Salmonid Gap Analysis 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1.1 GAP ANALYSIS 1.1.1 Draft Purpose This report provides an assessment of technical information regarding juvenile salmonid survival in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (Delta) linked to State Water Project (SWP) and Central Valley Project (CVP) operations in the Delta. The report provides a review of available information, identifies gaps in existing knowledge, highlights areas of scientific agreement and disagreement, and provides recommendations for future actions. The report also addresses eight specific management questions identified by the Collaborative Adaptive Management Team (CAMT). Information provided in this report is intended to inform policy and management decisions, including future biological opinions related to water project operations in the south Delta. The report is also intended to provide CAMT and others with a technical basis for prioritizing future investigations of salmonid behavior and survival in the Delta. 1.1.2 Scope of Analyses This gap analysis report reflects the scope identified in the work plan adopted by the CAMT: The scope of the CAMT Salmonid Scoping Team (SST) is to review existing information and develop new information on salmonid survival as affected by factors linked to State Water Project and Central Valley Project-linked operations, including San Joaquin River inflow, delta exports, and south delta hydrodynamics. The primary focus of this work is the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta south of the San Joaquin River (including Old and Middle River, the State and Federal Export Facilities, and the Head of Old River Barrier). The geographic scope also includes those pathways and export-related facilities that provide access for Sacramento River salmonids into the central and south Delta, such as the Delta Cross Channel (DCC). The water project-linked effects considered within this scope may include entrainment, hydrodynamics, barriers, predator-prey interactions, food supply, aquatic macrophytes, habitat suitability, and water quality as part of the “driver-linkage-outcome” cascade. The results are intended to contribute information relevant to the ESA consultation on the Long Term Operation of the CVP and SWP. The management questions given to the SST in January caused the group to refocus on those issues for many months, and add-to and restructure the already compiled material contained in the November draft of the Gap Analysis Report. In particular, the management questions Introduction and Background 1 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft highlighted the following specific management actions and infrastructure elements related to operations of the SWP and CVP which were, as time allowed, considered at various levels of detail in the gap analysis: 1. Temporary, operable, and non-physical barriers including the Delta Cross Channel, Head of Old River Barrier (HORB) and others 2. Clifton Court Forebay gates 3. SWP and CVP exports 4. Old and Middle river flow 5. Vernalis inflow:export ratio 6. San Joaquin River inflow A detailed description of the above water project operations is provided in Appendix A. The gap analysis describes and addresses some of the potential biological and physical relationships between SWP and CVP water project operations and salmonid survival, but does not attempt to address all the potential factors that may affect salmonid survival in the Delta. 1.1.3 Project and Non-project Related Effects A large number of factors determine the survival rates and population dynamics of Central Valley Chinook salmon and steelhead populations. These factors include, but are not limited to: Migration barriers and impediments; The quality and availability of suitable spawning gravels; The physical condition (e.g., size and health) of juvenile salmon and steelhead at the time of ocean entry, relative to ocean conditions; River flows and fluctuations in flows (including seasonal timing and magnitude of river flows within the upstream tributary areas where spawning and some rearing occurs); Water temperatures; Predation by fish, birds, and marine mammals; Food availability in both freshwater and coastal marine habitats; Hatchery operations; Water quality and pollutants; Operation of upstream reservoirs; Commercial and recreational harvest; and The abundance and geographic distribution of non-native aquatic species (e.g., Egeria densa, the overbite clam Potamocorbula spp. and warm water Midwestern fish species). Introduction and Background 2 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft Most of these factors are outside of the limited scope of this gap analysis and are not addressed herein. The omission of these factors from the analysis does not mean that they are not important to salmonid survival, spatial distribution, productivity or abundance. Nor should this omission be interpreted to mean that the effect of these factors on survival may not be influenced by water project operations. These factors may or may not influence whether and how water project operations