1. Panaricium as a rule results: A. Disorders of blood supply B. Diabetes C. Avitaminosis D. Microtraumas E. Frostbite ANSWER: D 2. What microbes the most often couse the panaricium? A. Blue-green purulent rode B. Proteus C. Purulent streptococcus D. Enterococcus E. Staphylococcus ANSWER: E 3. What form of panaricium from listed is most severe: A. Bone B. Ligaments C. Skin D. As "cuff link E. Subcutaneous ANSWER: A 4. What form of panaricium meets most often: A. Joints B. Bone C. Hypodermic; D. Ligament; E. Pandactilitis; ANSWER: C 5. Commissural phlegmon is: A. Phlegmon of back surface of foot. B. Phlegmon of popliteal area C. Phlegmon of a brush; D. Phlegmon of axillary area E. Phlegmon of a forearm; ANSWER: C 6. For the bone panaricium the most typical is: A. Purulent tendovaginitis B. Complication in the form of a phlegmon of brush C. A pulsing pain in brush; D. Flexing contracture of finger E. Sequestration of bones and occurrence of a fistula; ANSWER: E 7. Causes of an anaerobic gas infection is more often: A. Stool. B. Skin; C. Soil; Saliva; Air; ANSWER: A D. E. 8. What kind of wound infections from the listed concerns the most terrible,: A. Lymphangitis, adenophlegmon B. An anaerobic gas gangrene C. Pile phlebitis D. Sepsis E. Diphtheria of wounds ANSWER: B 9. What radiological sign is the most typical for an acute hematogenic osteomyelitis A. All answers correct B. Presence ostomyelitic cavities and sequesters C. disappearance of the bone-brain channel, osteosclerosis D. Removing a layer by a layer periosteums, periostitis E. Unevenness, porosity of cortical bone layer, osteoporosis; ANSWER: D 10. What is the primary osteal panaritium? A. All answers correct. B. An osteal panaritium that arises due to infected microtrauma of bone or a periosteum; An osteal panaritium that arises due to hypodermic complication An osteal panaritium that arises lymphogenically; An osteal panaritium that arises hematogenically; ANSWER: B C. D. E. 11. Acute purulent poured(unlimited) inflammation of fat tissue is: A. Erysipelas B. An abscess; C. Adenophlegmon D. Phlegmon E. Lymphangitis ANSWER: D 12. Carbuncle is: A. It is 2 and more furuncules on distance no more than 1 cm one from another. B. Acute drain it is purulent- necrotic inflammation several hair follicles and sebaceous glands with distribution on hypodermic fat and a skin with formation extensive infiltrate and necrosis; C. Acute purulent inflammation a hair follicle, apocrine, grease glands and connecting tissues D. Acute purulent inflammation several hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands; E. Acute purulent- necrotic inflammation of hair follicle and surrounding connecting tissues and sebaceous glands; ANSWER: B 13. What localization of carbuncle is very dangerous for life? A. In lumbar area In the field of nasal-lip triangle; In inguinal areas; In the field of a back In the field of a nape ANSWER: B B. C. D. E. 14. What heaviest complication of the thorax closed trauma? A. Fracture of a chest B. Pleura - pulmonal shock C. Pneumothorax D. Fracture of edges E. Haemothorax ANSWER: B 15. What of diagnostics methods the most informative at closed cranial trauma? A. Pneumoencephalography. B. Lumbar puncture C. Electroencephalography D. Ultrasound E. Computer tomography ANSWER: E 16. Medical aid at closed valve pneumothorax A. Thoracotomy B. Vago-simpatic blockade C. Transformed in opened pneumothorax D. Tracheocentasis E. To impose the occlusion bandage. ANSWER: C 17. Distinguish following pneumothorax kinds, except for: A. Closed B. Valve C. Opened D. Strained E. Hypodermic ANSWER: E 18. At a puncture of haemothorax, blood in a syringe is turned off, to what it testifies: A. At absence in a syringe heparin. B. A syringe unsterile