Memorandum of Understanding_OA

Memorandum of Understanding
Between The Head of State Award Scheme - Ghana and [insert your organisation here]
This contract sets out the service that the Award Unit (school, youth centre, youth organisations) can expect from The Head of State Award
Scheme - Ghana (HoSA - Ghana) and the expectations of both parties. This is a requirement in order to operate under a Full License of The Duke
of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation.
The responsibilities of the Award Unit are:
1. Delivery and Administration: Designate a specific person as Award Coordinator to be responsible for the implementation of the Award
2. National Legislative Framework: Ensure that all staff and volunteers working with Award participants are over the age of 16 and are
suitably qualified and competent to offer activities to children / youth within the relevant national legislative framework. This includes
ensuring that service providers are appropriately screened to ensure the safety and well-being of Award participants.
3. Communication: For the Award Leader to remain in contact with the designated Regional Programme Manager of HoSA - Ghana.
4. Staff and Volunteers: Ensure that there is sufficient support for the Award Coordinator to implement and sustain the Award
successfully e.g. by recruiting more staff and volunteers to be involved.
5. Young People entering the Award: The designated Award Leader is to enroll young people according to HoSA - Ghana guidelines.
6. Submission of Record Books: The Award Leader to submit completed Record Books / Record Sheets / Portfolios for assessment to
the designated Programme Manager.
7. Monitoring and Evaluation: The Award Leader to submit progress reports to Award Office as arranged.
8. Standards and Quality: Award Leader is to ensure that the level-appropriate requirements of each section are achieved by
9. Enrolment Fees: Participants are required to pay an enrolment fee, ratified by HoSA - Ghana, which is payable per level undertaken
(Bronze, Silver, Gold) unless specific alternative arrangements have been agreed to with Award office.
10. Insurance: The Award Unit is responsible for all appropriate insurance cover for young people enrolled on the Award Programme
covering all activities undertaken – skill, physical recreation, community service, adventurous journey, residential project - in order to
meet the requirements of each level of the Programme. There is also Award Unit responsibility for appropriate insurance for Award
Leaders and Award volunteers.
11. Award Name and Logo: Promote and operate the Award Programme under the title ‘The Head of State Award Scheme - Ghana’ and
make use of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation Logo and the HoSA logo where appropriate. These logos are
available from the Award Office and must be used following the guidelines as set out by the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
and HoSA.
HoSA - Ghana commits itself to providing:
1. The Award Programme: An effective international framework of personal development for all young people, as provided by The Duke
of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation.
2. Training and orientation: Ensure that Award Leaders are exposed to the following modules, or combinations thereof, during training Award Programme Implementation; Programme Guidelines; Networking opportunities; Assessment and submission guidelines;
Leadership; Marketing; Administration; Publicity; Youth Development Issues; Role of Award Leader; Administration of the Award;
Problem-solving to overcome Award challenges.
3. Support: Information, advice, assistance and regular contact with HoSA Programme Managers to address concerns, give access to
networks of Award partners and ensure the sharing of good practice models.
4. A highly regarded national and international reputation: A certificate which is held in high regard within educational institutions, by
employers, businesses, parents, youth organizations and global agencies.
5. Resource material: A wide range of resources including the International Handbook, a Record Book for each enrolled participant,
Notes for Instructors and Assessors, Badges and Certificates on completion of the Award required, and a supply of current leaflets and
posters. Resources can be requested from the Award Office.
6. Additional Training: The opportunity to attend appropriate training courses as they become available.
7. Quality assessment of completions: Ensure the quality and integrity of the Award Programme is maintained through effective
assessment of record books / portfolios / record sheets.
8. Gold Award Ceremonies: Organise, on an annual basis, a high-profile Gold Award Ceremony to which parents and Gold Award
Recipients will be invited.
9. Listing: Listing on the HoSA website, with web address if provided to HoSA.
Signed: ___________________________
Head of Institution
Signed: ______________________________
Executive Director