effect juvenile salmonid survival and should be considered in the context of a broader assessment of factors that may affect survival. For example, it has been hypothesized that a substantial proportion of the juvenile mortality in the Delta is the result of predation, especially inside and near the water project facilities, but mechanistic linkages between water project operations and conditions supporting high predation in other areas of the Delta is largely unknown. In addition, there are potential linkages between water project operations (e.g. barrier installations) and outcomes such as habitat quality, growth, and life history diversity. Similarly, effect of factors such as upstream flows, habitat quality and habitat availability on the size, timing, distribution and physical condition of juvenile salmon and steelhead entering the Delta has the potential to influence the likelihood of outcomes related to potential effects of water project operation related drivers on migration behavior or survival. Certain water project operations could affect habitat conditions in the Delta resulting in increased mortality in some migration pathways and/or reduced growth. Reduced growth could result in reduced survival of juvenile salmon at ocean entry. The potential effects of water project operations in the Delta on sublethal effects such as reduced growth or altered migration timing that influence subsequent survival of juveniles (e.g. in the ocean) and overall population life history diversity have not been evaluated. Water project operations, along with uses of water, potentially could affect seasonal diversity in migration timing, geographic diversity in rearing strategies and habitat use in the tributaries influenced by SWP and CVP operations such as the Feather, American, Sacramento, and Stanislaus rivers and Delta. Operations have the potential to constrain life history diversity as a result of altering instream flows, export operations, and other habitat conditions by favoring one type of life history attribute over others. Over time, this can represent a selective pressure that reduces diversity within a population. The cumulative effect of water project operations on the juvenile salmonid mortality in and beyond the Delta, in relation to other stressors, is a major gap in our knowledge. 1.1.4 Management Questions The CAMT identified thirteen key management questions regarding salmonid survival in the Delta. Eight of the questions are explicitly addressed in Section 5 of this report. The remaining five questions are beyond the scope of this report. Introduction and Background 3 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft The following eight management questions are addressed in this report: 1. To what extent do SWP and CVP export operations affect water velocity and flow direction at selected locations in the Delta? To what extent do those specific hydrodynamic changes influence salmonid migration rate or route selection, and salmonid survival? Export operations of concern include export rates and installation/operation of gates and barriers, including the Clifton Court Forebay radial gates, the Head of Old River barrier, and south Delta agricultural barriers. 2. To what extent do either: (1) water exports; (2) inflows; or (3) the ratio of San Joaquin River inflow to water exports during April and May affect the survival of Chinook salmon or steelhead out-migrating down the San Joaquin River, particularly given very low ambient rates of survival and associated issues of detection? 3. To what extent does the January 1 onset of OMR flow management improve the survival of the target salmonid species? 4. To what extent do salvage-density-based export restrictions improve survival of targeted populations of Chinook salmon and/or steelhead? 5. In considering the effectiveness of flow metrics as a management tool, are there alternative or additional metrics (e.g., OMR flows, export volumes, monthly export limits, etc.) that could be used to manage south Delta water operations, and improve survival of migrating salmonids in the south Delta? 6. Are there biological response metrics that would be useful for assessing the effectiveness of RPA actions (for example, as suggested in Anderson et al. 2014, pages 5, 42)? 7. Do DSM2 Hydro and/or other available hydrodynamic models provide outputs that are appropriate and useful for assessing how exports from the south Delta, river inflows, and tides may influence the magnitude, duration, and direction of water velocities within selected channels and channel junctions in the Delta? What are the strengths and limitations of various simulation models and their application to assessing the relationship between water project operations and salmonid migration and survival? 8. What information is needed to address concerns that the results of tests using hatcheryreared fall-run Chinook salmon may not be representative of results of other runs of natural-origin salmonids? Could a correction factor be developed to allow for application of such test results? Introduction and Background 4 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft The following additional management questions deal with broader effects of project operations on salmonid survival and are beyond the scope of this report but may be addressed in a later phase of the CAMT salmon efforts. 