ULE UPDATE LIST NOVEMBER 2015 ADDITIONS CEEOL Danubius History of communism in Europe Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series historica CLINICALKEY Air medical journal Alzheimer's & dementia Journal of the American Dental Association Perioperative care and operating room management EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE Intercultural theology and study of religions Journal of psychologists and counsellors in schools Texas water utilities journal EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER Texas water utilities journal EBSCO AMERICA HISTORY & LIFE WITH FULL TEXT Afro-Americans in New York life and history American history illustrated American studies in Scandinavia American studies international Base ball : a journal of the early game Cahiers d'histoire de l'Amérique Latine Canadian military history Canadian rail Civil War history Columbia (Tacoma, Wash.) Essays in history Federalist (Society for History in the Federal Government) Fides et historia Gateway heritage Heritage (Cooperstown, N.Y.) Hoosier genealogist Huguenot Society journal Information & culture John Whitmer Historical Association journal Journal of Alabama archaeology Journal of Eastern Townships studies Material culture review Michigan historical review Montana New York history North Carolina archaeology Oregon historical quarterly Origins: current events in historical perspective Panhandle-Plains historical review Pennsylvania archaeologist Preservation education & research Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association Raven: A journal of vexillology Reflections (Kansas Historical Society) Review (Swiss-American Historical Society) Rhode Island history Sport history review Tallow light Traces of Indiana and Midwestern history Wagon tracks We proceeded on White House studies Wisconsin magazine of history Yale University library gazette Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien EBSCO ART & ARCHITECTURE COMPLETE Apollo Architecture and urban planning Art in America (1939) CAA.reviews Contemporary aesthetics Craft arts international Design and technology education Design week Dimensions Drawing: American artist Estonian journal of archaeology GreenSource IUP journal of architecture Journal of aesthetics and art criticism Journal of art crime Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History Leonardo (Oxford) Megaron Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo Music, sound, and the moving image Palestine exploration quarterly Photoworks annual Quaderni della ri-vista Women artists news book review EBSCO ART SOURCE Adoranten Afterall Aisthesis American journal of arts management Anadolu Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio L: Artes Archaeologia Polona Archeomatica Architecton Architectural histories Arcos Armanshahr architecture & urban development Ars adriatica Ars bilduma Art & perception Art conservator Art histories supplement 2.0 Art inquiry Arte y parte Arte y políticas de identidad Artivate ASID icon Barcelona research art creation Bulgarian e-journal of archaeology Cadernos de arte e antropologia Contemporary practices Craft arts international CTBUH journal Cuaderno (Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación) Dailė Design quarterly DISP DISPATCH Dyna Early homes Estetika Estúdio (Lisboa) Estudos conservação e restauro Egyptian journal of archaeological & restoration studies Ex libris chronicle EXARC journal Exposure Faith & form Fashion theory Fennoscandia archaeologica Figure Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia Friends of Kebyar Frieze d/e HA+D Hoard House Home cultures Imafronte Intrecci d'arte Journal of conservation & museum studies Journal of Hellenic studies Journal of surrealism and the Americas Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada King Saud University journal architecture & panning Lenswork Matéria-prima Material religion MGS architecture Moving image review & art journal Muqarnas Museums & social issues NCECA journal New Arcadian journal Online journal of art and design Orientations (Hong Kong) Papers from the Institute of Archaeology Pastelagram Photoworks annual Plat Present pasts Preservation tech notes Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture: Landscape Architecture & Art PsicoArt Quaderni della ri-vista Reflex Revista CROMA Revista de arquitectura (Universidad Católica de Colombia) Revista GAMA Revue roumaine d'histoire de l'art. Série beaux-arts Road notes Rutgers art review San Rocco Save Venice newsletter Scapegoat Site lines Soho journal Source: Notes in the history of art Sourcebook (Stained Glass Association of America) Spatium Springerin Stained glass quarterly