Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey

Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey | Jessica Moon
1B. Thomas J. Lindsey – married 13 January 1848 – Patience Jones (daughter of
James Jones). Thomas J. Lindsey born c.1824 d. 1870-80. Patience Jones born c.
1831 d. after 1880. Marriage license dated 10 January 1848, married 2nd, Butler
Co. 23 December 1870 to Melinda Jane Land.
 1846 Spencer Co. Indiana tax list (one of few that survived). Grass
Twp: Thomas Lindsey, 1 tax poll, no land.
 Butler Co. Kentucky, Tax Lists – Thomas was first listed in 1848 with
300 acres on Little Reedy Creek, one tax poll, no horses, no cattle. He
was not found in 1849, but in 1850 he was taxed for 375 acres, one
horse, and no children 5-16. In 1851, he had 300a Little Reedy, one
horse, 1 cow, and no children 5-16, In 1852, he had 350a Little Reedy,
one horse, 2 cattle, and one child 5-16.
 1850- Butler Co. Kentucky – dwelling 554, p.253: Thomas J Lindsey,
26 KY; Patience, 19 IL; Terry (female), 70 VA. This Terris was the
mother of Thomas.
 1860 Butler Co. Kentucky Census: Thomas Lindsey 36 KY, Nina 29
IL, John C. 11 KY, Mary A. 7 KY, Alvin 5 KY, Nancy J. 3 KY,
Martha 10/12 KY.
 1870 Butler Co. Kentucky Census, (p.7-218): Thomas Lindsey 48 KY
living in household of George Felty, age 44, and his family. 1870
Edmonson Co. Kentucky Census, p. 386: Patience Lindsey, 37, John
C. 22, Mary H. 17, Alvin 15, Martha W. 7 – all KY. This shows a
split in the family. (They divorced this year)
 1880- Butler County, KY Census, Renfrow, page 345: Melvin
Lindsey, age 30, he and father born KY, mother born IL, Sallie (wife)
age 36, she and parents born KY, Pasha (mother) age 47, born IL,
parents born KY, Alfred (son) 5 KY, Melvina (da) 3 KY, Josephine
(da) 1 KY.
 Thomas J. Lindsey listed as Private, C.W. Beck’s Company, and
Morgan’s Men listed 21 February 1863 to 21 August 1863. Consent to
marriage given by James R. Jones.
 Deed Book :-20, Butler Co. KY: 11 November 1858, John B. Hones
and his wife Sarah, James R. Jones and his wife Martha, Isaac T.
Jones and wife Rachel, Thomas Conway and wife Polly A. Jacob
Jones and wife Nancy, Thomas Lindsey and wife Patience, Richard
Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey | Jessica Moon
Jones and wife Rebecca to Alvin P. Jones, land on waters of Little
Reedy Creek, in Butler Co. along Birchfields land (Original line of
George May’s 6870 acre survey) said Jones 342 acre survey, James
Taylor – 217 acres for $100. Signed James R. Hones, Thomas
Lindsey, Patience (x) Lindsey and others.
Children of Thomas J. Lindsey and Patience Jones
1. JOHN CALVIN LINDSEY – married 16 January 1870 to Rindy Ann Jones.
John Calvin Lindsey born 07 November 1848 Butler Co. KY, died 10 March 1826
Butler Co. Ky. Rindy Ann Jones born 27 February 1856 KY Died 05 October 1920
Butler Co. Ky.
 Dates from Smith Cemetery, Brooklyn KY, John married 2nd in
1922 Allena L. ? 1905-1981.
 1870 Edm. Co, census – John C. 27 living in household of mother.
Census taken in August and marriage date shows January.
 1880 Butler Co. census, Burdens District, p. 369: John C. Lindsey
31, farmer, KY-IN-IL, Gerndgan? 24, wife, KY-KY-KY, James
M. 8, son, Luellen 5, da, Anna F. – Children all born in KY.
 1900 Butler Co. KY Census, District 4, Horse Mill, page 222A:
John C. Lindsey born 1848, age 51 born KY, father born IN,
mother IL, married 29 years, farmer, Rinda A. Wife, born Feb.
1856, age 51, married 29 years, 9 children, 6 living, she and
parents born KY. James M. Son born June 1872, age 27 widower,
Charles P. son, born December 1880 age 19, Mary B. daughter,
born August 1884, Leona daughter, born October 189?, age
unknown, Eddie S. Son born 1895, age 5 – all born in KY.
