SHELTER PLUS CARE REFERRAL Submission Cover Sheet Submit To: Stephanie Kan, SPC Coordinator Email: Phone: 617-425-6680 Fax: 617-532-7614 From: Sarah Quinn Email: Phone: 617-450-1013 Fax: 617-437-1186 REFERRAL NAME (New Client): Program: DND DHCD Projecto Opciones Project Type: Sponsor HOPWA YHI Tenant Grant Number: Former Tenant Leaving This Allocation Slot: SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 Project SHELTER PLUS CARE REFERRAL FORM To be completed by the Service Provider in collaboration with Individuals and ALL members of a Family that is receiving services (including children). Send To MBHP: Stephanie Kan, Program Coordinator Phone: 617-425-6680 Fax: 617-532-7614 Email: Referring Agency: Name of Referring Coordinator: Sarah Quinn Email: Phone: 617-450-1013 Fax: 617-437-1186 Client Name: Submission Date: Program Type: DND DHCD HOPWA LHI Grant Number: Project Type: Sponsor | Tenant | Project Program Name (If Applicable): Prospective Street Address: YHI Our selection process for programmatic and housing eligibility certifies that the following client meets the definition of “homeless” and a “person with disabilities” as indicated in the HUD Regulations. Qualifying Homelessness Status: A homeless person lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night time residence and primarily resides in (Choose One): Places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, and abandoned buildings. Emergency Shelters or Welfare Motels Transitional or Supportive Housing for homeless persons who originally came from streets or emergency shelters. Either: Traditional Transitional or Supportive Housing program for Any Period of time as long as client was officially homeless (either streets or shelter) Immediately Prior to entering transitional housing Hospital or other non-penal institution for 90 consecutive days or less as long as client was officially homeless (either streets or shelter) Immediately Prior to entering institution Transitional Program Name: Length of Stay: Previous Dwelling: Please also include Verification of Homelessness on Referring Agency letterhead (see below list for details) Qualifying Disability Status: A person with disabilities has a disability that is expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration; substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently; and is of such nature that the disability could be improved by more suitable housing conditions. Indicate primary, targeted disability of applicant: Serious Mental Illness Chronic Alcohol and/or other Drug Abuse Dual Diagnosis (Serious Mental Illness and/or Chronic Alcohol/Drug Abuse) HIV/AIDS and related Diseases Other Diseases In my professional judgment, said client has been stabilized, is not actively abusing substances, and has demonstrated a commitment to an individual treatment plan. At this time, the applicant named below is ready to occupy rental housing with supportive services in the community. Service Provider Signature: Date: A HUD Disability Verification Form must also be submitted (see below list for details) SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 Please include these Required Documents: 1. Referral Form a. Completely Filled In and Signed 2. Referral Application a. Write in “Zero,” “None,” “N/A,” or “0” for Both Income and Assets if applicable – Do NOT leave blank 3. HUD Client Intake & Assessment Form a. One for EACH Family Member including children 4. HUD Verification of Disability Form a. Must be completed by a fully licensed medical professional who is appropriate for determining the disabling effects of their condition (ex. a mental health doctor, nurse, or therapist, or PCP for mental health condition) b. Must be Fully Completed in Both sections, including signatures and license # c. Or a Letter from Medical Practitioner on Letterhead confirming disability as described in disability form and with signature and license # d. Or a SSI or SSDI approval or payment letter (Not SS) e. A diagnosis of HIV/AIDS is sufficient. For All other conditions, must be shown to be actively disabling. 5. Verification of Homelessness on Referring Agency Letterhead a. Use Enclosed Form Only if Street Homeless b. If currently in Transitional/Supportive Housing, Hospital, or other non-penal institution, either: i. Current facility must provide letter and must also confirm date and shelter where client resided immediately prior to entry ii. Or current facility AND prior shelter each provide a separate letter 6. Fair Information Practices Act a. One for EACH Adult 7. Privacy Act Notice, Authorization for Financial Release, CORI Release a. Must sign and complete All 3 sections b. One for EACH Adult 8. Proof of All Forms of Income within 60 days for Each Family Member: a. If No Income, write in “Zero,” “None,” “N/A,” or “0” on Referral Application – Do NOT leave blank b. Earned Income (Wages or Unemployment) i. At least 5 consecutive and most recent weeks of paystubs ii. Or a letter from employer (signed, dated, and on letterhead) confirming position, and Gross wages + frequency (ex. “__client name___ is a __position__ at __company name__ and is paid __Gross wages $/wk___”) iii. Unemployment Letter indicating amount being paid c. Child Support i. If formal DOR ordered child support, provide a Letter or Printout from Child Support Enforcement verifying that you do or do not receive Child Support. You may call 1-800-322-2733 to request an updated copy. This is often also listed on DTA benefit letters. ii. If informal voluntary child support, a signed and dated letter from payer outlining amount + frequency, and for which child (ex. “I, __payee name___, pay __client name__ __$/wk__ in support of my child, ___child name__”) d. TAFDC, EAEDC, SNAP, etc. i. Letter or printout from your area’s Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) Office ii. You may call 1-800-632-8095 to obtain this information e. Social Security (SS, SSI, SSDI) i. Printout or letter verifying Social Security, SSI, or SSDI Benefits ii. You may call 1-800-772-1213 to obtain this information SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 9. Verification of Assets a. If No Assets, write in “Zero,” “None,” “N/A,” or “0” on Referral Application – Do NOT leave blank b. Bank statement or investment statement within the last 60 days 10. Verification of Medical Expenses for up to 1yr (if applicable and requesting deduction) a. Must indicate the qualifying expense item b. Must clearly show that client actually paid this amount (not just a bill showing due) 11. Verification of Child Care Expenses for up to 1yr (if applicable and requesting deduction) a. Must indicate the qualifying expense item b. Must clearly show that client actually paid this amount (not just a bill showing due) 12. Social Security Card for Each Family Member a. Or a printout from Social Security clearly indicating assigned social security number b. Or notification that member does not have a social security number 13. Photo ID for Each Adult 14. Birth Certificate of Each Family Member a. Either certificate or letter from either city registry or hospital b. Or clearly indicate if birth certificate is not available and provide a passport, green card, permanent resident card, immigration documentation, or military discharge (DD 214) papers clearly indicating birthdate SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 RENTAL ASSISTANCE APPLICATION Name: Telephone: Current Address: Service Provider: AIDS Action Committee Case Manager: Telephone & Email: I. FAMILY COMPOSITION: (attach extra page if necessary) Name: Last, First Date of Birth Relationship to Head of Household Sex HEAD M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F Ethnicity Race H H H H H H H H 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH SSN SEX CATEGORIES: M – Male, F – Female ETHNICITY CATEGORIES: H – Hispanic, NH – Non-Hispanic RACE CATEGORIES: 1 – White 2- Black 3- Native American 4-Asian/ Pacific Islander Are you expecting a change in your household composition? If yes, explain: Yes No II. INCOME: Please list all money expected to be earned or received in the next 12 months by each household member who is 18 years of age or older (this includes full time students). This list should include all types of income received by household members, such as TAFDC or public assistance, salaries or wages, disability compensation, social security benefits and/ or SSI, child support payments or alimony. Please attach proof of income for each source. **Be sure to write N/A, None, or Zero as appropriate** Person Receiving Income Source or Type of Income (TAFDC, SSI, salary, etc.) Name & Address of Employer or Source of Income Gross Amount of Income (specify weekly/ monthly, etc.) Annual Gross Income $ ADDITIONAL BENEFITS/SOURCES OF INCOME: 1. Please indicate whether any household members are receiving the following assistance. Circle “yes” or “no”. If “yes,” state the number of people receiving the assistance. MASS HEALTH MEDICARE FOOD STAMPS 2. Yes Yes Yes No No No Are you a veteran or a recipient of veteran’s benefits? Yes SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 No III. ASSETS: List all assets owned, controlled, or disposed of with past 2 years (checking, savings, IRA, stocks, bonds, property, etc) **Be sure to write N/A, None, or Zero as appropriate** Household Member Description and Account # (Checking, Savings, CD) Have you sold or transferred any property in the last two years? (circle one) Yes Value /Balance No IV. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS 1. Do you pay for childcare (for children under 13) which enables you or another family member to go to work or go to school? (circle one) Yes No If Yes, what is the amount you expect to spend on this childcare in the next 12 months? $ _______ 2. Elderly or disabled household ONLY: Do you have any medical expenses that are not covered by insurance? Do you pay for a care attendant or any equipment for the handicapped member(s) of the family necessary to permit that person or someone else in the family to work? Yes No If yes, what is the amount you expect to spend on these items in the next 12 months? Please attach invoices/receipts for consideration. $________ 3. Have you or any member of your household ever participated in the manufacture, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs? Yes No If yes, when did this occur? __________ 4. Have you or any member of your household ever participated in a violent criminal activity? (this includes murder, manslaughter, assault and battery, rape, robbery, burglary and arson) Yes No Answering “yes” to one of the previous questions does not mean you will automatically be denied HOPWA assistance. Each case will be de reviewed to determine if there are mitigating circumstances. Submitting a false response is grounds for denial or termination of HOPWA assistance. Be advised that MBHP does conduct a criminal records check for all adult household members before providing rental assistance. SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 HUD Client Intake and Assessment Form **Please submit a copy of this form for EVERY Family Member Including Children** To be completed by Service Provider with Client Family PARTICIPANT INFORMATION: First Name: Last Name: Service Provider: AIDS Action