Structural design of tall and special buildings Studies in ancient art and civilization Studii şi cercetări de istoria artei. Artă plastică Surface design newsletter Traditional dwellings and settlements review Transactions (English Ceramic Circle) V&A online journal Visual artists' news sheet Women artists news book review Zbornik (Muzej Primenjene Umetnosti) Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE Atlantic marketing journal Ekonomika APK Hotel management International journal of business & economic sciences applied research EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE PREMIER Business perspectives and research HVS international journal Indian journal of corporate governance EBSCO CINAHL PLUS WITH FULL TEXT AAACN viewpoint ACA news Access (National Herbalists Association of Australia) Acute care perspectives AICR science now Archives of pathology and laboratory medicine (Chicago: 1976) Arkansas nursing news ASBN update ASNA reporter BRN report Central European journal of nursing and midwifery CINAHL news Closing the gap Communiqué (Illinois Occupational Therapy Association) Connections (National Institute on Aging) Connections online Dean's notes (National Student Nurses Association) Diabetes dateline Elaborate Equipment services Gender impact assessment Hand in hand HIV impact Illuminations Inside childbirth education Iowa nurse reporter ISNA bulletin Journal of acute care physical therapy Journal of cancer pain & symptom palliation Journal of life care planning Journal of nursing regulation Journal of physician assistant education KBN connection Migrant health newsline Missouri state board of nursing newsletter Momentum (Ohio Board of Nursing) New definition New York family medicine news Newsletter (Alabama Board of Nursing) Nursing newsletter (Iowa Board of Nursing) Nursing update (Pretoria) Nutrition close up On the edge Online journal of clinical innovation Online searcher (Medford, N.J.) Oregon State Board of Nursing update Oriental medicine Parish nurse perspectives Rehabilitation research, policy, and education RN update Self-care, dependent-care & nursing Sentinel (Oregon State Board of Nursing) Try this: best practices in nursing care to older adults Try this: best practices in nursing care to older adults with dementia Ultrasound Update Women's health issues paper Wyoming nurse EBSCO CINAHL PLUS WITH FULL TEXT HLG nursing bulletin EBSCO COMMUNICATION & MASS MEDIA African journalism studies EBSCO CRIMINAL JUSTICE ABSTRACTS WITH FULL TEXT Abolitionist newspaper Actual problems of economics & law Alaska justice forum Archivos de criminología, criminalística y seguridad privada Australian crime, facts and figures Behavioral ecology and sociobiology Boletín criminológico Boston University public interest law journal Cahiers politiestudies California law review Converse Crime and justice (Chicago) Criminal law practitioner Drugnet Europe European journal of international law Global Institute of Forensic Research executive bulletin Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu Impaired driving update Indian journal of forensic medicine & toxicology Information & security Intelligence report (Southern Poverty Law Center) International enforcement law reporter International journal for crime, justice and social democracy International journal of conflict and violence International journal of criminology Investigative interviewing: Research & practice Journal of antitrust enforcement Journal of California law enforcement Journal of criminology Journal of law enforcement Journal of military ethics Journal of primary prevention Justice policy journal Makedonska revija za kazneno pravo i kriminologija Medico-legal update Michigan journal of race & law National criminal justice profiles Offender programs report Ohio State journal of criminal law On the line Penal issues Polygraph (Linthicum Heights, MD.) Public Safety Writers Association newsletter Research and reports in forensic medical science Revista de criminologie, criminalistica si penology Rivista di criminologia, vittimologia e sicurezza Rivista italiana di conflittologia Romanian journal of forensic science Scandinavian journal of forensic science Temida Tijdschrift voor criminology UAA Justice Center Research overview Universul juridic Varstvoslovje William & Mary journal of women and the law EBSCO EDUCATION FULL TEXT [WILSON] Career outlook Case Western Reserve journal of international law Contextos educativos Current issues in comparative education Digital directions Elementary school guidance and counseling Emedia magazine European journal of migration and law Information & culture Insight Instructor (Primary edition) International