qPCR conditions and quality assessment Each 20 μl reaction contained 10 μl of master mix, 20 pmol of the appropriate forward and reverse primers, 0.2 mg ml-1 BSA, 5 μl nuclease free water, and 20 ng of template DNA. Thermal cycling conditions were 1 cycle of 2 min at 50C and 15 min at 95C; 30 cycles of 95C for 15 s, 60C for 30 s, 72C for 30 s, 80C for 15 s; and 1 cycle of 95°C for 15 s, 60 to 95°C. Copy number per gram of dry soil was calculated on the basis of dilution factor and soil water content. A standard curve was prepared using purified PCR products obtained from a Pseudomonas sp. control strain. Only the standard curves linear over six orders of magnitude and r2 value of 0.99 or higher were selected. Standards were run on each individual qPCR plate for consistency. The efficiency of the reaction was between 95% and 100% (based on the slopes of the standard curves). All samples and standards were run in triplicate. Consistency of Y-intercept values was checked between different qPCR runs and the specificity of the amplified products was assessed by melting curve analysis. Amplification inhibition effects were assessed by assessing gene abundance on three different dilutions of representative samples and selecting the dilution that minimized inhibition (Dumonceaux et al., 2006). Table S1. Soil and microbial properties measured at 0-10 cm depth in 54 samples obtained from three types of agroforestry systems across three soil-climate zones (north, central and south) in Alberta, Canada. Each agroforestry system consisted of a forested plot (shelterbelts or hedgerow or woodland) and an adjacent herbland plot (Agricultural land or grassland). One-way ANOVA with Duncan’s post hoc test was performed across three soil-climate zones within each land use (n = 3). Soil properties Bact 16S rRNA pH WHC Moisture NH4 NO3 TN TOC DOC DON TC Shelterbelts S_Agricultural Hedgerow H_Agricultural Woodland Grassland North Central South North Central South North Central South North Central South North Central South North Central South 6.78 a 6.51 a 59.59 a 12.72 a 1.11 a 4.04 a 0.32 a 4.11 a 3.03 a 0.54 a 151.64a 6.93 a 5.69 a 84.67 a 21.79 a 1.85 a 3.89 a 0.53 a 6.48 a 6.90 a 1.15 a 345.04a 7.01 a 5.79 a 73.50 a 20.89 a 2.03 a 3.52 a 0.54 a 7.02 a 6.00 a 0.88 a 299.93a 6.45 a 6.12 a 66.66 a 19.91 a 0.91 a 7.42 a 0.30 a 3.50 a 2.09 a 0.84 a 104.60a 6.74 a 5.55 a 81.14 a 33.83 b 1.40 a 6.05 a 0.47 b 5.35 b 1.89 a 0.82 a 94.53 a 6.65 a 5.54 a 75.23 a 25.71ab 1.23 a 7.19 a 0.41 ab 5.05 ab 2.18 a 0.87 a 108.82a 7.29 a 5.89 a 119.98a 43.71 a 4.81 a 5.83 a 0.79 a 11.42 a 5.00 a 0.72 a 250.10a 7.19 a 5.57 a 89.41 a 29.20 a 2.18 a 1.52 a 0.54 a 6.71 a 4.15 a 0.72 a 207.52a 7.02 a 5.56 a 104.48a 22.34 a 2.86 a 2.27 a 0.53 a 7.71 a 3.70 a 0.46 a 184.89a 6.37 a 5.18 a 48.72a 15.88a 0.69 a 4.50 a 0.23 a 2.64 a 1.48 a 0.55 a 73.78a 6.91 a 5.56 a 74.62a 31.51 b 1.06 a 6.32 a 0.44 a 4.94 a 1.98 a 0.92 a 99.08 a 6.73 a 5.58 a 64.07a 19.50a 1.39 a 6.38 a 0.47 a 6.06 a 1.65 a 0.72 a 82.57a 7.51 a 5.60 a 156.77a 59.38 a 5.95 a 4.19 a 0.89 a 13.73 a 6.96 a 1.02 a 347.94a 6.74 a 5.23 a 58.26 a 16.99 a 1.40 a 1.87 a 0.26 a 3.56 a 1.99 a 0.47 a 99.65 a 7.24 a 6.57 a 111.26a 32.33 a 5.32 a 12.53 a 0.81 a 10.70 a 5.28 a 1.41 a 263.97a 6.86 ab 6.19 a 64.71a 24.97a 0.86 a 6.05 ab 0.42 a 6.04 a 2.27 a 0.68 a 113.27a 6.33 a 5.88 a 47.31 a 12.12 a 0.61 a 0.81 a 0.14 a 1.54 a 0.93 a 0.17 a 46.42 a 7.10 b 5.58 