FY 2015 PROCESSORS LICENSE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: This is an application to process recyclables or compostables generated within the Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD). Licenses expire annually on July 1. Complete a separate application for each site (i.e., facilities located at different addresses). Please complete both sides of this form and return with a check or money order in the amount of $10.00 for each facility listed (if applicable --see below), made payable to CSWD, to: Chittenden Solid Waste District, 1021 Redmond Rd., Williston, VT 05495. APPLICANT INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ OWNER NAME(S):_______________________________________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT: __________________________________________________________________________________ LOCAL CONTACT PERSON: _________________________________EMAIL:__________________ ______PHONE #: _________________ FACILITY OPERATOR: _____________________________________EMAIL:________________________ PHONE #: _________________ FACILITY INFORMATION TYPES OF MATERIALS PROCESSED: Paper ___Boxboard ___Corrugated cardboard ___Paper bags ___Magazines & catalogs ___White & colored paper ___Newspaper ___Phone directories ___Books ___Other: ________________ Plastic ___ Bottles ___ Mixed ___ Film ___Other: ________________ Compostables ___Food scraps ___Soiled paper ___Yard trimmings Metal ___Aluminum cans ___Steel/tinned cans ___Scrap metal Glass ___Bottles & jars ___Other: ________________ C&D Debris ___Untreated wood ___Asphalt ___Brick ___Concrete ___ Other: ________________ Other Materials Was the facility in operation prior to and on November 1, 1992 and continuously since? ____Electronics ____Textiles ____Tires ____Tree Limbs, brush, stumps ____Other: ________________ YES ______ NO ______ If yes, does the facility and operator have all necessary permits, licenses, and approvals from the State and local regulators, and are they in compliance with those permits, licenses, approvals, and other applicable laws and regulations? YES ______ NO ______ If you answered yes to both questions, you are not required to pay the licensing fee. Licensing fees must be paid by check or money order made out to CSWD. FOR DISTRICT USE: Approved: YES ____ NO ____ Date: _______________ By: _______ CERTIFICATIONS I certify and agree to the following: 1. The undersigned has obtained (or will obtain prior to commencing activities under the License) and agrees to abide by and maintain all necessary permits and licenses from the State and all agencies thereof, and all applicable member municipalities of the Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD). 2. The undersigned’s facility is included in CSWD’s Solid Waste Management Plan. 3. The undersigned and the undersigned’s employees and personnel will comply with all pertinent ordinances and regulations of the Chittenden Solid Waste District and any rules governing use of District facilities. I understand that failure to comply may result in suspension or revocation of the License and/or other penalties. 4. The undersigned is not delinquent in payments owed to CSWD, and the required License fee has been paid. 5. The undersigned employees and personnel have received the education and training necessary to safely and properly conduct the undersigned’s activities under the License. 6. The undersigned financial resources are adequate to allow the undersigned to safely and properly conduct the undersigned’s activities under the License. 7. The undersigned’s activities under the License will not unduly pollute any element of the environment nor impose any undue burden upon any element of the community. A permit issued by a State agency identifying findings shall be considered satisfactory evidence that this condition is met. 8. The undersigned indemnifies and holds harmless CSWD from any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) to the extent caused by the undersigned’s performance under the License or the performance by any agents, officers, subcontractors, employees, or personnel of the undersigned at facilities owned, leased, or operated by CSWD. 9. The undersigned shall report to CSWD the quantities of recyclables shipped and materials composted for solid waste generated in CSWD for the periods January 1 through June 30 and July 1 through December 31 of each calendar year while operating under the License. The required data shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of the end of each reporting period on forms provided by CSWD or by providing copies of reports required by the State for solid waste facility certification. 10. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge, the information provided on this application and all accompanying documents is true, accurate, and complete. ___________________________________________ Business Name ___________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Signature of Owner or Designee ____________________________ Title Processor’s License – page 2