First Grade Reading For Information Pacing 1st – 4th CCSS: RI 1.4

First Grade
Reading For Information
Pacing 1st – 4th
CCSS: RI 1.4
Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
Learning Targets
1. I can clarify or learn the meaning of words and phrases by asking and answering questions. (S)
2. I can identify unknown or unclear words and phrases. (K)
Proficiency Levels
MPIs (I can…)
(S) Speaking
(R) Reading
(W) Writing
(L) Listening
Level 1 (Entering)
I can point to real-life
objects or pictures
reflective of content
related vocabulary and
phrases. (L)
I can repeat simple words
and phrases from the text.
I can connect pre-taught
printed labels to visuals
from the text. (R)
I can communicate
through drawing the
meaning or a word or
phrase from a text. (W)
Level 2 (Emerging)
I can locate pre-taught
objects in the illustrations of
the text that are described
orally. (L)
I can compare objects in
pictures of a text using new
vocabulary, words and
phrases. (S)
I can identify and interpret
pre-taught labeled diagrams.
I can generate lists of
words/phrases from the text
for banks or walls. (W)
Level 3(Developing)
I can infer meaning of
words and phrases from
oral clues. (L)
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can interpret information from
oral reading of narrative or
expository text. (L)
I can ask questions to
determine the meaning of
words and phrases. (S)
I can use academic vocabulary
to ask and answer questions
about unclear words and
phrases. (S)
I can sort self illustrated
content words into
categories. (R)
I can answer questions
about unknown vocabulary
with simple sentences
using word/phrase banks.
I can match definitions to
figurative language (e.g. idioms)
that is illustrated. (R)
I can compose a story using
previously unknown or unclear
words/phrases. (W)
Objects/pictures of
content related
vocabulary, printed labels
of vocabulary, simple text
Simple text, labeled diagrams
Play 20 questions game in
groups of 3, a new, more
complex text
Idioms, metaphors and similes
with illustrations and cards with
Additional Resources
Functional Vocabulary
Clarify, unknown, unclear, infer, interpret, communicate, compose
ask and answer questions
5 W's (who, what, where,
when, why)
context clues