C. Bleeding proceeds D. Has come fibrinolisis E. Bleeding is stopped. ANSWER: C 19. Pathological fracture arises in result of: A. Actions force of own muscles reduction. B. Innate anomalies of development. C. Insignificant effort. D. Mechanical force which exceeds durability of a bone. E. Mechanical force which is equaled durability of bone. ANSWER: C 20. To main principles of fracture treatment the following concern, except for: A. Antibacterial therapy. B. Consolidation and recovering of functions. C. Fixation D. Reposition E. Transport immobilization ANSWER: A 31. What symptom is absolutive in diagnostics of bones fracture? A. Pain B. Crepitation C. Spring ficsation D. Disturbances of the limb function E. Swelling ANSWER: B 32. A blood preparation of complex action is A. Antistaphylococcal donor’s immunoglobulin B. Solutions of albumine and protein C. Cryoprecipitate D. Frozen red blood cells E. Dry plasma ANSWER: B 33. The program of transfusion therapy during operation determines by: A. Transfusiologist and surgeon. B. Surgeon and anaesthesiologist C. Anaesthesiologist D. Transfusiologist E. Surgeon ANSWER: C 34. Distribution of infection in an organism on blood vessels – it is A. Hematogenous way B. Lymphogenous way C. Laktogenous way D. Contact way E. All of answers are correct ANSWER: A 35. Distribution of infection on lymphatic vessels – it is A. Hematogenous way B. Lymphogenous way C. Laktogenous way D. Contact way E. All of answers are correct ANSWER: E 36. Distribution of infection in an organism on mammary duct – it is A. Hematogenous way Lymphogenous way *Laktogenous way Contact way All of answers are correct ANSWER: C B. C. D. E. 37. Distribution of infection in transition from one organ on other – it is: A. Hematogenous way B. Lymphogenous way C. Laktogenous way D. Contact way E. All of answers are correct ANSWER: D 38. Distribution of infection in an organism on surrounding tissues – it is? A. Hematogenous way B. Lymphogenous way C. Laktogenous way D. Contact way E. All of answers are correct ANSWER: D 39. Complex of methods, directed on warning of hit of micro organisms in a wound are named: A. Asepsis B. Antisepsis C. Desmurgia D. Deontology E. Surgery ANSWER: A 40. What percent of micro organisms is detained by a gauze mask from four layers of gauz A. 90-94 B. 97 C. 85-90 D. 95-98 E. 100 ANSWER: A 41. What percent of micro organisms is detained by a gauze mask from six layers of gauz A. 90-94 B. 97 C. 85-90 D. 95-98 E. 100 ANSWER: B 42. During what time is sterilization of rubber objects by boilin A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 15 minutes D. 20 minutes E. 25 minutes ANSWER: B 43. Sterilization by steam under pressure is conducted A. In autoclave B. In dry-hot safer C. In sterilisatores D. In gas sterilizer E. In glass dishes ANSWER: A 44. For traumatic asphyxia most characteristical A. Hypodermic emphysema B. Opened pneumothorax C. Subconuctival hemorrhage D. Motive and psychical excitati E. Disorders of langs ANSWER: C 45. Wath is the local symptoms of penetrable wound of skull A. Outflowing from the wound of cerebral detrite B. Loss of consciousnes C. Mobile and psychical excitation D. Disorders of language E. All answers are faithful ANSWER: D 46. Anatomic classification of bleeding is: A. Arterial, venous bleeding; B. Arterial, venous, capillary bleeding; C. Arterial, venous, arterial - venous bleeding; D. Arterial, venous, parenchymatous bleeding; E. Arterial, venous, capillary, parenchymatous bleeding. ANSWER: E 47. At the parenterally feed the general volume of transfusion makes: A. 500 – 1000 ml; B. 1500 – 2000 ml; C. 2500 – 3000 ml; D. 3500 ml; E. more than 3500 ml. ANSWER: C 48. At what disease does take place decline of of thrombocytes in a blood? A. Schonlein