1. To what extent do project-related hydrodynamic effects and project driven water movements and reservoir practices influence predation, and what information is needed to inform management of any project-related predation effects? 2. What are the indirect ecological effects of water export and project driven water movements, temperatures and reservoir practices; and are there management actions that would minimize indirect project effects that influence salmonid survival? 3. What are the most likely tools to invest in, either in terms of monitoring or modeling, to improve our ability to assess the real-time distribution of juvenile salmonids and juvenile losses in the Delta and in the Sacramento River system? 4. Are there experimental modifications of the 6-year steelhead study that would enhance the understanding of the effect of inflow/export conditions on south Delta survival of steelhead? 5. How well do current hydrodynamic simulation models with behavior algorithms predict actual migration rate and route selection of juvenile salmonid within the Delta and the Sacramento River system and, how well do the current passage/survival and lifecycle models predict survival observed in CWT and acoustic tag survival studies? 1.1.5 Report Organization The following briefly outlines the organizational structure and content of the Gap Analysis Report, in the context of the scope and questions described above. Section 1.2 of this introduction presents general background information on Central Valley salmonid populations, the Delta, water project operations, and the gap analysis approach. Section 2 addresses the application of various hydrodynamic simulation models used to characterize flows, water stage, and water velocities at locations within the riverine and tidal regions of the Delta. Section 2 also provides information on the relationship between SWP and CVP export operations and changes in water velocities and flows at various locations in relation to Delta inflows, installation and operation of some Delta barriers (e.g., Head of Old River, and the Delta Cross Channel gates), and tidal conditions. Introduction and Background 5 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft Section 3 describes information on the relationships between water project driven changes in Delta hydrodynamic conditions and the behavior of juvenile salmonids migrating through the Delta channels (e.g., migration rate and route selection). Section 4 describes information on the relationship between water project driven changes in migration behavior and subsequent survival of juvenile salmonids based on results of both coded wire tagging and more recent acoustic tagging survival studies. Section 5 addresses the eight primary management questions that were provided to the SST by CAMT (as listed in Section 1.1.4 above). Section 6 presents a summary of findings and recommendations for potential funding and implementation as next steps in the salmonid assessment process. Literature cited in preparing the report is documented in Section 7. The report also includes several technical appendices that serve as additional background information for the gap analysis including a description of water project facilities and operations considered in the analysis (Appendix A), a comparison of available hydrodynamic models (Appendix B), and a comparison of predicted changes in water velocities and flows at a variety of locations in the Delta generated by the 1-D DSM2 and 2-D RMA hydrodynamic simulation models with actual field measurements (Appendix C). 1.2 GENERAL BACKGROUND 1.2.1 Central Valley Chinook Salmon and Steelhead The historic Delta system (Figure 1-1) and Central Valley tributaries supported one of the most diverse aquatic fauna in North America (Moyle 2002). This biodiversity includes four runs of Chinook salmon (winter-run, spring-run, fall-run, and late fall-run Chinook salmon) and Central Valley steelhead. Three of these genetically distinct salmonid runs, identified as Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU; see McElhany et al. 2000, Waples 1995, Lindley et al. 2007, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) 2014), have been listed for protection under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) and/or California Endangered Species Act (CESA) including winter-run (ESA endangered/CESA endangered), spring-run (ESA threatened/CESA threatened), and steelhead (ESA threatened). Fall-run Chinook salmon, which support an important commercial and recreational fishery are a Species of Concern and considered impacted and vulnerable to extinction (Katz et al. 2013). Late fall-run Chinook salmon have also been designated a Species of Concern due to limitations in both demographics and genetic diversity. All of these salmonids inhabit Central Valley rivers and use the Delta as a migratory corridor and juvenile rearing