a 124.07a 38.83 a 3.50 b 8.62 b 1.02 a 11.49 a 5.16 a 1.20 a 258.24a * unit of bacterial 16S rRNA is copies g–1 dry soil and all other soil properties are mg kg–1 soil # each value is the mean of three replicates with standard errors in parentheses $ different letters represent statistical significance among all systems at P<0.05 Significant differences are shown in bold letters S_Agricultural and H_ Agricultural indicate agricultural lands adjacent to shelterbelt and hedgerow, respectively Table S2: Results of SIMPER analyses indicating the contribution of specific operational taxonomic units (OTUs) to observed similarities between land use types Group A vs. B Average similarity Five most influential OTUs Percent contribution to similarity Average abundance in group A Average abundance in group B S_Agricultural vs. Shelterbelt 70.76 1 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 5 (Pseudomonas) 57 (Uncl. Propionibacteriaceae) 3 (Uncl. Propionibacteriaceae) 129 (Uncl. Propionibacteriaceae) 2.03 1.43 0.76 0.74 0.67 170.22 7.78 52 59.22 56.67 315.22 178.56 67.67 69 42.56 H_Agricultural vs. Hedgerow 73.97 1 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 2 (Pseudomonas) 3319 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 22 (Acidobacteria_Gp4) 72 (Acidobacteria_Gp4) 3.96 2.12 1.11 1.01 0.73 202.89 384.56 39.67 114.56 49.22 524 7.11 133 5.22 74.22 S_Agricultural vs. H_Agricultural 69.40 2 (Pseudomonas) 1 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeacaeae) 22 (Acidobacteria_Gp4) 14 (Uncl. Propionibacteriaceae) 35 (Uncl. Proteobacteria) 2.21 1.35 0.87 0.65 0.64 4.89 170.22 55.56 49.11 69.44 384.56 202.89 114.56 46.22 50.78 Shelterbelt vs. Hedgerow 64.00 1 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 5 (Pseudomonas) 3319 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 57 (Uncl. Propionibacteriaceae) 26 (Acidobacteria_Gp16) 3.81 1.58 1.14 0.83 0.72 315.22 178.56 80.89 67.67 55.56 524 13.44 133 19.44 76.11 Grassland vs. Woodland 74.35 1 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 3319 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 3.7 1.29 179.5 50.17 514 159.33 26 (Acidobacteria_Gp16) 8 (Acidobacteria_Gp16) 12 (Arthrobacter) 0.68 0.67 0.67 34 29 63 102.11 91.89 45.78 Shelterbelt vs Woodland 68.25 1 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 5 (Pseudomonas) 3319 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 8 (Acidobacteria_Gp16) 57 (Uncl. Propionibacteriaceae) 2.82 1.4 1.21 0.69 0.69 315.22 178.56 80.89 72.33 67.67 514 10.78 159.33 91.89 18.67 Hedgerow vs. Woodland 66.51 1 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 3319 (Uncl. Bradyrhizobeaceae) 26 (Acidobacteria_Gp16) 72 (Acidobacteria_Gp4) 10 (Gemmatimonas) 3.89 1.19 0.94 0.78 0.64 524 133 76.11 74.22 51.44 514 159.33 102.11 90.89 67.11 # SIMPER was conducted on Bray-Curtis resemblance matrix of untransformed OTU abundance data to retain the contribution (importance) of the dominant OTUs. Table S3. Overall Pearson correlations among soil properties and bacterial species richness estimators in 54 samples obtained from 27 agroforestry systems across a 270 km soil-climate gradient in Alberta, Canada. Soil properties SOBS ACE Chao1 WHC 0.374** 0.308* 0.353* TN 0.303* 0.289* TOC 0.273* 0.269* DOC 0.358* 0.290* TC 0.301* Bacterial diversity indices did not any significant correlations * and ** significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively #pH, gravimetric moisture, NH4, NO3 and DON did not show any significant correlation $ No noticeable trend appeared when agroforestry systems and controls were considered separately and the correlations were fairly weak. Table S4. Overall Pearson correlations among the major phyla and soil properties in 54 samples obtained from 27 agroforestry systems across a 270 km soil-climate gradient in Alberta, Canada. Genera pH WHC Acidobacteria 0.251* 0.284* Moisture NH4 NO3 TN TOC 0.283* 0.314* DOC TC Actinobacteria -0.256* -0.265* -0.335* -0.323* -0.323* Bacteroidetes -0.261* -0.282* -0.357* -0.329* -0.329* -0.487** -0.273* -0.369** -0.398** -0.398** -0.331* -0.345* 0.460** 0.460** Firmicutes 0.371** Gemmatimonadetes -0.502** Nitrospirae -0.330* -0.346* Alphaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria 0.339* 0.382** 0.412** 0.252* -0.265* 0.308* 0.280* 0.272* 0.242* 0.305* 0.247* * and ** significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively # DON and phyla Gammaproteobacteria, Unclassified Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia did not show significant relationship $ No noticeable trend appeared when agroforestry systems and controls were considered separately and the correlations were fairly weak. Table S5. Overall Pearson correlations among the most abundant genera and soil properties in 54 samples obtained from 27 agroforestry systems across a 270 km soil-climate gradient in Alberta, Canada. Genera pH Arthrobacter 0.659** Bradyrhizobium -0.509* Burkholderia WHC Moisture NH4 0.578** 0.610** 0.557* Dokdonella NO3 TN TOC DOC 0.485* .465* 0.465* -0.510* -0.510* 0.460* Microvirga -0.543* -0.461* -0.491* Nitrospira -0.475* 0.711** Pasteuria 0.554* TC -0.499* 0.783** Nocardioides DON 0.489* 0.581** Rhodanobacter Rhodoplanes 0.554* Solirubrobacter 0.495* 0.462* 0.590** 0.590** 0.522* 0.522* * and ** significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively # Gemmatimonas, Nitrosospira, Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, Rhizobacter, Streptomyces, Terrimonas and TM7_genus did not show significant relationship with any soil attributes $ No noticeable trend appeared when agroforestry systems and controls were considered separately and the correlations were fairly weak. Figure S1. Study area across 270 km north-south and 226 east-west geographical gradient in Alberta, Canada. The 270 km north-south gradient comprised three soil zones (north, central and south). Figure S2. Interactive diagram showing split-plot design of sampling and number of different agroforestry systems in three soil-climate zones in Alberta, Canada Figure S3. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP) of Bray-Curtis similarity matrix with 105 permutations showing clustering of bacterial communities in (A) six land use types and (B) three soil zones. Three agroforestry systems consisting of plots with trees (shelterbelt or hedgerow or woodland) and adjacent herbland plots (agricultural land and grassland). S_Agricultural land and H_Agricultural land represent agricultural lands adjacent to shelterbelts and hedgerows respectively. Each value is the average of three replicates. Figure S4. Results of MCODE analysis showing eight sub-networks with highest node scores. Networks and connectedness were visualised in Phytoscape 3.2.0 software. MCODE app was used to analyse networks with maximum scores.