disease; B. Werlhof’s disease; C. Uremia; D. Chickenpox; E. Scarlet fever. ANSWER: B 49. Bleeding in cavities are: A. Haemoperitoneum ; B. Hemopericardium; C. Haemothorax ; D. Hemartrosis ; E. All answers are correct; ANSWER: E 50. Bleeding in the wound, closed by stitches, has result: A. Formation of abscess; B. Formation of hematoma; C. Formation of phlegmon; D. Formation of bruise; E. All transferred variants are possible. ANSWER: B 51. Blood type of АВО and belonging of rhesus at in-patients determine: A. Treatting doctor; B. Doctor accountable for organization of transfusion therapy in the medical separation; C. Middle laboratory assistant; D. Laboratory doctor-assistant of clinical laboratory of hospital; E. Doctor of cabinet of transfusion therapy of hospital. ANSWER: A 52. By the symptoms of worsening of the state of patient at of poor quality blood transfusion below transferred, except for: A. Increase of haematocrit; B. Fever; C. hyperthermia; D. Pains in попереку; E. Tachycardia. ANSWER: A 53. Changes in the coagulation system of blood, which can cause appearance of bleeding, is observed at: A. Hemophilia, Werlhof’s disease, intravascular coagulation of blood syndrome; B. Hemophilia, Shonlein disease, intravascular coagulation of blood syndrome syndrome; C. Hemophilia, poisoning by phosphorus, intravascular coagulation of blood syndrome syndrome; D. Hemophilia, Shonlein disease, poisoning by phosphorus; E. Hemophilia, Werlhof’s disease, uremia. ANSWER: A 54. How bleeding in an abdominal cavity is named? A. Haemoperitoneum; B. C. D. E. Haemothorax; Haemopericardium; Hemartrosis; Metrorrhagia; ANSWER: A 55. How bleeding in the joint cavity is named? A. Haemoperitoneum; B. Haemothorax; C. Haemopericardium; D. Hemartrosis; E. Metrorrhagia; ANSWER: D 56. How is a haematoma, which unites with the road clearance of the damaged artery, named? A. Formed haematoma; B. Organized haematoma; C. Extravasate; D. Haematoma - extravasate; E. Pulsating haematoma. ANSWER: E 57. How is the I phase of blood coagulation named? A. Formation of fibrin; B. Synthesis of prothrombin; C. Recaltification; D. Formations of blood and tissue thromboplastine; E. Transfer of prothrombokinase to thrombin; ANSWER: D 58. How is the II phase of blood coagulation named? A. Formation of bloody clot; B. Formation of tissue thromboplastin; C. Transition of prothrombin in thrombin; D. Formation of thrombin; E. Synthesis of prothrombin; ANSWER: C 59. How is the III phase of blood coagulation named? A. Recaltification; B. Formation of fibrin; C. Synthesis of prothrombin; D. Fibrinolytic; E. Transition of prothrombokinase to a fibrin; ANSWER: B 60. How many degrees of blood loss are selected according to classification of V.I. Struchkov and Е.V Lucevich? A. Three degrees; B. Four degrees; C. Five degrees; D. Six degrees; E. Seven degrees; ANSWER: B 61. Preparation of blood of complex action is: A. Plasma dry; B. Red corpuscles mass is frozen; C. Cryoprecipitate; D. Solution of albumen and protein; E. An immunoprotein is antistaphylococcus donor. ANSWER: D 62. Preparation of blood of fibrinolytic action is: A. Аlbumin; B. Fibrinolysinum; C. Polybutylene; D. Protein; E. Plasma fresh-frozen. ANSWER: B 63. Program of transfusion therapy during operation determines: A. Surgeon; B. Transphysiologist; C. Anaesthetist; D. Surgeon and anaesthetist; E. Тransphysiologist and surgeon. ANSWER: C 64. Reason of the early bleeding is: A. Arrosion of vessels; B. Destruction of vessels; C. Sliding off of ligature from vessels; D. Hypo coagulation; E. Development of infection in a wound; ANSWER: C 65. S. Bleeding in urround -urine-bladder space. A. Bleeding in a kidney B. Bruise in urround-urine-bladder space. C. Haematoma around of urine