proposal_Magesh_Vadivelu - salsahpc

Implementation of classifier tool in Twister
Magesh Vadivelu, Shivaraman Janakiraman
{magevadi, shivjana}
School of Informatics and Computing
Indiana University Bloomington
Mining frequent item-sets from large-scale
databases has emerged as an important problem
in the data mining and knowledge discovery
research community. To overcome this problem,
we have proposed to implement Apriori
algorithm, a classification algorithm, in Twister,
a distributed framework, that makes use of
MapReduce. MapReduce is a programming
model and an associated implementation for
processing and generating large data sets. We
specify a map function that processes a keyvalue pair to generate a set of intermediate keyvalue pairs, and a reduce function that merges
all intermediate values associated with the same
intermediate key. Programs written in this
functional style are automatically parallelized
and executed on a large cluster of machines.
The run-time system takes care of the details of
partitioning the input data, scheduling the
program’s execution across a set of machines.
Our implementation of apriori algorithm in runs
on a large cluster of machines and is highly
scalable. On an application level, we can use
this apriori algorithm to identify the pattern in
which customers buy products in a supermarket.
Apriori Property: Any subset of frequent
itemset must be frequent.
Join Operation: To find Lk, a set of
candidate k-itemsets is generated by
joining Lk-1with itself.
With Hadoop [7], programmers can more focus
on the business logic of their application
without care too much about fault tolerance,
task scheduling, and workload balancing issues.
However Hadoop do not have built-in support
for iterative programs, which is a common
approach for many applications: K-means,
PageRank, Markov chain.
Twister [9] is an enhanced MapReduce runtime
that supports iterative MapReduce computations
efficiently. It uses a publish/subscribe
messaging infrastructure for communication and
data transfers, and supports long running
map/reduce tasks, which can be used in
‘configure once and use many times’ approach.
These improvements allow Twister to support
iterative MapReduce computations highly
efficiently compared to other MapReduce
Apriori Algorithm
Key Words: Twister, MapReduce, Parallel
Computing, Apriori Algorithm.
The Apriori Algorithm is an influential
algorithm for mining frequent itemsets for
Boolean association rules.
 Frequent Itemsets: The sets of item
which has minimum support (denoted by
Li for ith -Itemset).
Find the frequent itemsets: the sets of items that
have minimum support. A subset of a frequent
itemset must also be a frequent itemsets i.e., if
{AB} isa frequent itemset, both {A} and {B}
should be a frequent itemset. Iteratively find
frequent itemsets with cardinality from 1 to k
(k-itemset). Use the frequent itemsets to
generate association rules.
Sp = T1/Tp
p is the number of processors
T1 is the execution time of the
sequential algorithm
Tp is the execution time of the parallel
algorithm with p processors
Implementation Timeline
Week 11/07/2011
Discuss the algorithm and design the
coding methodology sequentially
Week 11/14/2011
Complete coding the algorithm
Week 11/21/2011
Complete coding the algorithm
Week 11/28/2011
Discuss the design an
implementation in twister
Project Review
Discuss the design with partial
implementation in twister
Week 12/05/2011
Complete the implementation in
Week 12/12/2011
Do validation
Project Review
The performance of the application in Twister
framework is validated by determining speed-up
while running the application in twister. This is
done by drawing a speed-up chart between the
input data-set and the speed-up. The speed-up is
calculated as:
[1] J. Han, J. Pei and Y. Yin, “Mining frequent
patterns without candidate generation,” in ACM
SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of
[2] S.K. Tanbeer, C.F. Ahmed, B-S Jeong and
Y-K Lee, “Efficient single-pass frequent pattern
mining using a prefix-tree,” Information
[3] G. Grahne and J. Zhu, “Fast algorithms for
frequent itemset mining using FP-Trees,” IEEE
Trans. On Knowledge and Data Engineering,
[4] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski and A.N. Swami,
“Mining association rules between sets of items
in large databases,” in ACM SIGMOD Int.
Conf. on Management of Data, 1993
[7] Hadoop official website
[9]Twister Official website: