J & M QUARTER HORSES A/c Joe & Meg Fitzgerald, Full Dispersal Sale th Saturday 31 October, 1 PM 2015 Inverell Showground Bucs Stylish Oak Comprising Of : 32 Lots 3 - Stallions 9 – Geldings 18 – Mares 2 – Yearlings Bloodlines Represented: Acres Destiny, Tapt Dancing Cat, Eskdale West Rooster, Sixes Pick (USA), Peptos Stylish Oak ,Smart Chic O Lena,Buc Lena, Stanton Stud Prosperity, Pepped Up Spin, Freckles Fortyniner. Full catalogue & photos at www.clsquires.com.au Vendor:- Joe Fitzgerald 0427 256487 Or C L Squires & Co 0267 222588 Tom Oakes 0409 901930 Robbie Bloch 0409 191229 CASH OR APPROVED CHEQUE ON DAY OF SALE. PHOTO ID REQUIRED. IF USING AN INTRODUCING AGENT LETTER IS REQUIRED 24 HOURS PRIOR TO SALE. LOT 1 BUCS STYLISH OAK Registry No:- Q72903 Sex: Gelding Colour: Palomino Foaled: 08/11/09 (6yrs) S: PEPTOS STYLISH OAK (IMP) Q-39269 SIRE: PEPPED UP SPIN Q-50252 D: SPIN N PEP Q-39357 S: BUC LENA (IMP) Q-1778 DAM: BUCS WILD ORCHID Q-35164 D: TIZZANA TANGO R1-9099 Fully trained cutting horse, suitable for non pro. Started to campdraft. Only 6 drafts to date with scores in the 80’s. Quiet super campdraft prospect. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 2 STANTON STUD SPORT Vendor: Richard Adams – 0437 254777 Registry No:- 193228 Sex: Gelding Colour: Bay Foaled: 02/01/10 (5yrs) S: STANTON STUD BOON LUCK 63862 SIRE: STANTON STUD PROSPERITY - 72162 D: STANTON STUD PERSONALITY 15907 S: STANTON STUD BOON LUCH 63862 DAM: STANTON STUD LONE STAR- 127258 D: STANTON STUD FEATHER 35646 Is out of a full sister to Stanton Stud Quill (Doc). Bred from a family of champions – Stanton Stud has produced multiple “ABCRA Open Horse of the Year”. Sport has been in our work horse string for the past 3 years, including 14 months on the road Droving Cattle. He is a very fast athletic horse, rates cattle well and would suit a variety of Stock Horse disciplines. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 3 Return To Leo Q-69672 - “Monty” LAMONT QUARTER HORSES Registry No:-Q-69672 Sex: Gelding Colour: Bay Foaled: 15/11/2009 (6yrs) S: SLIPPERY LIL BADGER Q-38710 SIRE: SLIPPERY GEM (Q-56421) D: MISS WAR GEM Q-25288 S: RAMBLERS RETURN R1-4553 DAM: RAMBLERS MISS LENA (A3-53) D: LENAS CUTTER A2-401 “Monty” is a quiet, easy to get along with, very light, very responsive, worked a mechanical cow, done mustering, barrel pattern, swing a rope off him. Perfect for anyone from an experienced teenager to a competition horse for an adult, suit any discipline. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 4 FRECKLES WILL Registry No:- Q-71021Sex: Gelding Colour: Liver Chesnut Foaled: 30/11/02 S: DOCS FRECKLES OAK (IMP) Q-14053 SIRE: FRECKLES FORTYNINER D: FORTYNINER KATE Q-19211 S: VALLEY DANE Q-1623 DAM: LONESOME DOVE TEMPTATION D: KILLARNEY DECORATION R1-14287 Will is an experienced, fully trained cowhorse that tracks and cuts out a cow to a level that will score you in the 90’s. Wil has placed in numerous campdrafts and challenges, ridden by myself and my wife. Wil is a very reliable horse that has a big heart that won’t let you down. He is good to float, shoe, catch etc. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 5 JACKIES DESTINY (ET) Registry No:- Q-75640 Sex: Mare Colour: Chestnut Foaled: 05/09/11 (4yrs) S: BOB ACRE DOC USA -1956113 SIRE: ACRES DESTINY (IMP) Q-38061 D: SAN JOSE HICKORY USA - 194760 S: FRECKLES PLAYBOY Q-13140 DAM: FRECKLES JULIA Q-33404 D: FIVE STAR COMMANDO Q-18207 Out of Freckles Julia, placed twice in Warwick, Dam won aggregate $50,000 QHA Draft in Tamworth 2 years running. Has had 18 months riding. Is ready to go on with, Drafting, Snaffle Bit or any other event you chose. Top looking mare. Quiet. Outstanding prospect. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 6 TAPT THAT TWICE Registry No:- Q-82464 Sex: Mare colour: Dark Chesnut Foaled: 19/09/12 (3yrs) S: HIGH BROW CAT USA-2706274 SIRE: TAPT DANCIN CAT (IMP) Q-70942 D: TAPT TWICK USA-4262083 S: FRECKLES PLAYBOY Q-13140 DAM: FRECKLES JULIA Q-33404 D: FIVE STAR COMMANDO Q-18207 Top prospect, been started and ready to go on with. Mother placed twice at Warwick, and at Gold Cup Canning Downs. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 7 ROXANAS JAZZY NANNA Registry No:- Q-79047 Sex: Mare Colour: Chesnut Foaled: 25/08/12 (3yrs) S: DUAL JAZZ (USA)(IS) Q-57414 SIRE: JAZZY PISTOL Q-62219 D: PISTOL PLAYIN OLENA (IMP) Q-57887 S: DOC’S CANDY BAR Q-4496 DAM: KARMIA ROXANAS MY NANNA Q-32467 D: KARMIA SIMONETTE R2-6586 Very quiet, Full sister to Richards Adams Grey Mare, broken in, 15.2hands. Top potential for any event, ½ brother to Rooster Rox, was reserve champion non pro futurity limited in 2011. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 8 ROOSTER TAPT THAT Registry No:- A3-819 Sex: Stallion Colour: Chesnut Foaled: 09/09/12 (3yrs) S: HIGH BORW CAT USA-2706274 SIRE: TAPT DANCIN CAT (IMP) D: TAPT TWICE USA-4262083 S: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q-46109 DAM: ROOSTER BOON A2-1441 D: STANTON STUD VAL BOON A1-5836 Broken in by Richard Adams, Top snaffle bit, ideal family horse. Dam was a successful novice campdrafter. Top futurity prospect, 5mths training with Dean Rogan. Showing a lot of potential. Very quiet, Dams sire won the 2004 NCHA Futurity and the 2005 NCHA Derby. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 9 JAZZY LIL CHICK Registry No:- Q-79049 Sex: Mare Colour: Grey Foaled: 17/08/12 (3yrs) S: DUAL JAZZ (USA)(IS) Q-57414 SIRE: JAZZY PISTOL Q-62219 D: PISTOL PLAYIN OLENA (IMP) Q-57887 S: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q-46109 DAM: MY LITTLE CHICK Q-61333 D: DIAMOND DOC Q-19406 Has been started, 30 days riding, showing a lot of class, very athletic and quiet, responds well, showing a lot of potential to any event. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 10 ONE SMOKIN CHICK Registry No: A3-562 Sex: Mare Colour: Chesnut Foaled: 17/10/10 (5yrs) S: DUAL JAZZ(USA)(IS) Q-57414 SIRE: JAZZY PISTOL Q-62219 D: PISTOL PLAYIN OLENA (IMP) Q-57887 S: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q-46109 DAM: ROOSTER BOON A2-1441 D: STANTON STUD VAL BOON A1-5836 Broken in by Richard Adams, make a top campdrafting mare, snaffle bit, any discipline you want to put her to. Dam quiet successful novice campdraft mare. PURCHASER:………………………………………..…PRICE:……………………………………………………… LOT 11 PEPPED UP PLAYER Registry No:- A3-744 Sex: Stallion Colour: Red Roan Foaled: 10/11/12 (3yrs) S: PEPTOS SEYLISH OAK(IMP) Q-39269 SIRE: PEPPED UP SPIN Q-50252 D: SPIN N PEP Q-39357 S:PLAYBOY BUENO BAR (IMP) Q-37410 DAM: HOLLYWOOD PLAY A2-858 D: PATANES RETURN A1-1531 Broken in, very quiet would suit snaffle bit or campdrafting, Futurity prospect, Any discipline you want, Very quiet. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 12 CAT SILVER MARE Registry No:- Sex: Mare Colour: Grey Foaled: S: SIRE: JAZZY PISTOL D: S: DAM: KALVALE SILVER COLONAL D: PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 13 PEPT UP SPIN MARE Registry No:- Q39269 (IMP) Sex: Mare Colour: Chesnut Foaled: S: PEPTOS STYLISH OAK Q50252 SIRE: PEPPED UP SPIN (Q50252) D: SPIN N PEP Q39357 S: RODANN DOCS QUICKSAND Q28639 DAM: SWANEE KATIE JO (Q37137) D:SWANEE KIMBER KATE Q12917 Dams sire won the 1998 AQHA $40,000 super series campdraft junior horse. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 14 JAZZY JO DIAMOND Registry No:- Q-82476 Sex: Mare Colour: Chesnut Foaled: 01/09/12 (3yrs) S: DUAL JAZZ (USA)(IS)Q-57414 SIRE: JAZZY PISTOL Q-62219 D: PISTOL PLAYIN OLENA (IMP)Q-57887 S: DIAMOND FRECKLES Q-32016 DAM: JO DIAMOND Q-54755 D: BEAVES JO Q-28204 Broken in, showing a lot of potential. Super quiet, full sister to Just Cocky. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 15 Roosters lil Playgirl-Q-82455 "Claire LAMONT QUARTER HORSES Registry No:- Q-82455 Sex: Mare Colour: Chestnut Foaled: 01/09/12 (3yrs) S: FRECKLES PLAYBOY Q-13140 SIRE: CALICOS PLAYBOY (Q-58871) D: CALICO JANE Q-45533 (LOT 31) S: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q46109 DAM: PRETTY LIL CHICK (Q-64625) D: BANGTAIL PRETTY BUCK Q-39991 Claire is quiet, smart, easy to train, very light. Great confirmation, very cowy suit any discipline. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 16 WHITEWOOD SMARTY Registry No:- Q-73961 Sex: Gelding Colour: Bay Foaled: 06/10/10 (5yrs) S: SWEET LIL PEPTO USA - 3892476 SIRE: SMARTYSHIGH CARD (IMP) Q-64156 D: MISS SMARTY REY USA-2760290 S:DOCS COMPOSER Q-26728 DAM: COMPOSED IN A SPIN D: WISE SPINALENA Q-29950 5 Year Old, 14.3 hh Bay Gelding. All the hard work has been done. Good to do anything with, has done a lot of mustering. By the imported Stallion Smartys High Card, his mother “Composed in a Spin” has Docs spinifex on the top and bottom side. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 17 ROOSTERS SIXES PICK Registry No:- Q-82437 Sex: Colt Colour: Bay Foaled: 07/10/13 (2yrs) S: TANQERY GIN USA-1090327 SIRE: SIXES PICK (USA)(IS)Q-76419 D: NATURAL PICK USA-2757815 S: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q-46109 DAM: PRETTY LIL CHICK Q-64625 D: BANGTAIL PRETTY BUCK Q-39991 Outstanding quality Colt, Broken in and going. Definitely a top performance colt. Very Cowy. The sire of this horse was AQHA World Champion versatility Ranch horse. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 18 TAPT THAT Registry No:- Q79067 Sex: Gelding Colour: Bay Foaled : 01/10/12 (3yrs) S:HIGH BROW CAT USA-2706274 SIRE: TAPT DANCIN CAT (IMP) Q-70942 D: TAPT TWICE USA-4262083 S: PEPTOS STYLISH OAK(IMP) Q-39269 DAM: HICKORY N PEPTO Q-51619 D: FRISKORY (IMP) Q-44547 Broken in by Richard Adams, In training, , Ready to go on with. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 19 GREY GELDING (REGO PENDING) Registry No:- Sex: Gelding Colour: Grey Foaled : S: DUAR JAZZ Q57414 (USA) (IS) SIRE: JAZZY PISTOL Q62219 D: PISTOL PLAYIN OLENA Q57887 S: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER (IMP) DAM: ONE COOL CHICK D: BEAVES JO Q28209 Broken in by sale: showing lots of potential, Quiet. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 20 BAY 4YO GELDING (REGO PENDING) Registry No:- Sex: Gelding Colour: Bay Foaled : S: SIRE: JAZZY PISTOL q-62219 D: S: DAM: JO DIAMOND D Very quiet gelding, suitable for all the family, would make a top pony club horse. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 21 LIL PISTOL Registry No:- Q-79050 Sex: Gelding Colour: Bay Foaled: 06/08/12 (3yrs) S: DUAL JAZZ(USA)(IS) Q-57414 SIRE: JAZZY PISTOL Q-62219 D:PISTOL PLAYIN OLENA (IMP) Q-57887 S: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q-46109 DAM: LIL RED HEN Q-64694 D: FLYING F BUTTONS Q-39328 3 year old, Ready to start, make a top prospect, out of a top family. To be broken in by sale time. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 22 PEPS CERISE Registry No:- Q-82466 Sex: Mare Colour: Bay Foaled: 06/12/12 (3yrs) S: PEPTOS STYLISH OAK (IMP) Q-39269 SIRE: PEPPED UP SPIN Q-50252 D: SPIN N PEP Q-39357 S: PEPPY SNAKE (IMP)Q-1448 DAM: PS PEPPYS CERISE Q-42694 D: SHERRYS LADY IN RED Q-31090 Top prospect, Very athletic and quiet. Dam ½ sister to Eskdale West Rooster. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 23 Freckles little Hollywood- A2-3025 - “Cinderella LAMONT QUARTER HORSES Registry No:-A2-3025 Sex: Mare Colour: Taffy Foaled : 2/11/13 S: FRECKLES PLAYBOY Q-13140 SIRE: CALICOS PLAYBOY (Q-58871) D: CALICO JANE Q45533 (LOT 31) S: PACIFIC RETURN Q-11443 DAM: HOLLYS ANGEL (A1-9626) D: HOLLYWOOD FLICKA (FM) Cinderella is just started and had approximately 2 weeks riding, coming along nicely, ready for any discipline, She is a quiet, pretty little filly. Has a nice confirmation, very clean lined. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 24 Two Eyed Fly-Q-82417 - “Rosie LAMONT QUARTER HORSES Registry No:- Q-82417 Sex: mare Colour: Red Roan Foaled : 17/10/2013 S: FOUR ROAN FLY (USA)(IS) Q-57403 SIRE: ISLE A ROAN HANCOCK D: ERIN FRECK ISLE Q-31452 S: MY ONLY CONCENTION (IMP) Q-37639 DAM: MY ONLY WARLENA D: TWO EYED WARLENA Q-25114 Rosie is just started and had approximately 2 weeks riding, coming along nicely, ready for any discipline, should mature to 15.2hh or taller She is quiet, pretty filly. She has good confirmation, clean lined. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 25 LIL RED HEN Registry No:- Q-64694 Sex: Mare Colour: Chestnut Foaled: 30/10/07 (8yrs) S: PEPTOS STYLISH OAK (IMP) Q-39269 SIRE: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q-46109 D: SHERRYS LADY IN RED Q-31090 S: FRECKLES PLAYBOY Q-13140 DAM: FLYING F BUTTONS Q-39328 D: FLYING PEPPY DELIGHT Q-15940 Broken in, could go back into work, 10 months training with Scott Johnston, could be taken back into drafting. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 26 MY LITTLE CHICK Registry No:- Q-61333 Sex: Mare Colour: Chesnut Foaled: 05/11/06 (9yrs) S:PEPTOS SYTLISH OAK (IMP)Q-39269 SIRE: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q-46109 D: SHERRYS LADY IN RED Q-31090 S: DOC’S PEPPY Q-5240 DAM: DIAMOND DOC Q-19406 D: STONY DOC R1-14328 Broken in by Dean Rogan, Could go back into work, right age to draft, Out of mare Diamond Doc, top line of cutting horses. Full sister to Roostena Lena, Greg Widdericks good campdraft mare. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 27 Smokin Gunplay Q-81823 - “Smokey” LAMONT QUARTER HORSES Registry No:-Q-81923 Sex: Stallion Colour: Bay Foaled : 23/8/2013 S: PLAYGUN (USA)(IS) Q-58489 SIRE: PG GUNPOWDER D: POWDERRIVER PEPIDOC USA-2194764 S: RAMBLERS RETURN R1-4553 DAM: RAMBLERS MISS LENA D: LENAS CUTTER A2-401 Started by Bruce O’Dell, ready for any discipline, started 3 weeks ago, very light, cowy, very smart, Sire is an NCHA earner of $18,739 and produced earners of more than $3,500,000 in the USA PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 28 YEARLING FILLY (REGO PENDING) Registry No:- Sex: Colour: Foaled : S: SMART CHIC O LENA Q52878 (US) SIRE: SMART CHICADOONSMAL D: HICKABOONSMAL Q47727 (IMP) S: ROYAL FLETCH Q51807 DAM: DADDYS LITTLE PRINCESS D: DOCS MILLENIUM Q44861 Halter broke, very quiet. Dams Sire was 2000 US open futurity champion LTE $235,852.00 1st Dam 2003 NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Finalist. 2nd Dam 1998 NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 29 YEARLING COLT (REGO PENDING) Registry No:- Sex: Colour: Foaled : S: WR THIS CATS SMART Q59319 SIRE: THIS CAT ROCKS D: SPIN N LENA Q39429 S: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q46109 DAM: MY LITTLE CHIC D: DIAMON DOC Q19406 Halter broke, Quiet, Very athletic. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 30 ONE COOL CHICK Registry No:- Q-61331 Sex: Mare Colour: Chestnut Foaled: 28/10/06 (9yrs) S: PEPTOS STYLISH OAK (IMP) Q-39269 SIRE: ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER Q-46109 D: SHERRYS LADY IN RED Q-31090 S: WAR CAMP Q-18289 DAM: BEAVES JO Q-28204 D: VERDE JOLENE Q-16715 Full sister to Miss Henny Penny which was runner up calf roping horse of the Year APRA 2012. Broken in and going, make top snaffle bit, extra quiet, 15hands. PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 31 Calico Jane - Q-45533 “Calico” LAMONT QUARTER HORSES Registry No:-Q-4533 Sex: Mare Colour: Buckskin Foaled : 26/10/2000 S: POCO PEPPY DOC (IIU) Q-1516 SIRE: DOC’S LEVAN D: FLEUR LEVAN (IIU) Q-1517 S: WILLY B WILLY Q-6362 DAM: SWANEE LOU ANNE D: COMMANDER’S JEWEL Q-3284 Cannot be ridden as she was not broken in when we bought her used only for breeding. Easy breeder, produces smart and good confirmation offspring, with the added bonus of most being coloured such as Taffys, buckskin, palomino, roan, bay, ceremello. All in different disciplines and great to work with. Foals have good trainable minds with good manners. Been running with buckskin stallion, Slippery Gem Q-56421, Hank Man Leo/Mr War Cutter/Docs Hickory bloodlines, will be tested day before sale Good to catch, float, rug, tie up, great mother PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:…………………………………………………….. LOT 32 WITHDRAWN Lawsons Playgirl –A3-853 - “Freckles” LAMONT QUARTER HORSES Registry No:- A3-853 Sex: Mare Colour: Taffy Foaled : 27/9/2011 S: FRECKLES PLAYBOY Q-13140 SIRE: CALICOS PLAYBOY D: CALICO JANE Q-45533 (LOT 31) S: FRECKLES PLAYBOY Q-13140 DAM: LAWSONS FRECKLE D: LAWSONS COVER GIRL A1-7580 Broodmare only as she was hurt as a weanling, she will not be able to be ridden, will make a beautiful broodmare. She has excellent bloodlines top and bottom, would make a good cross with any stallion. She is quiet, good to catch, rug, , lead, float. Been running with buckskin stallion, Slippery Gem Q-56421, Hank Man Leo/Mr War Cutter/Docs Hickory bloodlines, will be tested day before sale PURCHASER:……………………………………..PRICE:……………………………………………………..