Biology Test Review: Taxonomy and Ecosystems

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Biology Test Review: Taxonomy and Ecosystems
Where can I find the answers?
Notes section of your binder
 Domains and Kingdom Notes packet
 Domains and Kingdoms Card Sort
 WS: Biotic Abiotic
 WS: Ecology
 Reading Science: What’s in a Name
 Reading Science: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic
 Reading Science: The Desert Ecosystem
 All Living Organisms Foldable
 Stemscope Vocabulary
 Microscope Foldable
 Levels of Classification Mnemonic
Textbook p593- 633
 Characteristics of Cells pg 593
 Classification of Living things 603
 Ecology pg 621
Unit 11: Taxonomy
Define the vocabulary- From textbook or Journal
1. Taxonomy- branch of science dealing with classifying organisms
2. Classify- to group something by characteristics
3. Binomial Nomenclature- 2 name naming system for genus and species of an organism, developed by Carolus
4. Domain- broadest level of classification, there are 3 Domains
5. Kingdom- 2nd broadest level of classification, there are 6 Kingdoms
6. Species- most specific classification level of an organism, also means “kind”
7. Prokaryote- cell without a nucleus, genetic information free floating in cytoplasm
8. Eukaryote- cell with a nucleus, genetic information enclosed inside a nucleus
9. Heterotroph- organism that eats other organisms for energy
10. Autotroph- organism that can make its own food
11. Multicellular- made of many cells
12. Unicellular- made of one cell
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Short Answer
13. What do all living organisms have in common? Pg 594 All living things are all made of cells
14. What is a cell? Pg 594 The basic unit of life. The smallest unit of structure and function in a living organism
15. All living organisms are composed of how many cells? Pg 594 One or many cells
16. What is the smallest thing that can perform the functions necessary for life? Pg 594 A cell
17. What is the smallest unit of organization in a living thing? Pg 594 A cell
18. What is the control center of the cell called? The nucleus (pronounced: nu-clee-us)
19. Why are cells so small? Pg 595 Cells must be small in order to keep their surface area to volume ratio small enough
so that nutrients and wastes can be efficiently moved around the cell.
20. Scientists classify organisms based on their ______structure_______, __________function_________, and
_____________genetic relationships___________. (Notes)
21. What 4 characteristics/traits classify all organisms into one of the six Kingdoms? (Notes and Foldable)
Presence of a nucleus (prokaryotic or eukaryotic)
How they obtain nutrients (heterotroph or autotroph)
How many cells (unicellular or multicellular)
How they reproduce (sexually or asexually)
22. In Taxonomy, scientists give organisms a specific scientific name for each species, what is the benefit of having a
common naming system?
Scientists can communicate about experiments and theories about organisms and know that they are discussing the
same organism.
23. What is the format for writing a scientific name in binomial nomenclature? Pg 606
Rule 1. Capitalize the first letter of the first word- genus
Rule 2. Lowercase the first letter of the second word- species
Rule 3. Underline the whole scientific name
Example : Canis lupus (common name: dog)
24. All life can be sorted into 3 Domains- name them:
Example: Felis catus (common name: house cat)
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25. All life can be sorted into 6 Kingdoms- name them:
Answers in
textbook page
26. Draw an
of each
type of
cell, be
able to
27. List some trait
unique to each
cell type
28. Describe their
nucleus and
29. Describe
Prokaryotic Cells
Eukaryotic Cells
True Nucleus
Has many organelles (cell parts)
Larger and more complex
Has a true nucleus
Genetic material enclosed inside nucleus
Genetic material is arranged on strands called
chromosomes inside the nucleus
No nucleus
Few organelles (cell parts)- only 1 called
a ribosome
Small and simpler
Inflexible cell wall around cell
Do not have a nucleus
Genetic material free inside cell
Genetic material is circular (kind of looks
like scribble scrabble) but is free floating
in cytoplasm, there is no nucleus around
1 type- ribosomes
Many membrane bound organelles that all have
specific jobs
30. What are some similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? Pg 599
 Both are cells
 Both have a metabolism for getting energy
 Both are living
 Both reproduce
 Both are microscopic
 Both are bound by an outer covering, cell
 Both contain genetic material/ DNA
 Both have cytoplasm
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31. List the levels of classification from broadest to most specific. Memorize. Use your Mnemonic! Pg 607
