First Grade Reading For Information Pacing 1st – 4th CCSS: RI 1.4 Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text. Learning Targets 1. I can clarify or learn the meaning of words and phrases by asking and answering questions. (S) 2. I can identify unknown or unclear words and phrases. (K) Proficiency Levels MPIs (I can…) Function+content+support (S) Speaking (R) Reading (W) Writing (L) Listening Level 1 (Entering) I can point to real-life objects or pictures reflective of content related vocabulary and phrases. (L) I can repeat simple words and phrases from the text. (S) I can connect pre-taught printed labels to visuals from the text. (R) I can communicate through drawing the meaning or a word or phrase from a text. (W) Level 2 (Emerging) I can locate pre-taught objects in the illustrations of the text that are described orally. (L) I can compare objects in pictures of a text using new vocabulary, words and phrases. (S) I can identify and interpret pre-taught labeled diagrams. (R) I can generate lists of words/phrases from the text for banks or walls. (W) Level 3(Developing) I can infer meaning of words and phrases from oral clues. (L) Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging) I can interpret information from oral reading of narrative or expository text. (L) I can ask questions to determine the meaning of words and phrases. (S) I can use academic vocabulary to ask and answer questions about unclear words and phrases. (S) I can sort self illustrated content words into categories. (R) I can answer questions about unknown vocabulary with simple sentences using word/phrase banks. (W) I can match definitions to figurative language (e.g. idioms) that is illustrated. (R) I can compose a story using previously unknown or unclear words/phrases. (W) Resources Objects/pictures of content related vocabulary, printed labels of vocabulary, simple text Simple text, labeled diagrams Play 20 questions game in groups of 3, a new, more complex text Idioms, metaphors and similes with illustrations and cards with definitions Additional Resources Functional Vocabulary Clarify, unknown, unclear, infer, interpret, communicate, compose ask and answer questions determine text unknown 5 W's (who, what, where, when, why) context clues mean/meaning phrases clarify