habitat. Anadromous salmonids Introduction and Background 6 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft (Figure 1-2) spawn in upstream freshwater habitat and juveniles begin rearing in those same waters, continuing as they migrate downstream through the Delta to enter coastal marine waters where they rear typically for 1 to 4 years before migrating upstream through the Delta to inland spawning habitat. Figure 1-1. Map of the Sacramento-San Joaquin. Introduction and Background 7 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft Figure 1-2. Generalized Life History of Central Valley Salmon and Steelhead (Source: Vogel 2011) 1.2.2 The Delta The Delta is the estuarine transition habitat between coastal marine waters, where salmonids rear and grow for a substantial proportion of their lifecycles, and freshwater habitats in rivers that serve as spawning and juvenile rearing habitat. All juvenile Chinook salmon and steelhead from the Central Valley must move through the Delta to reach the ocean. The Delta serves as both a migration corridor and as rearing habitat. For the purposes of this Gap Analysis, we focused primarily on the Delta as a migration corridor. Juvenile salmon of all runs occur throughout the Delta, although at slightly different times of the year, at different sizes, and with significant overlap (Fisher 1994, Table 1 in Yoshiyama et al. 1998, Pyper et al. 2013). Introduction and Background 8 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft Over the past 150 years the Delta ecosystem has been extensively modified through reclamation of areas that were historically shallow tidal wetlands, and which produced food, velocity refugia, and complex rearing habitat for juvenile salmonids. The channels passing through the Delta have been leveed and armored with rip-rap to support water conveyance and flood protection purposes. They now provide little shallow water channel margin, seasonally inundated floodplain, or tidal wetland habitat for juvenile rearing and foraging (Whipple et al. 2012). Physical changes have also facilitated shifts in species composition and trophic dynamics that favor the introduction and expansion of non-native fish, macroinvertebrates, and aquatic plants. Introduced species such as striped bass and largemouth bass prey upon juvenile salmonids and other fish inhabiting the Delta. Extensive expansion of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), increased water clarity, and seasonally elevated water temperature also provide advantages to introduced predators. How these physical changes have been facilitated by water project operations is an area of needed study (Brown and Michniuk 2007). 1.2.3 Effects of SWP and CVP Operations Operation of the SWP and CVP can affect habitat conditions in the Delta but the magnitude and geographic footprint of these effects has not been clearly identified or described. Depending on Delta inflows, tidal conditions, and the rate of diversions in the Delta, the direction and magnitude of Sacramento River or San Joaquin River flows into the Delta as well as flows in interior Delta channels and at channel junctions can be altered in a number of ways. These effects are discussed in general in Section 2 of this report. Altered hydrodynamic conditions can affect the distribution, behavior, and survival of juvenile salmonids during their migration through the Delta. Some of these effects are described in Sections 3 and 4 of this report. 1.2.4 Individual and Population Effects The vast majority of the existing survival studies in the Delta have focused on survival of individual fish to Chipps Island as part of experimental release groups. They have not been used to quantify the cumulative effect of water project related impacts (lethal and sublethal) on the overall population dynamics, abundance, or resilience of the species. Some attempts to estimate the proportion of the population suffering mortality as a result of direct entrainment at the export facilities have been made for different runs (Kimmerer 2008; Zeug and Cavallo 2014). However, it is important to note that these estimates do not account for mortality that may occur within the rivers and Delta prior to encountering the export facilities (e.g. due to enhanced predation), which may or may not be affected indirectly by water project operations. When Zeug and Cavallo (2014) estimated mean relative mortality Introduction and Background 9 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft attributable to exports, San Joaquin River releases had mortality estimates of more than double that of Sacramento River releases at both state and federal facilities. Losses were greater at SWP than at the CVP (Zeug and Cavallo 2014). Information on the population-level consequences of various sources of juvenile mortality is limited, and the relationship of those sources to water project operations is a major gap in our understanding of salmon biology in the Delta. The NMFS is currently developing a Central Valley Chinook salmon lifecycle model. The original model was developed for Sacramento River winter-run Chinook but is now being expanded to also include consideration of other salmon runs on both the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers (Hendrix et. al. 2014). Once the lifecycle model has been calibrated and validated, as well as peer reviewed, it is expected to be a valuable tool for investigating the population level effects of project related entrainment and other sources of mortality on Central Valley Chinook salmon. 