
Professional Learning Plan Guide
Student Performance Data Statement: (Page 2 of PLP)
The Student Performance Data statement includes % of mastery, the skill, and
the type of assessment instrument used to capture the data on the skill or
Example: 20% of students in my English 1 class scored 70% or higher identifying main idea on a
{educator constructed assessment}.
Non-Example: 20% of my students scored 70% or higher on the test.
Example: 40% of my students scored 70% or higher on a “content specific” semester one pre-test
Non-Example: Some of my students passed the pre-test.
Example: 50% of my students scored Level 3 or higher on the Scientific Thinking DEA Subcategory.
Non Example: Most of my students passed the science portion of DEA.
Example: 40% of my students scored 70% or higher on a “content specific” semester one pre-test.
Non-Example: Some of my students passed the pre-test.
Example: 2 of my 5 ESOL students in my Intensive Reading class earned a level 3 or higher on the
Vocabulary section of the 2012 FCAT Reading Test.
Non-Example: Some of my reading students didn’t pass the Vocabulary section of FCAT.
Example: 50% of my students scored above 70% on the Expressions and Equations {formative
Non-Example: 50% of my students passed the pre-test.
Student Performance Goal:
(Page 2 of PLP)
Goals are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented and timebound).
Example: By spring 2013, 71% of my fifth grade students will be at level 3 or above in scientific thinking
as evidenced by the DEA class summary report.
Example: The percentage of my tenth grade students scoring level 3 or higher on FCAT reading using
cause and effect will increase from 64% in spring 2012 to 82% in spring 2013.
Non-Example: My third graders will pass FCAT reading.
Example: 95% of my 9th grade students will score a 4 or higher as measured on the school Mock Writing
Assessment in January 2013.
Non-Example: Most of my 9th grade students will score at least a 4 on a writing assessment.
Example: 50% of students in subgroup “A” will score 70% or higher on a educator constructed
assessment in main idea by March 2013.
Non-Example: A majority of my class will increase their main idea score.
Instructional or Professional Practice Data: (Page 3 of PLP)
Veteran teachers will reference last year’s performance appraisal evaluation as
their data source for this section and new teachers will include data from the
Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs)
According to my 2011 – 2012 Performance Appraisal, I was rated as “Needs Improvement/Developing”
in the area of utilizing a variety of instructional strategies appropriate for teaching students from diverse
backgrounds with different learning styles.
I received an “Effective Rating” on my 2011 – 2012 Performance Appraisal in the area of monitoring
learning activities, providing feedback and reinforcement to students.
I received an “Effective Rating” on my 2011-2012 Performance Appraisal in the areas of 1)Facilitating
student access to the use of electronic resources and 2) exploring and evaluating new technologies and
their educational impact.
According to my FEAPs Self Pre-Assessment completed August 30th, I was rated as 1 “I consider myself a
beginner in the area of deepening and enriching students’ understanding through content area literacy
strategies, verbalization of thought, and application of the subject matter.
Instructional or Professional Practice Goal: (Page 3 of PLP)
Consider the current initiatives you are involved in such as AVID, CRISS
strategies, AP, Common Core, NGCARPD, Differentiated Instruction, or Lesson
Study when developing your SMART Instructional or Professional Practice goal.
By the end of the first semester, I will implement three strategies learned as a result of my ELL course
with 100% of my ESOL students as evidenced by student artifacts.
As a result of my online classroom management course, I will implement 2 new “procedures and
routines” based on best practices for monitoring learning activities with all of my classes by November
2012 as evidenced by an administrator observation.
I will choose 1 electronic resource (Virtual Thesaurus, wiki, EduBlog, podcast), learn how to use it
and apply it into a minimum of 3 lessons per week by February.
My level 2 readers will use an electronic recording device (ipod, iPad, computer) to record a
reading selection once every 2 weeks to increase their fluency rates.
I will implement two Project-Based Learning units, with fidelity and consistency, to create a
learning environment for students to demonstrate (specific standards) through creative thinking,
construction of knowledge, collaboration, and display innovation as students synthesize what they
have learned and apply it in a real‐world context by May 15th.
Connection to School Improvement Plan: (Page 3 of PLP)
Explain how each of your goals (student and instructional or professional
practice) contributes to the School Improvement Plan.
Student Goal Connection: My PLP addresses Reading Goal 1 of our School Improvement Plan:
To meet the needs of all students. Through implementing differentiated instruction, I
will provide my students options in content, product, and process to address
my students’ learning styles, interests, and abilities.
Instructional or Professional Practices Goal Connection: By participating in the “Differentiated
Instruction” training on October 17-18, 2012, I am addressing Goal 1 of our School
Improvement Plan. I will implement the newly learned strategies and ideas to meet the needs
of my students and their varying learning styles and abilities.
Student Goal Connection: My PLP contributes to Math Goal 4 of our School Improvement Plan:
Overall school proficiency in mathematics will meet the requirements of the No Child Left
Behind Act. The percentage of students in the lowest 25% will make learning gains in math as
evidenced through the use of formative assessments.
Instructional or Professional Practices Goal Connection: Through my participation in the
“Mathematics Formative Assessment Study with Linda Walker” and my school level “Guided
Math PLC”, I am contributing to Math Goal 4 of our School Improvement Plan. I will document
student data through the use of formative assessment ideas acquired during this training. I will
implement at least two new strategies as a result of my school level PLC during the 2nd
Professional Learning and Deliberate Practice: (Page 4 of PLP)
In each description include training titles, focus of deliberate practice, frequency
of sessions, and specific details related to your active participation
(collaboration, group interaction, collegial dialog) and completion.
FHS Lesson Study, Instructional Strategies, Bi-weekly, attend all learning sessions, collaborate with team
members to design the lessons, conduct the research lesson or collect data, analyze student data,
reflect on the learning experience, identify and implement successful strategies to use in my classroom.
Professional Learning Plan Signature Process
Initial Review:
Complete the first 4 pages of your PLP electronically.
E-mail the first 4 completed pages of your PLP to your administrator.
Schedule a meeting with your administrator to discuss your plan.
Once the two of you are in agreement, your administrator will print a hard copy of your plan.
Initial each of the 4 pages.
You and your administrator will sign page 4 and you will be given a hard copy.
Your administrator will keep the original document in his/her records.
Mid Year Review
Complete page 5 and e-mail it to your administrator.
Schedule a Mid Year Review meeting with your administrator.
Your administrator will add their feedback to your PLP at the meeting.
Your administrator will print page five.
Initial the bottom of the page five.
You and your administrator will both sign page 5 and you will be given a hard copy.
Your administrator will keep the original in his/her records.
End of Year Review
Complete page 6 and e-mail it to your administrator.
Schedule an End of Year Review meeting with your administrator.
Your administrator will add their feedback to your PLP at the meeting.
Your administrator will print page six.
Initial the bottom of page six.
You and your administrator will both sign page 6 and you will be given a hard copy.
Your administrator will keep the original in his/her records.