Tarleton State University Office of Faculty Research URC-ORG Grant Application Checklist: (Check as completed otherwise your proposal will not be considered.) 1. Review the URC Guidelines before submitting your completed application. 2. If your budget includes salary for yourself, have Business Services note the maximum allowable monthly salary and initial the application in Section B. 3. If your budget includes salaried personnel other than yourself, have the Office of Research review the application prior to submission. 4. If your application includes travel, consider the use of the Tarleton Corporate Travel Card. 5. If your research requires the use of human subjects or experimental animals, you must have appropriate Review Board approval. Provide your approval number here if available. 6. If your proposal involves the purchase of supplies or equipment, contact the Business Services regarding possible requirements which may affect your request. 7. Obtain submission approval from your department head. 8. UPLOAD THIS CHECKLIST, THE COMPLETED APPLICATION, AND PROPOSED BUDGET VIA MAESTRO (maestro.tamus.edu) FOR SUBMISSION OR BEFORE THE SPECIFIED DEADLINE. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted. ______________________________________ (Applicant Signature) Tarleton State University URC ________________________ (Date) rev 1/15/15 TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY University Research Committee Grant Application TITLE OF PROPOSAL: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: UIN: COLLEGE: OFFICE PHONE: RANK: DEPARTMENT: YEARS AT TSU: PRIMARY DURATION OF PROPOSED RESEARCH: From (Note: Project may not extend beyond the funding year) to mm/dd/yyyy SECTION A BUDGET Amount requested Amount recommended by committee SALARY OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR STUDENT SUPPORT (Explain on budget worksheet) GRADUATE STUDENT UNDERGRADUATE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (itemize and justify on budget worksheet for all items over $500.) EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES (itemize by types on budget worksheet.) TRAVEL (Describe and itemize on budget worksheet.) TOTAL SIGNATURES Applicant ______________________________________ Date _____________ The department can cover applicant teaching responsibilities if release time is requested. Department Head ________________________________ Date____________ Tarleton State University URC rev 1/15/15 SECTION B SALARY REQUESTS FOR THE PRINCIPLE INVESTIGATOR You do not have to have a teaching assignment to receive a principal investigator’s salary. For more information see the URC Guidelines. Maximum allowable monthly salary: $ ________ Initial, (A. Sims) Position Description Research % ________ Initial, (OFR) Research salary is requested for: Fall $ amount Spring $ amount Summer I $ Summer II $ amount Total $ amount amount (to pg. 1) If you are requesting salary, explain how your departmental workload will be reduced during your research activity. (Examples: “I will not teach any courses during the second summer session or I will only teach 9 hours during the Fall semester.”) If requesting salary, please make sure your department head signs the first page of the application along with the checklist. SECTION C RELATED FUNDING SUPPORT (See Application Guidelines) 1. Is the proposed study a continuation of a previously funded project? Yes indicate date, title, amount.) 2. Have external funds for this study been solicited? Yes date, amount, and if received. If no, explain why not.) No No (If yes, (If yes, indicate source, 3. Would funding of this proposal enhance the probability of external funding for this and/or expanded or related studies? Yes No Explain. 4. List external funding agencies and programs to which you plan to apply. Explain why these agencies or programs would be interested in your project. Tarleton State University URC rev 1/15/15 SECTION D PREVIOUS GRANTS, PUBLICATIONS, AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Organized Research Grants from Tarleton State University. For each, indicate title, date, amount, and resulting publications and presentations (last three years only). Indicate whether or not a final report for each project was submitted to the University Research Committee. If the study has not been completed, provide a progress summary including publication intentions. 2. Awarded Grants. Indicate title, date, amount, and resulting publications (specify if refereed) and/or presentations, last three years only. 3. External Funding Requests. External grants for which you have applied, last three years only. 4. Relevant publications or presentations. Last three years only. Tarleton State University URC rev 1/15/15 SECTION E DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED RESEARCH Non-technical Summary: **Summarize the project using language that reviewers from nonrelated disciplines may understand. ** What is the purpose of this study? What research questions and/or hypotheses are being addressed (when appropriate)? From the scientific literature, what evidence justifies or supports this project? What data will be collected and how? How will it be analyzed? What are the anticipated implications of the project’s findings? Tarleton State University URC rev 1/15/15 Technical Narrative: We cannot stress enough to write this narrative using language that someone who is not in your discipline may understand. Please address the following sections. Add additional pages as necessary. Problem Statement: Purpose of the study: Research questions, hypotheses, and objectives (when appropriate): Review of relevant literature: Broader impact to the field of study (justification): Methods (design, description of sample [participants/subjects], instrument(s), data collection, etc.): Anticipated data analysis procedures: Anticipated implications of the project’s findings: Tarleton State University URC rev 1/15/15