1.2.5 Gap Analysis Approach The SST started with a broad conceptual model developed by the South Delta Salmon Research Collaborative Effort (Figure 1-3). The SST then developed a series of refined conceptual models to address the narrower scope of work described in Section 1.1.2. For the purposes of this gap analysis, the SST focused explicitly on potential relationships between flows and water project exports and Delta hydrodynamics, behavior (specifically migration route and migration rate), and salmonid survival. A series of Driver-LinkageOutcome (DLO) conceptual models (DiGennaro et al. 2012) were established to depict how specific actions would propagate through different biotic and abiotic pathways (mechanisms) to ultimately affect salmonid survival (Figure 1-4). The conceptual models identify hypothesized mechanisms that can be tested and either: (1) supported by results of the analysis; (2) refuted by lack of a relationship if data are sufficient to do so; or (3) identified as a gap for consideration as a potential priority for future research and analysis. The SST divided into three sub-teams corresponding to water project operational effects on hydrodynamics, behavior and survival. The sub-teams were individually responsible for evaluating the DLOs by and summarizing the literature and doing developing supporting analyses. Because the number of permutations of DLOs was large and increased after specific geographic reaches were incorporated into the DLOs, each of the different sub-teams was responsible for identifying focal relationships while coordinating with the other sub-teams. Due to the limited scope of the gap analysis, as discussed above (Section 1.1.3), and time constraints, the DLOs included in the analysis reflect a subset of the array of factors that affect juvenile salmonid migration behavior and survival within the Delta. The SST examined a subset (limited by time and scope) some of the available scientific data and analyses that could be used to support or refute hypothesized linkages (mechanisms) between Introduction and Background 10 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft project operations and ambient hydrodynamic conditions in the Delta, juvenile salmonid migration, and survival. The SST acknowledges that there are additional DLOs related to the potential impacts of water exports on salmon survival and populations that may warrant investigation and prioritization. Upon receipt of the 13 management questions from CAMT, the SST’s original, very mechanistic, DLO approach (relating migration rate to velocity or flow in general, rather than to management actions such as OMR management or I:E ratio) broadened to include linkages of hydrodynamics, behavior, and survival to specific management actions and CVP/SWP operations elements, listed in section 1.1.2. Figure 1-3. Conceptual Model from the South Delta Salmonid Research Collaborative Effort Describing Factors Affecting Survival of Juvenile Salmonids in the South Delta Introduction and Background 11 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft Figure 1-4. Prioritized Focal Areas and Framework Considered by SST to Evaluate Knowledge Gaps 1.2.6 Identification of Data and Knowledge Gaps The gap analysis relies on the underlying framework of conceptual models and available analysis for depicting and evaluating hypothesized relationships, or linkages between water project export operations as drivers, and salmonid survival as an outcome. Knowledge gaps may exist regarding a hypothesized linkage between a specific driver and an outcome where the existence or strength of the linkage requires further evaluation. Knowledge gaps may also involve an unknown driver of a known outcome, or a hypothesized outcome from a known driver based on several potential linkages. This framework provides a basis for identifying testable hypotheses that can be used to assess the strength of the linkage between a driver and an outcome. Delineating those portions of the cause-and-effect relationship that are supported by evidence (e.g., available literature and data) or lack of evidence or information helps to frame potential gaps and identify testable hypotheses that can be used to assess the strength of linkages between drivers and outcomes. Introduction and Background 12 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft The linkage between a driver and outcome is likely to be complicated by other factors and determining the importance of the gap requires characterizing it in more detail. Tables 1-1 through 1-3 depict specific DLO models developed by the SST. Table 1-1. Hydrodynamics DLO Components for Analysis (DLOs not included in the analysis are shown in red italics