Books of the Bi-Month – at Gateshead Presbyterian Church

Books of the Bi-Month – at Gateshead Presbyterian Church
Hallmarks of Design: Evidence of purposeful design and beauty in nature
Stuart Burgess – Day One Publications; 2nd edition (2008) - 240 pages - ISBN: 1846251397
God has spoken to us primarily through His Word; however, he has also revealed Himself, in the limited sense, through nature. This book
will help us gain or regain a sense of what nature says about God through its wonderful design. It also helps us to see the folly of bringing
bits of man-centered, evolutionist thinking into the ways we see nature.
On Being Presbyterian: Our beliefs, practices, and stories
Sean Michael Lucas - EVANGELICAL PRESS (2005) - 271 pages – ISBN: 1596380195
There is a reason why the word "Presbyterian" is in the name of our church, and it is not just a label. It describes, under the Word of God,
how and why we do things. This book is divided into three parts (as you might have guessed by the subtitle) 1. Presbyterian Beliefs, 2.
Presbyterian Practices, and 3. Presbyterian History. Whether you are new to Presbyterianism or have gone to Presbyterian Churches for
years, this book will help us to appreciate what we do, why we do it, and who we are.
Westminster Confession of Faith (with Scripture proofs, incl. Shorter & Larger Catechisms)
Free Presbyterian Publications (2004) - 438 pages – ISBN: 0902506080
The best known of all the Reformed Confessions, it has permanent worth and abiding relevance. This volume contains the other
documents produced by the Westminster Assembly; including the Larger and Shorter Catechisms as well as: The Sum of Saving Knowledge,
The Directory for Public Worship, The Directory for Family Worship & The Form of Presbyterial Church Government .
'The richest and most precise and best guarded statement of all that enters into evangelical religion' B.B. Warfield
The Thought of God
Maurice Roberts – The Banner of Truth Trust (1993) - 242 pages - ISBN: 0851516580
This is a collection of articles which have already been widely read and appreciated as editorials in The Banner of Truth magazine, of which
Maurice Roberts [was] the editor. Pointedly biblical, they are thoughtful and searching, humbling and exalting, challenging and
encouraging. Like editorials in other journals Maurice Robert's articles have spoken to the needs of the times. But while many editorials
appear to have only historical or sociological interest at a later day, in contrast these are of lasting value. They have God and his Word as
their starting place, and their horizon stretches beyond time to eternity. Thos who have already read them will rejoice to have these
pieces conveniently and permanently in book form, while those who come to them for the first time will appreciate their freshness,
relevance and power, and will find in them a seriousness which has a sanctifying effect on the heart and a clarifying influence on the
spiritual vision.
The Christian's High Calling
Maurice Roberts – The Banner of Truth Trust (2000) - 231 pages - ISBN: 0851517927
The theme is the Christian life as a high and glorious calling, with present enjoyment, duties and conflicts, leading to the unutterable glory
and holiness of the world to come. Readers will glimpse afresh the beauty and majesty of God and the priceless privilege of being called to
an unending fellowship with him.
Great God of Wonders - The Life of Grace and the Hope of Glory
Maurice Roberts – The Banner of Truth Trust; New edition (2003) - 240 pages - ISBN: 0851518370
We all become like the objects we worship. How important then that Christians should be focused on the 'Great God of Wonders' revealed
in Scripture. To think about God aright is the most exciting occupation possible for any created being', says Maurice Roberts. In every
aspect of the Christian life dealt with in these articles, Roberts' emphasis is always on 'the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal
glory by Christ Jesus'. These writings, originally published in the Banner of Truth magazine, provide thought-provoking, spiritually
invigorating, practical and warmly biblical reading.
The Happiness of Heaven
Maurice Roberts - EVANGELICAL PRESS (2010) - 129 pages - ISBN: 1601780818
While belief in heaven is essential to the Christian faith, the fact that pilgrim believers have not yet experienced heaven leaves us with
many questions about what it will be like. In The Happiness of Heaven, Maurice Roberts surveys Holy Scripture to tell us what heaven is all
about. In his characteristic style, Roberts discusses the biblical data clearly and relevantly, making soul-searching application at every turn.
