EHC Data Extraction Automation These notes are to guide someone through the steps of how to setup the automation of their EHC data extraction process through the use of a SQL job. The ‘EHC Data Extraction’ process runs the EHC data extract stored procedure, outputs this data to a CSV file, and uploads this export to the chosen sFTP (UAT/PROD) via the use of the software WinSCP. Process prerequisites: SQL Server Database (backend of Authority/Pathway/Property & Rating). SQL Server Agent to be running on said SQL Server. EHC data extraction script. The following steps have been setup and tested on a Windows 7 machine with SQL Server 2012. The setup should be very similar across previous version of SQL Server (2005/2008). 1. Install sFTP software WinSCP Software can be installed from the following URL: Install as per default instructions. 2. Configure sFTP software Both UAT and PROD connection profiles require creating before they can be referenced in the Windows PowerShell. UAT IP address: Prod IP address: The old IP addresses for UAT ( and Prod ( have been decommissioned (March 2015). Enter the Council specific sFTP details for UAT ( and click ‘Save’. Ensure you tick the box to save the password and always trust the connection: Enter the session name as ‘EHCUAT’: Enter the Council specific sFTP details for PROD ( and click ‘Save’. Ensure you tick the box to save the password and always trust the connection: Enter the session name as ‘EHCPROD’: Once both profiles have been setup, enter to the console and click the ‘Preferences’ option through ‘Options’: Navigate to the ‘Storage’ tab, and select the radio button for ‘INI file (WinSCP ini) under ‘Configuration registry’. This ensure that the EHC data extraction transferred by the sFTP software transfer in the correct format: The final configuration is setup WinSCP to ensure it can be used in Windows Powershell. Open ‘System Properties’ and click’ Environment Variables’: Locate and highlight ‘Path’ under ‘System variables’ and click ‘Edit’: Add the text ‘;C:\Program Files\WinSCP’ to the end of the ‘Variable value’ string. Click ‘Ok’ to save: Don’t forget to test both connections, and report to the EHC team if there are any outstanding issues. 3. Configuration of PowerShell on SQL Server Open SQL Server and run the following T-SQL on the database that the EHC extract will be running from. This will allow PowerShell queries to be run within SQL Server. -- To allow advanced options to be changed. EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 GO -- To update the currently configured value for advanced options. RECONFIGURE GO -- To enable the feature. EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 GO -- To update the currently configured value for this feature. RECONFIGURE GO 4. Creation of data extract export stored procedure The first step is to ensure you have a stored procedure setup on the SQL Server to export the EHC extract in the correct CSV format. Create the ‘sp_Generate_csv_with_columns’ stored procedure using the following code. This SP outputs the EHC extract in the correct format ready for sending to the sFTP. Please note the variables passed through to the SP will differ from Council and PIS: --EXEC sp_Generate_csv_with_columns 'DBNAME', 'TABLENAME','COUNCILNAME','OUTPUT LOCATION' --EXEC sp_Generate_csv_with_columns 'CurrentGLSUAT', '##tblEHCDataExtract_Final','BANKSTOWN','D:\' ALTER PROCEDURE sp_Generate_csv_with_columns ( @db_name VARCHAR(100), @table_name VARCHAR(100), @council_name VARCHAR(100), @output_location VARCHAR(100) ) AS BEGIN --Generate column names as a recordSET DECLARE @columns VARCHAR(8000), @sql VARCHAR(8000), @data_file VARCHAR(100), @file_name VARCHAR(100) --Set file name and output location SELECT @file_name = @output_location + 'EHC_' + @council_name + '_' + CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112) AS VARCHAR(8)) + '.csv' SELECT @columns = COALESCE(@columns+',','') + column_name + ' AS ' + column_name FROM -- Set to tempdb as sp_Authority_SQL_EHC_Data_Extract generates a temporary file as the output (##tblEHCDataExtract_Final) tempdb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = REPLACE(REPLACE(@table_name,']',''),'[','') SELECT @columns = ''''''+REPLACE(REPLACE(@columns,' AS ',''''' AS '),',',',''''') --Create a dummy file to have actual data SELECT @data_file = SUBSTRING(@file_name,1,LEN(@file_name) CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(@file_name))) + '\data_file.xls' --Generate column names in the