RTI2 Frequently Asked Questions What is Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2)? The Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2) framework is a model that provides an ongoing process of instruction and interventions that allow students to make progress at all levels, particularly those student who are struggling or advancing. (see page 2 of this handout) Will the District provide/require use of a specific universal screener? Yes, the District is currently in the RFP process to secure a universal screener. Is RTI2 the only means of identifying a child with a specific learning disability? RTI2 is the only means of identifying a child with a Specific Learning Disability in basic reading skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency, mathematics calculations, mathematics problem-solving or written expression. Data gathered through valid and reliable implementation of the RTI2 process will lead to ongoing determination of the student’s intervention needs including consideration of referral for special education. Is RTI2 a “Division of Exceptional Children “ program? No. RTI2 is not synonymous with special education. Rather, DEC is an important component of a comprehensive RTI2 framework that incorporates primary (core), secondary and tiered levels of prevention. All school staff (e.g. principals, assistant principal, general educators, DEC teachers, content specialist, and psychologists) should work together to implement RTI2 and to make decisions regarding appropriate intensity of interventions for students. What about RTI2 for ELLs? This is dependent upon where the core instruction is taking place. For example, beginning & intermediate students (previously known as ELDA levels 1 & 2) will still be receiving their primary language instruction from ESL teachers. (This is a state requirement.) Supplemental support should align with ESL instruction, and may be in fact, a combination of language acquisition and intervention. Students at higher levels of English Language Proficiency may be receiving their primary instruction in the regular English Language Arts class. Supplemental support for a student in this situation should align to the ELA instruction with some modifications/support for continued English language development. Please note: ESL class is not an intervention. It is an alternative core program for English Language Arts. ESL teachers may provide supplemental support that bridges the gap between language acquisition and an academic intervention. (i.e. – This class would be a combination of intervention and language development.) Implementation of the WIDA standards allows teachers (ESL and mainstream) to integrate English Language Development and discipline specific standards. What are the SCS recommended time frames for Tier I, II, & III instruction? Tier I Tier I Kindergarten ELA/Writing 150 minutes daily Math 60 minutes daily First 150 minutes daily Second 150 minutes daily 60 minutes daily 75 minutes daily Third Minimum of 90 minutes daily (120 minutes recommended) 90 minutes daily The reading block should last for approximately 90 minutes in K-3 classrooms and for approximately 50 minutes in PreK classrooms. The writing block should last for approximately 30 minutes in K-3 classrooms. Tier I ELA/Writing Gr. 4-5 Math Gr. 3-5 Fourth Grade Minimum of 90 minutes daily (120 minutes recommended 90 minutes daily Fifth Grade Minimum of 90 minutes daily (120 minutes recommended 90 minutes daily 6-12 ELA /Math minimum recommended instructional times: Tier I ELA/Math ** Grades 6-8: 6-8 (traditional) 55 (daily) ** 6-8 (block) 40 9-12 (traditional) 55 (daily)** 9-12 (block) 90 Whole Group: approximately 30 minutes Small Group: approximately 20 minutes Whole Group: approximately 5 minutes Minutes are not exact. Time will vary based on the needs of the students and the tasks. However, whole group instruction should not last the entire class period. Tier II Tier II Reading Mathematics Kindergarten 20 minutes 20 minutes First Grade 30 minutes 20 minutes Second Grade 30 minutes 30 minutes Tier II Reading Mathematics Third 30 minutes 30 minutes Fourth 30 minutes 30 minutes Fifth 30 minutes 30 minutes Tier II Reading Mathematics 6-8 (traditional) 30 minutes 30 minutes 6-8 (block) 30 minutes 30 minutes 9-12 (traditional) 30 minutes 30 minutes 9-12 (block) 30 minutes 30 minutes ** Time allotments fall within TDoE guidelines. Tier III Tier III Reading Mathematics Kindergarten 40-45 minutes 40-45 minutes First Grade 45-60 minutes 40-45 minutes Second Grade 45-60 minutes 45-60 minutes Tier III Reading Third 45-60 minutes Fourth 45-60 minutes Fifth 45-60 minutes Mathematics 45-60 minutes 45-60 minutes 45-60 minutes Tier III Reading 6-8 (traditional) 45-55 minutes 6-8 (block) 45-60 minutes 9-12 (traditional) 45-55 minutes 45-55 minutes 45-60 minutes 45-55 minutes ** Time allotments fall within TDoE guidelines. ** Please refer to page 50 of RTI2 Framework for additional information. 9-12 (block) 45-60 minutes 45-60 minutes What interventions should be used for reading and math, at the different grade levels? Reading: Istation K-8 Math: -i-Ready K-8 School level data teams should be consulted for additional researched based interventions to meet the varying student needs. What resources will the district provide to support RTI2 implementation? Approved instructional materials District level RTI2 team supports District approved interventions Professional development