This is not just a book of interesting facts about what heaven is like; it is an appeal to men and women to find their happiness in the
eternal comfort of God in Christ.
The Sovereignty of God
A.W. Pink – Banner of Truth Trust (2010) – 154 pages - ISBN: 1848710496
'Present day conditions', writes the author, 'call loudly for a new examination and new presentation of God's omnipotence, God's
sufficiency, God's sovereignty. From every pulpit in the land it needs to be thundered forth that God still lives, that God still observes, that
God still reigns. Faith is now in the crucible; it is being tested by fire, and there is no fixed and sufficient resting-place for the heart and
mind but in the throne of God. What is needed now, as never before, is a full, positive, constructive setting forth of the Godhood of God.'
Christianity and Liberalism
J Gresham Machen - Eerdmans Publishing Company; new edition (2009) - 158 pages - ISBN: 0802864996
This book, written in response to the liberalism which arose in the early 1900s, is a classic defence of orthodox Christianity. To expose the
fallacies of liberalism and strengthen the orthodox position, Dr Machen establishes the importance of the scriptural doctrine and contrasts
the teachings of liberalism and orthodoxy on God and man, the Bible, Christ, salvation, and the church. These issues remain in conflict
today, testifying to the continuing relevance of this important work.
Redemption: Accomplished & Applied
John Murray – Banner of Truth Trust – 200 pages – ISBN: 9781848710467
Murray deals with the nature and meaning of the death of Christ, and the way in which the Christian inherits the blessings which flow
from it, through regeneration, justification, adoption, sanctification and glorification.
‘When it comes to issues regarding the death of Christ and its effect and extent, perhaps no one sheds more helpful light than Prof. John
Murray in his classic little paperback... Redemption Accomplished and Applied is not only a good read, it is a very usable and important
reference for any who would reflect deeply on the plan of redemption.’
Our perfect God: A summary of the attributes of God
Tim Shenton – Day One Publications (2005) – 80 pages – ISBN: 1903087775
Many Christians go through life without ever seriously considering what the Bible actually teaches about God. They believe that such a
study is far too 'deep' for the ordinary believer and therefore only useful for theologians and committed Bible students. Our Perfect God
breaks down that preconceived idea and revives an interest in the being of God among ordinary people.
On the first day of the week: God, the Christian and the Sabbath
Iain D Campbell - Day One Publications (2005) – 224 pages – ISBN: 1903087953
In an increasingly secular world, the personal and social benefits of Sabbath-keeping are being lost to us more and more. But the church
and not just the world is finding it increasingly difficult to defend the traditional view that the fourth commandment is still binding on us,
and that God wants us to honour the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, as a Christian Sabbath. This book examines some of the issues
raised in this debate, and argues that for the Christian believer, the Sabbath principle is one which is still binding, relevant, necessary and
Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns: How Pop Culture Rewrote the Hymnal
T David Gordon – P & R Publishing / Evangelical Press (2010) – 192 pages – ISBN: 1596381957
Dr. Gordon looks at changes in worship from the fresh viewpoint of a Media Ecology perspective. Changes in music have changed the way
we think, and the way we worship - or are even able to worship. The musical culture we are immersed in has altered our ability to
understand other genres of music - so much so that we find them strangely unhelpful. This means that worship has become a conflict
area, rather than a source of unity. Dr. Gordon not only shows the problems, he also provides solutions - it's important, because how we
sing affects how we live.
Developing a Healthy Prayer Life: 31 Meditations on Communing with God
Joel & James Beeke - Reformation Heritage Books (2010) – 99 pages - ISBN: 1601781121
It has long been noted that a good thermometer of Christian's spiritual life is his prayer life. This little book is comprised of thirty-one short
chapters each of which covers a different aspect of Prayer. Is your prayer life characterized by such things as sincerity, urgency, and
delight? Engagement in prayer is a vital part of our communion with God, making a profound impact on our growth in grace. In this book,
you will find thoughtful meditations on prayer in the life of the believer, as well as ample encouragement to cultivate this spiritual
discipline in your own life. If you want to be more devoted to prayer, or simply want to assess the health of your prayer life, read this
book. It provides both a helpful examination and a needed tonic for those concerned about growing in godliness.
