WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN SAS and Understanding by Design Template Name: Mr. Dan Schuller Date: 10/1 – 10/5/12 Edline was updated this week: Y Length of Lesson: 4 days Content Area: AP Env. Science – Unit 2 My Class website was updated this week: Y STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC: Environmental History Environmental Law UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: Environmental and resource problems: causes and connections. Is our present course sustainable? Cultural Changes and the environment Environmental History of the United States: The Tribal and Frontier Eras, The Early Conservation Era (1832-1960), and The Environmental Era (1960 – present day) Case Study: Aldo Leopold and his Land Ethic Environmental Law VOCABULARY: IPAT, environmental worldviews, environmental ethics, precautionary approach, hunters-gatherers, nomadic, agricultural revolution, slashand-burn cultivation, shifting cultivation, industrial revolution, information and globalization revolution, tribal era, frontier era, frontier environmental worldview, conservation era, environmental era, environmental movement, sagebrush rebellion, spaceship-earth environmental worldview, anti-environmental movement, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Theodore Roosevelt, Alice Hamilton, Rachel Carson, Aldo Leopold, land ethics, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, Liability Act, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Control Act, Endangered Species Act, Soil Conservation Act, Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act. BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) MODULE B—Continuity and Unity of Life ASSESSMENT ANCHOR BIO.B.4 Ecology PA Standard 4.8: Humans and their Environment PA Standard 4.9: Environmental Laws and Regulations SAI 1: Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What are the root causes of today’s environmental problems and how are these causes connected? Is our current course sustainable? How can we live more sustainably? What major effects have hunter-gatherer societies, agricultural societies, and industrialized societies had on the environment? What might be the environmental impact of the current information and globalization revolution? What are the major phases in the history of land an wildlife conservation, public health , and environmental protection in the United States? What is Aldo Leopold’s land ethic? What types of environmental policies exist, and how might they be improved? STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: Design and write a lab report. Use a dichotomous key to identify trees on the WHHS campus. Explain the components of environmental problems. Explain the major effects of cultural changes of the human society. Identify major environmental laws in U.S. History. Relate and discuss the major provisions of the laws. Explain the impact of Aldo Leopold and his Land Ethic. STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASKS: Key vocabulary/Spotlights/Review Questions/Critical Thinking. IPAT Tree Identification Lab Prehistoric Climate Lab Investigation Case Study: Aldo Leopold OTHER EVIDENCE: Class participation Unit Exam STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Power Point Notes Class discussion Lab investigations Assignments (Class & Home) MINI LESSON: Tree Identification Lab. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Computer Computer projector Textbooks Folders Handouts Lab Materials INTERVENTIONS: Redirection during class. 1-to-1 assistance. Moving seat to a more productive location. After class/school tutoring. Corrections on assignment/exam. Extension to complete assignment. ASSIGNMENTS: Chapter Study Packet Lab write ups/reports Lab investigation handouts. Case Studies AP Exam Practice: Multiple Choice. AP Exam Practice: Free Response. IPAT Prehistoric Climate Lab Investigation Case Study: Aldo Leopold Dendrology Scavenger Hunt DAY MINI LESSONS NUMBER/DATE TOPIC OBJECTIVE(S) By the end of the lesson each student will be able to: PROCEDURES / TECHNIQUES Monday 24 10/1 Chapter 1 Test DAY Tuesday Conference with other staff. (Counselors or administrators) Conference with parent. DAY Wednesday DAY Current events. Thursday Friday 25 10/2 Introduction to Chapter 2. 26 10/3 Chapter 2 Evaluate the knowledge of the concepts covered in Chapter 1. Explain the major effects of cultural changes of the human society Explain the major effects of cultural changes of the human society Use leaf margin analysis to a theory about global warming. Use leaf margin analysis to a theory about global warming. Complete the Chapter 1 Test. Make-up tests. Power point notes on cultural changes. Prehistoric Climate Article “A Basin filled with Time” Prehistoric Climate Article “A Basin filled with Time” Power points on Sites A and B. Power points on Sites A and B. A – Work on the Prehistoric climate Study. B – No Lab To reach objectives Power point notes on cultural changes. Homework: Fairchild Challenge Fairchild Challenge Fairchild Challenge Lab B – No Lab A – Storybook on a town through history. B – No Lab 27 10/4 Prehistoric Climate DAY 28 10/5 Prehistoric Climate