Environmental Impact Assessment Verification Checklist Proposal details Date: Project number: Assessor: Project name: Project location: Verifier: Verification criteria Yes No Preliminary Training Is the assessor listed as having current Ausgrid EIA Worksheet training? Check the ‘Training Lists’ on EMShare for a list of current assessors > http://infoshare.energy.com.au/sites/SP0350/SP0027/DOCsPublic/Forms/EIA%20training%2 0list.aspx 1. Scope Core activities Does the scope include all construction, maintenance, operation and ancillary activities? For example, excavation, equipment, earthing, fencing, clearing, access, parking, site compounds, out of hours works. Is a design drawing attached? A design drawing must be attached. Ancillary activities Are associated activities that are not included in the EIA mentioned? For example, relevant major projects or developer's proposal that will be assessed separately. Timing Is an indicative commencement date and the duration of works included? 2. Collect Information Env GIS Analysis Report Is an Env GIS report attached? An Env GIS report must be attached. Site inspection Has the assessor completed a site inspection? Site photos of the key issues may be provided. If the Env GIS report is greater than 6 months old, generate a new Env GIS report. Does it align with the attached Env GIS report? Remove the old Env GIS report and attach the new Env GIS report. Is there an adequate description of the local environment? Have you (the verifier) undertaken a site visit where required? Examples would include: disturbing the ground or clearing vegetation within 40 m of a wetland siting substations in a sensitive area or near sensitive receivers (ie schools, childcare centres, cafes) modifying a heritage item disturbing native vegetation, rock outcrops, bush rock (relevant for ESU verifiers) disturbing the ground or clearing vegetation in the vicinity of an Aboriginal item/PAD (relevant for ESU verifiers) modifying vegetation in the vicinity of threatened species/EEC (relevant for ESU verifiers) where there is uncertainty about the receiving environment in relation to potential impacts that are not trivial. 3. Approval Process Approvals Where an approval item is ticked, is the approval attached? If not, adequate justification must be provided as to why it is not required. EF 17450 v7.0 15 Apr 15 UNCLASSIFIED Environment Form Page 1 Environmental Impact Assessment Verification Checklist ◄ Printed copy may be out of date Verification criteria Yes No 4. Consult Initiated Were all relevant parties consulted (refer to section 45 of the Electricity Supply Act 1995 and clauses 13-17, 42 of SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007)? The date of notification must be provided. Completed Has the 40/21 day council notification period finished? Any submissions received and how they were addressed must be noted. Alternatively, note if no submissions were received. 5. Assess Mitigation Are mitigation measures specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable/relevant and time specific? Avoid words such as: immediately, regularly, frequently, may, should. Mitigation Have references to Ausgrid's internal guidelines been removed, where construction personnel may not be Ausgrid employees? In these cases, the preparation of a specialist sub plan or work procedure may be required. Sensitive areas Are nearby sensitive areas/issues highlighted in the controls? For example, “Aboriginal objects are in the area, if you suspect you have identified …” TPZ Have impacts to Tree Protection Zones been adequately assessed (refer to the NUS 174C Environmental Handbook)? Risk ratings Are the risk ratings reasonable? For example, the ‘high’ extent and sensitivity must be consistent with the EGN 174B EIA Guidance Notes ‘high’ examples. 6. Verify Scope ESU only Is the scope suitable for an EIA Worksheet? For example, do the works fall within a Part 5 assessment: have minor and predictable impacts are carried out on behalf of Ausgrid the relevant environmental planning instruments have been considered. If the EIA involves an Aboriginal trigger area, have you (the ESU verifier) undertaken a due diligence assessment in accordance with EF 250 Aboriginal Heritage Due Diligence Assessment? If the EIA involves clearing native vegetation, have you (the ESU verifier)? Conclusion confirmed the location of threatened species, populations, ecological communities or their habitats, critical habitat or migratory species: o reviewed the Env GIS Report o undertaken a site inspection o checked the threatened species profile sites in consultation with a suitably qualified ecologist, confirmed that harm will be avoided to: o threatened species, populations, ecological communities or their habitats, critical habitat or migratory species o hollow bearing trees o bush rock provided the EIA Assessor with the location of threatened species, populations, ecological communities or their habitats, critical habitat or migratory species, hollow bearing trees or bush rock. Are you aware of information that would alter the assessor's conclusion as to the likely environmental impact of the project? Can the EIA Worksheet be verified? EF 17450 v7.0 15 Apr 2015 UNCLASSIFIED Environment Form Page 2