The Ten Commandments for Today
Brian Edwards - Day One Publications, revised edition (2002) – 288 pages – ISBN: 1903087333
This book is a superbly written modern commentary on God's changeless laws in today's changing and godless society. It unpacks the
crammed meaning of these terse commands, and applies them pointedly to life in a deregulated age.
Sadly the law and the Ten Commandments seem to be devalued and ridiculed amongst many evangelicals today, but we know that "the
law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good." (Rom. 7:12) This book will help us to value the law so that we may treat it as
God would have us, not as contemporary trends dictate.
Jonathan Edwards – A New Biography
Iain H Murray – Banner of Truth (1987) - 503 pages - ISBN: 0851514944
Writing with the easy style, spiritual insight and sympathy with his subject which marks his other biographical works, Murray builds on the
older lives of Edwards, but also harvests material from more recent studies. Iain Murray believes that Edwards cannot be understood
apart from his faith. Only when seen first and foremost as a Christian do his life and writings make sense. The integrity of this
interpretation is confirmed in this study as Edwards is allowed on point after point to speak for himself. The result is a biography which is
both factually and theologically reliable. Edwards' theology is set in the context of his everyday life in public and private. His family
relationships punctuate the narrative, adding both interest and pathos. This outstanding study is not only an exceptional biography; it also
serves as a classic illustration of how the church today can and should learn from its past history.
Five English Reformers
JC Ryle – Banner of Truth Trust, revised edition (1960) - 160 pages – ISBN: 0851511384
Few martyr's words can be more stirring than those of Bishop Hugh Latimer's to Dr. Nicholas Ridley: Be of good comfort, Master Ridley,
and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out. But, why were such
men burned at the stake? What were the great convictions in which they lived and for which they were prepared to sacrifice life itself?
What made their lives and testimony to Christ's gospel so powerful? Do Christians today share either their convictions or their
faithfulness? It was the increasing conviction that martyrs, though dead, can still speak to the church, which led Bishop J.C. Ryle to pen
these pungent biographies of Five English Reformers last century. Along with an analysis of the reasons for their martyrdom he pointed
out the salient characteristics of their Christian lives. Such men still prove to be examples, warnings and challenges all in one, to Christians
today. Readers will rise from the company of their life stories praying for a similar faith in Christ's power.
Letters of John Newton
John Newton – Banner of Truth Trust (2007) - 432 pages - ISBN: 0851519512
John Newton converted slave-trader, preacher, and hymn-writer, was one of the most colourful figures in the Evangelical Awakening of
the eighteenth century. 'Once an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa,' he wrote for this epitaph, 'by rich mercy of Jesus Christ,
preserved, restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long laboured to destroy.' It was through his prolific
correspondence that Newton fulfilled his distinctive word as 'the letter-writer par excellence of the Evangelical Revival'. His grasp of
Scripture and deep personal experience of the 'amazing grace' of God, his many friends (among them, Whitefield, Cowper and
Wilberforce), his manifold trials, his country pastorate, his strong, clear, idiomatic style- all these factors combined to prepare the author
of 'How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds', for the exercise of his special gift. These letters, selected by his biographer, Josiah Bull, bear the
practical imprint of all of Newton's writings; they cover a wide variety of subjects and aim 'to conform the believer to Christ'. Among them
are several that were not previously published in earlier collections of his correspondence. Of particular value and interest are the
biographical sketches and historical notes supplied by the editor.
Truth for All Time: A Brief Outline of the Christian Faith
John Calvin – Banner of Truth Trust (1999) – 92pages – ISBN: 0851517498
John Calvin knew that if the biblical truths rediscovered at the Reformation were to spread throughout the world, they would have to be
presented in a form which ordinary people could understand. So, during the winter of 1536-1537, the 29 year old Calvin wrote, in French,
his Brief Outline of the Christian Faith..[This] is Calvin's striking but concise attempt to define the Christian faith for ordinary people!...Here
you have the very core of Protestant belief and feel the warmth of its ardent love for God and men
Heaven: a World of Love
Jonathan Edwards – Banner of Truth Trust, Pocket Puritan Series (2008) – 117 pages - ISBN: 0851519784
According to Jonathan Edwards, heaven will be a world of holy love. God himself is the source of this love, and in heaven he will impart it
perfectly to all his people. Edwards unfolds the nature, expression, effects, and enjoyment of this best of all the gifts God ever bestows on
those who believe.