__________________Domain_________________________ BROADEST
___________________Species_________________________MOST SPECIFIC
32. In the Domain Archaea, what are the possible Kingdoms? Only Archaebacteria
33. In the Domain Bacteria, what are the possible Kingdoms? Only Eubacteria
34. In the Domain Eukarya, what are the possible Kingdoms? Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista
35. In which domain do all the Kingdoms have a nucleus?
Eukarya (4 Kingdoms) includes Protists, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
Name that Kingdom- Choose 1 for each clue: Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria
36. Eukaryotic, Multicellular, Autotrophic
37. Eukaryotic, Unicellular, Decomposer
38. Eukaryotic, Multicellular, Heterotrophic, Very diverse group
39. Prokaryotic, Unicellular, Ancient
40. Eukaryotic, Mostly Unicellular, Autotrophic or Heterotrophic
41. Prokaryotic, Unicellular, In you, on you, around you
What did these scientists do or discover? Pg 596
42. Year 1673- Anton Von Leeuwenhoek- He made drawings of microscopic organisms
43. Year 1665- Robert Hooke –observes cork tree bark and sees little rooms, names them “cells”
44. Year 1855 Robert Remak –observed that cells arise from cell division
45. Year 1838 Matthias Schleiden –observed that all plants are made of cells
46. Year 1839 Theodor Schwann- observed that all animals tissues are made of cells, and that cells are the basic unit
of all life
47. Carolus Linnaeus- In the 1700s, he invented taxonomic classification by creating a two part naming system that
used genus and species names to identify organisms
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Unit 12: Ecosystems
Define Vocabulary- From Textbook or Journal
48. Biotic- all living factors in an environment and interactions between organisms
49. Abiotic-all nonliving/ never living factors in an environment
50. Ecosystem- a system consisting of all of the interactions that occur between the abiotic and biotic factors with
an environment.
51. Organism-an individual form of life that is capable of growing, metabolizing nutrients, and usually reproducing
52. Population- a group of the organisms of the same species located within same geological location
53. Community- all of the populations of different species in a particular area
54. Environment-all of the abiotic and biotic factors within the same geological location
55. Habitat- the place where an organism naturally lives and grows, provides all the needs of the organism
56. Niche- the role, function, or position of an organism or a population within an ecological community
57. Biosphere-the portion of the earth that is capable of supporting life
58. Species- a group of organism that look like each other and are able to breed among the themselves
59. Biome- (pg 628) Large regions that have similar climates and communities of species
60. Limiting factor- An environmental factor that prevents a population from increasing
61. Carrying capacity- The largest population that an environment can support
62. What is Ecology? In other words, what does an ecologist study? Pg 622
The study of how organisms interact with one another and with the environment.
63. List 3 biotic and 3 abiotic factors of a grassland habitat.
Biotic- Grass
Abiotic- Sun
64. List 3 biotic and 3 abiotic factors of an arctic habitat.
Biotic- Polar bears
Abiotic- Sun
65. An organism’s habitat must provide… all of the resources that an organism needs to grow and survive.
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66. What is the difference between a habitat and a niche? Pg 630
A habitat is a location where an organism lives that provides the needs of the organism.
Habitat example: forest, a lake, grassland
A niche is a role, position, or job taken by that organism.
Niche example: consumer, producer, predator, prey, heterotroph, autotroph
67. What is a population? Provide 2 examples. Pg 624
A group of the same species organism in a specific location
Example 1: All the white tail deer in the deciduous forest
Example 2: All of the E. coli bacteria in a human’s digestive track
68. What is a limiting factor in the desert? (notes) A limiting factor of the desert would be water and hot
69. List the levels of organization for an ecosystem from broadest to most specific.
Include: Population, Biosphere, Organism, Community, Ecosystem, Biome
_________Biosphere____________________________ BROADEST
_________ Biome ______________________________
_________ Ecosystem __________________________
_________Organism____________________________ MOST SPECIFIC
70. Draw and label a habitat for a snake, include and label 3 biotic and 3 abiotic parts.