MANE 6960 A Tribological Approach to Tire Traction Research Paper Andrew Wright 11/27/2012 MANE 6960 2/9/16 INTRODUCTION The tribological concepts surrounding the friction and wear of elastomeric materials are interesting as well as relevant in the modern society. Some applications include the shear resistance of viscoelastic adhesives, the durability of windshield wipers, and elastomeric prosthetic devices [11]. For this paper, I have focused the subject matter to the friction of automobile tires on roads. This topic is especially relevant to the United States because cars are the main source of transportation. Car crashes are a significant source of fatalities in the United States, and many deaths are caused by drivers losing control on the road. The contributions to friction in car tires can be very different depending on the conditions of the road, which increases the danger when driving during inclement weather. If scientists and engineers can better understand the contributions of friction in rubber car tires under all environmental conditions, safer tire designs can be developed which will reduce the number of fatalities due to car crashes. There are two topics that I will discuss in this paper. Firstly, I will present a summary of the major contributors to friction in elastomeric materials. Plots and graphs are used to help communicate the theory, and numerous technical papers are cited which solidify the statements. The second part of the paper will be devoted to a phenomenon called the “Sealing Effect” and how it relates to the frictional properties of rubber car tires on roads. The Sealing Effect is a particular example of elastomeric friction which occurs when water (or another liquid) is present in the contacting substrate. The presence of water changes the relevant friction factors, and can have a big impact on the coefficient of friction and other statistical properties at the interface. 1 MANE 6960 2/9/16 FRICTION OF RUBBER The friction of elastomeric materials, especially when the interface is a rough surface, is an interesting phenomenon because it is not purely a function of the interface between the two objects. The two biggest contributors that affect the friction between an elastomer and a surface are adhesion and viscoelastic effects. According to Moore, the adhesion factor is caused by van der Waals forces present between the rubber tire and the smooth surface [8]. In most cases this contribution is rather small, but since elastomers have relatively low elastic modulii, these forces can cause a large contact area at the interface of the tire [8]. When the car tire is in motion, this enlarged contact area increases the frictional force on the tire. The viscoelastic properties of elastomeric materials cause internal friction in the rubber when it is in contact with the substrate. The internal friction of rubber is a function of the frequency of the external loading caused by the rough asperities of the contacting surface. At certain frequencies, the internal friction of the rubber becomes very high and results in a large amount of energy dissipation. This phenomenon is called the “hysteretic contribution” to friction [5]. The amount of internal friction generated is then directly related to the viscoelastic modulus of the rubber, which is a bulk material property. Therefore while most frictional interactions between materials are purely influenced by interfacial properties, elastomeric friction is also influenced by bulk material properties. Temperature conditions play an important role in the friction and wear of car tires because the viscoelastic bulk properties of elastomers are heavily temperature-dependant [1]. In general, the friction in a rubber material will decrease as temperature increases. This is because as the rubber gets hotter, the viscoelastic spectrum of the material shifts such that it takes higher load frequencies to dissipate the same amount of energy [1]. If the roughness (and therefore load frequency) of the road remains constant but the temperature increases, the energy dissipation will 2 MANE 6960 2/9/16 decrease which effectively results in a lower frictional force. This phenomenon is shown graphically in Fig. 8, which graphs the quotient ImE/ReE at different frequencies of loading. Figure 1 – Graphs of the shear stress as a function of velocity between the elastomers and the Si wafer (left) and the theoretical shear stress distribution as predicted by the Chernyak-Leonov model for adhesive friction [11]. In theory, if a rubber car tire is sliding against a perfectly smooth surface there will be no internal friction effects. The reason for this is that the hysteresis effects in elastomeric materials are only present when there is roughness in the substrate. When the substrate is an extremely smooth