8th Grade Graduation Breakfast Checklist

8th Grade Graduation Breakfast Checklist
 Parent volunteer and donation letter (early May)
o includes signups for setup/cleanup for graduation activities.
o requests a $20 donation from each 7th grade family.
o Suggestion: plan a work party for invitations, place cards, bulletin board items
 Graduation invitation:
o Sent home in red envelope in mid to late May
o Class size plus extras
o Envelopes addressed in silver pen (To the family of “Student Name”)
 Parent info letter (email) 1-2 weeks before:
o Remind volunteers what they have signed up to do.
o Request cookies for graduation reception.
 Thank you letter (email) to?
Bulletin Board (as you come in hall from parking lot):
 Theme: Use die-cut letters for the inspiration saying with black background
 8th grade teacher provides class photos from K-8 plus additional photos of students who joined StL later.
 1 small or large table with black/red tablecloth for any additional memorabilia (Mrs. Williams has items.)
Graduates’ Table:
 Black plastic tablecloths (different color than other tables ( 7 – 8’ tables)
 Centerpieces – 50-55 potted plants (class size plus extras) in white or red; placed in plastic; wrapped in
tissue paper (white, red, black) and tied with ribbon, raffia, etc.
 Placemats (8th grade teachers provide)
 Place cards for each graduate
 Dinner-sized napkins with “Congratulations” or Happy Graduation (class size plus extras – 55)
 Place settings –utensils (plastic or real) set out, plates matching napkins left in kitchen
 Plastic graduation cups (12 – 16 oz.) with Congratulations Graduate saying (class size plus extras – 55)
 Graduation confetti (white, red, silver) – optional - purchased or punched if someone has punch
Parent/Grandparent and Faculty Table:
 Red plastic tablecloths 18 – 8’ tables, 10 round tables, 2 – 8’ tables for faculty (25 rectangle includes extra
for bulletin board table and reception tables)
 Place setting-utensils, plates, juice glasses, coffee cups from Kitchen. Bought 300 - 8 oz plastic cups for
juice (kitchen did not have enough glasses). Used available small juice glasses.
 White (nice quality) napkins (Costco) – 250 - 300
 4 place cards (“Reserved for Faculty”)
Stage area and Hall area:
 2 bunches of balloons (20 total) red and white - one on each side of the stage.
 Posters/artwork from Mrs. Herridge – on bulletin board or placed on walls.
 Art teacher usually provides self-portraits of the graduates. We placed them on the wooden pull down
kitchen doors (black butcher paper for background). Used ? to mount (provided by art teacher)
 Setup table(s) to display graduate artwork
 3 lattice standards covered with black butcher paper. Die cut large red graduation caps. Hang with
graduate’s picture. Graduate’s name on cap. Placed at an angle to hide kitchen/dishwasher window.
 Graduation Banner – hung by parish janitorial staff
 Coffee and juice table covered in red plastic table liner. Juice, coffee and water pitchers on table hidden
behind lattice standards near kitchen.
 Set up podium. (found in table/chair storage closet)
June 1, 2011