1 of 5 Updated June 2012 Fractions and Ratios Big Idea: Real world situations can be represented by fractions or ratios to better understand them and to apply them to new situations. Teacher Essential Question: Can students reason quantitatively and comparatively with fractions, decimals, and percents to solve problems? Student Essential Question: How can I problem solve (in context) with fractions, decimal fractions, and percents? Suggested Instructional Time:7 weeks Embedded Objective Throughout Topic: S1C3PO 2. Make estimates appropriate to a given situation or computation with whole numbers and fractions. MP. 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Page 20 #21-22 Standards Mathematical Practices G4S1C1PO 1. Express whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents using and connecting multiple representations. MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. 5.MP.1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. G6 S1C1PO 3. Demonstrate an understanding of fractions as rates, division of whole numbers, parts of a whole, parts of a set, and locations on a real number line. 5.NF.3. Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator ( a b = ab). Solve word problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. For example, interpret 3 4 as the result of dividing 3 by 4, 3 multiplied by 4 equals 3, and that when 3 wholes are shared equally 4 3 among 4 people each person has a share of size . If 9 people want to share a 504 noting that 5.MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Formatives Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 39 Probe 2 Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 44 Probe 2a 5.MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 5.MP.4. Model with mathematics. 5.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 5.MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. pound sack of rice equally by weight, how many pounds of rice should each person get? Between what two whole numbers does your answer lie? Connection: 5.SL.1 2 of 5 Updated June 2012 G5 S1C1PO 1. Determine equivalence by converting between benchmark fractions, decimals, and percents. G4S1C3PO 1. Use benchmarks as meaningful points of comparison for whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. G4S1C1PO 5. Use simple ratios to describe problems in context. G5 S1C1PO 5. Use ratios and unit rates to model, describe and extend problems in context. G4/5 S1C2PO 1. Add and subtract decimals through hundredths including money to $1000.00 and fractions with like and unlike denominators, expressing answers in simplest form. Connections SS04-S5C1-01 4.NF.3. Understand a fraction a. b. 2 d. a b with a> 1 as a sum of fractions 1 . b MP.1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. MP.1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Page 7 #5 Page 11 #11 Page 17 #18 Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 45 Probe 3 Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 50 Probe 3a Page 138 # 25-26 Page 37 #45 Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 82 Probe 9a Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 90 Probe10a Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the same whole. Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way, recording each decomposition by an equation. Justify decompositions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. 3 1 1 1 = + + 8 8 8 8 1 8 8 1 = + + . 8 8 8 8 Examples: c. MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ; 3 1 2 1 = + ;2 8 8 8 8 =1 + 1+ 1 ; 8 Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, e.g., by replacing each mixed number with an equivalent fraction, and/or by using properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. Connections: 4.RI.7; 4.W.2b; ET04-S1C2-02; ET04-S1C4-01 3 of 5 Updated June 2012 Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 51 Probe 4 Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 83 Probe 9b Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics Grades 6-12 Page 91 Probe 10b 5.NF.1. Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2 3 + 5 4 = 8 12 + 15 12 = 23 a . (In general, 12 b + c d = (ad bc) bd 5.NF.2. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For example,recognize an incorrect result 2 5 + 1 2 = 3 3 1 , by observing that < . 7 7 2 Connections: 5.NF.1; 5.RI.7; 5.W.2c; 5.SL.2; 5.SL.3; ET05-S1C2-02 G6 S1C2PO4. Multiply fractions. 4.NF.4. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number. a. b. c. a b 1 Understand a fraction as a multiple of . For example, use a visual fraction model to b 5 1 5 1 represent as the product 5( ), recording the conclusion by the equation = 5( ). 4 4 4 4 a 1 Understand a multiple of as a multiple of , and use this understanding to multiply a b b 2 fraction by a whole number. For example, use a visual fraction model to express 3( ) as 5 1 6 6( ), recognizing this product as . (In general, n(a/b)=((nxa)/b.) 5 5 4.MP.1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Page 35 #43 4.MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 4.MP.4. Model with mathematics. 4.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 4.MP.6. Attend to precision. Solve word problems involving multiplication of a fraction by a whole number, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. For example, if each person at a party will eat 3 8 of a pound of roast beef, and there will be 5 people at the party, how many pounds of roast beef will be needed? Between what two whole numbers does your answer lie? Connections: 4.RI.5; 4.W.2e; ET04-S1C2-02 4 of 5 Updated June 2012 5.NF.5. Interpret multiplication as scaling (resizing), by: a. Comparing the size of a product to the size of one factor on the basis of the size of the other factor, without performing the indicated multiplication. b. Explaining why multiplying a given number by a fraction greater than 1 results in a product greater than the given number (recognizing multiplication by whole numbers greater than 1 as a familiar case); explaining why multiplying a given number by a fraction less than 1 results in a product smaller than the given number; and relating the principle of fraction equivalence effect of multiplying a (na) = /(nb)to the b 5.MP.4. Model with mathematics. 5.MP.6. Attend to precision. 5.MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. a by 1. b Connections: 5.RI.3; 5.RI.5; 5.W.2a; 5.W.2b; 5.W.2c; 5.W.2d; 5.W.2e; 5.SL.2; 5.SL.3 5.NF.6. Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Connections: 5.RI.7; 5.W.2e; ET05-S1C1-01; ET05-S1C2-02 G4S2C2PO 1. Describe elements of theoretical probability by listing or drawing all possible outcomes of a given event and predicting the outcome using word and number benchmarks. MP. 5 Use appropriate tools strategically MP. 8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Page 178 #20 Page 185 #25 Page 190 #30-31 Page 195 #33 5.MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 5.MP.1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 5.MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 5.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. G4S2C3PO 1. Construct tree diagrams to solve problems in context by representing all possibilities for a variety of counting problems, explaining how its properties relate to the problem, representing the same counting problem in multiple ways, and drawing conclusions. G6 S2C3PO1 Build and explore tree diagrams where items repeat. Page 182 #24 add pact C: If the flavors are increased by two (mint and sherbet) and the options also include a waffle cone and a cup, how would that change the number of options? G4S2C3PO 2. Justify that all possibilities have been enumerated without duplication. MP. 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them MP. 3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reason of others MP. 5 Use appropriate tools strategically 5 of 5 Updated June 2012