The Family Worship Book: A Resource Book for Family Devotions
Terry Johnson – Christian Focus Publications (2009) – 208 pages – ISBN: 1857924010
Do you struggle to provide enjoyable, meaningful and spiritual times of family devotions? Do you avoid the whole subject but have the
nagging thought that you should be doing something? Let Terry Johnson equip you for leading your family in worship with the help of
some key questions: What is family worship? What have other people done? Why Should I do it? How can I start? A valuable resource
which you will not exhaust in years. “In a day and age when family worship is a rarity, and in which parents who are called to lead in it are
not likely to have had personal experience of it in their own upbringing, Johnson's book will prove to be an invaluable aid. May the Lord
use this book to bring about a revival of family worship in our land.” Ligon Duncan
What the Bible teaches about ... the Trinity
Stuart Olyott - Evangelical Press (2011) – 100 pages – ISBN: 0852347464
Do you have problems understanding what the Bible teaches about the Trinity, or have you had to try to answer people who do not
believe that Jesus Christ is God and who deny that the one God is three, and that there are three who are God? Could they possibly be
right? How can we answer them?
In this brief book Stuart Olyott shows that what we call ‘the doctrine of the Trinity’ is plainly taught in the Bible, and that it is the
foundation for a true understanding of the Christian gospel. The book is written in straightforward language and is intended for the
ordinary reader. Although it certainly shows up the error of the modern cults, its main purpose is to lead people to a better understanding
of what God has revealed about himself.
The Mighty Weakness of John Knox
Douglas Bond - Reformation Heritage Books (2011) – 175 pages - ISBN: 1567692559
John Knox, the great Reformer of Scotland, is often remembered as something akin to a biblical prophet born out of time—strong and
brash, thundering in righteous might. In truth, he was “low in stature, and of a weakly constitution,” a small man who was often sickly and
afflicted with doubts and fears. In The Mighty Weakness of John Knox, a new Long Line Profile from Reformation Trust Publishing, author
Douglas Bond shows that Knox did indeed accomplish herculean tasks, but not because he was strong and resolute in himself. Rather, he
was greatly used because he was submissive to God; therefore, God strengthened him. That strength was displayed as Knox endured
persecution and exile, faced down the wrath of mighty monarchs, and prayed, preached, and wrote with no fear of man, but only a desire
to manifest the glory of God and to please Him.
For those who see themselves as too weak, too small, too timid, or simply too ordinary for service in God’s kingdom, Knox’s life offers a
powerful message of hope—the biblical truth that God often delights to work most powerfully through people who are most weak in
themselves but most strong in Him.
He made the stars also
Stuart Burgess – Day One Publications; ??? edition (2012) - pages - ISBN:
There are over 100 billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy and there are billions of other galaxies in the Universe. The big Universe raises
some equally big questions: What is the origin of the stars? Is there life on other planets? This book addresses these and other questions.
‘Dr Burgess has a very clear style and his book brims with interesting material. It will be greatly appreciated.’
Dr Peter Masters, Metropolitan Tabernacle
'Both our world and the heavens seem to sparkle with a new identity as a consequence of this book.'
Geoff Thomas
‘There is a great need for a book which gives clear biblical teaching on the purpose of the stars and the question of extra-terrestrial life.
This book meets that need.’
Creation Science Movement
Communion with God
John Owen – Banner of Truth Trust (Nov 1991) – 2249 pages – ISBN: 0851516076
John Owen believed that communion with God lies at the heart of the Christian life. With Paul he recognized that through the Son we have
access by the Spirit to the Father. He never lost the sense of amazement expressed by John: 'Our fellowship is with the Father and with his
Son, Jesus Christ'. In this outstanding book he explains the nature of this communion and describes the many privileges it brings.
Communion with God was written in a day, like our own, when the doctrine of the Trinity was under attack and the Christian faith was
being reduced either to rationalism on the one hand or mysticism on the other. His exposition shows that nothing is more vital to spiritual
well-being than a practical knowledge of what this doctrine means. Until now, Communion With God has been read by only small numbers
of Christians with access to the 275 closely-printed pages in The Works of John Owen. Now Dr. R.J.K. Law has produced a splendidly
readable abridgement of one of the greatest Christian classics of all time, bringing Owen's rich teaching to a much wider readership.
