Core Group Meeting Agenda Note First core group following Initial Child Protection Conference to be chaired by Care Management Deputy Team Manager. Minutes at first core group following Initial Child Protection Conference to be taken by the Care Management Team Business Support Officer. Subsequent core groups to be chaired by the children’s key worker and minute taking to be rotated between professional core group members. 1. Introductions/apologies 2. Agree on minute taker (if applicable). 3. Review of Core group membership and any updates/changes to membership. 4. Review names and ages of children subject to CP plans and the category of CP planany changes/updates to status/categories. 5. Visits since last core group/CPC; update on all announced and unannounced visits undertaken since last core group/CPC. Update to include, who undertook visit, where the visit took place, whether the subject child/ren was/were seen, whether child/ren seen alone, others including parents/family members seen, and brief summary of the visit including strengths and any concerns. If visit undertaken by core group member, has core group monitoring form been provided? 6. Updates from Agencies- each Agency represented in the core group to give brief update outlining their contact with the child/ren & family since last core group/Conference, to include any strengths and/or concerns. 7. Update from family members- each family member who is part of core group to give update on progress/significant events/any concerns since last core group/Conference. 8. Review of Child Protection Plan- plan to be reviewed to check progress and/or any difficulties with all agreed actions in the plan. 9. Update to Child Protection Plan- plan to be updated in accordance with progress and/or outstanding actions. 10. Agree any further actions to be carried out before next core group/Conference, to include who will be responsible and timescale for action to be completed. 11. Safeguarding- consider whether any new safeguarding concerns have arisen, and if so, whether any urgent protective action is required, to include who will be responsible and timescale for action/s to be completed. 12. Dissenting views- if any core group members have a dissenting view in relation to any actions agreed, this to be shared with core group and recorded in the minutes. If any core group member does not agree with an action identified for them, this to be shared with core group and escalated to Social Care Manager. 13. Date and venue of next core group to be agreed. FIRST CORE GROUP MEETING TEMPLATE Date of Meeting: Family Members: DOB: Ethnicity: Core Group Member? Job Title and Contact: Core Group Member? Subject Child(ren) Mother Father Significant others CP Plan Category/Categories: Involved Agencies: Name: General Discussion: Record here significant discussion that took place at the core group meeting. Visits to the child: Record here dates of planned and unannounced statutory child protection visits since last core group/Conference., If there have been failed visits, record the reasons for this. Record here which agencies have provided core group monitoring forms. Visits undertaken/attempted since last Core Group or Conference: Date of Visit: By Whom: Location: Planned or Unannounced? Was is successful? If not, give reason Has core group monitoring form been provided Visits to take place: Core Group Members to agree all planned visits to take place until next core group or conference, including who will carry out each visit. Date of visit: Location: By Whom: Child Protection Plan Part 3 of the Child Protection Plan is attached. Record the progress against each action, the impact of this for the child and any new actions that are required. Actions: By Whom Any other significant information: By When: Record here any new safeguarding concerns, family issues, or dissenting views expressed at the core group. Next Core Group Meeting: Date/Time: Venue: Minutes Recorded By: Date: TO BE CIRCULATED TO ALL CORE GROUP MEMMBERS WITHIN FIVE WORKING DAYS OF MEETING TAKING PLACE. Part 3: DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF THE CHILD PROTECTION PLAN DATE OF CORE GROUP OR NETWORK MEETING: MEETING NUMBER (1st, 2nd etc): The Chair of the core group or network meeting will review and update the plan at each core group or network meeting. A lack of progress in achieving the Plan and/or a significant incident involving the young person should be discussed by the social worker with the Child Protection Conference Chair following the core group meeting. A copy of the Plan with Part 3 completed will be circulated to members by the Chair of the Core Group or Network meeting with the Minutes of that meeting. The social worker will attach the updated plan to the their next report to a Child Protection conference (if applicable) Required outcomes to Actions to achieve By whom ? By Progress Are there Are new actions ensure the young person’s these outcomes When? made and any required? (NB there may be safety and well-being outcome recurring If so, record here and add more than one action for the actions a new outcome and for each outcome and child/child that are action to this plan more detailed actions ren not being may be added by the completed core group to those in ? the outline plan February 2013 6 Guidance for using the standards These standards have been developed to enable the best possible practice by social workers and other professionals with children and their families. The standards provide a checklist and self-assessment for social workers and other professionals to use in their day to day work. Managers will use these standards when carrying out quality assurance and learning and development activity. Measuring the standards for core group meetings will require managers to observe the meeting. Permission to observe should be sought from the parents and children before the meeting starts. The role of the observer should be explained at the start of the meeting and the observer should not contribute to the meeting, unless absolutely necessary. The observation of the core group is an opportunity for managers to receive direct feedback from children and their families about the service being provided. This should be done at the end of the meeting when other participants have left. A template for this purpose is attached to this document. Verbal feedback should be provided to the social worker as soon after the meeting as possible using the attached template. A copy of the completed form should then be sent to the social worker within 10 working days for them to add their comments. This is then returned to the social worker and their line manager. February 2013 7 Measurable criteria Y N N/A Where appropriate write not applicable (N/A) Meeting Arrangements 1. An email reminder is sent to attendees 10 working days before the meeting date 2. Core groups should not be cancelled except in exceptional circumstances. Where this is the case, the core group is rearranged within 5 working days 3. Any apologies are received 3 days before the core group meeting and a report is sent through 4. Attendees for the meeting arrive on time and the meeting starts promptly 5.Introductions and the purpose of the meeting are outlined by the chair and any apologies are noted 6. The meeting is minuted (by a BSO if the first group meeting (core group member if a subsequent one) 7. Copies of the previous meeting minutes and Child Protection plan are available at the meeting Review of the Child Protection plan 8. The names and ages of the children and category of plan including any changes to plan status or category are reviewed and recorded February 2013 8 Comments and Evidence This column must be completed Measurable criteria Y N N/A Where appropriate write not applicable (N/A) 9. Core group members share information (as per the core group monitoring form) on announced and unannounced visits that have taken place since the last core group/conference. The reason for any failed visits is discussed and recorded at the meeting. 