ch. 36: Diffraction Lab VIII: RTP 4.3 (Geometrical Optics: Lenses) 26 HW 6 (35) LH VIII, TP 13 28 TP 14, TP 15, TP 16 TH 13 Mar 5 7 6 Diagnostic Tests Exam II: Ch. 33-34 (Light and Geometric Optics) Tutorial 13: Wave Properties of Light Tutorial 14: Multiple-Slit Interference Tutorial 15: Thin Film Interference Tutorial 16: A Model for Single-Slit Diffraction Apr 2 Spring Break 4 Spring Break P103 Schedule, Revised 2/3/2012 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 11 RQ 8(37), TP 17 TH 14-15 Lecture Ch. 37: Relativity Tutorial 17: Combined Interference and Diffraction 16 TP 18, PL IX TH5(prob 3, p179) TH16-17, HW7(36) Tutorial 18: Events and Reference Frames Lab IX: RTP 4.6 (Waves of Light) 18 TP 19, TP 20 LH IX Tutorial 19: Measurement Tutorial 20: Simultaneity 23 RQ 9 (38) Exam III: Ch. 35-36 (Physical Optics: Interference, Diffraction) Lecture Ch. 38: Photons, Electrons, and Atoms 25 RQ 10(39), TP 21 HW 8(37) TH18,TH19, TH 20 Lecture Ch. 39: The Wave Nature of Particles Tutorial 21: Electric and Magnetic Fields in Multiple Frames of Reference 30 RQ 11 (40), PL X HW9(38),TH 21 Lecture Ch. 40: Quantum Mechanics May 2 TP 22, PL XI HW 10(39), LH X Tutorial 22: The Photoelectric Effect Lab XI: Blackbody Radiation 7 RQ12(41), TP 23 TH 22, HW 11(40) Lecture Ch. 41: Atomic Structure Tutorial 23: Wave Properties of Matter 9 TP 24, PL XII TH 23, LH XI Lab XII: Photoelectric Effect Tutorial 24: Wave-Particle Duality 14 PL XIII LH XII, TH 24 Exam IV: Ch. 37-40 (Modern Physics) Lab XIII: Hydrogen Spectrum 16 RQ13(42), PL XIV HW12(41), LHXIII Lecture Ch. 42: Molecules and Condensed Matter Lab XIV: Electron Diffraction RQ 14(43),LH XIV HW 13(42)&14(43) RQ 15(44) HW 15 (44) 28 Lecture Ch. 43: Nuclear Physics Problem-solving session (for Ch. 43, HW 14 due at end of class) Lecture Ch. 44: Particle Physics and Cosmology Problem-solving session (for Ch. 44, HW 15 due at end of class) Review 30 Final Exam, 12:30 p.m. 21 23 17 Spring Break Lab X: Speed of Light: Rotating Mirror Key to assignment abbreviations: HW = homework (from textbook + additional and online problems) TH = tutorial homework LH = lab homework TP = tutorial pretest PL = pre-lab RQ = reading quiz Please see the assignment sheet for a list of specific homework problems. P103 Schedule, Revised 2/3/2012