1. epicanthus - it A) vertical fold of skin covering the medial canthus

1. epicanthus - it
A) vertical fold of skin covering the medial canthus
B) fold of skin formed by the overhang of the skin of the upper eyelid
C) a horizontal fold of skin in the inner canthus
D) inversion of the scar skin in the medial canthus
E) scar eversion of the lower eyelid, in the area of the medial canthus
2. With the passage of the cut line ...... achieved through the optimal cosmetic effect facial trauma:
* A) towards force
B) perpendicular to the direction of the force
C) in an oblique relation to the direction of the force
D) no matter the direction of force
E) in the direction of the nerve trunks
3. How is true keloid?
* A) by itself, without damaging the skin
B) after injury
C) after burn
D) in wound healing
E) after healing of purulent wounds
4. After removal of keloid hydrocortisone is injected into the post-operative scar:
* A) 1 time per week
B) 2 times per week
C) day after surgery for 10 days
D) every day for 10 days
5) After the removal of keloid lidasa introduced to post-operative scar:
* A) three times a week
B) one time in a week
C) two times a week
D) day after surgery for 10 days
E) day after surgery for 30 days
6. contouring is not used:
* A) a titanium implant
B) cartilage
C) fatty tissue
D) fascia
E) high molecular weight compounds
7. symptoms micrognathia:
* A) top retrognatiya
B) lower prognathism
C) the upper prognathism
D) lower retrognatiya
E) lower progeny
8. In some cases, the transplant is called a combination?
* A) if composed of various tissues
B) at a certain section shape
C) If the cartilage is covered by perichondrium
E) If the bone is covered with periosteum
E) flap with subcutaneous fat
9. What is the body's own tissue transplants?
* A) autologous
B) allograft
C) a heterogeneous transplantation
D) implantation
E) izotransplantatsiya
10. The transplanted cartilage is resistant to:
* A) and resorption neregeneriruet
B) ossificans
C) thickens, but not ossificans
D) dissolves
E) is absorbed, then regenerates
11. What transplants, which are assessed at the transplant-free, resistant to adverse factors?
* A) flap with all the layers of the skin
B) a finely-selected flap
C) medium dedicated flap
D) highlighted broad flap
E) The epidermal flap
12. Which flaps are used in free skin grafts Chloe?
* A) and highlighted polnosloyny
B) highlighted
C) polnosloyny
D) partial and full
E) Partial
13. The thickness of the skin in the maxillofacial region:
* A) 1 mm;
B) 0.5 mm;
C) 2 mm;
D) W mm;
E) 4mm
14. When you create a stem through a period of time to migrate stems rounded flap?
* A) 30-45 days
B) 1-2 weeks
C) 2-3 weeks
D) in 3-4 months
E) 1-2 years
15. After a period of time in the sweat glands flap Filatov stem begin to function?
* A) 12-18 months
B) for 3-6 months
C) in 3-6 months
D) 6-12 months
E) 2-3 years
16. The first stage is recovered in the round-stalked flap:
* A) pain sensitivity
B) The tactile sensitivity
C) temperature sensitivity
D) all kinds of sensitivity at the same time
E) the sensitivity can not be restored
17. The patient has a deformity of the nose (saddle nose). What material can be used to eliminate this
* A) cartilage
B) bone
C) deepidermirovannaya skin
D) adipose tissue
E) fascia
18. The maximum value for the length of the flap arteriarizirovannogo its width
* A) 4: 1;
B) 2: 1;
C) 3: 1;
D) 6: 1;
E) 7: 1
19. What material is used to fill the pockets of the bone at mikroosteoplastike?
* A) fractured bone
B) enzyme
C) an antibiotic
D) brefotransplantat
E) artificial powder
20. What are the factors that lead to the development of anomalies Chloe, are not included in the group
of endogenous?
* A) chemical factors
B) underdevelopment of the sex cells
C) pathological heredity
D) genetic incompatibility parents
E) parental age
21. The disease, for which there is a "person elephantiasis"
* A) von Recklinghausen disease
B) Albright syndrome
C) X histiocytosis
D) Paget's disease
E) disease Rando-Osler-Weber
22. At what period of embryonic development formed the sky?
* A) 8-12 weeks
B) 6-8 weeks
C) 4-6 weeks
D) 6-20 weeks
E) 12-16 weeks
23. The child has bilateral defect of the upper lip. He is in what group of follow-up is?
* A) IV B
C) V
24. The defect in the upper lip, finished a child at the base of the nose to the conservation of a small
area of skin. According to some degree L.E.Frolovoy soostvetsvuet?