online journal of educational sciences Journal of Catholic education Journal of interactive media in education Journal of interactive technology and pedagogy Online searcher (Medford, N.J.) Pedagogía social Perspective (Madison, WI) Perspectives in education Reading research quarterly School counselor School library research Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'éducation et la formation Vocational education journal EBSCO EDUCATION RESEARCH COMPLETE ACT: ACTivATE AURCO journal CEDER yearbook Chronicle for driver education professionals Conference papers (American Political Science Association. Teaching & Learning) eJournal of education policy Frühes Deutsch Hessische Blätter für Volksbildung Human service education Interface (Wisconsin Technology Education Organization) Interdisciplinary journal of e-skills and lifelong learning International journal for educational integrity John Ben Shepperd journal of practical leadership Journal of applied testing technology Journal of Catholic education Journal of human services Journal of instruction delivery systems Journal of interdisciplinary studies in education Journal of international special needs education Journal of media literacy education Journal of philosophy & history of education Journal of postsecondary education and disability Journal of praxis in multicultural education Journal of psychologists and counsellors in schools Journal of technology integration in the classroom Kentucky journal of excellence in college teaching and learning Mathematics enthusiast Montana mathematics enthusiast NAMLE update NEACT journal New England Reading Association newsletter NSTA express NSTA recommends NSTA reports! Ohio journal of school mathematics Online searcher (Medford, N.J.) Penn GSE perspectives on urban education Perspective (Burbank, Calif.) Proceedings of the ... European Conference on e-Learning Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age Proceedings of the ... International Conference on e-Learning Scientific principals TechEdge Vermont connection Virginia English bulletin Virginia English journal Voices of practitioners: Teacher research in early childhood education EBSCO EDUCATION SOURCE Comparative & international education Comparative professional pedagogy Interdisciplinary journal of e-skills and lifelong learning Journal of psychologists and counsellors in schools Pedagogika (Sofiia) Profesionalno obrazovanie Vestnik Mordovskogo universiteta EBSCO HOSPITALITY & TOURISM COMPLETE Acta turistica Acta turistica nova Allgemeine bäckerZeitung Allgemeine Hotel- und Gastronomie-Zeitung American spa Anatolia Annual International Conference on Tourism & Hospitality Research Arizona meetings & events magazine Australian & New Zealand wine industry journal Australian gourmet traveler Australian hotelier Bars & clubs Boutique design Brazil tourism report British baker Buying business travel Canadian travel press Caribbean tourism report Casino international Casino journal Chef China tourism report Club industry (Overland Park, KS) Conde Nast's traveler Conference & exhibition fact finder Conference & incentive travel Contours Country profile. Czech Republic Country profile. Hong Kong Country profile. Israel (2003) Country profile. Malaysia Country profile. South Korea Croatia tourism report Czech hospitality & tourism papers Developments Eastern hotelier Eating places industry yearbook Egypt tourism report Encontros científicos Enlightening tourism E-review of tourism research European journal of tourism research Executive housekeeping today Expo magazine Fancy food & culinary products Fare magazine Food service Europe & Middle East Food-service Greece tourism report Grill GV-Praxis Hong Kong tourism report Hospitality upgrade Hosteur Hotel & accommodation management HotelBusiness Hotel management Hotelier Hungary tourism report HVS global hospitality report HVS international journal In Britain India tourism report Indian gaming business International gaming & wagering business International journal for responsible tourism International journal of safety and security in tourism Investigaciones turísticas Irish food Konditorei & Café Journal of airline and airport management Journal of environmental and tourism analyses Journal of food protection Journal of tourism Journal of tourism and services Journal of tourism challenges and trends Journal of travel & hospitality management Journal of travel & tourism research Journal of unconventional parks, tourism & recreation research Lodging Minnesota Medical meetings Mexico tourism report MICE now National geographic traveler New Zealand traveltrade Park world PASOS Pass PAX international Petits propos culinaires Premier