surface, the largest contributor to friction is instead caused by elastic deformation of the rubber and adhesion from the contact of the rubber and the substrate at the interface. In a paper by Vorvolakos and Chaudhury, this theory is proven [11]. Vorvolakos and Chaudhury used an extremely smooth Si wafer with a silicone elastomer to gather data on this subject. The frictional data they gathered is shown in Fig. 1 above, along with the theoretical graph of the shear stress versus velocity for an adhesion-driven elastomeric friction problem. The graph of the shear stress distribution (left in Fig. 1) in the tested elastomer exhibits the same bell shape as the theoretical stress distribution (right in Fig. 1). They concluded that because the trend in their data matched the graph of the adhesion-driven shear stress distribution, that the smooth substrate effectively reduced the internal friction in the rubber to zero. This paper shows that in ideal situations where the 3 MANE 6960 2/9/16 substrate is extremely smooth, adhesive friction can dominate over internal friction in elastomeric materials. Figure 2 – Resulting coefficients of friction in Mofidi’s paper, for various lubricating oils [6]. In reality, all surfaces have some roughness. Even polished and machined surfaces can have rough nesses on a scale large enough to cause internal friction. A paper by Mofidi illustrates this trend, and shows that for most realistic roughness scales the viscoelastic friction is the dominate contributor [6]. In this paper, an experiment is carried out by which a metallic cylinder (D = 1.5 cm) is rubbed against a rubber block (thickness = 4 mm) with various types of lubrication oils (see Fig. 3 for an illustration). The steel surface had a calculated root-mean-square surface roughness of 0.08 micrometers. The load on the block was 100 N, with tests lasting 15 min. Longitudinal oscillations with a stroke of 1 mm and a Figure 3 - Test setup in Mofidi’s paper [6]. frequency of 50 Hz were created using a rocating tribometer. Fig. 2 shows some of the coefficients of friction calculated in the paper for various lubrication oils that 4 MANE 6960 2/9/16 were tested. The results show that for varying lubrications of different viscosities, the calculated coefficient of frictions were all roughly the same. This result is evidence that the adhesive and molecular components of the friction that are most highly influenced by the interfacial environment were negligible compared to the internal friction effects caused by viscoelastic effects in the rubber. Figure 4 – Calculated coefficients of friction in Mofidi’s experiment at two different temperatures. Fig. 4 shows more data from Mofidi’s experiment: the coefficients of friction for various lubrication oils at two temperatures (40 degrees C and 80 degrees C). As you can see by the chart, the lower temperature results in much higher coefficients of friction for all oils tested. As was stated earlier in the paper, the internal friction of an elastomer increases as temperature decreases as a result of the viscoelastic temperature dependence of the elastomer. Since this trend is also seen in Mofidi’s experiment for each oil, this is again more evidence that the internal friction component is dominating the adhesive and molecular interfacial components. The take home message is that these viscoelastic effects are the dominant factor in any realistic application because all engineering materials have some roughness to them. 5 MANE 6960 2/9/16 THE SEALING EFFECT Driving in your car can be more dangerous when there is precipitation because the liquids that pool on the roads reduce the friction of your rubber tires. In fact, the traction of your rubber tires on wet roads is actually about 20-30% smaller than for dry roads [1]. Persson explains that the cause of this friction reduction is not due to any hydrodynamic effects that come into play, but rather the “Sealing Effect”, which reduces the roughness of the surfaces in contact. When roads get wet, such as when it rains, the roughness at the surface drops substantially. Asperities in the substrate get filled in by the liquid, which result in a smoother interface for tires. This event is illustrated in Fig. 6, from Persson [1]. When the water on the roads fills these rough asperities, the interface is much smoother than when the road is dry. Figure 5 – Kinetic friction coefficient for dry and wet roads as a function of velocity [1]. Figure 6 - Illustration of a rubber tire in contact with a a) dry and a b) wet surface. See Ref. 1. 