* A) III A
E) I B
25. The most common ratio of teeth with a birth defect of the sky:
* A) deep
B) progeneticheskoe
C) crossing
D) There is no right answer
E) prognathic
26. The title of a unilateral through a defect of the upper lip and palate second degree?
* A) interfragmentary distance between the edges of the alveoli 0.5-1.5 cm
B) interfragmentary distance between the edges of the alveoli 0.1-0.5 cm
C) fragments of the distance between the edges of the alveoli are interconnected
D) interfragmentary distance between the edges of the alveoli is greater than 1.5 cm
E) no right answer
27. The ratio of the upper and lower tooth observed at the top macrognathia
* A) prognathic
B) progeneticheskoe
C) open
D) orthognathic
E) deep
28. The child has a left-sided defect of the upper lip and palate. The patient group includes what?
* A) IV A
D) I
29. Syndrome including exophthalmos, lower prognathism, beak nose
* A) Crouzon
B) Wardenburg
C) Ehler - Donlos
D) Greig
E) Robinson
30. premaxillae speaks at 12 mm from the alveolar arch. Determine the extent of the defect?
* A) reversible defect in the upper lip and palate second degree
B) a bilateral defect of the upper lip and palate third degree
C) a bilateral defect of the upper lip and palate first degree
D) split palate defect second degree b
E) unilateral defects of the upper lip and palate third degree
31. In what period of pregnancy and ends with the formation of the upper lip of the sky?
* A) 12 weeks
B) 21 weeks
C) 18 weeks
A) 5 weeks
E) 7 weeks
32. There is a defect in 1/3 of soft and hard palate. Determine the extent of the defect.
* A) II A
A) I B
33. What are the factors that lead to the development of anomalies Chloe, are not included in the group
of endogenous?
* A) biological factors
B) underdevelopment of the sex cells
C) pathological heredity
D) genetic incompatibility parents
E) parental age
34. Indicate the disease, which occurs when tissue necrosis face?
* A) Wegener
B) Albright
C) Reklingauzena
D) Paget
E) Rando-Osler-Weber
35. The child has bilateral defect of the upper lip. He is in what group of follow-up is?
* A) IV B
C) V
36. In the treatment of the disease is recommended suksilen?
* A) trigeminal neuralgia
B) the syndrome of painful dysfunction of the left jaw joint
C) at the left mandibular joint arthritis
D) neuritis of the facial nerve
E) paralysis of facial muscles
37. In trigeminal neuralgia is advisable to use the method of alcohol abuse?
* A) under conservative treatment is not effective
B) before treatment protivosudurozhnymi drugs
C) under anesthetic blockade
D) in the primary diagnosis
E) after neurolysis
38. When the method is used alkogolizatsii?
* A) neuralgia
B) paresis
C) in paralysis
E) arthritis
E) with neuritis
39. With continued paralysis of facial muscles to palliative treatment does not apply:
* A) mioplastika
B) static muscle suspension
C) physiotherapy
D) Dynamic suspension muscles
E) physiotherapy
40. The primary etiology of neuritis of the facial nerve:
* A) virus infection
B) removal of teeth
C) arachnoiditis
D) meningitis
E) saramas
41. Defect covering soft and hard palate ends at the tool. Determine the extent of the defect?
D) I A
E) I B
42. The maximum angle of inclination of the application of the flap on the leg?
* A) 900
B) 1800
C) 2100
D) 3600
E) no right answer
43. The area in which the flap is formed with arteriazirovannoy leg?
* A) temporo-parietal
B) buccal
C) zygomatic
D) suborbital
E) neck
44. Acute local complications in the application of the flap on the leg?
* A) hypoxia
B) myositis
C) inflammation
D) flushing
E) no right answer
45. What is the name change of one leg on the affected area during the formation of the stem Filatov?
* A) Emergency
B) stage care
C) urgent
D) classic
E) no right answer
46. Not applicable to the appointment of an additional flap created on the basis of the nutrient in the
formation of leg Filatov stem:
* A) all answers are correct
B) improve the trophism of the stem
C) decrease in tissue tension
D) extending the size of the stem
E) limitation seam series
47. As will be the ratio of the length and width of the skin and fat strip when forming stem Filatov?
* A) 1: 3
B) 1: 2
C) 1: 4
D) 1: 5
E) 1: 1
48. indication to free skin grafts:
* A) superficial skin defect
B) The tension of the skin after surgery
C) through defects
D) wound after radiotherapy
E) no right answer
49. The maximum aesthetic effect is observed in the elimination of the defect formed after the removal
of pigment nevus free skin graft flap in the capture of a field?
* A) of the BTE region
B) from the side of the stomach
C) from the inner surface of the shoulder
D) from the cervical area
E) of the chuck area
50. By type of flap used in the transplant-free, is called:
* A) thin dermoepitelialny
B) in the presence of ¾ of the skin
C) All correct
D) integral skin without subcutaneous fat
E) no right answer