Senior Honors Thesis Process for HSOC & STSC

HSOC Senior Thesis - Application to enroll in HSOC 420
Due November 24th
I. Student Information
GPA Cum ________ GPA in major ________
Exp Date Grad _______
(3.3 minimum)
(3.6 minimum)
II. Attach The Following Documents (there are 4 of them)
1. 1-page typed statement explaining your research experience(s) in and out of class, and how it
has influenced your thinking about potential research topics.
2. 1-page typed statement explaining your idea for a topic and a possible research question, and
your interest in this topic for a possible senior thesis.
3. A typed list of one or more people you have talked to about your thesis idea to see if it is a
viable topic to research.
Please give their name and affiliation (department or school)
4. A copy of the best paper you have written at Penn so far.
Submit this form and the four documents( your two statements, the list and a copy of your best
paper) in hardcopy to Dr. Greene (at her office or in her mailbox) by Tuesday, November
Pre-requisites for HSOC 420:
Successful completion of HSOC 10
Successful completion of HSOC 100 or 111, or registration for spring 2014
HSOC Major cum of 3.6 or better
Overall cum of 3.3 or better
Permission of the department