6 MANE 6960 2/9/16 According to Persson, it is important to limit the speed of the moving object to around 20 MPH [1] when discussing the Sealing Effect. When this assumption is made, the hydrodynamic build-up of water ahead of the tire is negligible and therefore the water seal creates a smooth interface for the rubber tire. As I have discussed in the previous section of this paper, the science behind the friction and wear of rubber on a smooth surface is much different than when the rubber is in contact with a rough surface. The hysteretic contribution to the friction is present for both wet and dry road conditions, however it is higher in dry rubber friction. The reason that the internal friction component drops off significantly when water fills the Figure 7 - A graph of the real part of the viscoelastic modulus as a function of the frequency of external loading on the elastomer. asperities is because the interface no longer exerts the pulsating loads into the rubber which induce the highest energy dissipation. At reduced frequencies, and even at zero loads for the case of a completely smooth surface, the lower frequency of loading reduces the value of ImE/ReE (see Fig. 8) which results in a lower amount of energy dissipation. Fig. 7, from Mofidi’s paper, displays this trend in a Figure 8 – A graph that shows that as temperature is increased, for the same external load frequency there is lower energy dissipation in the elastomeric tires [7]. different way. It shows a graph of the real part of the viscoelastic modulus as a function of the 7 MANE 6960 2/9/16 frequency of the external loading. In reality, there are many different asperities in contact with the car tire, on more than one length scale. The result of this is that there is often a range of loading frequencies, such as the range from ω0 to ω1 shown in Fig. 8 [7]. In order to calculate the net increase in friction, one would have to add up the contributions from asperities on all length scales. In theory, the adhesion factor grows in cases where the surface is smoother because there is more contact area for the rubber to contact and slip against the interface. As Modifi shows in his paper, however, and as I mentioned in the previous section, even for situations with nanoscale roughness, the viscoelastic contribution to rubber friction overpowers the adhesion factor. Therefore even though the friction caused by adhesion between the rubber and the water-filled road increases, it is negligible compared to the loss in viscoelastic friction. CONCLUSION Unlike other engineering materials, the friction of elastomeric materials is a function of both the bulk properties of the elastomer and the interface between the contacting materials. The two biggest contributors to friction in elastomeric materials are adhesion and internal friction caused by hysteresis effects. For most real surfaces with non-zero roughness values, the internal friction component dominates the behavior. As Modifi showed, this is even true for polished materials with a roughness on the order of microns or smaller [6]. However, it can be shown, as by Vorvolakos, that with extremely smooth surfaces it is possible for the adhesive component to dominate the frictional behavior [11]. When rubber tires slide on surfaces containing water, similar to the smooth surfaces that Vorvolakos examined, the internal friction component is reduced. Persson has labeled this phenomenon the Sealing Effect, and claims that it is the reson 8 MANE 6960 2/9/16 for why the traction of rubber car tires is substantially lower in wet conditions than it is in dry conditions [1]. By gaining a better understanding of the Sealing Effect as well as the effects of elastomeric friction on the wear of car tires, scientists and engineers can make better tire and road designs that could reduce the number of car accidents per year. There is some evidence already that increased technological advances and research has made driving safer. The U.S. census bureau compiles all kinds of automobile related crash data. Reports of this data are released as pdf files, and can be accessed via Ref. 10. Fig. 9 shows data from one such report: the percentage of licensed drivers in fatal car crashes over time. As you can see, there is a significant downward trend in the data that starts around 2005. While it is unclear whether this reduction in fatal crashes is due primarily to any advances in rubber tire or road design, it is reasonable to assume that this reduction can be attributed to some kind of related technological advancement. Percentage of Licensed Drivers in Fatal Car Crashes 0.04 Percentage 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year Figure 9 – The percentage of licensed drivers in the United States involved in fatal car crashes. See Ref. 10. 9 MANE 6960 2/9/16 REFERENCES 1. Persson, B., Tartaglino, U., Albohr, O., & Tosatti, E. (2005). Rubber friction on wet and dry road surfaces: The sealing effect. Physical Review B, 71(3). 2. Persson, B. N. 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