hotels & resorts Religious conference manager Restaurant Restaurant & catering news Restaurant hospitality exclusive insight Retos turísticos Revista Brasileira de pesquisa em turismo RoSPA occupational safety & health journal Russia tourism report Selective tourism Selector : life food wine Singapore annual report on tourism statistics Singapore tourism report Slot manager Slovenia tourism report Sommelier journal South Africa tourism report Southern African tourism update Spa management Spice (Pyrmont, N.S.W.) Studies in physical culture & tourism Thailand tourism report Total quality management & business excellence Tourism (Zagreb) Tourism in South East Europe Tourism planning & development Tourism sector monitor Tourismos Travel courier Travel law quarterly Travel markets insider magazine Travel markets insider newsletter Travel trade gazette UK & Ireland Travel weekly Travel weekly (UK) Travel weekly (Chatswood, N.S.W.) Travelage West Trends in sport sciences Turismo Turismo em análise Turkey tourism report Turyzm Vegetarian journal's foodservice update Vietnam tourism report Western-hotelier Wine and viticulture journal EBSCO HUMANITIES INTERNATIONAL COMPLETE Asian folklore studies Aurora: Eichendorff Almanach Crisolenguas Elementa Epiphany Florida philosophical review International research journal of arts & humanities Journal of language & literature Late antique archaeology Nineteenth-Century gender studies EBSCO LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE SOURCE 027.7 Anales de documentación Bibliotekarz Bulletin (Library and Information Association of Jamaica) Bulletin of the Association for Information Science & Technology Bulletin of the National Library of South Africa Čitalište Claremont review of books CLIR issues Codex CONNector Digital culture & education eContent quarterly Electronic information bulletin for librarians IAFOR journal of literature & librarianship IASL reports IFRT report Inform quarterly Informare si documentare International journal of database theory & application International journal of future generation communication & networking International journal of hybrid information technology International journal of information dissemination and technology Journal of information and organizational sciences Journal of information ethics Journal of the Society of South African Archivists Knihovna plus Libellarium Literacies, learning & libraries Magyar konyvszemle MELA notes META Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare MSLA journal Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaia informatsiia. Seriia 1: Organizatsiia i metodika informatsionnoi raboty New library scene New Zealand library & information management journal Pennsylvania libraries Perspectives in international librarianship ProInflow Przeglad biblioteczny Quarterly bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists Školski vjesnik SLANZA collected Tu shu zi xun xue yan jiu Tudományos és műszaki tájékoztatás Video librarian West Virginia libraries Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Data mining and knowledge discovery. World digital libraries World libraries Zagadnienia informacji naukowej EBSCO SOCINDEX WITH FULLTEXT Transcultural studies EBSCO SPORTDISCUS WITH FULLTEXT Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin Journal of outdoor recreation, education, and leadership EBSCO SUSTAINABILITY REFERENCE CENTER (IDC) Pesquisa aplicada & agrotecnologia GALE ACADEMIC ONEFILE ABA journal of labor & employment law Archiv für Tierzucht China foundry Country report. Argentina Country report. Australia Country report. Austria Country report. Belgium Country report: Bolivia Country report. Bosnia and Hercegovina Country report. Brazil Country report. Bulgaria Country report. Canada Country report. Chile Country report. China Country report. Colombia Country report. Croatia Country report. Czech Republic Country report. Denmark Country report. Egypt Country report. Estonia Country report. Finland Country report. France Country report. Germany Country report. Finland Country report. Greece Country report. Hong Kong Country report. Hungary Country report. India Country report. Indonesia Country report. Iraq Country report. Ireland Country report. Israel (2003) Country report. Italy Country report. Japan Country report. Kuwait Country report. Lebanon Country report. Libya Country report. Lithuania Country report. Malaysia Country report. Mexico Country report. Montenegro Country report. Morocco Country report. Netherlands Country report. New Caledonia Country report. New Zealand Country report. Nigeria Country report: North Korea Country report. Norway Country report. Oman Country report: