DON’T DUMP ON SC VOTE NO to OUT of STATE WASTE H3290 is about who controls the waste – and profits from it. H3290 began as a dispute between Horry and Marion Counties over the “flow” of C&D waste – and has grown into a fight over the more lucrative MSW (Class III) waste. If local governments are stripped of the authority to “direct” where waste goes, to negotiate franchise agreements and to provide for future bonding, their taxpayer-funded landfills will be bankrupted. Private landfills are filling up with out-of-state waste. If public landfills are forced to sell to private out of state corporations, their extra capacity becomes a magnet for more out of state waste to flow to South Carolina. H.3290 would weaken local controls over landfills DHEC regulations prevent more than two SMW landfills within a 75 mile radius. 75% of the garbage buried in SC is in private landfills. Two out-of-state waste corporations dispose of 70% of the state’s waste. Tipping fees for public and private landfills are virtually identical. Interstate Commerce Clause prohibits local governments from prohibiting out of state waste coming into a privately landfills but publicly owned landfills can reject it. H3290 would accelerate the trend of less publicly owned landfills and bigger mega dumps. SC is viewed as the place of least resistance and cost because other states have tougher regulations, higher tipping fees and recycling surcharges added to tipping fees. The 8 private landfills take in 75% of the garbage stream. 95% of the 628,000 tons of out-of-state garbage was buried in private landfills. 88% of voters oppose out-of-state waste; 76% favor county council overview of solid waste collection and disposal (April 2013 statewide poll) H3290 would undermine recycling because public operations are required to meet state recycling goals while the private sector is not. Legislative Status: When H3290 was stalled (contested) on the Senate calendar at the end of last session, House members sought to add H3290 to the E-Waste Recycling bill (H3847 by Rep. Hiott) which enjoys widespread support from all stakeholders. (H3847 would provide funding for counties and municipalities to implement the requirements of the 2010 E-Waste Act that requires special handling of electronic waste such as TVs and computers). How can you help *Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and visit and sign up for news. *Ask your Representative to vote against adding H3290 to the E-Waste bill. *Ask your Senator to vote against H3290.