Postmodern Museum Visitor Experience as a Leisure Activity: The Case of Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum INTRODUCTION The term “postmodernism” started life mainly as an academic category and was used by artists, writers and critics in the 1960s. Notwithstanding the objections of modernists, it gained wider usage rapidly and soon became a catchall term which explains changes in contemporary society and culture (Ward, 2010; Featherstone, 1991). In the studies that handle the development of museums, 20th century has implied the period in which postmodernism gradually evolved. Indeed, in many respects museums have represented postmodern conditions proposed by Fırat and Vankatesh (1993). These are; hyper reality, fragmentation, reversal of consumption and production, decentering of the subject and paradoxical juxtaposition. In a way, it is seen that functions of the museums have increasingly diversified and gained a post-modern nature. Museums can be classified in various ways (Duncan and Wallach, 2004: 54). A postmodern museum may be any museum classified according to collection (history museums, art museums etc.). Besides, any museum can be assessed as a postmodern museum regardless of the units they belong to (university museums, military museums etc.), the region they serve (national, regional and local museums), the audiences they appeal to (science museums, specialized museums etc.) or the methods of exhibiting their collections (open air museums, memorial museums etc.) (Madran, 1999). In other words, emphasized issue is whether the museum contains the postmodern conditions or not. Hence, the type of museum isn’t a meaningful determinative of being a postmodern museum. Brown (1995) has argued that postmodern museums would be characterized by replacement with an anti-elitist emphasis on participation, involvement, sound and lighting effects, performance and the creation of spectacular multimedia experiences. Visitors of postmodern museums, where consumption, game and entertainment coexist (Featherstone, 1991: 101), are thought to be different from other museum visitors (Bruce, 2006: 135). This assumption stems basically from transformation from consumer to postmodern consumer. Moreover, postmodern consumer behavior is cited as multiple behavior (Odabaşı, 2014: 121). Their patterns of consumption are extremely adaptable and easily changeable (Brown, 1995: 138). Therefore, motivations and behaviors of postmodern museum visitors or what issues they heed in their visits acquire a differ character. This study is carried out on the visitors of Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum, which is accepted as a postmodern museum, built in 2013, in Eskişehir. Aim of the study is to answer the following questions: Do Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum’s visitors constitute a homogeneous group or not in the context of their motivations? What is the profile of visitor clusters that generated based on motives in the context of demographic and travel behavior variables? To what extent do the motives of emerging types of visitors and the motives effective in postmodern museum visitors’ experiences overlap? This study, in addition to investigating the evolution occuring in the museums after postmodernism, is noteworthy in terms of providing information about postmodern museum visitor profile. In other words, this study is unique because it will bring together the postmodern museum experience and the postmodern museum visitor profile issues. Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum has not been the subject of any research as a postmodern museum. In addition, a study hasn’t been made to determine the visitor profile of this museum. It is thought that findings of this research won’t give a hint only for Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum but also for museums which have a similar (in terms of postmodern conditions) nature. METHODOLOGY In this study, profile of postmodern museum visitors is tried to be identified with a descriptive research design. The study, which aims to make generalizations about postmodern museum visitors, predict the behavior of visitors in advance, and explain the causality of behaviors, deals with the subject with a quantitative perspective. The main goal is to examine the profile of postmodern museum visitors in the context of Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum visitors. The literature lacks such studies that examine visitors of Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum in this scope. Moreover, there is not an academic study which refers to this museum in the literature. Questionnaire will be used as data collection technique and items in the questionnaire are assumed to be adequate to support data collection process within the aims of this study. In questionnaire development stage, previous studies in the literature, which examined the profiles of museum visitors, have been referred. These studies can be listed as; Özgören (2007), Gürel (2013), Uysal (2005) and Hsieh (2010). Convenience sampling technique will be benefited for the selection of postmodern museum visitors to be taken in the context of research. Although the rate at which the sample represents the population is not clearly known, it is assumed that the selected sample will allow some inferences to be made about the current situation (Kozak, 2014: 118). In March and April of 2015, researchers plan to collect data from approximately 400 museum visitors with a convenience sampling technique and by the help of questionnaire developed. Appropriate statistical software programs will be used for the analysis of data collected. More specifically, exploratory factor analysis will be