South Korea Country report. Spain Country report. Switzerland Country report. United Kingdom Interdisciplinary journal of e-skills and lifelong learning Journal of mathematical models in engineering Journal of Tolkien research Journal of values-based leadership Judgment & decision making Psychologica Belgica RAP Sustinere Tehnicki vjesnik TIA VIP magazine HEIN Australian journal of law and society Best of ABA sections Business law memo Business lawyer update Disciplinary law and procedure advance sheets Dispute resolution Dispute resolution alternatives Dispute resolution news Journal of animal & environmental law Journal of global justice and public policy Lamplighter Law practice quarterly National Center for Professional Responsibility advance sheets Themis IEEE IEEE transactions on multi-scale computing systems JSTOR HEBREW JOURNALS Lĕšonénu LEXIS-NEXIS Food-service PROQUEST CENTRAL Information & security Journal of arts and culture Nordic journal of nursing research Romanian journal of forensic science Urolithiasis Vard i Norden Workplace health & safety SAGE PREMIER Abstracts in anthropology American journal of law and medicine Antitrust bulletin Antiviral chemistry & chemotherapy Asian and Pacific migration journal Business perspectives and research Chinese journal of sociology Christianity and literature Citizenship, social and economics education Common law world review Competition & change Contemporary drug problems Contemporary issues in early childhood Current bibliography on African affairs E-Learning and digital media Emerging economy studies Empirical studies of the arts Environment and planning A Environment and planning B: Planning and design Environment and planning C: Government and policy Environment and planning D: Society and space Environmental law review European educational research journal European journal of inflammation Food and nutrition bulletin Gerontology & geriatric medicine Global pediatric health Global studies of childhood Health environments research & design journal Illness, crisis & loss Imagination, cognition, and personality Indian journal of corporate governance International journal of aging and human development International journal of immunopathology & pharmacology International journal of Christianity & education International journal of electrical engineering education International journal of evidence & proof International journal of health services International journal of police science & management International journal of psychiatry in medicine International quarterly of community health education Interventional neuroradiology Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism Journal of college student retention Journal of creating value Journal of criminal law Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery Journal of drug education Journal of educational computing research Journal of educational technology systems Journal of entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies Journal of men's studies Journal of pastoral care & counseling Journal of technical writing and communication Neuroradiology journal New solutions Newspaper research journal Nordic journal of nursing research North American archaeologist Omega: Journal of death and dying Perception (London : 1972) Police journal Policy futures in education Power & education Psychology learning and teaching Research in comparative and international education Society and culture in South Asia Workplace health & safety SCIENCEDIRECT BOOK SERIES ARCHIVE Advances in drug research Advances in metabolic disorders Advances in radiation biology Current topics in experimental endocrinology International review of connective tissue research Methods in immunology and immunochemistry Physical acoustics SPRINGER Current treatment options in allergy Current treatment options in pediatrics Current treatment options in psychiatry Medizinische Klinik, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin Urolithiasis TAYLOR & FRANCIS SSH African journalism studies Anthrozoos Asian journal of women's studies Byzantine and modern Greek studies Canadian Art Therapy Association journal Canadian Slavonic papers Challenge (Armonk, N.Y.) China economic journal China journal of social work Chinese education and society Chinese law and government Chinese sociological review Chinese studies in history Contemporary Arab affairs Contemporary nurse Criminal justice ethics Cultural and social history Design philosophy papers Ecquid novi Italian studies Journal of field archaeology Journal of forensic psychiatry & psychology Journal of hospitality & tourism education Law and humanities Legal ethics Levant (London) Library & information