John Owen was a leading Puritan pastor and theologian who served as a chaplain to Oliver Cromwell and later as Dean of Christ Church in
the University of Oxford. R.J.K. Law qualified as a medical doctor at St. Thomas' Hospital but later entered the Anglican ministry. He
ministers in four parishes in Devon and is married with four children.
John E. Marshall - Life and Writings
John J Murray (Ed.) – Banner of Truth Trust (June 2005) - 308 pages, clothbound – ISBN: 0851519024
History reveals that a change took place in the Christian church in the middle of the 20th century. Long decades of liberalism and Arminian
evangelicalism gave way to a recovery of biblical truth. The outstanding figure in this recovery was Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. During his long
ministry God was at work in the lives of several young men, bringing them to faith in Christ and to an understanding of the doctrines of
grace. The vision they developed for reformation and revival forged them into a kind of 'Puritan brotherhood'. Among them was John
Marshall, the story of whose life reflects these changes. He was brought up in the days when liberal theology prevailed in the mainstream
denominations and colleges. Soundly converted during his student days at Oxford, he immediately entered into the conflict that comes
with standing for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Led gradually to a deeper understanding of and love for the Reformed Faith, he
devoted his life to the recovery of truth and godliness in church and nation. The biography covers the early influences that shaped John's
future ministry, his struggles in the pastorate, his open-air preaching, his emergence as a leader in the work of the Banner of Truth Trust,
his wider conference ministry, and his uncompromising stand for the truth. New light is shed on his pioneering work in bringing
encouragement and sound teaching to Christians in Eastern Europe and Russia. The writings give an indication of the breadth of his
interests, his grasp of Reformed theology, and his pastoral concerns.
What Is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission
Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert - Crossway (September 2011) – 288 pages – ISBN: 1433526905
DeYoung and Gilbert write to help Christians “articulate and live out their views on the mission of the church in ways that are theologically
faithful, exegetically careful, and personally sustainable.” Looking at the Bible’s teaching on evangelism, social justice, and shalom, they
explore the what, why, and how of the church’s mission. From defining “mission”, to examining key passages on social justice and their
application, to setting our efforts in the context of God’s rule, DeYoung and Gilbert bring a wise, studied perspective to the missional
Readers in all spheres of ministry will grow in their understanding of the mission of the church and gain a renewed sense of urgency for
Jesus’ call to preach the Word and make disciples.
A Christian's Pocket Guide to Baptism: The Water That Unites
Bob Letham: Christian Focus Publications – 128 pages – ISBN: 1845509684
What is Christian baptism? Is it, as many believe, a mere symbol? When should someone be baptized? In A Christian's Pocket Guide to
Baptism, Robert Letham answers such questions from Scripture.
Kevin Bidwell writes: ‘An excellent new book on baptism. It is concise, pastoral, theological and enriching. Baptism is badly in need of
being re-visited within British evangelicalism, so that a healthy and covenantal view of this sacrament is rightly understood and practiced.’
War and Grace
Don Stephens - Evangelical Press – 240 pages – ISBN: 0852345941
Here is a fascinating insight into the influence of the gospel on the lives of people who lived through the World Wars of the last century
and the events that led up to it.
Read about
• the Japanese pilot who led the attack on Pearl Harbor
• the German pastor who was prepared to suffer imprisonment and death for the sake of his faith
• the British general given the task of defending Malta against invasion by Hitler and Mussolini
• the American airman who was converted while a prisoner of the Japanese and who later returned to Japan as a missionary
• the Jewish girl who came to know Christ as her Saviour while in hiding from the Nazis
• the American chaplain who witnessed to leading Nazi war criminals on trial at Nuremberg, and
• the British secret agent who was the inspiration for ‘Q’ in the James Bond 007 stories.
What did these people, and the others whose lives are told in this book, have in common? During the turbulent events of those
momentous years, God was at work in their lives. He brought these thirteen people to trust, know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ,
and therefore to give themselves to the service of others.