passed EXCEL file SET @sql = 'EXEC ' + @db_name + '..xp_cmdshell ''bcp " SELECT * FROM (SELECT ' + @columns+') AS t" queryout "' + @file_name + '" -c -t"|" -T S''' EXEC(@sql) --Generate data in the dummy file. SET @sql = 'EXEC ' + @db_name + '..xp_cmdshell ''bcp "SELECT * FROM ' + @db_name + '..' + @table_name + '" queryout "' + @data_file + '" -c -t"|" -T -S''' EXEC(@sql) --Copy dummy file to passed EXCEL file SET @sql = 'EXEC ' + @db_name + '..xp_cmdshell ''type ' + @data_file + ' >> "' + @file_name + '"''' EXEC(@sql) --Delete dummy file SET @sql= 'EXEC ' + @db_name + '..xp_cmdshell ''del ' + @data_file + '''' EXEC(@sql) END 5. Creation of sFTP stored procedure Copy this SQL into Query analyser and run to create the stored procedure used for the sFTP process. Notable changes per Council include the variable of the EHC data extract location @WorkDir. --EXEC sp_SQL_EHC_sFTP 'UAT', 'LIVERPOOLPLAINS', 'authlive' /* *************************************************************************** ******************* -- Author: Iain Gardiner (Wingecarribee Shire Council) -- Create date: 11/09/2012 -- Description: This stored procedure is used to FTP the file to the site that is -required depending on the environment we are running in PROD and TEST -to upload into the EHC system. Change Log: -- James Boulton - 09/10/2013: Updated for use across different PIS systems. *************************************************************************** ********************/ ALTER PROCEDURE sp_SQL_EHC_sFTP -- Parameter of Environment To Run FTP Procedure @ENVT CHAR(4), -- Accepted values of 'UAT' or 'PROD' @CouncilName AS VARCHAR(50), -- Council name @db_name VARCHAR(100) -- DB name AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Declare Variables Required DECLARE @FileName AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @FTPProfile AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @FTPCommand AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @WorkDIR AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @ExtractDate AS VARCHAR(8) SET @ExtractDate = CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112) AS VARCHAR(8)) -- Lets See What Environment We Are Running IF @ENVT = 'UAT' BEGIN -- Set The Working Directory when the EHC extract files will be transferred from SET @WorkDIR = 'D:\' -- Set FTP Variables SET @FTPProfile = 'EHCUAT' END ELSE IF @ENVT = 'PROD' BEGIN -- Set The Working Directory when the EHC extract files will be transferred from SET @WorkDIR = 'D:\' -- Set FTP Variables SET @FTPProfile = 'EHCPROD' END -- Set The File Name Required To FTP Up As SET @FileName = 'EHC_' + @CouncilName + '_' + @ExtractDate + '.csv' -- Set The FTP Command SET @FTPCommand = 'C:\Progra~2\WinSCP\ /command '+ '"option confirm off" "open "' + @FTPProfile + '""' + ' "put ' + @WorkDIR + @FileName + ' ' + @FileName + '" "exit"' -- Execute The Command. Change name to DB name EXEC authlive..xp_cmdshell @FTPCommand SET NOCOUNT OFF; END 6. Creation of SQL Job Check to see if the ‘SQL Server Agent’ is running. If not, click ‘Start’. Right click ‘Jobs’ and select ‘New Job...’. Enter ‘EHC_Data_Extraction’ as name. Select ‘Steps’ from the left hand menu, and click ‘New...’. Enter ‘Step name’ as ‘EHC Data Extract’ and enter the following T-SQL to run all 3 of the required stored procedures for the EHC data extraction automation process: EXEC sp_Authority_SQL_EHC_Data_Extract EXEC sp_Generate_csv_with_columns 'CurrentGLSUAT', '##tblEHCDataExtract_Final','COUNCIL','D:\' EXEC sp_SQL_EHC_sFTP 'UAT', 'COUNCIL', 'authlive' This is the only step you will need to run in your SQL job. Stored procedures are all run within the same step to ensure the temporary table created in ‘sp_Authority_SQL_EHC_Data_Extract’ can be referenced in the subsequent SP’s. Click ‘Schedules’ from the left hand side bar. Set up schedule to occur every weekday outside of office hours. Set schedule without an end date, and at a time after close of business eg. between 18:00 and 05:00. In the SQL Management Studio, right click the ‘Operators’ folder and select ‘New Operator...’. Enter details of operator. This email will be used as a notification if the SQL job fails. Back in the SQL Job, select ‘Notifications’ from the left hand menu, tick the box for Email, select the recently created operator, and ensure ‘When the job fails’ is selected in the right hand dropdown. Click ‘OK’ to complete the creation of the SQL job. To test job, right click job and click ‘Start Job at Step...’ and choose step 1 and run.