history NJ Palestine exploration quarterly Photographies (Oxfordshire) Studies in conservation Tel Aviv War & society (Duntroon, Australia) TAYLOR & FRANCIS ST African zoology Ambix Australasian journal of engineering education Australian journal of civil engineering Australian journal of electrical & electronics engineering Australian journal of mechanical engineering Australian journal of structural engineering Australian journal of water resources Bee world Cartographic journal East African agricultural and forestry journal Imaging science journal WILEY-BLACKWELL Australian and New Zealand journal of family therapy Bulletin of the Association for Information Science & Technology FREE E-JOURNALS אם בישראל אמה של מלכות ביהייב דור עיקבתא דמשיחא הד לין חזונית הכתר )תכנית הפיתוח (משרד החקלאות 027.7 Academic pathology Aisthesis Anales de documentación Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio EE: Zootechnica Architectural histories Archivos de criminología, criminalística y seguridad privada Arcos Art conservator Art histories supplement 2.0 Artivate Asian/Pacific Island nursing journal Australian crime, facts and figures Barcelona research art creation Bulgarian e-journal of archaeology Bulletin of the history of archaeology Cardiovascular and thoracic open Central European journal of nursing and midwifery Child neurology open CLIR issues Codex Combination products in therapy CONNector Contemporary practices Crisolenguas Dermatology and therapy Digital culture & education Digital health Disease models & mechanisms Dose-response Epiphany Egyptian journal of archaeological & restoration studies Electronic information bulletin for librarians E-review of tourism research Estetika Estúdio (Lisboa) Estudos conservação e restauro Figure Florida philosophical review Geo : geography and environment Gender impact assessment História da historiografia Historia y espacio Horticulture journal Information & security Intrecci d'arte Interdisciplinary journal of e-learning and learning objects Interdisciplinary journal of e-skills and lifelong learning Interdisciplinary journal of knowledge and learning objects International journal of business & economic sciences applied research Investigaciones turísticas Journal of airline and airport management Journal of animal & environmental law Journal of arts and humanities Journal of criminology Journal of environmental and tourism analyses Journal of feline medicine and surgery open reports Journal of juvenile justice Journal of law enforcement Journal of rehabilitation and assistive technologies engineering Journal of surrealism and the Americas Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada Journal of unconventional parks, tourism & recreation research Justice policy journal Knihovna Knihovna plus Lecture notes in informatics Leibniz transactions on embedded systems Libellarium MAFES research highlights [1995-2004] Matematicheskoe prosveshchenie Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical Neurology and therapy Online - Heidelberg journal of religions on the Internet Online journal of art and design Ophthalmology and therapy Pain and therapy Pennsylvania libraries Perspectives in international librarianship Pesquisa aplicada & agrotecnologia Pleura Present pasts Proceedings of Singapore healthcare ProInflow PsicoArt Rare cancers and therapy Reflections (Kansas Historical Society) Remote sensing in ecology and conservation Research and reports in forensic medical science Revista GAMA Revue roumaine d'histoire de l'art. Série beaux-arts RIHA journal Sexualization, media and society SLANZA collected Social media + society Socius Studia historiae oeconomicae Studium (Rotterdam) Temida Tiempos modernos Trends - urology & men's health Vikalpa Women's health issues paper DIRECT SUBSCRIPTIONS Anthrozoos (TAU) ASCE-ASME journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems. Part A, Civil Engineering (TEC) ASCE-ASME journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems. Part B, Mechanical engineering (TEC) Bibliographie linguistique (BGU) Biomedical materials (BGU) Canadian journal of earth sciences (BGU) Crop, forage & turfgrass management (HUJI) Geochemical perspectives (BGU) Geophysics (BGU) Italian journal of geosciences (BGU) Journal of highway and transportation research and development (BGU) Journal of micropalaeontology (BGU) Petroleum geoscience (BGU) Research in comparative and international education (HUJI) Science foundation in China (WIS) Turkish commercial law review (TAU) Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Litteratur (TAU) DELETIONS EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE Advances in bioresearch Disputatio (Lisbon) Turkish