Schedule of Submissions and Programme map 2015-16 Cert Ed/PGCE (DET) Full Time Programme, Plymouth Stage Schedule for submission of Mentor feedback, End of Stage 1 & 2 Mentor Reports, lesson plans and Observations by Tutors and Mentors. All mentors must have undertaken baseline training provided by University of Plymouth. Module Title Documents and observation milestones Person documents and observations to be completed by: Stage 1 &2 suggested practice milestones Learning Teaching and Assessment (LTA) 1. Subject Specialist Targets for Reflective Development sheet at start of module. 2. Log of professional practice – signed by mentor 3. 6 hours of evaluated lesson plans, (min. of 4 lesson plans including observed sessions) 1st Tutor Observation 1 Mentor All documents to be discussed with trainee, evaluated and no 2. signed by Mentor Weeks 1 & 2: induction, observation, meetings… Week 3: Begin teaching parts of sessions Week 4 onwards: approx. 10 hrs of taking charge of groups Tutor (paired with any new Mentors) Signed and graded 1-4 in all sections, excluding Subject Specialist learning and teaching. Mentor Signed in person and graded pass/fail overall (and graded 1-4). By Week 5 of module Mentor All sets of documents to be discussed with trainee, evaluated and nos 2. and 4. signed by Mentor Weeks 1-6: further development of ‘solo’ teaching. Add a min. of 30 hours to those in previous module = running total of 40 hours by end of Autumn Term. NB In this module, Mentors will sign that trainees’ proposals for research projects are acceptable topics for research Tutor Signed and graded 1-4 in all sections, excluding Subject Specialist learning and teaching. Mentor Signed in person and graded pass/fail overall (and graded 1-4). Any time during module, but suggest by Week 4 FT submission date: by 3pm 9th November 2015 Stage 1 (1st and 2nd year PT submission date: by 3pm 18th January 2016) Theories and Principles of =Managing Learning Environments (Enh Mod: MLE) FT and 1st and 2nd year PT submission date: by 3pm 18th January 2016 1st Mentor Observation 1 1. Subject Specialist Targets for Reflective Development sheet at start of module. 2. Log of professional practice – signed by mentor 3. 6 hours of evaluated lesson plans, (min. of 4 lesson plans including observed sessions) 4. End of Stage 1 Report – signed 2nd Tutor Observation 2nd Mentor Observation By Week 6 of module Any time during module but suggest by Week 5 Curriculum and Society (C&S) Stage 2 FT submission date: by 3pm 11th April 2016 (1st and 2nd year PT submission date: by 3pm 23rd May 2016) NB Placement practice ends 10th June 2016 Wider Professional Practice and Development (WPPD) FT submission date: by 3pm 23rd May 2016, before 3pm NB Placement practice ends 10th June 2016 1. Subject Specialist Targets for Reflective Development sheet at start of module. 2. Log of professional practice – signed by mentor 3. 6 hours of evaluated lesson plans, (min. of 4 lesson plans including observed sessions) rd 3 Tutor Observation 3rd Mentor Observation x 1. Subject Specialist Targets for Reflective Development sheet at start of module. 2. Log of professional practice – signed by mentor 3. 6 hours of evaluated lesson plans, (min. of 4 lesson plans including observed sessions) 4. End of Stage 2 Report – signed 4th Tutor Observation 4th Mentor Observation Yellow = Mentor (Hours logs, lesson plans and Reports) Mentor All sets of documents to be discussed with trainee, evaluated and no 2. signed by Mentor Early Stage 2: bulk of teaching likely to be during this module. Focus on subject specific pedagogy. Aim at 30-40 hrs = running total of 70+ hours Tutor Signed and graded 1-4 in all sections, excluding Subject Specialist learning and teaching. Mentor Signed in person and graded pass/fail overall (and graded 1-4). Any time during module, but suggest by Week 4 Mentor All sets of documents to be discussed with trainee, evaluated and no 2. and 4. signed by Mentor Late Stage 2: Period of consolidation and confirmation. Trainees need 30 weeks practice. Ensure programme requirements met. Aim at 30 hrs = running total of minimum 100+ hours by end of prog. Tutor Signed and graded 1-4 in all sections, excluding Subject Specialist learning and teaching. Mentor Signed in person and graded pass/fail overall (and graded 1-4). Any time during module, but suggest by Week 4 White = Tutor Observations Any time during module but suggest by Week 5 Any time during module but suggest by Week 5. NB Placement practice ends 10th June 2016 Blue = Mentor Observations Summary Stage 2 Stage 1 Programme Map 2015-16 Module Level Min Core Learning Teaching and Assessment (LTA) DLLS490/690 CertEd 4 LL/N/ICT PGCE 6 Theories and CertEd 5 ESOL/ Principles of EAL Managing PGCE 7 Learning Environments (MLE) DLLS584/784 Curriculum & Society (C&S) DLLS579/779 CertEd 5 As per individual PGCE 7 targets Wider Professional Practice & Development (WPPD) DLLS580/780 CertEd 5 As per individual PGCE 7 targets 4 modules Each prog runs at 2 levels All addressed by end of Stage 1 Key areas for CW Assessment mode for CW Key areas for Practice – assessment mode: submitted Professional Portfolio (PP) Professional Standards role of teacher plan series sessions adjustments for disabilities /impairments theories and principals of teaching management of situation/environment (behavioural, social, emotional, physical, cultural) Presentation materials supported by academic writing Submit: all materials as per brief apply planning concepts assessment strategies evaluate Min Core reflect using Prof Standards 1 x mentor, 1 x tutor observation subject specialist teaching plan for improved practice in planning and enabling learning with ref to Min Core and Prof Standards Breadth of Practice 1 x mentor, 1 x tutor obs. As selected As selected Direct: min 30 Add to hours in previous module = running total of 40 hours by end of Stage 1. Non-direct: min 2.5 curriculum theory and principles in own subject specialism Social Cohesion /Equality Act 2010 ESD range of roles and responsibilities of teacher conduct and accountability QA and QI Essay Submit: academic essay –appending the module or short course design Continue breadth of practice evaluate access and progression in practice 1 x mentor, 1 x tutor observation As selected Presentation materials Submit: presentation materials (with appendices as required) proficiency and capacity in teaching reflect own subject specialist teaching and professional values 1 x mentor, 1 x tutor observation All revisited Direct: min 30 Add to previous modules = running total of 70+ hours by end of module. Non-direct: min 2.5 Direct: min 30 Grand total of 100+ hours and 30 weeks for programme Non-direct: min 2.5 As represented in Assessed Learning Outcomes (ALOs) 4 modes Breadth of Practice started by end of Stage 1, updated for end of Stage 2. 4x mentor & 4x tutor observations All addressed at least twice Research project proposal Submit: research project proposal using template provided (append all supporting materials) Teaching hours (approx. pattern for FT/PT) Direct: min 10 Non-direct: min 22.5 (i.e. less direct teaching, more other teaching activities) Minimum teaching requirement – 30 weeks (100hrs Direct: 30hrs Non-direct)