Student Council Constitution

Veora E. Johnson Elementary School
Student Body Constitution
We, the students of V.E. Johnson Elementary School, do hereby establish this
constitution for the development of a school democracy to promote respect for the rights of all
and to keep and improve upon the high standards that have been established for this
Aritcle l
The name of this organization shall be, “Johnson Elementary School Student Body”
Article ll
All registered students (grades 1 – 6) and faculty of Johnson Elementary School belong
to this organization.
Article lll
The purpose of this organization shall be to:
Represent students in the exchange of ideas with the school administration;
Schedule and encourage the students to participate in school activities;
Encourage the practice of good citizenship and serve as an example in leadership.
Promote and encourage necessary regulations for assemblies, hallways, cafeteria,
school grounds, social; events, public functions, and other school activities;
Provide a means for student expression;
Promote and conduct a systems of awards;
Initiate necessary legislation through elected representatives;
Recommend to the attention of the faculty and administration matters which are
outside of it’s own jurisdiction.
Article lV
All powers of this student council are delegated to it by the Board of Education and the
school administration.
Article V
This constitution shall become effective immediately after having been ratified by a
majority of the student council and by two-thirds vote of the faculty and the student body.
Article Vl
The principal has the right to veto and decision made by the student council.
Article Vll
Section 1
Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by any member of the student body,
the faculty, or administration and ratified by a two-thirds vote of the council and a simple
majority of the homerooms.
Section 2
Proposed amendments must be read to the council at one meeting and voted on within
three meetings. The student body will vote on the amendment within two weeks after the
council vote.
Article Vlll
Organization of the student council
The student council shall consist of the following:
A. Executive committee: to be made up of the student body president, vice president,
treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, and
B. Two representatives from each classroom (fourth through sixth grades);
C. A representative from any student council sanctioned organization.
Article lX
Duties of Officers
Section 1
The duties of the president shall be:
Before the Meeting
Checks meeting place, readiness, organizes equipment needed
Is well prepared for the Student Council meeting
Signs all Student Council purchase expenditures
Serves as official student representative at any district or school function
Brings to the Meeting
1. All materials needed – agendas-pencil-folder
2. Strong leadership qualities
During the Meeting
1. Calls meeting to order
2. Follows the agenda
3. Leads the discussion
A. Recognizes members who wish to speak
B. Allows other Student Council members to express opinions
4. Sets a good example in leadership, citizenship, courtesy & school spirit
After the Meeting
Evaluates the meeting, the group, and self
Checks reports and minutes
Reports to and consults with advisors
Performs service-related activities for Johnson School
Section 2
The duties of the vice-president shall be:
Has the same requirements and knowledge as the President
Able and willing to take over for the President
Will be willing to chair committee activity assignments
Will chair the committees for Spirit Days
Performs service-related activities for Johnson School
Sets a good example in leadership, citizenship, courtesy & school spirit
Section 3
The duties of the treasurer shall be:
1. Works with school secretary and advisors on keeping an accurate and complete record
of all money collected and spent
2. Parents reports regularly
3. Signs all Student Council expenditures
4. Performs service-related activities for Johnson School
5. Sets a good example in leadership, citizenship, courtesy & school spirit
Section 4
The duties of the recording secretary shall be:
Before the Meeting
1. Assists with the preparation of the meeting
2. Has minutes ready from the last student council meeting
During the Meeting
1. Takes complete minutes, states clearly what took place
After the Meeting
Rewrites the minutes
Files reports
Performs service-related activities for Johnson School
Sets a good example in leadership, citizenship, courtesy & school spirit
Section 5
The duties of the corresponding secretary shall be:
1. Writes any letters of correspondence that are necessary on behalf of our Student
2. Keeps attendance records and calls roll
3. Performs service-related activities for Johnson School
4. Sets a good example in leadership, citizenship, courtesy, & school spirit
5. Prepares the agenda for every Student Council Meeting
Section 6
The duties of the historian/photographer shall be:
Takes photos of any school activity
Maintains an album to store this year’s memories
Perform service-related activities for Johnson School
Sets a good example in leadership, citizenship, courtesy, & school spirit
Section 7
The duties of the classroom representatives shall be:
1. Attend all student council meetings possible;
2. Represent the opinions and desires of their classmates before the student council.
Section 8
All class officers and representatives shall be responsible to the student council officer.
Article X
Section 1
Elections for Student Council Officers shall be held in the Spring of each school year for
the following school year. The student council advisor shall determine the dates and any rules
and procedures for the elections not outlined in section 2.
Section 2
A. Voting for student council officers shall be by secret ballot.
B. The winner in each office must lead all other candidates by at least five percent of
the total number of votes.
C. If after a run-off election there is still not a clear majority for one candidate, then the
two top vote-getters will share the office.
D. Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students will vote for the student council officers.
Section 3
Class representatives will be elected at the beginning of each semester by their
individual classes. The classroom teacher will oversee these elections.
Article Xl
Section 1
The executive committee shall meet once a week.
Section 2
The student council shall meet once a month.
Amendment 1
Any student council member in possession, use and/or sale of alcohol, tobacco
products, or illegal drugs on or near the school campus at any time shall be removed from
office and a special election will take place to fill said vacancy.
Amendment 2
Any student council member suspended from school for any violation of school rules
shall be placed on probation for a nine week period. A second violation will result in removal
from office.
Amendment 3
Grades must remain a C average. No F grade is acceptable.
Amendment 4
The Johnson Student Council Bylaws shall be the rules for governing the conduct of
student council officers and representatives.