journal of rheumatology EBSCO AMERICA HISTORY & LIFE WITH FULL TEXT American studies today/online EBSCO ART SOURCE Arts & design studies Australian & New Zealand journal of art Fabrications Journal of arts and culture Journal of cultural research in art education Journal of museum education Konsthistorisk tidskrift South Asian studies Visual communications journal EBSCO ART & ARCHITECTURE COMPLETE Fabrications International journal of architectural heritage Visual communications journal EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE Country profile. Argentina Country profile. Australia Country profile. Austria Country profile. Belgium Country profile. Belgium, Luxembourg Country profile. Brazil Country profile. Bulgaria Country profile. Canada Country profile. Chile Country profile. Colombia Country profile. Costa Rica Country profile. Croatia Country profile. Cuba Country profile. Czech Republic and Slovakia Country profile. Denmark Country profile. Denmark, Iceland Country profile. Egypt Country profile. European Union Country profile. Finland Country profile. France Country profile. Ghana Country profile. Greece Country profile. Hong Kong, Macau Country profile. Hungary Country profile. Iceland Country profile. India, Nepal Country profile. Indonesia Country profile. Iran Country profile. Ireland Country profile. Italy Country profile. Jamaica, Barbados Country profile. Japan Country profile. Kazakstan Country profile. Kenya Country profile. Latvia Country profile. Lithuania Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country Country profile. Luxembourg profile. Mexico profile. New Zealand profile. Malaysia, Brunei profile. Nigeria profile. Norway profile. Philippines profile. Poland profile. Portugal profile. Russia profile. Saudi Arabia profile. Singapore profile. Slovakia profile. Slovenia profile. South Africa profile. South Korea, North Korea profile. Spain profile. Sweden profile. Switzerland profile. Taiwan profile. Thailand profile. Turkey profile. United Arab Emirates profile. United Kingdom profile. United States of America profile. Venezuela profile. Vietnam report. Argentina report. Austria report: Bolivia report. Brazil report. China report. Colombia report. Czech Republic and Slovakia report. Egypt report. France report. Germany report. Hong Kong, Macau report. Indonesia report. Iraq report. Italy report. Japan report. Kuwait report. Latvia report. Lebanon report. Libya report. Malaysia report. Mexico report. Morocco report. Netherlands report. New Zealand report: North Korea report. Norway report. Oman Country report. Spain Country report. United Kingdom International journal of comparative labour law and industrial relations Wordsworth circle EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE PREMIER Country profile. Argentina Country profile. Australia Country profile. Austria Country profile. Belgium Country profile. Belgium, Luxembourg Country profile. Brazil Country profile. Bulgaria Country profile. Canada Country profile. Chile Country profile. Colombia Country profile. Costa Rica Country profile. Croatia Country profile. Cuba Country profile. Czech Republic and Slovakia Country profile. Denmark Country profile. Denmark, Iceland Country profile. Egypt Country profile. European Union Country profile. Finland Country profile. France Country profile. Ghana Country profile. Greece Country profile. Hong Kong, Macau Country profile. Hungary Country profile. Iceland Country profile. India, Nepal Country profile. Indonesia Country profile. Iran Country profile. Ireland Country profile. Italy Country profile. Israel (2003) Country profile. Jamaica, Barbados Country profile. Japan Country profile. Kazakstan Country profile. Kenya Country profile. Latvia Country profile. Lithuania Country profile. Luxembourg Country profile. Malaysia, Brunei Country profile. New Zealand Country profile. Nigeria Country profile. Norway Country profile. Poland Country profile. Portugal Country profile. Russia Country profile. Saudi Arabia Country profile. Singapore Country profile. Slovakia Country profile. Slovenia Country profile. South Africa Country profile. South Korea Country profile. South Korea, North Korea Country profile. Spain Country profile. Sweden Country profile. Switzerland Country profile. Taiwan Country profile. Thailand Country profile. Turkey Country profile. United Arab Emirates Country profile. United Kingdom Country profile. United States of America Country profile. Venezuela Country profile. Vietnam Country report. Argentina Country report. Austria Country report. Brazil Country report. China Country report. Colombia Country report. France Country report. Germany Country report. Hong