 1910 Butler Co. KY Census, Horse Mill, District 4, ED 37-6A:
John C. Lindsey 62, owns farm, married one time 40 years, Rinda
A. Wife 54, 10 children, 7 living, Mary B. daughter 26, either
widow or divorces (unknown), 4 children, 2 living, Leardo
daughter, 17, Eddie C. son 15, Irey D. son 8, -all born KY
 1920 Butler Co. KY Horse Mill, ED 43-9: Calvin Lindsey 72,
Farmer, owned property, Renda A. Wife 63, Ira D. Son 18, Eddie
C. Son 15, Irey D. son 8. – All born KY.
o Children of James C. Lindsey and Rindy Jones
 James Melvin Lindsey (1872-after 1930) married
9/26/1901 to Rosa Bratcher (1886-1924)
Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey | Jessica Moon
 Vitula Lindsey (1875-1876)
 Louellen Lindsey (1877) married 1893 Butler Co. to
John W. Cardwell (b.1873)
 Anna F. Lindsey (b.1879 – d.before 1890)
 Charles Page Lindsey (b. 1880 – 1964 buried in
Payton Phelps Cem.) married c. 1901 to Rhoda Jones
Phelps (b. 1883- 1960)
2. JAMES MELVIN LINDSEY – married 15 January 1872 – Sally Laura Haynes.
James M. Lindsey born 06 October 1851 Butler Co. KY, died 20 May 1932 buried
Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, Roundhill, KY. Sally Haynes born 25 January 1847 Butler
Co. and died 15 December 1891 Butler Co. KY. (Other marriages; 2nd, Nicey J.
Phelps 1892 Butler Co. 3rd, Menerva Raymer 1895 Butler Co., 4th, Josie Wells
1901 Butler Co. –She married step-son George Lindsey in 1933 after James died.)
 1880 Butler Co. Ky., Renfrow, page 345: Melvin Lindsey age 30,
Salie wife age 36, Pasha mother age 47, Widow, Alfred P. Son 5,
Melvina daughter 3, Josephine daughter 1 – all born KY.
 1900 Butler Co. Census, District 4, Horse Mill, page 227A: James
M. Lindsey, born October 1851 age 48, widower, owned farm,
Alvin P son born May 1875, age 25, George W. son born July
1884, age 15, John B. son born 1888 age 12, Effie daughter born
December 1895 age 4, William T. son born March 1897, age 2 –
All born KY.
 1910 Butler Co. Census, Horsemill, ED 37-6B: James M. Lindsey,
58, married 2 times, 9 years, owns farm, Josy wife age 28, married
one time, 9 years, George son, 24 KY.
 1920 Butler Co. KY Census, Horsemill Twp., ED 43-9A: Melvin
Lindsey 69, Josie wife 37, George (son) 34, KY.
 1930 Butler Co. Distric 4, ED 11-11B: James M Lindsey 78,
married first time at age 28 retired farmer, owned property, Josie
wife 48 years old, married first time at age 19, George W. son age
45, single. All born KY. Living on Morgantown and Cross Creek
o Children of James Lindsey and Sarah Hayes
 Alvin Porter Lindsey (1875-1953) married 1901 Edm.
Co. Stella May Sourward. (2 children – Mertie
Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey | Jessica Moon
Lindsey and James Lewis Lindsey (married Earle
Melvina Lindsey (1877)
Josephine Lindsey (1879-1947) married? Johnson
George W. Lindsey (1884-1965) married 1st to Media
Elms, 2nd 1932 to Josie Wells Lindsey (step-mother)
John Calvin Lindsey (1889-1975) married 1907
Butler Co. to Arpie House. Buried in Mt. Lebanon
3. MARY A. LINDSEY – married 1st time to Geo. Washington Hazella. Married
2nd time 17 September 1878 to Lewis Hunt. Mary Lindsey born 06 November 1852
butler Co. Kentucky.
 1880 Butler Co. Census, p. 370, June: Lewis Hunt 54, Mary A.
wife 25, Homwe C. 1 son, Alfred W. Lindsey 12. This Alfred
was the brother of Mary A.
4. NANCY JANE LINDSEY – married 25 December 1873 Butler Co. KY., Amos Younger Elmore. Nancy born January 1853 and died 1941 Butler Co. Round
hill, buried Therkel Cem. (1860 census states she was born 1857 with 13 children).
5. ALVIN LINDSEY married 12 November 1874 Edmonson County, KY –
Anarpieersire (Arpie) Woosley. Alvin born 24 November 1855 Butler Co. died 10
September 1944 McLean Co. buried in popular Grove Cem. Arpie Woosley born c.