conducted to identify motivation factors of museum visitors. Consequently, these motivation factors will be used to run cluster analysis, which will shed light on how museum visitors can be segmented based on their basic motivations. In the last step of data analysis, profiles of museum visitors’ clusters will be examined based on the demographic and travel behavior data. A pilot study was conducted in order to determine the face validity of the questionnaire developed and Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum’s visitors were reached by researchers after their visits during two days in December of 2014. A total of 45 visitors were reached for this pilot study. The results obtained from the pilot study showed that questions were easily comprehended. For that reason, researchers decided not to go to a structural change, except a few minor changes in the questionnaire. CONCLUSION (Preliminary Results) As mentioned before, there are many studies that have tried to determine the profile of museum visitors. But the main purpose of this research is to explain the profile of postmodern museum visitors in the context of Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum. Preliminary results of the pilot study found that Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum visitors were not conscious that the museum has a postmodern character, but they still acted with postmodern consumers’ motivation to a certain degree. Motivations of visitors were found considerably related to the facilities that they care about in the museum and the level of importance they attach to those facilities during their visits. According to the findings of pilot study, visitors, who came to experience entertaining activities provided by postmodern museums, paid particular emphasis on the exhibition of tangible and intangible objects together. Besides, those visitors found it important that the way of exhibiting in the museum allowed them to self-participate. In that sense, paradoxical juxtaposition, which is one of the conditions of postmodernism (Fırat ve Vankatesh, 1993), and active participation demand of postmodern consumer as stated by Urry (2009) can be inferred from these preliminary findings. Likewise, visitors, who visited museums for making social interaction with new people or sharing the same atmosphere with people who like doing the same things as them, demanded an entertainment unit in the museums. As discussed earlier, entertainment is an important component for postmodern museums (Featherstone, 1999). That is why this finding is remarkable in terms of deeply understanding the profile of postmodern museum visitors. Results of this pilot study verified that postmodern visitors’ travel behavior is significantly related to their motivation to visit museums. Accordingly, visitors, who did shopping from museums’ stores, were actually the ones motivated by getting rid of stress. This situation may represent the result of consumer culture which is put forward by postmodernism. As can be seen, even though there wasn’t enough information to obtain an adequate profile of postmodern museum visitors, significant relationships were detected as a result of this pilot study, and it was inferred that these relationships overlapped with the postmodern museum experience. As a result, it can be said that postmodern museums exist in Eskisehir, however visitors aren’t aware of their postmodern nature. Such a result can be interpreted that postmodernism is on the intellectual level, but very superficial and has limited effects on museum visitors yet. DISCUSSION As shown in the conclusion section, findings of this pilot study reveal many questions that can be queried for further comprehensive research. Based on the preliminary results of pilot study, it can be said that management of Yilmaz Buyukersen Wax Museum should give priority to marketing efforts and highlight museum’s postmodern identity. A museum guide can be formed in collaboration with the local governments. This pilot study contains certain limitations such as the choice of a single museum as a postmodern museum, collection of data from a small sample size, and finally collection of data during two specified days in a month except weekend days. These limitations are expected to be exceeded by the comprehensive quantitative research design which will be put into action in the following months. Based on the limitations of this study, conducting research on visitors of multiple postmodern museums may be useful for future studies. Moreover, future studies may concentrate on comparing visitor profiles of these postmodern museums with each other. In addition, research designs which focus on understanding visitors’ motivation and behavior, visitors’ expectations and satisfaction should be planned. General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums can create a platform on its official website where visitors can share experiences about their visits to postmodern museums. In other words, a more holistic perspective should be displayed. REFERENCES Brown, S. (1995). Postmodern marketing. New York: Routledge. Bruce, C. (2006). Spectacle and democracy: Experience music project as a post-museum. In J. Mastine (Ed.), New museum theory and practice: An introduction (pp. 129-152). United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing. Duncan, C., & Wallach, A. (2004). The universal survey museum. In B. M. Carbonell (Ed.), Museum studies: An anthology of contexts (pp. 51–70). United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing. Featherstone, M. (1991). Consumer culture & postmodernism. London: Sage Publications. Fırat, A. F., & Venkatesh, A. (1993). 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