Exploring the Oceans notes 2011 student part 1


Exploring the Oceans 2011

Divisions of the Global


 The __________ ocean is the _______ Ocean.

 The other oceans, listed from largest to smallest, are:

 ______________ Ocean

 ______________ Ocean

 _______________ Ocean

 _______________ Ocean

How Did Oceans Form?

 About ______ billion years ago, there were no oceans.

 Sometime before 4 billion years ago, water vapor in the ____________ condensed and fell as ____________.

 The rain filled the deeper levels of Earth’s surface and the first

___________ began to form.

HMS Challenger

• First dedicated exploration of the

_____________ (1872).

• Used a weighted line to find the depth of the water as they sailed.

• Slow and inaccurate, but it gave scientists an idea of the ocean floor.

Exploring the Ocean Floor

• Until recently, the ocean floor was ________________.

• The ___________, ________, and extreme ______________ required new technology.

• Most scientists prior to the

1900’s thought the ocean floor was flat, covered with layers of sediments washed in from the land.

Theory of Plate Tectonics

 Totally revolutionized our understanding of the Earth, past and present.

 Theory ranks with the theories on evolution, relativity, the

Big Bang, and Newton’s Laws.


 Sound Navigation and


 Invented in WWI to hunt submarines.

 ____________ is bounced off the ocean floor to find the depth.

 The _________ the bottom is, the ______ the echo returns.

Reveling the Ocean Floor

 Regions of the Ocean Floor:

The two regions of the ocean floor are the _____________

___________ and the _______-

___________ ____________.

 Underwater Real Estate:

The continental margin and the deep-ocean basin are subdivided into different areas and have different features.

Studying the Ocean Floor

 Seeing by Sonar:

Scientists use sonar to determine the ocean’s __________.

 Oceanography via


 Scientists use images from the satellite

Seasat to study ocean currents.

 Studying the Ocean with Geosat:

Scientists use the

Geosat satellite to measure slight changes in the height of the ocean’s surface.


 Specially designed

______________ used by scientists to explore more than 1-km below the surface.

 Thick metal hulls protect the scientists from being crushed by the immense _________.

Continental Shelf

 _______ _________, shallow part of ocean floor that extends outward from the continent.

 Varies from a few kilometers to over 1300-km from shore.

 Provides nutrient rich home to large numbers of fish.

Continental Slope

 _________ slanting portion after the shelf.

 Bottom marks the edge of the continental _______.

Continental Rise

 ________ ______ at base of continental slope formed by accumulation of sediments that wash down.

Turbidity Current

Abyssal Plain

___________ parts of the deep

_________ ___________.

Covered with fine grained muddy ______________ (silt).

 Cover ___________ areas of the ocean floor.

 Rapid moving currents that carry large amounts of sediments.

 Similar to ______________ on land.

 Often cut canyons in the continental slope.

Mid-ocean ridge

 ____________ boundary underwater, where new crust is being formed from __________ deep in the ___________.

 Form underwater ____________ ranges that seldom break the _____________.

 Can be 1000’s of km wide, and over 80,000-km long.

 Passes through all the Earth’s ___________.


 Underwater ___________.

 If they reach the surface they form islands.

Volcanic Island Arcs

 These once underwater

_____________ grow so large they break the surface of the ocean.

 Associated with O-O convergent boundaries.

Deep Sea Trenches

 ______________ part of the ocean.

 Many ______________ deeper than the surrounding __________


 Very long (1000’s of km), but fairly narrow

(100-km across).

 Place where old crust is being subducted back into the mantle.

 Sign of ______________ boundary.
