Michèle Moragné e Silva Austin, Texas 78738 michelem@stedwards.edu EDUCATION University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX (1991) Ph. D. in Foreign Language Education Concentration in Applied Linguistics Dissertation Title: Cognitive, Affective, Social, and Cultural Aspects of Composing in a First and Second Language: A Case Study of one Adult Writer Rhode Island College Providence, RI (1981) M. Ed. in English as a Second Language International House Lisbon, Portugal TEFL Training Course (1978) Linguarama Ltd. London, England TEFL Training Course (1977) Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA B. A. in English and German (1977) Institute of European Studies IES Wien Vienna, Austria (1975) Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany (1976) ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE St. Edward’s University Austin, TX - Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric (1985- ). Rhetoric and Composition II: Revised and taught standard and ESL sections of second semester composition course dealing with argumentation, referential writing and research paper writing. Also taught Rhetoric and Composition I for ESL students. Capstone Course: Taught senior research writing course in ethical and social problems that emphasizes the evaluative skills associated with the analysis of a current social problem, the research skills needed to propose a feasible solution, and the communication skills required to effectively present the solution. Basic Writing for International Students: Revised and taught developmental writing skills course emphasizing grammar and structure of academic writing and writing with computers. Writing Lab for International Students: Devised and taught grammar computer lab for ESL students. Speaking and Listening Lab: Revised and taught ESL oral/aural skills course emphasizing listening and note-taking in lectures and giving oral presentations. Introduction to Linguistics: Taught upper-division linguistics course covering all areas of theoretical and applied linguistics. St. Edward’s University - Director of English for International Students (1985-90). Coordinated ESL composition and communication courses, instructors, materials, and testing and placement of all international students. Chaired committee to evaluate testing and placement of international students. Proposed, revised and taught new ESL courses. Faculty advisor of Chinese Students Association. University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX - Department of English Assistant Instructor (1984-5). Rhetoric and Composition for Foreign Students: Taught ESL variant of freshman composition course covering major aims and modes of discourse and research paper writing. Masterworks of Literature for Foreign Students: Taught literature survey course in American and British short stories and poetry with students working individually on poetry from their own countries. Rhode Island College Providence, RI - Department of English Instructor and Upward Bound Instructor (1980-3). Taught developmental English, English as a Second Language, and Freshman Composition at main campus and the Urban Education Center. American Language Institute - Porto, Portugal - Teacher of English as a Foreign Language to adults (1978-9). Taught intensive courses in all levels of general and business English. PRESENTATIONS Oxford Round Table on Bilingualism and English Language Acquisition 2008 - Oxford, England Discussion leader for the Round Table on “Perceptions, Policies, and Practices as Determinants of Successful English Language Acquisition.” CCCC Convention 2004 – San Antonio, TX “No Quick Fix: Plagiarism and the International Student” College English Association Conference 1993 - Charlotte, NC “ESL Writing: What Research Tells Us” CCCC Convention 1992 - Cincinnati, OH Current Issues in ESL Writing Think Tank: “Comparing First and Second Language Composing Processes” TESOL Convention 1992 - Vancouver, B.C., Canada “First and Second Language Composing Processes Across Tasks” CCCC Convention 1991 - Boston, MA “Composing in a First and Second Language: A Case Study of one Adult Writer” and “Investigations into Second Language Processes Old and New” TESOL Convention 1988 - Chicago, IL Colloquium presentation: “Process and the ESL Writer: Creating Appropriate Goals” Chair: “TOEFL and Related Programs: An Update” CCCC Convention 1987 - Atlanta, GA “Effect of the Writing Experience on First and Second Language Composing: A Case Study” TESOL Convention 1986 - Anaheim, CA “First and Second Language Composing Processes: A Case Study” TEXTESOL III Conference 1985 - Austin, TX “First and Second Language Composing Processes” NEATE Fall Conference 1982 - Bedford, NH “Some Considerations on the Teaching of English as Second Language” RIABE/ESL Fall Symposium 1982 - Providence, RI “Cultural Organization Patterns in the ESL Classroom: Practical Suggestions for Teaching ESL Writing Courses” TESOL Summer Meeting 1981 - Columbia University, NY “Cultural Organization Patterns” PUBLICATIONS “Angola – Summary” Global Education Reference Education Encyclopedia . StateUniversity.com, 2013. Web. http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/41/Angola-SUMMARY.html “Netherlands – Summary” Global Education Reference Education Encyclopedia . StateUniversity.com, 2013. Web. http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1074/Netherlands-SUMMARY.html “Angola” The World Educational Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed. The Gale Group, 2001. “The Netherlands” The World Educational Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed. The Gale Group, 2001. “First and Second Language Composing Processes Across Tasks” 1992 ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 350 847 http://www.eric.ed.gov/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=ED350847 ESL Composition: Authentic Writings (textbook) Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque, IA 1988. “A Study of Composing in a First and Second Language” in Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education Vol. 1, No. 2, Fall 1988 (132-151). Also published as ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 34592 http://www.eric.ed.gov/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=ED345492 “Is the Process of Composing in a Second Language Similar to Composing in the First?” in Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1988 (16-25). Also published as ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 345 484 http://www.eric.ed.gov/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=ED345484 “Essentials in Cross-Cultural Education” in Currents: Issues in Education and Human Development, 2, Fall 1983 (11-13). GRANTS AND HONORS Curriculum Development Grant to Revitalize Basic Writing, St. Edward’s University ($1,100) with Ryan Hoover Summer 2012 Faculty Development Grants, St. Edward’s University Individual Grants ($1,000+) 1986, 1987, 1993, 1994, 1997-1999, 2000-2008, 2013, 2014 Group Grant ($10,000) 1987-8 Mid-Texas Association for International Education Grant 1987 Moderator for Kappa Gamma Pi, Honor Society of Catholic Universities, at St. Edward’s University Member of Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Member of Kappa Delta Pi, Honor Society in Education Academic Scholarship at University of Texas 1984-5 Cited inWho’s Who in America (47th, 55th, 60th and 61st Eds.) Who’s Who of American Women (26th Ed.) Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America (4th Ed.) Who’s Who in the South and Southwest (23rd and 25th Eds.) Who’s Who in American Education (3rd, 4th and 7th Eds.) Who’s Who Among Young American Professionals (2nd Ed.) The World Who’s Who of Women (12th Ed.) Dictionary of International Biography (23rd Ed.) Directory of American Scholars (10th Ed.) Notable Women of Texas, Limited First Ed. (1984) Empire Who’s Who Among Executive and Professional Women (2005-06) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND SERVICE Member of Editorial Board of The Journal of Second LanguageWriting (1992-2001) Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Abstract Proposal Reader for Annual Conventions National Council of the Teachers of English (NCTE) College Composition and Communication (CCC) Member of Committee on English as a Second Language (1991-3) Abstract Proposal Reader for Annual Conference TEACHING CERTIFICATION Teaching Certificate - Secondary English and German (RI,NY,PA) Endorsement in Teaching English as a Second Language & Adult Basic Education (RI) International House Teacher’s Diploma in TEFL (England) Linguarama Certificate in TEFL (England)