bladder. ANSWER: A 66. The factor of rhesus is in: A. leucocytes; B. red corpuscles; C. thrombocytes; D. lymphocytes; E. to plasma; ANSWER: B 67. The final result of clinical course of haematoma can be: A. Suppuration of a haematoma; B. Formation of a cyst; C. Resolution of a haematoma; D. Calcification of a haematoma; E. All variants are correct; ANSWER: E 68. The II degree of blood loss is established (classification A.A.Shalimov). What volume of blood loss? A. 500 ml; B. 1000 ml; C. 1500 ml; D. 1700 ml; E. 2000 ml; ANSWER: C 69. The increase of synthesis of what factors of blood clotting takes place in liver through violation of assimilation of vitamin K? A. III, V, VII, IX, X; B. II, IV, V, VII, X; C. IV, V; D. V, VII, IX, X, XIII; E. II, VII, VIII, X, XIII. ANSWER: D 70. The method of autohaemotransfusion in a clinic used first: A. V.N. Shamov; B. F.Grant; C. A.N Flantuv; D. S.D Doshowyanch; E. N.N. Elansky. ANSWER: B 71. The most frequent reason of bleeding is: A. Bleeding at arrosion of vessel; B. Bleeding at necrosis of vessel; C. Bleeding at violation of permeability of vascular wall; D. Bleeding, as a result of mechanical damage of vessels; E. Bleeding as a result of tumor lysis; ANSWER: D 72. The peak of hemodilution at acute blood loss comes through: A. till 0,5 day; B. ,5 – 1 day; C. 1,5 – 2 days; D. 2,5 – 3 days; E. More than 3 days. ANSWER: C 73. To the final methods control of bleeding belongs: A. Mechanical; B. Physical; C. Chemical and biological; D. Combined; E. *All higher transferred variants. ANSWER: E 74. To the sources of blood and its components for transfusion does not belong: A. donor blood; B. auto blood; C. blood of animals; D. of a corpse blood; E. placenta blood. ANSWER: C 75. Universal donor there is a recipient which has a blood type: A. Blood type 0 (I); B. Blood type A (II); C. Blood type B (III); D. Blood type of АВ (IV); E. An universal recipient does not exist; ANSWER: D 76. What it is anorexia? A. Hit of foreign body in the respiratory tracts. B. Hit of vomit masses in the stomach. C. Absence of appetite. D. Vomiting. E. Absence of air in lungs. ANSWER: C 77. What it is aspiration? A. Hit of foreign body in the respiratory tracts. B. Hit of vomit masses in the stomach. C. D. E. Stopping of receipt of air in the lungs. Stopping of breathings. Falling back of tongue. ANSWER: A 78. What it is diaphragmatic breathing? A. Breathing with detention on inhalation. B. Breathing with detention on exhalation. C. Breathing, when pectoral and abdominal walls protruded on inhalation. D. Breathing, when pectoral wall protruded on inhalation. E. Breathing, when an abdominal wall protruded on inhalation. ANSWER: E 79. What it is initial information? A. Information with which begins communication with a patient. B. Passport information of patient. C. Information got during the subjective inspection of patient. D. Main purchased problems of patient. E. Information, necessary for socializing with a patient, and about possibility of self-service. ANSWER: E 80. What it is pulse pressure? A. Difference between frequency of pulse and breathing frequency. B. Difference between systolic arterial pressure and pulse. C. Difference between systolic and diastolic arterial pressure. D. Difference between diastolic arterial pressure and pulse. E. Correlation between the temperature of body and by a pulse. ANSWER: C 81. When does shave the operating field before the planned operation? A. Right before premedication. B. In the day of arrival of patient in admitting department. C. In the day of arrival of patient in permanent establishment. D. In eve an operation. E. In the day of operation. ANSWER: E 82. When does the peristalsis of intestine recommence after an operation on a digestive channel? A. In 4-5 