‘Once you start this book you will not want to put it down. It is a collection of remarkable stories told by a master storyteller… A book like
this cannot leave you unaffected. If you are already a Christian it will strengthen your belief in the sovereignty of God and in the
transforming power of his gospel. It will also challenge you about the depth and consistency of your commitment to Christ. If you are not
yet a Christian this book will remind you that it is God himself who takes the initiative in every conversion, that he never turns away
anyone who wants him, and that he supernaturally sustains us in our life of discipleship’ From the foreword by Stuart Olyott
Catch the Vision
John J Murray – Evangelical Press – 191 pages – ISBN: 0852346670
It is the belief of the author that a significant change came about in the history of the Church in the United Kingdom in the middle decades
of the 20th century.
A fascinating read about notable leaders who were used mightily by God to revive Reformed, Puritan, experiential truth in mid-twentieth
century United Kingdom, which, in turn, had far-reaching ramifications for much of the English-speaking world and beyond. It was by and
large a recovery of something that had been a reality in the Church in past generations. Step by step men were lead to see what was
missing in the type of Christianity that prevailed for the first half of the century and began to direct their minds back to the glories of past
It is instructive to trace the various strands which were woven together in the providence of God to bring about the recovery. In most
cases it was the discovery of some treasure of Christian literature from a spiritually-favoured age that set the person on the course he
took. We find in the unfolding of history how the flame that burned in the heart of a man of God at one time is years later re-kindled in
another - as happened in the case of George Whitefield being directed to Scougal's Life of God in the Soul of Man, and in the life of the
young C. H. Spurgeon to the writings of the Puritans.
The purpose of this work is to trace these providential links in the men and in the books that set in motion a recovery of the vision looking at figures such as W. J. Grier, A. W. Pink and E. J. Poole-Connor. The central place is given to the influences that shaped the
message and ministry of the leading figure in the recovery, Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
The Lord’s Prayer
Thomas Watson – Banner of Truth Trust (rev. ed. Dec 1965)– 332 pages – ISBN: 0851511457
Thomas Watson was one of the most popular preachers in London during the Puritan era. His writings are marked with clarity, raciness
and spiritual richness. Nowhere is this seen so clearly as in his oustandingly helpful exposition of the Shorter Catechism drawn up by the
Westminster Assembly. The three-volume edition (of which this is the third) makes an ideal guide to Christian doctrine and practice and
also serves as a wonderful introduction to Puritan literature. In The Lord's Prayer Watson analyzes in detail the Preface to the prayer and
the six petitions which it contains. His treatment of the words 'thy kingdom come' is exceptionally full, illuminating and stirring. Like all
great books on prayer it provides practical help because it concentrates on biblical instruction.
The Glorious Body Of Christ
R. B. Kuiper - Banner of Truth Trust (Feb 1983) – 384 pages – ISBN: 0851513689
Description: 'Glorious' is probably the last adjective most modern writers would use to describe the Christian Church. Yet R. B. Kuiper
chose his title, The Glorious Body of Christ, advisedly, for he wished to emphasize what he believed to be a sadly neglected aspect of the
subject, that the Church of Christ is glorious. Dr. Kuiper, who died in 1966, was for many decades a teacher of theology, and his great
concern was for the popular presentation of Christian doctrine. His own books went far to meet that need. In addition to his vigorous and
clear style, Kuiper is also noted for the comprehensive way in which he treats his subject. The Glorious Body contains no less than fiftythree chapters, and among the aspects of the subject dealt with are unity, the marks of the Church, the offices of the Church, its
responsibilities and privileges, and the Church and the world.
From the Finger of God - The Biblical & Theological Basis for the Threefold Division of the Law
Philip S Ross – Christian Focus Publications (Mentor Series) (March 2011) – 448 pages – ISBN: 1845506014
This book investigates the biblical and theological basis for the classical division of biblical law into moral, civil, and ceremonial. It
highlights some of the implications of this division for the doctrines of sin and atonement, concluding that theologians were right to see it
as rooted in Scripture and the Ten Commandments as ever-binding.
"A book of great relevance with an immensely important message for the contemporary church, From the Finger of God is to be welcomed
with open arms. It is a fine example of careful, readable biblical, theological, and historical scholarship that leads to deeply satisfying
conclusions." Sinclair B. Ferguson