1858 KY.
 1870 Butler Co. Census p.52-179: Alvin Lindsey 15, living in
household of John Conway 29 KY and Aurice 24, and family.
1870 Edm. Co. Census shows Alvin Lindsey living in
household with mother.
 1880 Edm. Co. Census, Burden’s Twp., page 526: Alvin
Lindsey 24, farmer, Anna A. wife 22, Gilmore (son) 4 KY,
Nety daughter 1, Ky.
 1900 Butler Co. KY Census, District 5, 23 June, ED 3118A/18B: Alvin Lindsey born 1855, age 44 married 24 years,
Asnnaralsne? Wife born Sept. 1856, age 43 married 24 years, 6
children. John G. born April 1881, age 19, farm labor, James D.
son born March 1888 age 12, Eca daughter, born May 1891 age
9, Effie daughter born March 1898 age 2. – All born in KY.
Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey | Jessica Moon
 1910 McLean Co. Rumsey Precinct, April, page 6B/7A: Alvin
Lindsey, age 55, married 34 years, horse farmer, Arty wife age
53, married one time, 34 years, Gilmer son 34 widower, farm
labor, Simon son 22 farm labor, Eva daughter 12 – all born in
 1920 McLean Co. Rumsey, District 1, Precinct 12, January Ed
109-3A: Alvin Lindsey, age 64 farmer Arkee wife age 62, G.C.
son age 42, widower, farmer, born Ky.
 1930 McLean Co. District 1 Rumsey, 3 April, ED 3-1B:
Alvahin Lindsey age 74, married first at age 19, operator of
general farm, owned property, Aunayre wife age 72, married
age 17, Seberry G. Son age 52 widower. Seberry could be
Gilmore Lindsey.
 Butler Co. D.B. W-214, July 1, 1881 – Priscilla Jones of Butler
Co. to Alvin Lindsey of Edmonson Co. for $200 land on waters
of Welch’s Creek on bank of Grinson’s Creek – 166 acres plus
2 lots, one lot 7, near F.M. Phelps corner and lot 5, on south
bank of Granon Branch in Mason’s line – total 90 acres.
 Butler Co. D.B. W-215, July 1, 1881 – Priscilla and Martha B.
Jones to Annarpinsine Lindsey of Edmonson Co. for $200 on
waters of Welches Creek on north by J.B> Duke, east by Maves
line, south by Johnson, west by the old original line, 65 acres,
plus two tracts on lines of lot 2 and lot 4 – total 130 acres.
 Butler Co. D.B. W-298, 1882 – Ann Arpism Jones of Butler
Co. to Alvin Lindsey and his wife Annrism of Edmonson Co.
for $400 land in Butler Co. on the bank of Welchs Creek and
line of J.D. Jones – 109 acres.
o Children of Alvin and Arpie Lindsey
 Gilmore C. Lindsey born 1876 Edmonson Co. died
after 1930 (Not found in 1900 census – Listed in
fathers household in 1910-30 as widower.)
 Nettie Lindsey born 1878 Edm. Co. died 15
August 1915 McLean Co. KY.
 John Gilbert Lindsey married 1906 to Rosie
Miller. John born 22 April 1881 McLean Co. and
died 12 April 1962 McLean Co. Rosie born 15
Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey | Jessica Moon
March 1885 Daviess Co. died 29 May 1964
McLean Co.
6. MARTHA W. LINDSEY – married 16 February 1875 Butler Co. to William
Elmore. Martha born July 1859 Butler Co. KY. 8 known children living in
household with mother in 1870, age 7.
7. SARAH B. LINDSEY – born 1864 and died 1864 Butler Co. Kentucky.
8. LAFAYETTE LINDSEY – Married 11 September 1882 Edm. Co., Ky. – Sarah
Belle Woosley. Lafayette born 3 April 1865 Butler Co, died 10 February 1932
Butler Co. Buried in Smith Cemetery. Sarah Woosley born 1 January 1866 Edm.
Co, died 8 January 1944 Butler Co. buried in Smith Cemetery.
 1880 Butler Census, p. 356, Renfro Dist. Lafayette Lindsey,
age 15, living in household of William Jones 27, farmer, Eliz.
A. wife 25, Atilla 7, daughter, Ide 4, daughter, Jesse 1, son.
Record is faded. Lafayette was listed as Cousin to Jones.