hours B. In 3-4 days. C. In 48 hours D. In 2-3 days. E. In 5th day. ANSWER: B 83. When is the consent of patient for the last time confirmed to the operation? A. At once to go in operating-room. B. Before application of sleeping-pills in the evening the day before operation. C. In the day of operation, in the morning. D. Before a patient gave the written consent on an operation. E. Direct before premedication. ANSWER: E 84. Which, on your opinion, is the method of anaesthetizing most expedient during an operation concerning a tendon whitlow? A. Infiltration anesthesia; B. Anesthesia by cooling; C. Conduction anesthesia; D. Intubation narcosis; E. Intravenous anesthesia. ANSWER: C 85. Acute subdural haematoma arise up through A. 12-24 hours after a trauma B. At 12-48 o'clock after a trauma C. 48-72 hours after a trauma D. 7-10 days after a trauma E. 12-18 days after a trauma ANSWER: B 86. After an operation on a skull the term of nontransportable makes A. 5-8 days B. 9-14 days C. 14-21 day D. 21-27 days E. All answers are faithful ANSWER: C 87. Anatomical limbs shortening occurs A. At dislocation of limbs B. At contracture of joints C. At fractures without shifting of rubble D. At fractures of the shifting of rubble E. At the turn-dislocation ANSWER: D 88. Contracture - is A. Lack of patient movement B. The lack of movement in the joints C. The restriction of the joints movements D. False limb mobility E. Acute pain in the movements of the joints ANSWER: C 89. Describe the ventilator methods, which is used in the reanimation events A. « Mouth in his mouth» B. « Mouth in his nose» C. Using the S-shaped air D. Using masks and Ambu bag E. All the methods ANSWER: E 90. First aid in the clavicle fractures without shifting rubble A. Placed back gypsum tire of shovels to radial-carpal join B. Impose 8-like bandage C. Impose skeletal traction D. Impose central apparatus E. Implementing intramedular osteosynthesis ANSWER: B 91. First medical aid at penetrate damages of breasts and opened pnevmothorax A. Imposition of occlusive bandage B. Imposition of aseptic bandage C. Neck vagosimpatic blockade D. Introduction of narcotic analgesic E. Artificial ventilation of lights ANSWER: A 92. For tense pneumothorax characteristic: A. Asphyxia B. Anaemia C. Cardiac insufficiency D. Respiratory insufficiency E. All of answers are faithful ANSWER: D 93. In a twist not damaged articular capsule? A. Dislocation of lower jaw B. Dislocation of shoulder C. Dislocation of the forearm D. Hip dislocated joints E. Dislocated of knee ANSWER: A 94. Select causes violations of road respiratory tract: A. Mucus, sputum B. Vomit, blood C. Foreign matter D. Sink of tong E. All the listed causes ANSWER: E 95. What are types of heal the wounds? A. Primary tension B. Second tension C. Heal under a scab D. Heal through infiltration E. All answers are faithful ANSWER: E 96. What are types of tests on an allergy to the antibiotics A. On glass B. On animals C. Onscin D. Hypodermic E. All answers are faithful ANSWER: C 97. What basic cellular elements do take part in the phase regeneration of the wound process? A. Lymphocyte B. Neiyrofil leucocytes C. Macrophage D. Erythrocytes E. Trombocytes ANSWER: C 98. What blockade is used in complex treatment of the closed trauma the thorax A. Cases B. Plexus C. Round ligament of the liver D. Paranefral E. Vagosimpatic ANSWER: E 99. What cases an operation in at the closed trauma of skull is indication? A. External bleeding B. Bleeding which proceeds C. At the break of basis of skull D. At intracranial haematoma E. All answers are faithful ANSWER: D 100. What classification the phases of wound process use on the modern stage A. By Kuzin B. C. D. E. By Rufanov By Leguminous By Vishnevskiy By Dacenkom ANSWER: A