Dinghy Instructor Recommended Run Sheet Course Outline Session Duration Pre-Course Study 4hrs Day #1 8hrs 30mins Day #2 8hrs 30mins Total 21hrs* * The 21 hours is the suggested minimum time, and can be manipulated to run over as many sessions the state and SI/s deem appropriate Overall Course Objectives At the end of the Instructor Training program (Slide 2) instructors will be able to: Plan an effective instructional session in the classroom and on-water Facilitate a session that is fun, safe and engaging Assess the learning of their students and be able to provide high quality feedback that will improve their skills Develop strategies to work with difficult students and other stakeholders Have an understanding of the Discover Sailing Program and sailing pathway and their role within it NOTE: These timings are based upon a Senior Instructor to Instructor ratio if 1:8 and 2:8 for the assessments on Day 2 TIME OBJECTIVE Pre- Course Study: 4 hours 2 hours Beginning principles of instructing ACTIVITIES Completion of the Yachting Australia Online Instructor General Principles: A Snapshot of a Good Instructor Prepare to Instruct Working with Others The Instructor in Action Learning Styles 2 hours Beginning principles of instructing and session planning Preparation of a 10 minute theory session and 30 minute practical session. Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 RESOURCES ONLINE QUIZ (password = yachting) INSTRUCTOR HANDBOOK Joining Instructions Session plan Pg 25-35 Instructor Handbook TIME Day 1: (0830-1700) OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES Introduction: 1 hour 5 minutes Senior Instructor Introduction Understand who their Senior Instructor is and their background in sailing and instructing. 20 minutes Icebreaker/Introductory Activity Feel at ease and get to know each other Review their understanding of the online instructor modules and identify areas for improvement over the course 15 minutes The Instructor Program & Instructor Roles and Responsibilities Have an understanding of the Discover Sailing Program and sailing pathway and their role within it Understand the instructor renewal and revalidation requirements 5 minutes Assessment Tasks Demonstrate understanding of both the theory and practical assessments on course Participants to complete personal details on their assessment form. Introduce yourself including your background in sailing and instructing. Outline your role throughout the course, as both a facilitator and assessor Set the scene for the next few days by outlining that you want everyone involved and allow others to have opinions etc. Put participants in pairs (ideally match people who do not know each other) The pairs are to discuss the questions on Slide 3 and then present their partners answers to the rest of the group. Allow 10 minutes for discussion and 15 minutes for feedback. Outline the instructor course timetable Identify all of the resources they have been provided with as an Instructor, how they can be utilised and understand that there are other additional resources that may be of use. NOTE: The logbook, and program specific handbook will be looked at in detail later on in this session. Outline the key points of the Discover Sailing Program Identify their roles and responsibilities as an instructor and how they fit into the programs as a whole. Recap the renewal and revalidation requirements of being an instructor Highlight that there is ongoing formative assessment throughout the course which will also be taken into consideration when making the final decision. Outline that they will be provided with feedback throughout the course to help them develop Provide details on the two assessment task, including when these will take place, and answer any questions they have on these. Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 RESOURCES Instructor Course PowerPoint Presentation Slide 3 Sample Instructor pack Slides 4-9 Instructor Handbook (page 67) Slide 10 YA6 Instructor Report Form TIME 10 minutes 5 minutes OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES Program Syllabus Outline and demonstrate detailed understanding of the program syllabus Code of Conduct Understand and agree to abide by the Yachting Australia Instructor and Coaches Code of Conduct Using the program logbook go through each relevant course that the instructors will be able to instruct once qualified. Go through the course run sheet and a couple of example activity sheets, to ensure they get an understanding of how the courses should be delivered. Outline how this relates back to the steps on the sailing pathway and how instructors need to work with their centre to ensure every participant is provided with opportunities to develop their skills outside of the formal courses. NOTE: Participants are covered via Yachting Australia insurance once they are entered into myCentre and for 3 months following the course, and therefore the centre could set up additional instructing or practice sessions to develop certain areas they may have struggled with before moving onto the next level. Using the Yachting Australia Operating Standards and Guidelines outline all standards relating to the program including student to instructor ratios, safety boat requirements, lifejacket requirements etc. Encourage all instructors to download and read these guidelines (available from the YA website). Outline that all entry level participants should receive a participant pack (including a logbook and textbook). The centre should have purchased these from the online shop prior to the course being delivered and should be available to the instructors at the beginning of the course. Sign the code of conduct Allow time for the participants to read and sign the code of conduct. These should be collected in and forwarded to the State Associations along with the assessment report forms. Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 RESOURCES Program logbook Program run sheet Program Activity Cards Operating Standards and Guidelines Start Sailing Right (SSR) text Instructor Notes Yachting Australia’s Instructor and Coaches Code of Conduct TIME OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES Risk Management: 20 minutes 20 minutes Understand the importance of completing a risk assessment prior to every training session Understand the instructor’s role in completing a risk assessment and how this fits in with the centres/clubs risk management plan as a whole. Have a full understanding of the term “reasonably practicable” Practical Instructor Skills # 1: 2 hours 15 minutes 15 minutes Organise group Understand safety and what to do in an emergency 30 minutes RIGGING Understand the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model Understand how to analysis a skill to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Understand how to provide constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ 35 minutes CAPSIZE RECOVERY Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ RESOURCES Outline the theory behind risk assessments, specifically outlining the term “reasonably practicable” Participants to assess the training environment that they will use for the day and complete the blank plan in instructor handbook based on their intended practical session Risk Assessment Template (page 71) Pg 21 Instructor Handbook Divide participants into 4 groups Allocate dinghy and safety boat equipment Provide Safety briefing Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of practical instructing how to rig a dinghy, and using the participants as students, highlighting: A brief introduction to the activity Use of a demonstration Good communication Good feedback Positioning as an instructor Use of key instructing points for that skill Brief summary of activity The EDIP/EDICP method Divide rigging into stages – Bow to wind, Step mast, Hoist jib, Hoist mainsail. Participants practice rigging demonstration to group Senior Instructor to provide individual feedback at end of each candidates demonstration Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach capsize recovery, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Refer to instructor notes and text – DO NOT RECOMMEND THE SCOOP METHOD. Dinghies Safety boat/s Pg 10-13 SSR Pg 26-31 SSR Instructor Notes - Rigging Pg 58-63 SSR Instructor Notes – Capsize Recovery Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 TIME OBJECTIVE 35 minutes LAUNCHING Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ LEAVING THE SHORE Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ 35 minutes ACTIVITIES 45 minutes Practical Instructor Skills # 2: 4 hours 10 minutes 35 minutes TACKING Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ RESOURCES Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach launching, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Instructor notes: bow to winds, sheets uncleated, boat into water, crew holds bow into wind, helm puts on rudder and inserts safety pin. Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach leaving the shore, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructor’s are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Refer to instructor notes, outlining helm’s role and crew’s role. Lunch Break Pg 32-33 SSR Instructor Notes – Launching Pg 32-33 SSR Instructor Notes – Leaving the shore Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach tacking, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Refer to instructor notes, outlining helm’s role and crew’s role. Highlight importance of communication. Explain that tacking should be taught first without the tiller extension, and then with the tiller extension after helm is confident to use it. Pg 39, 46-48 SSR Instructor Notes – Tacking Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 TIME OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES 45 minutes SAILING ACTIVITY #1 – Leave shore, tack and return Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ 20 minutes 50 minutes STOPPING Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ SAILING ACTIVITY #2 – Figure 8, Fleet control Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ RESOURCES Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach leaving the shore and then monitoring tack, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Leave shore – Sail 20m to buoy – Tack – Return to shore. Instructor to talk through return to shore procedure when required. Note: Windward end, beam reach course, safety boat position, communication between instructors. Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach stopping, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Pg 32-33 SSR Instructor Notes – Leaving the shore, Tacking Pg 38-39 SSR Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach leaving the shore, tacking and fleet control, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Senior Instructor describes setting figure 8 beam reach course and monitoring fleet. Participants practice setting figure 8 beam reach course and monitoring fleet tacking before buoys. Important: fleet management involves only bring boats off shore one at a time, and also return boats one at a time. Instructor Notes – Leaving the shore, Tacking Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 TIME OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES 35 minutes SAILING ACTIVITY #3 – Follow the leader, coming alongside Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ 50 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes SAILING ACTIVITY #4 Better Sailing – Roll tacks and roll gybes Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ Pack up / De-rig boats Debrief of the day and what to expect tomorrow Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach follow the leader and coming alongside, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Rotate through roles, ensuring all get a chance to instruct and drive safety boat. If group is competent, Senior Instructor can challenge the person instructing by getting into the Dinghy and simulating what real participants do – that is, try to hit the safety boat to test Instructor’s ability to drive the powerboat. Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to teach roll tacks and roll gybes. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to provide feedback to all participants. Rotate through roles, ensuring all get a chance to instruct and perform both skills. Recap the day’s key messages and look forward to tomorrow and focus on the assessment sessions. If certain people require feedback to improve – allow time for one-on-one debrief with participants. Prepare participants to deliver their theory session tomorrow morning Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 RESOURCES Pg 85 SSR TIME Day 2: (0830-1700) OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES Session Planning: 20 minutes 20 minutes Session Planning and Adapting Sessions Plan an effective instructional session in the classroom and on-water Understand how to adapt sessions and develop contingency plans Theory Presentations: 120 minutes 20 minutes THEORY PRESENTATIONS Understand the assessment criteria for the delivery of theory presentations Identify the best practices when delivering theory presentations RESOURCES NOTE: participants should already have completed a session plan for their practical assessment session. Senior Instructors to highlight the key elements of completing a session plan (pages 25-34). Participants are to work in pairs and using their practical session plan which they completed precourse, discuss how they would adapt that session for different situations: Adverse weather Varying ages and abilities Local venue adaptation NOTE: highlight the importance of instructors always checking the weather well in advance of each session Outline that sessions will not always go to plan and have a group discussion on the strategies to adapt sessions and highlight the importance of always having a contingency plan. This does not always mean planning for the worse, and may include developing additional activities if students advance well through the planned activities. Senior Instructor to complete an example 20 minute theory topic < insert relevant program topic> demonstrating best practice. Encourage participants to have the YA6 form out to see what is being looked for when delivering theory presentations. Discuss with the group the best practices when delivering theory topics and strategies for dealing with nerves Outline any resources that can be used to deliver session. Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 Completed participant Session Plans Pg 25-35 Instructor Handbook Pg 49 Instructor Handbook Generic Instructor Report Form (YA6) Other presentation resources (Prezi, DVDs, crib cards, and anything the SI deems appropriate) TIME 10 minute session with 2 minute debrief OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES See Theory Assessment Criteria in Section D of the Report Form (100 minutes) Practical Instructor Skills # 3: 2 hours 10 minutes Organise group Understand safety and what to do in an emergency 30 minutes RIGGING JIB, TACKING WITH JIB Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ Each participant is to deliver their 10 minute theory session to the rest of the group. Prior to the session beginning get each participant to complete their details at the top of the YA6 Instructor Report Form. Participants should then pass their forms to the Senior Instructor to complete during the sessions. You should outline how each session fits within the overall run sheet of the program. Allocate half of the participants to one Senior Instructor and half to the other. Alternate the participants to allow for each senior instructor to provide one to one feedback following each session while the next participant sets up and delivers. During the debrief ensure all relevant areas of Section D of the report form are completed. Divide participants into 4 groups Allocate dinghy and safety boat equipment Provide Safety briefing Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to rigging jib and tacking with jib, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Refer to instructor notes, outlining helm’s role and crew’s role. Highlight importance of communication. Explain that tacking should be taught first without the tiller extension, and then with the tiller extension after helm is confident to use it. Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 RESOURCES Generic Instructor Report Form (YA6) Dinghies Safety boat/s Pg 10-13 SSR Pg 39, 46-48 SSR Instructor Notes – Tacking TIME OBJECTIVE 20 minutes SAILING CLOSE-HAULED (UPWIND) DEMONSTRATION Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ SAILING CLOSE-HAULED (UPWIND) ONWATER Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ BETTER SAILING - SAILING THE BOAT BACKWARDS ON-WATER Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ 30 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to close-hauled sailing, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Refer to text and instructor notes Demonstration to happen in shallows. Pg 40-51 SSR Instructor Notes – Tacking Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to close-hauled sailing on the water, using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Rotate through roles, ensuring all get a chance to instruct and drive safety boat. Senior Instructor to complete a best practise demonstration of instructing how to sail the boat backwards using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to provide feedback to all participants. Rotate through roles, ensuring all get a chance to instruct and sail the boat. Pg 40-51 SSR Instructor Notes – Tacking Lunch Break Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 TIME OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES Practical Instructor Skills # 4: 2 hours 20 minutes 40 minutes GYBING Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key instructing points for skills Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made to improve the skill Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ 40 minutes 60 minutes 20 minutes RESOURCES Senior Instructor to complete a best practise Pg 54-57 SSR demonstration of instructing how to teach gybing, Instructor Notes – Gybing using the participants as students. In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Refer to instructor notes, outlining helm’s role and crew’s role. Highlight importance of communication. Explain that gybing should be taught first without the tiller extension, and then with the tiller extension after helm is confident to use it. MAN OVERBOARD RECOVERY Senior Instructor to complete a best practise Pg 64-65 SSR demonstration of instructing how to teach man Demonstrate the implementation of the EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key overboard recovery, using the participants as instructing points for skills students. Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other determine what improvements could be made and provide peer feedback. to improve the skill Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to provide feedback to all participants. Demonstrate giving constructive feedback using the ‘Sandwich model’ Refer to text. TOWING Senior Instructor to complete a best practise Pg 84 SSR demonstration of instructing how to tow both single Demonstrate the implementation of the Tow lines, of different lengths EDIP/EDICP model, highlighting key and multiple boats, using the participants as students. instructing points for skills In groups of xx participants are to instruct each other and provide peer feedback. Demonstrate a skill analysis of the students to determine what improvements could be made Senior Instructors are to ensure they are floating to to improve the skill provide feedback to all participants. Demonstrate giving constructive feedback Rotate through roles, ensuring all get a chance to using the ‘Sandwich model’ instruct (tow) and drive safety boat. Break – SI to complete and finalise Instructor Report Forms, participants to pack up / de-rig boats Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 TIME OBJECTIVE Course Conclusion: 45 minutes 5 minutes REVIEW COURSE ACTIVITIES 40mins DEBRIEFS Thank all of the participants for their time and involvement over the course. Outline that to finish the course each participant will receive a debrief from their senior instructor and inform them of the outcome of their qualification. Outline that all paperwork will be forwarded to their course organisers and if everything is complete (i.e. all pre-requisite paperwork has been received and they were successful in the assessment tasks) their qualification will be recommended to Yachting Australia for sign off. Remind all participants that regardless of the assessment outcome, they will all receive a course completion email, however they cannot begin instructing until they receive their certificate of qualification. Find a suitable location to complete a one on one debrief with each participant. Spend 5 minutes with each participant talking them through their practical assessment, providing all relevant feedback. During the discussion complete the Action Plan on Section F of the form and tick the final outcome on Section C Ensure the participant has understood all feedback, Sign the form on page 4 and ask them to also sign the form on page 4. If the participant has been unsuccessful outline what will occur next with regards to if another assessment is required etc (Ensure they’re not given their Instructor hat) Whilst the other participants are waiting for a debrief get them to complete the self evaluation form on page 38 of the instructor handbook. Dinghy Instructor Course Recommended Run Sheet Version 1.0 RESOURCES Self evaluation form- page 38 Instructor Handbook