Kong, Macau Country report. India Country report. Indonesia Country report. Italy Country report. Japan Country report. Malaysia Country report. Mexico Country report. Netherlands Country report. New Zealand Country report. Norway Country report. Spain Country report. United Kingdom Educational and psychological measurement EBSCO CINAHL PLUS WITH FULL TEXT International diabetes nursing Women's health issues paper EBSCO CINAHL WITH FULL TEXT International diabetes nursing EBSCO CRIMINAL JUSTICE ABSTRACTS WITH FULL TEXT Defense & security analysis International journal of prisoner health Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work Journal of information security Journal of legal analysis Open criminology journal EBSCO EDUCATION FULL TEXT [WILSON] Educational and psychological measurement Educational forum International journal of scientific research in education Literacy research and instruction Journal of family history Scholar-practitioner quarterly Teaching education EBSCO EDUCATION RESEARCH COMPLETE Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work EBSCO EDUCATION SOURCE Instruction delivery systems Literacy research and instruction EBSCO HOSPITALITY & TOURISM COMPLETE Country profile. Costa Rica Country profile. Croatia Country profile. Cuba Country profile. Czech Republic and Slovakia Country profile. Denmark, Iceland Country profile. European Union Country profile. Ghana Country profile. Hong Kong, Macau Country profile. India, Nepal Country profile. Iran Country profile. Jamaica, Barbados Country profile. Kazakstan Country profile. Kenya Country profile. Latvia Country profile. Lithuania Country profile. Malaysia, Brunei Country profile. Nigeria Country profile. Saudi Arabia Country profile. Slovenia Country profile. South Korea, North Korea EBSCO HUMANITIES INTERNATIONAL COMPLETE Asian culture and history Colorado review Continental journal of arts and humanities Disputatio (Lisbon) Europe-Asia studies Mark Twain annual Obsidian II: Black literature in review Poe studies (2008) EBSCO LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE SOURCE Comma, international journal on archives Open information science journal EBSCO LISTA Open information science journal GALE ACADEMIC ONEFILE Asian culture and history Continental journal of arts and humanities Fabrications International journal of comparative labour law and industrial relations Journal of information security IOP SCIENCE Science foundation in China PROQUEST CENTRAL Country report. Hong Kong, Macau Country profile. South Korea, North Korea PROQUEST DIRECT (RES) Country report. Hong Kong, Macau Country profile. South Korea, North Korea SPRINGER Analysis in theory and applications East Asian science, technology and society TAYLOR & FRANCIS (ST, SSH) Public art dialogue FREE E-JOURNALS Nehardea DIRECT SUBSCRIPTIONS Ageing international (TAU) African archaeological review (TAU) American archivist (HUJI; TAU) American journal of nursing (WIS) Apocrypha (Brepols : 1990) (TAU) Argumentation (TAU) Asian ethnicity (TAU) Aviation week & space technology. (BGU) Bulletin de philosophie medieval (TAU) Children's literature in education (TAU) Chinese studies in history (TAU) Clinical orthopaedics and related research (WIS) Contemporary Chinese thought (HUJI; TAU; THI) Critique (Minneapolis) (TAU) European physical journal. Applied physics (WIS) European spatial research and policy (TAU) Food & history (TAU) Geopolitics (TAU) Historical studies in industrial relations (HAI; TAU) Human nature (TAU) Imago mundi (Amsterdam) (TAU) International journal for philosophy of religion (TAU) International journal of geographical information science (TAU) International journal of architectural computing (TAU) International spectator (HUJI; TAU) Journal for general philosophy of science (TAU) Journal of archaeological method and theory (TAU) Journal of archaeological research (TAU) Journal of Biblical literature (BGU; TAU) Journal of Holocaust education (BAR; HAI; HUJI; NNL; TAU) Journal of Indian philosophy (TAU) Journal of military ethics (TAU) Journal of urban regeneration and renewal (TAU) Journal of vestibular research: Equilibrium and orientation (TAU) al Masaq: Studia Arabo-Islamica mediterranea (TAU) Migration letters (TAU) Modern Italy (TAU) Neue politische Literatur (TAU) Outlooks on pest management (HUJI) Planning practice and research (TAU) Plant biology (TAU) Review of international affairs (London) (HUJI; TAU) Revue d'histoire de l'Eglise de France (TAU) Studies in East European thought (TAU) Studies in philosophy and education (TAU) Survey of anesthesiology (WIS) Theoretical and applied climatology (HUJI; TAU) Theory and decision (TAU) Town planning review (TAU)