text) Drivers Linkages Outcomes Exports Proximity to Exports Instantaneous velocities River Inflow; Channel Configuration/Barrier or flows Sacramento and Deployment Net Daily Flow San Joaquin Clifton Court Forebay Sub-Daily Velocity Tide Operation radial gate Percent Positive Flow Channel operations (e.g., opening to fill Water Temperature Morphology CCFB and then closing to Salinity isolate the pumping plant Residence Time operations from the Delta) Source/Origin of Water Table 1-2. Behavior DLO Components for Analysis (DLOs not included in the analysis are shown in red, italics text) Drivers Linkages Outcomes Instantaneous Physiological and Individual outcomes: flow/velocity (channels) behavioral responses to Migration rate Instantaneous hydrodynamic or water Migration route flow/velocity (junctions) quality conditions, Migration Timing Water quality gradients, or variability, Timing of Delta entry (e.g., temperature, DO, such as: Delta residence time salinity, turbidity, Rearing Rearing location contaminants Active swimming Population outcomes: Hydraulic residence time Lateral distribution Population scale Spatial/temporal in the channel outcomes depend on heterogeneity of Passive displacement the spatial/temporal hydrodynamic/water Diel Movements heterogeneity of quality drivers Energy expenditure individual outcomes Small-scale Selective Tidal hydrodynamics as affected by structures/bathymetry Stream Transport Notes: DO = dissolved oxygen Introduction and Background 13 Salmonid Gap Analysis Table 1-3. Salmonid Survival DLO Components for Analysis Drivers Linkages Migration route Exposure to variables (e.g., habitat and selection predators) that affect differential survival Migration rate between routes or between years for the same route Duration of exposure to route-specific conditions that affect survival 1.2.7 Draft Outcomes Mortality Variation, Uncertainty, and Statistical power The Delta is a complex network of interconnected channels and channel junctions that is characterized by highly variable water quality and hydrodynamic conditions, only some of which are due to water project operations. In addition to the spatial variation and complexity of the system, juvenile salmonids exhibit highly variable life history strategies (e.g., extended residence periods for rearing versus rapid migration) and behavior in response to environmental conditions such as water quality, hydrodynamics, habitat suitability, and others. The hydrodynamic and biological temporal variation that occur within the Delta includes variation within a day (in response to factors such as tidal conditions), over weeks (in response to factors such as spring and neap tidal cycles), over seasons (in response to hydrology), and over years (in response to factors such as non-native species introductions and long-term trends in population dynamics, ocean conditions, climate, and ecosystem alteration). Given these conditions, numerous experimental studies of salmonid migration and survival in the Delta under variable, and preferably explicitly manipulated, environmental covariates such as Delta inflow or changes in water project operations need to be tested to better understand potential cause and effect relationships and associated mechanisms. These studies may involve large, and/or small scale experiments designed to address specific questions. Using statistical power analysis in developing the experimental designs for testing factors affecting Delta survival and migration and in analyzing results can help to provide important context for meaningful interpretation of results. For example, it would be useful if study results included some measure of the effect size (e.g. change in survival or migration rate) that could have been detected under the experimental conditions. 1.2 SUPPLEMENTAL EXPERT INPUT AND REVIEW The analysis process has been augmented by the contributions of non-SST scientists familiar with Delta hydrodynamics and hydrologic simulation modeling. Outside experts were engaged to assist in developing data summaries and data visualization methods from Introduction and Background 14 Salmonid Gap Analysis Draft commonly used hydrodynamic simulation models. Outside experts that contributed to the analysis included John DeGeorge and Stacie Grinbergs from Resource Management Associates (RMA), Jon Burau from USGS, Tara Smith and Xiaochun Wang from DWR, Paul Hutton from MWD, Alison Febbo from the State Water Contractors, Tom Boardman from Westlands Water District and Brad Cavallo from Cramer Fish Sciences. These outside experts also assisted in the analysis, presentation, and interpretation of available data, assessed the appropriate application of modeling tools and their limitations and constraints, and provided internal review of synthesis and summary of information related specifically to hydrodynamic modeling (Section 2 and Management Questions 1 and 7) developed by the SST as part of the gap analysis technical report. The SST greatly appreciates the input from these external contributors. Introduction and Background 15 Salmonid Gap Analysis Introduction and Background Draft 1