10. Core group monitoring forms are provided by each core group member 11. Core group members share any additional information on their contact with the child/ren and family since the last core group/conference, including any new information, strengths and/or concerns 12. Family members provide their updates on progress/significant events/concerns since the last core group/conference 13. The CP plan is reviewed to check progress and/or any difficulties with all the agreed outcomes and actions in the plan 14. The core group discusses and considers the needs and progress of each child in the family 15. Part 3 of the CP plan is updated at the meeting 16. Any further actions to be carried out before the next core group/conference including visits, are agreed and recorded 17. The meeting considers whether any new safeguarding concerns have arisen and if so, whether any urgent protective action is required, by who and with timescales February 2013 9 Comments and Evidence This column must be completed Measurable criteria Y N N/A Where appropriate write not applicable (N/A) 18. If any dissenting views are expressed in relation to the agreed actions, these will be recorded in the minutes. If any core group member does not agree with an action identified for them, this is to be shared with the core group and escalated to the Children’s Social Care Manager. If required, information on the Complaints and/or Escalation procedure is given Participation 19. The parent(s) attend and are able to fully participate. Parents needing an interpreter or advocate have one provided 20. The views and wishes of each child regarding their CP plan are available at the core group meeting 21. Non-engagement of any core group member is recorded and followed up Closing the meeting 22. Actions from the meeting are summarised by the chair 23. The date and venue of the next core group meeting and/or CP conference is confirmed 24. The meeting minutes and updated CP plan are circulated to Core Group members within 5 working days 25.The updated CP plan is sufficiently detailed and has the right actions to achieve the desired outcomes for the child QA following the meeting 26. The conference chair has evaluated the CP plan within 10 working days of the core group meeting February 2013 10 Comments and Evidence This column must be completed Measurable criteria Y N N/A Where appropriate write not applicable (N/A) 27. The progress of the CP plan, including visits, children’s wishes and feelings and core groups is scrutinised by the conference chair at each review child protection conference February 2013 11 Comments and Evidence This column must be completed Questions for the Parents/Carers Measurable criteria Y N N/A Comments and Evidence This column must be completed Guidance for using this questionnaire. These questions are prompts that require a dialogue with parents rather than simple yes/no responses. Bearing in mind that many parents would rather their child was not subject to a CP plan, it is important to unpick negative responses to gain a clear sense of what we are doing well and where we could do better. 1. Did you feel able to contribute to the meeting and that your views were given due weight? If not, what would have helped? 2. Were you told about the meeting in good time? 3. Do you feel confident that you and others are making the Child Protection plan work? If not, what needs to happen? 4. Do you feel that the social worker is working effectively with you? On a scale of 1-4 where 1 is outstanding, 2 are good, 3 is ok and 4 is poor, how would you rate the service from your social worker? 5. Do you feel that other professionals are working well with you and with each other? On a scale of 1-4 where 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is ok and 4 is poor, how would you rate the service overall? 6. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us? Feedback provided by mother/father/both/other (please specify) February 2013 12 Questions for the Young Person Measurable criteria Y N Guidance for using this questionnaire. These questions are prompts that require a dialogue with the child rather than simple yes/no responses. 1. Did you feel able to join in with the meeting? If no, what would have helped? 2. Did you feel that you were listened to and that your views were taken notice of? 3. How well is your social worker working with you? On a scale of 1-4 where 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is ok and 4 is poor, how would you rate the service from your social worker? 4. How well other professionals are are working well with you? On a scale of 1-4 where 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is ok and 4 is poor, how would you rate the service overall? 5. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us? Feedback provided by young person (initials and age) February 2013 13 N/A Comments and Evidence This section must be completed Case Details Initials of children in the family ICS NO. Age(s) Ethnicity Equality/Diversity Issues Name of Social worker: Social Work team: Team Manager: Chair of Child Protection conference: Length of time on CP plan: Name of auditor: Job title: Date of audit: Date of previous audit (if applicable) Record whether corrective actions have been completed Date of re-audit: (if required) Overall Findings What went well in the core group meeting? Complete this with the social worker What would have made the meeting more effective? Complete this with the social worker Learning and development needs Complete this with the social worker Is the core group effectively developing and monitoring child protection plan for each of the children in the family and contributing to improved outcomes for them? If not, what needs to happen to achieve this? Is the child protection plan sufficiently detailed about the outcomes for each child in the family and are the actions the right ones to achieve these outcomes? Are the children in the family currently safe? Have all actions been taken by all agencies to make the children safe? (If no or uncertain, the auditor needs to specify action to ensure the children’s safety and make the necessary alerts Overall Effectiveness of the Core Group (1=outstanding; 2= good; 3 = partially effective; 4= ineffective) Grade: Reasons Corrective Actions following the audit (by whom and by when) Date of feedback to the social worker Comments by the social worker Comments by the Team Manager February 2013 14 Date indexed by Auditor to ICS February 2013 15