 1900 Mostly unreadable
 1910 Butler Co. KY Census, District 4, page 231: Lafe Lindsey
age 45, married one time, 27 years, farmer, Sarah E. wife age
44, married one time, 27 years, 12 children, Josie daughter 20,
Mary daughter 18, Gertie daughter 15, Russy son 12, John T.
son 10, Mabel daughter 8, Hansley son 6, Dunsy son 5, James
A. son 4 years 1 month – all born KY.
 1920 Butler Co. Census, Horsemill Twp., ED 43-8A, Distric 4:
Lafe Lindsey 54, owned property, farmer, Sarah Bell wife 54,
Bryan son 22, May Bell daughter 17, Harvey son 15, Pansy
daughter 14, Arthur son 10, Clifford son 7. – all born KY.
 1930 Butler Co. KY census, District 4, ED 11-11A,
Brownsville Road: Lafe Lindsey 67, owns farm, married first at
age 18, Bell wife 64, married first at age 17, Harvey E. son 35,
Clifford son 17, Cleo daughter-in-law 26, married first time age
17, Ima Gene granddaughter age 7 – all born KY.
o Children of Lafe and Sarah Lindsey
o Bertie Lindsey married 17 April 1902 Edm. Co.
Elizabeth Woosley. Bertie born 22 November 1883
Butler Co. and died 15 December 1945. Elizabeth born
1886 and died 1961 Butler Co. (6 Children)
Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey | Jessica Moon
 1. William Latney Lindsey b. 3/16/1904 Grayson
died 10/1985 Grayson. Married on 31 October
1921 Velo Mae Phelps. Velo born 5/21/1905 –
9/23/2002 Butler Co.
 2. Loma Lindsey b. 4/9/1908 – 11/20/1999 Butler
Co. married 30 June 1927 Butler Co. Gordie Mae
Lee b. 2/24/1912 – d.9/23/2002 Butler Co.
 3. Joseph Leyburn Lindsey b. 10/17/1909 –
10/16/1944. Married 10/27/1926 to Nola Cardwell.
Nola b. 7/3/1906-10/7/1985 Butler Co.
 4.Hayward Lindsey b.1/11/1915-9/19/1981 butler
Co. married Leona Shephard.
 5. Ettie Lindsey c. 1920 KY
 6. Rio Clayton Lindsey b. 2/1/1924 – 2/12/1991
Rosa Lindsey b. 8/31/1886 KY
Susan Lindsey b. 10/18/1889 KY
Mary Lindsey (2/18/1892-2/18/1979) married 1911
Lasso Rose (1897 KY)
Gertrude Lindsey (9/28/1894-10/29/1913) married
10/17/1913 Butler Co. to William Embry.
Bryan Lindsey (5/31/1897) married c.1925 Lena E.
John Thomas Lindsey (10/19/1900) married 11/30/1928
Gradie House (1910)
May Belle Lindsey (1903)
Harvey E. Lindsey (4/13/1904-9/15/1974) married
9/13/1921 Cloe R. Phelps (1903)
Pansey Lindsey (1906)
James Arthur Lindsey (1909-1986) married 5/13/1929
Frances Campfield (1913)
Clifford Lindsey (1912-1972)
9. ALFRED CRITTENDEN LINDSEY – married 4 February 1888 Edm. Co, KY –
Lithia Caroline Tomes. Alfred born May 1868 Butler Co. and died 16 April 1951
Butler Co. Lithia born 4 March 1870 KY and died 17 December 1946 Butler Co.
Descendants of Thomas J Lindsey | Jessica Moon
 Living in household of sister and her husband in 1880 – age 12.
 1900 Edm. Co., KY Census, durbin Distric 2, 19 June, ED 3312B: Alfred C. Lindsey, born 1868 age 32 farmer, caroline wife
married 12 years, 5 children, 4 living, William P. son born
1889, James T son born May 1892, Vanie son born Jan 1894,
Annie B, daughter, born February 1897 – All born in KY.
 1910 Butler Co. District 4, 26 April page 221B: Alfred C.
Lindsey, age 42, married one time, 22 years, farm labor, Lelitha
wife age 39, 6 children, 5 living, William P, son age 20, Vanie
son age 17, Annie Belle daughter 13, Ballie D. son age 9 – All
born in KY
 1920 Butler Co. HorseMill Twp., ED 43-9A: Alfred Lindsey 52
Farmer, renting, Martha wife 49, Hallen granddaughter, 3 and
3/12 KY, Nova Granddaughter, 2 and 3/12.
 1930 Butler Co. living with son Vanie Lindsey.