Committee Date Completed: Date of Birth: Social Security Number: Gender (Check One): Ethnicity (Check One): Male Female Hispanic/Latino Latino Transgendered Male to Female Transgendered Female to Male Other Refused Non-Hispanic/Non- Don’t Know Refused Don’t Know Primary Race (Check One): American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African-American White Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Don’t Know Refused Secondary Race (Check If Applicable): American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African-American White Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Don’t Know Refused This Client is a (Check One): Single Adult Head of Household A child receiving services as part of a family An Adult receiving services as part of a family; not the Head of Household Name of the Head of Household ____ SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 ___________________ An Unaccompanied Youth To be completed by the Service Provider in collaboration with Individuals and all members of a Family that is receiving services (including children). HISTORY OF HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS Housing Status: (see definitions) Literally Homeless housing Stably Housed Housed & at imminent risk of losing housing Don’t Know Housed & at risk of losing Refused Is the Client/Family Chronically Homeless? : Yes No A client is chronically homeless if s/he is an unaccompanied adult or a family with at least one adult member who has a disabling condition who has been continuously homeless (sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (e.g. living on the streets) and/or in an emergency homeless shelter for at least a year or episodically homeless at least 4 times in the last 3 years. Please indicate the type of housing you stayed in last night: Place not meant for habitation (street, car, etc.) Emergency Shelter, including hotel/motel with voucher Transitional Housing for the Homeless Permanent Housing for Formerly Homeless (SHP, S+C, Mod Rehab) Psychiatric Hospital or Facility Hospital (Non-Psychiatric) Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Rental by Client with No Subsidy Ownership by Client with No Subsidy Staying/Living with Family Staying/Living with Friends Hotel/Motel Without Voucher Foster Care/Foster Care Group Home Safe Haven Rental by Client with VASH Rental by Client with Non-VASH Subsidy Ownership by Client with Subsidy Jail/Prison/Juvenile facility Other: Don’t Know Refused How long have you stayed there? One week or less More than one week but less than one month One to three months More than three months but less than one year One year or longer Don’t Know Refused Zip Code of Last Permanent Address: SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 Are you a victim/survivor of domestic violence? Yes No Don’t Know Refused If yes, how recent was the domestic violence situation? Within Three Months Three-Six Months Ago More Than a Year Ago Client Refused to Report To be completed by the Service Provider in collaboration with Individuals and all members of a Family that is receiving services (including children). VETERAN INFORMATION Has the client served on Active Duty in the Armed Forces of the United States? Post September 11, 2001 (9/11/01 - Present) Yes No Don’t Know Refused If No, skip to Disability Information If Yes, Please Continue Duration of Duty (in months): Did the Client Serve in a War Zone? Yes No Persian Gulf (August, 1991 - September 10, 2001) Post Vietnam (May 1975 - July 1991) Vietnam Era (August 1964 - April 1975) Between Korea and Vietnam (February 1955 - July 1964) Korean War (June 1950 – January 1955) Between WWII and Korean War (August 1947 – May 1950) World War II (September 1940 – July 1947) Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report How Many Months Did the Client Serve in a War Zone? If Client Served in a War Zone, Did They Receive Hostile or Friendly Fire? Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report If Yes, Which War Zone? Europe North America Laos/Cambodia South Pacific South China Sea Other: Refused to Report Military Service Era (Check all that Apply): China/Burma/India Vietnam Korea Persian Gulf Afghanistan Doesn’t Know Branches of the Military Client Served (Check All that Apply): Army Air Force Navy Marines Other: SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 Yes No Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report What is the Client’s Military Discharge Status? Honroable General Medical Bad Conduct Dishonorable Other: Doesn’t Know Refused to Report To be completed by the Service Provider in collaboration with Individuals and all members of a Family that is receiving services (including children). DISABILITY INFORMATION Does the Client Have a Physical Disability? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report Does the Client Have a Developmental Disability? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report If Yes, Is the Client Currently Receiving Treatment? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report If Yes, Is the Client Currently Receiving Treatment? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report Does the Client Have HIV/AIDS? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report Does the Client Have a Mental Health Condition? Yes No Don’t Know Refused to Report If Yes, Is the Client Currently Receiving Treatment? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report If Yes, Is the Mental Health Condition of Long Duration: Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report If Yes, Is the Client Currently Receiving Treatment? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report Does the Client Have a Substance Abuse Problem? No Alchol Abuse Drug Abuse Does the Client Have a Chronic Health Condition (Heat/Lung Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Brain Injury, Dementia, Cancer, Stroke, etc.)? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report If Yes, Is the Substance Abuse Problem Expected to be of Long Duration and Substantially Impair The Client’s Ability to Live Independently: Yes No If yes, is the Client Receiving Treatment/Services for this Condition? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report If Yes, Is the Client Currently Receiving Treatment? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report Does the Client Have a Disabling Condition? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report Is the Client Pregnant? Yes No Doesn’t Know Refused to Report Compared to other people their age, how would you rate the client’s health? Both Drugs and Alcohol Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report If Yes, What is the Due Date? SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor To be completed by the Service Provider in collaboration with Individuals and all members of a Family that is receiving services (including children). EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION (All Clients 18 and Older) Is the Client Currently Employed Yes Doesn’t Know If Unemployed, Is The Client Looking for Work? If Employed, is the Client Looking for Additional Employment or Increased Hours? No Refused to Report If Yes, How Many Hours Did the Client Work in the Last Week? Yes Doesn’t Know No Refused to Report Tenure of Employment: Permanent Temporary Seasonal Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report EDUCATION INFORMATION (All Clients 18 and Older) Is the Client in School or Working toward a Degree or Certificate? Yes Doesn’t Know No Refused to Report What is the Highest Level of School the Client Has Completed? None Nursery School to 4th Grade 5th or 6th Grade 7th to 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade, No Diploma High School Diploma GED Post-Secondary School Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 Has the Client Ever Received Vocational Training or an Apprenticeship Certificate? Yes Doesn’t Know No Refused to Report If the Client Has Enrolled in Post-Secondary Education, What Degree(s) Has the Client Earned? None Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Masters Doctorate Other Graduate/Professional Degree (List) Certificate of Advanced Training or Skilled Artisan Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report CHILDREN UNDER 18 Is the Child Enrolled in School? Yes Doesn’t Know No Refused to Report If Yes: Name of School: School Type: Public Parochial or Private School Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report Was/Is Child Connected to McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act School Liaison? Yes Doesn’t Know No Refused to Report SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 If Child is not Enrolled: Last Date of Enrollment: Problems Enrolling: None Residency Requirements Availability of School Records Birth Certificates Legal Guardianship Requirements Transportation Lack of Available Preschool Immunization Requirements Physical Examination Records Child Not School Age Other: Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused to Report INCOME INFORMATION Have you received any income in the past 30 days? Yes No Don’t Know If yes, Check the Boxes and Indicate Amount Receivied: Earned Income: Refused Unemployment Insurance: Veteran’s Disability: Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI): Social Security Disability Income (SSDI): Private Disability Insurance: Worker’s Compensation: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): General Assistance (GA): Retirement Income from Social Security: Veteran’s Pension: Pension: Alimony of Spousal Support: Child Support: Other: Have you received any non-cash benefits in the past 30 days? (SNAP, Health coverage, Public Housing) Yes No Don’t Know Refused Please check the box next to each benefit you receive: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, Formerly Food Stamps) Amount Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants & Children (WIC) LIHEAP/Fuel Assistance Veteran’s Administration (VA) Medical Services TANF Child Care Services TANF Transportation Other TANF Funded services Section 8, Public Housing, or other Rental Assistance MEDICAID MEDICARE State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Commonwealth Care Children’s Medical Security Plan Commonwealth Choice Health Safety Net Medical Security Plan (for persons receiving Unemployment Comp) Other Source ___________________ Do you have Private Medical Insurance? (COBRA, insured by employer) Yes No Don’t Know Refused Name of Private Medical Insurance: SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 Shelter Plus Care Disability Verification Form I hereby grant permission to Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership to obtain all medical information it deems necessary in determining my eligibility for the Shelter Plus Care Program. This release shall remain effective for one year from the date appearing below. __ ____ ________________________________________ (Date) (Signature) ____ ____________ (Social Security Number) TO: RE: SS#: This agency is responsible for determining the eligibility of applicants who seek to participate in the Shelter Plus Care Program. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations establish criteria which must be met for an applicant to be determined (based on disabled or handicapped status) eligible. Has a disability, as defined in Section 223 of the Social Security Act [42 USC 423] defines disability as: “Inability to engage in any substantial, gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months,” or “In the case of an individual who attained the age of 55 and is blind and unable by reason of such blindness to engage in substantial, gainful activity requiring skills or ability comparable to those of any gainful activity in which he has previously engaged with some regularity and over a substantial period of time.” Is determined, pursuant to HUD regulations, to have a physical, mental, or emotional impairment that: Is expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration; Substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently, and Is of such a nature that the ability to live independently could be improved by more suitable housing conditions; or Has a developmental disability as defined in 42 U.S.C. 6001. Section 102(7) of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act [42 U.S.C. 6001(7)] defines developmental disability in functional terms as: “Severe chronic disability that: Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments; Is manifested before the person attains age 22; Is likely to continue indefinitely; Results in substantial functional limitation in three or more of the following areas of major life activity: (1) self-care, (2) receptive and responsive language, (3) learning, (4) mobility, (5) self-direction, (6) capacity for independent living, and (7) economic self-sufficiency; and Reflects the person’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment, or other services which are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated.” Other: HUD’s definition does not exclude persons who have the disease of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or any conditions arising from the etiologic agent for acquired immunodeficiency syndromes. I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above information is correct. _________________________________________________ (Signature and Title) _________________________________________________ (Name and Title – Printed) _________________________________________________ (Organization and Address) _________________________________________________ (Phone or Email) SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 ___________________ (License Number) ______________ (Date) Verification of Homelessness To be eligible for participation in the McKinney-Vento Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Permanent Housing Programs and/or Shelter Plus Care (SPC) Programs, an applicant must be experiencing homeless as defined by HUD. A person is considered homeless only when he/she resides in one of the following places: (1) In places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings (on the street); (2) In an emergency shelter; (3) In transitional or supportive housing for homeless persons who originally came from the streets or emergency shelters; (4) In any of the above places but is spending a short time (up to 30 consecutive days) in a hospital or other institution. I hereby verify that the referred individual __________ ___________ is currently homeless and is: Sleeping in places not meant for human habitation (e.g. cars, parks, sidewalks, abandon buildings). Location: Sleeping in an emergency shelter or a residence that is part of an established shelter system. The client has been staying at and entered the shelter system on . Graduating from a transitional housing program with a stay of no longer than 24 months and was homeless (as defined above) immediately prior to entering transitional housing: name of transitional housing program Date entered program: Homelessness circumstances immediately prior to transitional stay: Being discharged from a jail or institution with a length of stay of less than 30 days and was homeless (as defined above) immediately prior to inpatient stay Date entered hospital/institution: Homelessness circumstances prior to inpatient stay: The above-named individual should be counted as chronically homeless because s/he is an unaccompanied Individual and: S/he has a disabling condition, defined as: “a diagnosable substance abuse disorder, serious mental illness, developmental disability, or chronic physical illness or disability including the co-occurrence of two or more of these conditions. A disabling condition limits an individual’s ability to work or perform one or more activities of daily living (ADL) S/he has been continuously homeless (sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (e.g. living on the streets) and/or in an emergency homeless shelter for at least a year or episodically homeless at least 4 times in the last 3 years Staff must attach a statement signed & dated by staff or the client, giving the dates & locations (street or shelters) where the client lived during the period given as the basis for designating him/her chronically homeless. Note: A client who has been determined to have been chronically homeless prior to entering a HUD-funded program should be counted as chronically homeless while they are in that or subsequent HUD-funded programs. A statement signed by staff or the client about such prior homelessness is attached or appears on reverse side of this form I understand that false statements or information are punishable under federal law. ___________________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Program Staff _________________________________________________ Name and Title – Printed _________________________________________________ Organization and Address _________________________________________ Phone or Email SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 _______________ Date FAIR INFORMATION PRACTICES ACT STATEMENT OF RIGHTS Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, Inc. (MBHP) collects information about applicants and tenants to determine eligibility, amount of rent, and correct apartment size. The information collected is used to manage the housing programs, to protect the public’s financial interest, and to verify the accuracy of information submitted. When permitted by law, it may be released to government agencies, local public housing authorities, other regional non-profit housing agencies, and to civil or criminal investigators and prosecutors. Otherwise, the information will be kept confidential and used by MBHP staff in the course of their duties. The Fair Information practices Act established requirements governing MBHP’s use and disclosure of the information it collects. Applications and tenants may give or withhold their permission when requested by MBHP to provide information. However, failure to permit MBHP to obtain the required information may result in delay, ineligibility for programs, or termination of tenancy or housing subsidy. The provision of false or incomplete information is a criminal offense punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. As an applicant or tenant, you have the following rights in regard to the information collected about you: 1. No information may be used for any purpose other than those described above without your consent. 2. No information may be voluntarily disclosed to any person other than those described above without your consent. If we receive a legal order to release the information, we will notify you. 3. You or your authorized representative have a right to inspect and copy any information collected about you. 4. You may ask questions and receive answers from MBHP as to how we collect and use your information. 5. You may object to the collection, maintenance, dissemination, use, accuracy, completeness or type of information we hold about you. If you object, we will investigate your objection and will either correct the problem or make your objection a part of the file. If you are dissatisfied, you may appeal to the Executive Offices of the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) or the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) depending on which grantee funds your program. I have read and understood this Fair Information Practices Statement of Rights and have received a copy for future reference. ________________________ ____________________________________ DATE SIGNATURE _____ _______________________________ APPLICANT’S NAME (PRINTED) SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 SHELTER PLUS CARE AUTHORIZATION FORM Applicant’s Name (Printed): ___ _______________________________________ APPLICANT’S CERTIFICATION I am certifying that I meet the eligibility criteria for MBHP’s HOPWA Program. I understand that this application is not an offer of housing assistance. If I am offered a rental subsidy and I am not able to locate a unit within the time allowed, I will have to re-apply to get further assistance. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the housing agency in writing of an change in my address, income, or household composition. I authorize the housing agency to verify the truth of the information I have given in this application. I understand that the information contained in my application may be subject to audit. I understand that any false statement or misrepresentation contained in my application may be subject to audit. I understand that any false statement or misrepresentation may result in the cancellation of my application and program participation once I begin to receive rental assistance. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION I HAVE GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT. THIS APPLICATION IS SIGNED UNDER PAIN AND PENALTY OF PERJURY. ___________________________________________ ________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION I, __ ________________________________, hereby authorize Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, Inc., and its staff to contact any federal, state or local agencies or authorities, or any private businesses, corporations, financial institutions or persons it deems necessary to obtain any information or materials needed to complete my application for participation in any housing assistance program administered by Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, Inc., or to ensure compliance with program requirements should I become a participant. ___ _____________ Applicant’s Social Security # _______________________________ ________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date DRUG AND/OR VIOLENT CRIMINAL ACTIVITY NOTIFICATION I, __ __________________________________, acknowledge that Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, Inc. (MBHP) has the right to obtain information from law enforcement agencies (e.g., local police departments, Criminal History Systems Board) regarding myself and all adult members of my family relating to any drug related or violent criminal activity. I acknowledge that if MBHP determines that I or any adult family member has participated in such drug related or violent criminal activity, then I and my family may be denied eligibility or may be terminated from the HOPWA Rental Assistance Program. _________________ ______________________________ Date SPC Referral – Effective 1/1/2014 Applicant’s Signature