The Opening Ceremony of the Project ‘Conception of reuse of the waste from onshore and offshore drilling in the aspect of environmental protection’ We are pleased to invite you to participate in the inaugural open meeting on the research Polish - Norwegian ‘Conception of reuse of the waste from onshore and offshore drilling in the aspect of environmental protection’ which will take place on 10th June 2013, at 8.30 in the Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas University of Science and Technology in Cracow (A4 building, room 120, 30 Mickiewicza Avenue). The subject of the meeting is to introduce the Faculty Council and Partners with the stages of the Project, to discuss the details of the partnership agreement and of the study the plan of the Project Contractors. To actively participate in the meeting there are also invited representatives of mining companies, waste producers, small and medium-sized enterprises active in the wastes recycling and mining reclamation. A detailed program of the meeting is attached below. The meeting will be held in Polish and English. Your presence will be highly appreciated. Projekt współfinansowany ze środków funduszy norweskich, w ramach programu Polsko-Norweska Współpraca Badawcza realizowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju. Project Opening Ceremony ‘Conception of reuse of the waste from onshore and offshore drilling in the aspect of environmental protection’ Date: 10.06.2013 Place: The Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow 30 Mickiewicza Avenue, Cracow A4 Building, room 120 Meeting Agenda Time Topic 8:30-8:45 8:45–9:00 Welcome & Introduction: Dean of the Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas AGH UST in Cracow The research into chemical, physical, and biological properties and into the mineral and phase composition of drilling wastes and solid phase waste following the process of thermal desorption in the context of the possibilities of their management Speaker Professor Ph.D. Andrzej Gonet Principal Investigator AGH UST Professor Ph.D. Jerzy Fijał AGH UST Experimental works aiming at the development of efficient and effective technology of recycling and separation of solid and liquid phase in harmful 9:00–9:15 and contaminated drilling waste generated in course of drilling works with the use of water based mud Experimental works aiming at the development of efficient and effective technology of recycling and separation of solid and liquid phase in harmful 9:15–9:30 and contaminated drilling waste generated in course of drilling works with the use of oil based mud 9:30–10:00 10:00–10:15 Ph.D. Jan Ziaja AGH UST Professor Ph. D. Torleiv Bilstad University of Stavanger COFFEE BREAK Laboratory test concerning the development of technology of treatment and recycling of the mineral and mineral and organic solid phase separated from the drilling wastes environment Ph.D. Aleksandra Jamrozik AGH UST Preparation of conception of drilling waste management on 10:15–10:30 industrial scale Professor Ph.D. Andrzej Gonet Professor Ph.D. Stanisław Stryczek AGH UST 10:30–11:00 11:00 DISCUSSION End of the meeting Projekt współfinansowany ze środków funduszy norweskich, w ramach programu Polsko-Norweska Współpraca Badawcza realizowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju.